Sumerian Mythology

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University of Pennsylvania Press, 1972 - Всего страниц: 130
Sumerian Mythology Revised Edition Samuel Noah Kramer "A real addition to the body of world mythology."--American Anthropologist "No people has contributed more to the culture of mankind than the Sumerians, and yet it has been only in recent years that our knowledge of them has become at all accurate or extensive. This book is] our first authoritative sketch of the great myths of the Sumerians, their myths of origins, of creation, the nether world, and the deluge. The book . . . makes entrancing reading and for the general reader it opens up a whole new vista undreamed of before."--Theophile J. Meek Samuel Noah Kramer was Clark Research Professor Emeritus of Assyriology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was also Curator Emeritus of the Tablet Collections. 1998 - 184 pages - 5 1/4 x 8 - 23 illus. ISBN 978-0-8122-1047-7 - Paper - $14.95s - 10.00 World Rights - History


The Sumerian Literary Tablets
The Scope and Significance of Sumerian Mythology
The Organization of the Universe
the Slaying of the Dragon
Miscellaneous Myths
References and Notes
Supplementary Notes to Revised Edition
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Об авторе (1972)

Samuel Noah Kramer was Clark Research Professor Emeritus of Assyriology at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was also Curator Emeritus of the Tablet Collections.

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