Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit

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Passmore & Alabaster, 1856

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For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel They are entangled
I have set watchmen upon thy walls O Jerusalem which shall never

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Об авторе (1856)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born in Kelvedon, Essex, England on June 19, 1834. His father and his grandfather were both pastors and at the age of twenty, he became the pastor of the New Park Street Church in London. The congregation quickly grew out of the building and moved to Exeter Hall. In 1861, the congregation moved to the newly constructed Metropolitan Tabernacle. During his lifetime, he published over thirty-five hundred sermons that filled 63 volumes. His series stands as the largest set of books by a single author in the history of Christianity. He also wrote Ploughman's Talk and The Treasury of David. During his last years, he suffered severe physical pain from a gout attack. He was growing increasing ill and died on January 31, 1892.

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