True Tales of the Texas Frontier: Eight Centuries of Adventure and Surprise

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Arcadia Publishing, 7 мая 2013 г. - Всего страниц: 128
For eight centuries, the Texas frontier has seen conquest, exploration, immigration, revolution and innovation, leaving to history a cast of fascinating characters and captivating tales. Its historic period began in 1519 with Spanish exploration, but there was a prehistory long before, nearly fifteen thousand years earlier, with the arrival of people to Texas. Each story pulls a new perspective from this long history by examining nearly all angles--from archaeology to ethnography, astronomy, agriculture and more. These true stories prove to be unexpected, sometimes contrarian and occasionally funny but always fascinating. Join author and historian C. Herndon Williams as he recounts his exploration of nearly a millennium of the Texas frontier.

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Об авторе (2013)

C. Herndon Williams is a native Texan, born and raised in Houston, and now lives in Bayside. He is the chair of the Refugio County Historical Commission, the treasurer of the Bayside Historical Society and the editor/contributor for its quarterly newsletter, the Baysider.

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