Discovering Computers Fundamentals: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World

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Cengage Learning, 26 мар. 2012 г. - Всего страниц: 560
DISCOVERING COMPUTERS FUNDAMENTALS provides students with a current and thorough introduction to computers. This Shelly Cashman Series text offers a dynamic and engaging solution to successfully teach students the relevancy of computer concepts in their personal, professional and academic lives through exciting new exercises that focus on problem solving and critical thinking.
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Об авторе (2012)

Gary B. Shelly wrote and published his first computer education textbook in 1969. More than twenty million copies of Shelly Cashman Series' textbooks have been sold. Gary and a talented group of contributing authors have produced books on computer programming, computer concepts, and application software that are the leading textbooks in the computer technology market today. Gary has hosted the annual Shelly Cashman Institute, a week-long training event focusing on the latest topics in technology, for the past 34 years.

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