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with somewhat of a blank feeling from the perusal of those papers which were sent to me by your worthy secretary-and I must be permitted to say a very worthy secretary he is (cheers) and which contained an account of all that had previously been done by this society and its friends. This I will say, that statements more clear, proofs more convincing, arguments more irresistible, could not be urged against the continuance of the late-hour system; and the mortification and surprise which I experienced arose from the fact that, after the vice of the system had been so clearly demonstrated, this meeting should even have been necessary-that the system should not have been suppressed by almost universal consent-(hear, hear.) I fear, however, that although in many of the large establishments a better system of conducting business is now pursued, it must yet be avowed, that in the majority of shops in this great metropolis, the ancient baneful practice still exists. This fact is certainly discouraging; but I mainly attribute it to two causes. The first cause is that sort of vis inertia, that kind of natural unwillingness to adopt any new and reformed regulation that may give us trouble, which is so inherent in the bad part of our nature, and which makes it so difficult for people even to adopt measures which will eventually lead to their own benefit when that benefit seems only remote and contingent But I attribute the fact still more to another evil, which I shall now take the liberty of stating, and that is the apathy, the want of proper spirit aud self-respect, on the part of those assistants who still stand aloof and will not join the Association (hear, hear, hear.) For if those hundreds-1 believe I may even say thousands-who might join the Associa tion, but do not, would at once connect themselves with it, and manfully endeavour to promote its objects, I would not give five minutes' purchase for the late-hour system in the shop most remote from observation, in the most distant suburb of the metropolis-(loud cheers.) I have had great pleasure, Ladies and Gentlemen, in being permitted by the proprietors to visit five or six large drapery establishments in this town, where the greatest pains have been taken to secure the comfort and moral advancement of the assistants. In many of those establishments very admirable arrangements are made, and in some, I must say, there seems little left to be desired; and I would take the liberty of strongly recommending the example of the one or two which I have just mentioned for the imitation of every other house in the trade. My reason for insisting strongly upon this is, that in those establishments common and united prayer is a part of the daily duty; for I do feel most seriously convinced that until that is universally the case, either in the house itself or in the neighbouring place of worship, our task will be but sadly fulfilled; and depend upon it you will find that science and morality, unaided by their useful sister religion, will, in the hour of trial and difficulty, crumble to atoms beneath your fect-(applause.) Ladies and Gentlemen, I have nearly done; but before I sit down, I will venture to read a communication which I have received within the last two or three days: and I venture to do so because I believe that our Metropolitan Drapers' Association is not founded in the spirit of selfish exclusiveness, but desires that whatever boon it may obtain shall be extended to all other trades in the metropolis-(cheers.) I trust, therefore, that some publicity will be given to the communication which I am about to read to you, and that it will have its due effect in those quarters which it most concerns. The letter is as follows:


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Observing your Lordship is to take the Chair at a Public Meeting, to be holden at Exeter Hall on Tuesday next, to effect a more general early closing of shops, I beg to call your attention to the very many hours the Journeymen Fishmongers are daily employed. Many are compelled to labour seventeen or eighteen hours daily, Sundays included."

He then proceeds to make a comparison which is quite unnecessary, but which I will read to the meeting

"Your Lordship will be pleased to bear in mind, that the Draper, during his labour, is sheltered from the inclemency of the weather." The fact is, the Draper is too much sheltered (hear, hear, and laughter.) "The Fishmonger, on the contrary, is exposed to all sorts of weather; besides the injurious effects of standing so many hours in the wet, which very often brings him to a premature grave. I hope, my Lord, you will excuse me in thus addressing you; but I wish to put you in possession of these few facts, resting assured you will, if possible, advocate the cause of Journeymen Fishmongers, as well as the Drapers."

This letter, I should inform you, comes from the foreman of one of the largest establishments in the whole of London. It is (as you must have perceived) well and properly written; and, therefore, I immediately sent an answer to the effect, that if I had an opportunity, I would bring forward the facts to which he referred at the meeting this evening. I also said, as the writer was a stranger to me, that I trusted I might rely upon

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his statements not being exaggerations, and asked him whether I should be at liberty to mention his name. Just before coming here I received the following:



"I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's letter of this day, with many thanks, and beg to assure your Lordship of the truth of my assertions, and that your Lordship may make whatever use of my letter your Lordship thinks fit."

