Paul's Letters to Timothy and the Church Today

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Inspiration Speaks, 2007 - Всего страниц: 128
Paul's letters to Timothy, written so long ago, may seem out of touch with Christianity today. After all, things have changed since the first-century church, or have they? The truth of the matter is that the counsel and warnings Paul gave Timothy are present truth for our own time. Warnings given by Paul match the conditions found in the religious world today. His counsel regarding personal commitment and fidelity still remain the path of the true child of God.Paul's counsel to Timothy and the churches in the first century of the church, if followed, would still work to set things in order. In short, Paul's letters to Timothy are God's letters to you and me and the church today. I pray this book will be a means by which God speaks to encourage, counsel, warn, and rebuke, where necessary.

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Introduction 5
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
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