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Love Hurts the Language of Tears

Love can be a joyous thing, at times when things are going your way. Love Hurts: the Language of Tears is solely built on feelings and emotions. We at one time will start this long journey to find it, often forgetting how to maintain it. Love can’t be controlled if it never had a strong foundation.

Cornbread Christianity

Cornbread Christianity is a collection of scriptures and commentaries, which may provide one with easily understood guidance and inspiration for living a Christian life and drawing nearer to God.

Sailing Above the Clouds: Stories, Poems, and Sayings

A literary fiesta: from short stories such as “Lifeguard,” “The Hunt,” and “A Summer in the Lives of Two Rebels” to poems such as “Bus Station at the Border,” “Native Spirit,” and “Maybe Someday” and sayings such as “Worry is slow death” to ponder.

The Resistance of Memory

Jack Wilson was one hell of a cop...Until a tragic accident left him brain-damaged. Luckily for Jack the surgeons who saved his life also implanted him with a Brain Augmentation Device, Dyer Biotech's new cognitive prosthesis. BAD users have unlimited recall and enhanced, computer-y mental function. Everyone’s getting them: It's the latest fad. But Jack thinks the "augs" are doing more than advertised — memories are popping into his head that don’t belong there. He's convinced Dyer Biotech’s up to something, and that no good will come from BADs. Or is he just a rambling, brain-damaged invalid...?

An Old Fashioned Murder

When Lydia Proctor answers her home phone one day her life changes. She is asked to solve An Old fashioned Murder. Can she do it?


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams