The Papacy and the Levant, 1204-1571, Том 2

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American Philosophical Society, 1976 - Всего страниц: 580
The second of 4 vols. which trace the history of the later Crusades & papal relations with the Levant from the accession of Innocent III (in 1198) to the reign of Pius V & the battle of Lepanto (1566-71). Contents: Venice & the Latin Failure to Halt the Ottoman Advance in Greece; Martin V & Eugenius IV, Constance & Ferrara-Florence, Opposition to Murad II; The Crusade of Varna & Its Aftermath; The Siege & Fall of Constantinople (1453) & Perils & Problems after the Fall; Calixtus III & the Siege of Belgrade, Mehmed II & Albania; Pius II, the Congress of Mantua & the Turkish Conquest of the Morea; Pius II, the Crusade, & the Venetian War against the Turks; Paul II, Venice, & the Fall of Negroponte; Sixtus IV & the Turkish Occupation of Otranto; Piere d'Aubusson & the First Siege of Rhodes; Sixtus IV & the Recovery of Otranto; Innocent VII, Jem Sultan, & the Crusade; Innocent VIII & Alexander VI, Charles VIII & Ferrante I; Alexander VI & Charles VIII, the French Expedition into Italy; The French in Naples, the League of Venice, & Papal Problems; & The Diplomatic Revolution: France & Spain, the Papacy & Venice.

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Стр. 388 - Theodericum episcopum a quibusvis excommunicationis, suspensionis et interdicti aliisque ecclesiasticis sententiis, censuris et penis a iure vel ab homine quavis occasione vel causa latis, si quibus quomodolibet innodatus existit, ad effectum presentium dumtaxat consequendum harum serie absolventes et absolutum fore censentes...
Стр. 129 - And I will smite the winter house with the summer house; and the houses of ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord.
Стр. 47 - Les Déportations comme méthode de peuplement et de colonisation dans l'empire ottoman...
Стр. 297 - Anno a nativitate eiusdem millesimo quadrigentesimo sexagésimo séptimo, indictione quintadecima, die vero dominica, quarta mensis januarii, pontificatus sanctissimi in Christo patris et domini nostri domini Pauli divina providentia pape secundi anno tertio.
Стр. 240 - Hungarie régis, qui ad presentiam nostram venerunt explicantes potentiam et magnitudinem Turci ac pericula imminentia regno Hungarie et Christianitati si huic hosti, qui omni conatu suo contra regnum ipsum se direxerit, succumbere compelletur. Commemoraverunt quoque magnam affectionem et confidentiam quam regia majestas Hungarie in nos repositam habet; successive petierunt instanter auxilia nostra terrestria ut resistere possint; tertio loco dixerunt quod cum ad Romanum pontificem profecturi sint,...
Стр. 41 - Les dominicains byzantins Théodore et André Chrysobergès et les négociations pour l'union des Églises grecque et latine de 1415 à 1430, dans Archivum Ordinis Praedicatorum, Rome 1939, pp.
Стр. 134 - La conquête turque et la prise de Constantinople dans la littérature slave contemporaine, Bsl 14 (1953) 14—54, 16 (1955) 318—329, 17 (1956) 276—340; GY.
Стр. 112 - Sathas, Documents inédits relatifs à l'histoire de la Grèce au moyen âge, \" série. Doc. tirés des archives de Venise (1 100-1500), t. I
Стр. 81 - Autour de la croisade de Varna : la question de la paix de 'Szeged et de sa rupture (1444), ARbh, XXVII - 2, 1941, p.
Стр. 47 - Les problèmes de l'étude de l'histoire de la Bulgarie à l'époque de la domination turque, Byz XV, 1954, p.

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