History of American Political ThoughtBryan-Paul Frost, Jeffrey Sikkenga Lexington Books, 2003 - Всего страниц: 834 Publisher's description: History of American Political Thought is a unique one-volume companion to the study of American political thought that provides concise introductions to the most important and influential thinkers in American history, of all political persuasions from all time periods. The editors have assembled many of the nation's best scholars in political thought to present portraits of the American statesmen, activists, and writers who have had a truly significant and lasting influence on American political life. In short and accessible essays on such statesmen as George Washington and Franklin Roosevelt, writers like James Fenimore Cooper and Mark Twain, and activists such as W.E.B. DuBois and Betty Friedan, the authors describe each figure's historical context and achievements, present a thorough analysis of their most notable writings and speeches, and highlight the significance of their work to our political heritage. History of American Political Thought not only provides a valuable resource for reference and research for students and scholars alike; it also displays the very tapestry of a growing country, woven through with the innovations in thought that have shaped and challenged--and continue to challenge--America's understanding of itself. |
Alexis de Tocquevilles Democracy in America | 1 |
FROM COLONY TO NATION 16081776 | 23 |
John Winthrop John Cotton and Nathaniel Miles The Basic Principles of Puritan Political Thought | 25 |
Thomas Hutchinson and James Otis on Sovereignty Obedience and Rebellion | 44 |
Thomas Paine The American Radical | 63 |
Benjamin Franklin A Model American and an American Model | 80 |
THE NEW REPUBLIC 17761820 | 93 |
Liberty Constitutionalism and Moderation The Political Thought of George Washington | 95 |
Mark Twain on the American Character | 430 |
Pricking the Bubble of Utopian Sentiment The Political Thought of William Graham Sumner | 451 |
Booker T Washington and the Severe American Crucible | 464 |
Coworkers in the Kingdom of Culture W E B Du Boiss Vision of Race Synthesis | 479 |
Henry Adams and Our Ancient Faith | 491 |
Jane Addams as Civic Theorist Struggling to Reconcile Competing Claims | 504 |
Herbert Crolys Progressive Liberalism | 521 |
Theodore Roosevelt and the Stewardship of the American Presidency | 536 |
John Adams and the Republic of Laws | 114 |
Legitimate Government Religion and Education The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson | 132 |
The Political Science of James Madison | 149 |
Alexander Hamilton on the Strategy of American Free Government | 167 |
Americas Modernity James Wilson on Natural Law and Natural Rights | 192 |
AntiFederalist Political Thought Brutus and The Federal Farmer | 216 |
The New Constitutionalism of Publius | 230 |
Union Constitutionalism and the Judicial Defense of Rights | 248 |
A DIVIDED NATION 18201865 | 269 |
John Quincy Adams on Principle and Practice | 271 |
Union and Liberty The Political Thought of Daniel Webster | 287 |
Henry Clay and the Statesmanship of Compromise | 302 |
John C Calhoun and the Reexamination of American Democracy | 316 |
The Art of the Judge Justice Joseph Story and the Founders Constitution | 325 |
James Fenimore Cooper Nature and Natures God | 342 |
Religion Nature and Disobedience in the Thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau | 355 |
Proclaim Liberty throughout the Land Frederick Douglass William Lloyd Garrison and the Abolition of Slavery | 376 |
Abraham Lincoln The Moderation of a Democratic Statesman | 395 |
GROWTH OF AN EMPIRE 18651945 | 417 |
Feminism as an American Project The Political Thought of Elizabeth Cady Stanton | 419 |
Woodrow Wilson the Organic State and American Republicanism | 549 |
The Making of the Modern Supreme Court Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr and Louis D Brandeis | 569 |
John Deweys Alternative Liberalism | 585 |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Second Bill of Rights | 598 |
Ayn Rand Radical for Capitalism | 617 |
Walker Percys American Thomism | 633 |
Russell Kirks AngloAmerican Conservatism | 646 |
The Two Revolutions of Martin Luther King Jr | 666 |
Malcolm X From Apolitical Acolyte to Political Preacher | 687 |
Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem The Popular Transformation of American Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century | 697 |
John Rawlss Democratic Theory of Justice | 713 |
Henry Kissinger The Challenge of Statesmanship in Liberal Democracy | 733 |
Irving Kristol and the Reinvigoration of Bourgeois Republicanism | 754 |
The Jurisprudence of William Joseph Brennan Jr and Thurgood Marshall | 772 |
The Textualist Jurisprudence of Antonin Scalia | 787 |
805 | |
About the Editors and Contributors | 825 |
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
abolitionist Adams Adams's Addams American Anti-Federalist argued argument Articles of Confederation authority Ayn Rand believed Christian citizens civil claim colonies common Congress consent Constitution Court Croly Declaration defend democracy democratic doctrine Douglass duty economic equality essays EWRWE executive Federal Farmer Federalist Founders freedom fundamental Garrison Hamilton Holmes Huck independence individual institutions interests James Madison Jefferson John John Adams John Locke Joseph Story judicial justice law of nature legislative legislature liberal liberty Lincoln Madison majority means mind modern Montesquieu moral natural law natural rights one's opinion Parliament party passions philosophy political thought president principles progress question race Rand reason religion religious republic republican Revolution Roosevelt rule secure sense separation of powers slave slavery social society soul Supreme theory Thomas Jefferson tion Tocqueville understanding Union University Press virtue Washington Wilson writings York
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