What in Heaven and Hell Is Happening?: A Shocking Modern Day Spiritual Timeline

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AuthorHouse, 31 янв. 2008 г. - Всего страниц: 144

Why does organized religion at its best stay the same, and at its worst go backwards to a time that has already occurred called the ‘good old days’? At the same time, why is technology and sin advancing forward at an unbelievable speed?


The Bible reveals what is presently happening to our world, churches, communities, and families.  This revelation is critical in order to ‘snap-out’ of an ignorant religious frame-of-mind during the very time that God is shaking heaven, earth, and hell one last time before His return. The cataclysmic clashing between God’s timeline and satan's limited timeline is creating the most bizarre patterns of weather, behavior, and religious deception.  Are you ready to be challenged!!


What in Heaven and Hell is Happening reveals a modern day timeline exposing truths and realities that are clashing with a stagnant religion. It includes the shocking possibility that the Church has been judged, explaining why so many churches are powerless, and incapable of having an influence during our present time. Satan has unleashed all out ‘hell’ to counteract God’s plan, creating a whirl-wind of bizarre and unexplainable events which will only intensify until His return.  God does not desire His people to live in a backwards-led religious mentality which avoids one of the greatest events in the history of the World…His second coming!  His desire is for us to move forward and have a clear understanding of the clashing of activities between the two spiritual worlds.

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Об авторе (2008)

Michael L. Mathews holds degrees in both Biblical Studies and Technology Management. He has spent the last 20 years in a dual career as both a change management consultant as well as an ordained minister affiliated with numerous denominations, and para-church ministries. His background and hunger for God’s truth and wisdom has allowed him to develop a systematic perspective that combines biblical history and future revelation to illustrate a modern day timeline that will enlighten many. 

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