Now I have only one word more to say. I thank you very much for having listened to the observations which I have made with so much kindness and attention. I thank you also for the very kind recption which you have been pleased to give me; and I trust that you will extend the same indulgence to those gentlemen who are about, in a more captivating manner than I have done, to address you, and to give you details bearing upon the object of the meeting. I can only say, that I never took part in any public meeting in my life with greater pleasure than I feel in reference to the present one(great applause.) For reasons which I have already stated, I most cordially concur in its object. I also, Ladies and Gentlemen, in the ranks, as a common soldier, and under no party banner, have fought the important battle of the curtailment of the hours of labour to a reasonable extent, both in my place in parliament and out of it; and subsequent experience does but tend to satisfy my mind of the wisdom of the course which I have adopted--(hear, hear.) I entertain, Ladies and Gentlemen, a most confident expectation, that at no very distant day, the agitation of this great labour-question will be crowned with the most gratifying results-(immense applause.) I am requested to state, that it is with very great regret that Mr. Hawes, the Member for Lambeth, who was to have been here on the present occasion, finds himself prevented from attending. I、 am well acquainted with that honourable and excellent Gentleman, and I am quite sure that it has given him all the pain which he expresses in this letter to be under the necessity of absenting himself.

R. D. GRAINGER, Esq., of St. Thomas's Hospital, on rising to move the first resolution, spoke as follows:-My Lord, Ladies, and Gentlemen, it may be right to state, in a few words, the reasons which have led to my undertaking the serious part which I have now to perform of moving the first resolution of a society so important as that which you have now met to support, and before an audience so numerous as that which I now behold. I might sum up all that I have to say on this subject, by declaring that I come here to perform what I consider to be an act of simple duty. I consider it the duty of every man, who, in consequence of his peculiar situation, has enjoyed opportunities of obtaining information on any subject which greatly and closely bears on the happiness of a large part of his fellow-creatures, not to shrink from taking part in any public movement in which the communication of information so obtained may tend to the advancement of a good cause- (hear, hear.) I have, however, peculiar reasons for addressing you on this occasion. It has so happened that I have possessed many opportunities of witnessing the disastrous results of protracted labour. I say this, not to exalt myself, for I am a most humble individual, and merely an instrument in such matters, but that you may know that what I have to lay before you is the result of facts and of experience. I have observed, in an official capacity, in the manufacturing districts of this country, the evils of that system which we are now attempting to remove; and having witnessed the physical, the moral, and the religious evils which have been produced by exhausting and protracted labour, for which the human constitution is not fitted, and which it cannot endure, I have undertaken to advocate-most feebly shall I do so-the first resolution of this meeting-(cheers.) But there is another reason why I could not shrink from the performance of this duty. I have been connected with another Association having a similar object to this, viz. the investigation, with a view to the relief, of human suffering, and the speedy discontinuance of protracted, exhausting, and destructive labour; and the Association to which I refer, I fearlessly assert, before this assembled multitude, has evils to remove which are even greater than those under which the parties more immediately interested in this meeting are suffering. This Association is formed to relieve men from their sufferings; but that to which I refer is designed to relieve from the pressure of severe bondage those whom, as all must admit, nature has neither adapted nor intended to bear it. The name of the Association in question has frequently been mentioned here; and if I say that I have, in an official capacity, been connected with, the Association for the relief and benefit of Dressmakers and Milliners, can you not, Ladies and Gentlemen, in that announcement perceive a reason why I should be here on this occasion?-(cheers.) I feel that the Metropolitan Drapers' Association has nobly stepped forward in the van to collect the expression of sentiment on the part of the humane, the benevolent, and the religious; and in advocating their own cause, they are, in fact, advocating the cause of

