Pamphlets Relating to English History: The Eastern Question

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Стр. 43 - Let the Turks now carry away their abuses in the only possible manner, namely, by carrying off themselves. Their Zaptiehs and their Mudirs, their Bimbashis and their Yuzbachis, their Kaimakams and their Pashas, one and all, bag and baggage, shall, I hope, clear out from the province they have desolated and profaned.
Стр. 11 - Murder? Ghost. Murder most foul, as in the best it is ; But this most foul, strange, and unnatural.
Стр. 11 - The contracting powers recognise the high value of this communication. It is clearly understood that it cannot, in any case, give to the said powers the right to interfere, either collectively or separately, in the relations of his majesty the Sultan with his subjects, nor in the internal administration of his empire.
Стр. 43 - States of Europe in obtaining the extinction of the Turkish executive power in Bulgaria. Let the Turks now carry away their abuses in the only possible manner, namely by carrying off themselves.
Стр. 24 - If their hopes should once more be disappointed, and if the condition of the Christian subjects of the Sultan should not be improved in a manner to prevent the return of the complications which periodically disturb the peace of the East, they think it right to declare that such a state of affairs would be incompatible with their interests and those of Europe in general.
Стр. 11 - They were upon the whole, from the black day when they first entered Europe, the one great anti-human specimen of humanity. Wherever they went, a broad line of blood marked the track behind them ; and as far as their 1 Published by Murray, London. dominion reached, civilisation disappeared from view.
Стр. 59 - The Sublime Porte undertakes to carry out, without further delay, the improvements and reforms demanded by local requirements in the provinces inhabited by the Armenians, and to guarantee their security against the Circassians and Kurds. It will periodically make known the steps taken to this effect to the Powers, who will superintend their application.
Стр. 65 - Consul's Manual and Shipowner's and Shipmaster's Practical Guide in their Transactions Abroad. With Definitions of Nautical, Mercantile, and Legal Terms ; a Glossary of Mercantile Terms in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish ; Tables of the...
Стр. 64 - A Short History of Natural Science and of the Progress of Discovery, From the Time of the Greeks to the Present Time.
Стр. 17 - inveterate " suspicion of Russian policy, and a continued fear of Russian aggression and conquest. He had on several occasions given the most solemn assurances that he desired no conquest; that he aimed at no aggrandizement ; and that he had not the smallest wish or intention to be possessed of Constantinople.

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