Palissy the Potter: The Life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, His Labors and Discoveries in Art and Science, with an Outline of His Philosophical Doctrines, and a Translation of Illustrative Selections from His Works, Том 1

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Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1853

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Стр. 201 - All these defects caused me such labour and heaviness of spirit, that before I could render my enamels fusible at the same degree of heat, I thought I should be at the door of my sepulchre.
Стр. 163 - When I had dwelt with my regrets a little, because there was no one who had pity upon me, I said to my soul, ' Wherefore art thou saddened, since thou hast found the object of thy search ? Labour now, and the defamers will live to be ashamed.' But my spirit said again, ' You have no means wherewith to continue this affair; how will you feed your family, and buy whatever things are requisite to pass over the four or five months which must elapse before you can enjoy the produce of your...
Стр. 121 - ... in the furnace, I arranged them without consideration, so that if the materials had been the best in the world, and the fire also the fittest, it was impossible for any good result to follow. Thus, having blundered several times at a great expense, and through much labor, I was every day pounding and grinding new materials, and constructing new furnaces, which cost much money, and consumed my wood and my time.
Стр. 13 - Learn that it is more than five and twenty years since there was shown to me an earthen cup, turned, and enamelled with so much beauty, that from that time, I entered into controversy with my own thoughts, recalling to mind several suggestions that some people had made to me in fun when I was painting portraits. Then seeing that these were falling out of request in the country where I dwelt and that glass-painting was...
Стр. 216 - In that way our church was established: in the beginning, by despised folk; and when its enemies arrived to waste and persecute it, it had so well prospered in a few years, that already the games, dances, ballads, banquets, and superfluities of head-dress and gildings, had almost all ceased: there were almost no more scandalous words, or murders. Actions at law were beginning greatly to diminish; for so soon as two men of our religion began an action, means were found to bring them to accommodation,...
Стр. 156 - ... three hundred kinds of trial-pieces, there was one among those pieces which was melted within four hours after it had been placed in the furnace, which trial turned out white and polished in a way that caused me such joy as made me think I was become a new creature ; and I thought that from that time I had the full perfection of the white enamel, but I was very far from having what I thought.

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