every trade and of every profession that labours under the same evils. Thus, indeed, it is with all who, in their peculiar circles, endeavour, as opportunities occur, to effect what will tend to the general good; and considering the energy and ability with which this society is conducted, as well as the numbers which it embraces, it may well be regarded as the embodiment and representative of other Associations having the same object in different parts of the country. But, although it is a high privilege to be able to take part in relieving human suffering, and in promoting human improvement, there is another reason and here I shall speak the sentiment of many others as well as myself-which has especially enlisted my sympathy in favour of the object of this Association. I refer to the spirit in which the attainment of that object has been sought-(hear, hear.) The admirable spirit in which this Association has conducted its affairs has secured for it, I believe, a larger amount of sympathy and support--sympathy and support received from the best of mankind, the thoughtful, the reflective, the philanthropical, and the religious, -than has ever been obtained from the same cause by any institution in this country originated by so small a number of individuals. This society emanated from young men ; and it is, I say, my Lord, a thing for which they are greatly to be commended and ap plauded, that they set forward with such principles to guide them in their mode of action. I will read a few lines from what I believe to be the organ of the Association respecting its views and objects, I mean The Student, to show the spirit in which they have undertaken the great work in which they are engaged. In the first number of that magazine, I find the following:

"It will therefore be the high aim of The Student to supply such elements of thought as shall give the widest scope and compass to the powers of the mind, and tend at the same time to purify and elevate the affections. It will embrace subjects in every department of Literature and Science-will give directions as to the best course of Readingwill advocate and promote the establishment of Literary and Scientific Institutions-the formation of Libraries the delivery of Lectures-with the most recent intelligence on every subject in which either man of business or man of letters may be supposed to be interested. It will exhibit a constant variety of invaluable matter on whatever is most interesting and instructive. No pains shall be spared to make it the medium of whatever is most rare and excellent in the domain of thought-within the circle of universal science. It will be forward also to assert, with the most unyielding tenacity, your legitimate and undisputed claims. It will extenuate no wrong-it will suffer no compromise. It is irrevocably pledged to the cause of justice, and in this hallowed cause it will spend and be spent. It will never cease to advocate and inculcate "whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report." It will spare no vice --it will trifle with no virtue. It will assert truth and condemn error, frown upon profligacy and crime in every form, brand the corrupt and the corrupter in what walk of life soever they may move, and give countenance only to what is chaste and pure in principle-true and dignified in character."


These are sentiments, my Lord, which would do honour to the highest rank and to the noblest mind; and it is evident that the Association, if its object be carried out on these principles, must enlist the goodwill of the benevolent and religious of every part of the community-(cheers.) These, then, are the reasons, my Lord, which have induced me to come forward on this occasion; and I have ventured to mention them, not so much because they may be adduced by myself, as because they may be adduced by every one who advocates the cause of this institution (cheers.) It having fallen to my lot, I must say most unexpectedly, to move this first resolution, I would ask, first of all, what is the cause which we have assembled here to advocate. This, if it be rightly understood, suggests some of the most momentous questions which can be agitated touching the social state of First of all, it concerns that which, in a mercantile country like this, is a vital question, namely the relations existing between the employer and the employed. That is one part of the question which we have met to consider. Secondly, it embraces the consideration of another vital question in all great industrial emporiums, namely, the physical evils of protracted labour and toil. More than all these, however,-for, after all, the physical is as nothing in comparison with the spiritual part of our nature,--the object embraces an inquiry into the moral and religions evils springing from excessive occupation. Now, with reference to the first of these points, the relations existing between the employer and the employed, permit me to say that this, after all, is the point upon which a question affecting the masses as this does must hinge. It has been truly stated, by our noble Chairman, that the state of things at this time in England is most fearful. I have myself witnessed the state of things in Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham. and many other great towns of the kingdom. I have seen with my own eyes the existing

condition of the relations between the employers and the employed; and I can only say, in two words, that it is disgraceful in a land calling itself Christian, and fearful in a society calling itself civilized. I do not wish you to take this as a correct representation merely because it is the expression of my own opinion. Refer to evidence, refer to the parliamentary records on the subject, and you will find that my statement is confirmed. If you will bear with me for a moment, I will give you a picture of the actual condition of things at this time in England, by an admirable observer, the Rev. John Clay of Preston, which is to be found in a report of the Commissioners on the Health of Towns, the remarks being made particularly in reference to the sanitary condition of Preston. The Rev. John Clay says in his report, "We endeavour to civilize distant people by winning their confidence, by striving to develope the better qualities of their nature, by promoting intercourse with them, and making them alive to its benefits. The same measures are needed at home, where the moral and intellectual extremes of society are as far asunder as if separated by untrodden deserts or untried seas. This mental remoteness and local propinquity cannot long coexist without change; a great community is never stationary; there is always a tendency upwards or downwards, according as the few above or the many below exercise influence. But the great mass is yet chaotic; and, unless by God's blessing breathed upon the spirit of intelligence, and of order, and of religion, it may be hurled upon all that is fair and good among us with a momentum as sudden as irresistible." This is a true statement of the condition of the relations between the employers and the employed in the manufacturing districts; and it is equally true, I fear, of other parts of the country. The two classes are separated by a gulf; and I hold it to be one of the chief merits of this Association that it has thrown itself forward, and has, to a great extent, filled up the gulf. You have combined in this Association the efforts of the assistants with that noble and philanthropic support which has also been received from the employers-(cheers); and, my Lord, on all occasions of this sort, justice should be done to those who, prompted by the natural dictates of their own disposition, and not calculating what would be the effect upon pounds, shillings, and pence, stood forward before the experiment had been tried, and, in a cause in which their own interests were at stake, overcame that vis inertie to which our noble Chairman has referred as innate in our nature, and took part in the formation and the proceedings of the Drapers' Association-(cheers.) These circumstances should be known, not only in honour of our country, but, what is more, in honour of our common nature. I say, Ladies and Gentlemen, that a civic triumph should be given to such men, not only for themselves, but to encourage others to pursue a similar course. What is the difficulty which we have constantly to overcome? It is the selfish fears of the employers. Then I say that the men to whom I refer are entitled to our best meed of approbation. I say that such men as Mr. Owen, Mr. Hitchcock, Mr. Redmayne, Mr. Lewis, Messrs. Swan and Edgar, Mr. Pearce, Messrs. Baker and Dowden. Messrs. Peters and Underwood, and others whom I might mention, ought to receive the highest praise. These gentlemen, like the ancient Roman in his patriotic ardour, have leaped into the gulf which separates the employers from the employed-(cheers.) They have, too, done great service to our common humanity, by showing that there is no danger in the leap; they have proved that there is nothing incompatible between their own best interests and the highest interests of those under their direction and control, but that it is a mutual advantage and benefit which this Association seeks to obtain. It may be said of this, as of all other things connected with our existence in this life, that there is nothing so important, nothing which it so concerns man to know, as that which immediately and directly affects his happiness. The difficulty is to scoure this, and we are constantly pursuing the wrong course in consequence of our ignorance. It is the fear which results from ignorance that is the chief obstacle to our progress; and those who, by making the experiment, gave us light on the subject deserve our warmest gratitude-(cheers.) Now it has been said repeatedly, my Lord, that it is a dangerous thing to give power to those who are in a dependant situation, that is to say, to trust them; that if we give them time, they will abuse it; that if we afford them opportunities for improvement, they will pervert their privileges, and that, instead of any improvement being effected, the boon will be pernicious to the moral interests of the persons intended to be benefited, as it will likewise be injurious to the pecuniary interests of employers. Now this Association has performed a great experiment, by which it has been shown that, so far, no dangerous consequences have followed, but, on the contrary, the most beneficial results have been realized-(cheers.) I do not say this from my own knowledge, but on the testimony of those who know the fact from experience. I have read the reports of different meetings, and have acquainted myself besides with the transactions of the Association; and what do I find? Why, that some of the largest and most influential proprietors of drapery establishments in London have found that the abbreviation of the hours of business has been, in every respect, to their advantage as well as to the advantage of the young men

(hear, hear, and applause.) But especially do I find-and this I submit to you, my Lord, is a most encouraging fact-that the young men themselves have not abused the opportunities given to them. This, after all, is the main element of the question. We, who consider such matters calmly, must look to ulterior results-(hear, hear.) I saw Mr. Pearce's speech, made, if I am not mistaken, at the last anniversary of the Association; and, since he carried out the plan before the Association was formed, he deserves especial honour-(hear, hear, and cheers.) If my memory serve me faithfully, Mr. Pearce stated that the young men having more time had occupied it-how? Why, in reading more-(hear, hear.) The library was better attended, that is, the library which he, by his philanthropy, had provided for their use-(cheers); books were more sought after, and his young men employed more time than they had done in self-improvement; while he had not to complain of any inattention or restlessness, or to allege that any mutiny had been excited amongst those who received these benefits-(cheers.) Then it seeins to me a point of great importance, that the opportunities which have been given have not been abused. I mention that as a point of great importance, and I will tell you why especially I do so. It has been urged against the Association with which I am connected, that we are encouraging irregularity of conduct, that the employed are getting too high, and by and by will not do their work. That is not the character which I conceive of the English nation. They are susceptible of kindness, and more readily governed by that than by force. I make this assertion, not only with reference to this class of persons, but particularly with regard to the poor of the manufacturing districts, who, by the industrial system in force, are almost bowed to the earth in body and in soul; of them do I assert that they are peculiarly susceptible of kindness-(hear, hear, and cheers.) There are exceptions undoubtedly, but with the mass kindness is not misplaced; and having had some experience of the poor, it is a simple act of duty to state that I never in my life had occasion to regret one single act of kindness-(hear, hear.) I don't know whether to call what I refer to condescension, or kindness, or consideration; but whatever may be the right name, it has never been abused-(cheers.) Well, then, it appears that this Association has partly disabused, and will disabuse, the public mind of a great error which has been urged again and again as an obstacle in the way of improvement. I come now shortly to speak-if I am not occupying too much of your time—(cheers)—of the physical evils of protracted labour and toil. I would say, without fear of contradiction from any quarter worthy of attention-I would pledge all I know of the constitution of the human frame to the assertion, that protracted labour is nothing else than another term for sickness, suffering, and death-(loud cheers.) There is no exception to that rule-(hear, hear.) The human frame is most exquisitely formed, coming forth from the hand of its Maker stout in all its parts, even to the most microscopic that escape the naked eye. But, being formed of material substances, there must be an end of its powers. It is not necessary that the physiologist should enter into proofs that protracted labour is injurious. If we only attend to the warnings of nature, and to the information it gives us, we shall know whether or not protracted labour is an injurious thing. There are not wanting, however, those who, knowing the evils of protracted labour themselves, can, in the case of others, glibly assert that a man may stand fourteen, fifteen, or sixteen hours a day without injury; or even that a female may sew for fifteen or eighteen hours without suffering much, if such exertion be not continued all the year. These are parties who are speaking, not for themselves, but for others; and I, for one, must receive their evidence with the greatest suspicion. I say, then, that nature has given us a guide that can never be neglected with impunity, and it is that labour always becomes injurious when it leads to exhaustion(hear, hear.) Why does nature give this feeling to the sensient being she has formed? It is not to inflict unnecessary pain, for that would not be consonant with the exquisite scale of creation. These warnings are given to man to inform him when exertion is carried to an extreme, and when it ought to cease. Exhaustion is the measure of human power; and when this arises, if labour be carried on, it always becomes injurious. Now, this being taken as the test, let us ask those who have laboured for fourteen and fifteen hours whether such protracted labour does produce exhaustion? Have they pain in the head, or in the legs, or in the back? Do those who are constantly working by gas-light suffer in their eyes? Is there any disease in these cases? Labour does produce deformity of body-it does lead to the exhaustion and destruction of the eye, if it be carried beyond the hours which nature herself has assigned—(cheers.) Well, then, I think the question of protracted labour, if it be not settled among those who exact it, and are, in their own opinion, benefited by it, is at all events settled as a question of fact; and it is now established that protracted labour can never be carried on but at the penalty of the loss of human health-(applause.) Well, then, in the case before us, it is the business of the young men to stand behind the counters in shops. Some people will say, perhaps, that that is a very easy task. But we must recollect that

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