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GRACIOUS Spirit, Love divine!

Let Thy light around us shine:

All our guilty fears remove,
Fill us with Thy peace and love.
Pardon to the contrite give;
Bid the wounded sinner live;
Lead us to the Lamb of God;
Wash us in His precious blood.
Earnest Thou of heavenly rest,
Comfort every troubled breast;
Life and joy and peace impart,
Sanctifying every heart.

Guardian Spirit, lest we stray,
Keep us in the heavenly way;
Bring us to Thy courts above,
Realms of light and endless love.

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HOLY Spirit, from

on high

Bend on us a pitying eye;

Animate the drooping heart,
Bid the power of sin depart.
Light up every dark recess
Of our heart's ungodliness;
Show us every devious way
Where our steps have gone astray.
Teach us with repentant grief
Humbly to implore relief:
Then the Saviour's blood reveal,
All our deep disease to heal.
May we daily grow in grace,
And pursue the heavenly race,
Train'd by wisdom, led by love,
Till we reach our rest above.

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SPIRIT of truth, Thy grace impart,

guide our doubtful way;
Thy beams shall scatter every cloud,
And make a glorious day.

Light in Thy light O may we see,
Thy grace and mercy prove,
Revived and cheer'd and bless'd by Thee,
Spirit of peace and love !

'Tis Thine to soothe the sorrowing mind,
With guilt and fear oppress'd;
'Tis Thine to bid the dying live,
And give the weary rest.

Subdue the power of every sin,
Whate'er that sin may be,
That we, in singleness of heart,
May worship only Thee.


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COME, Holy Spirit, come!

Let Thy bright beams arise;
Dispel the sorrow from our minds,
The darkness from our eyes.
Convince us all of sin,
Then lead us to the Lord,
And to our wondering view reveal
The mercies of Thy Word.
Revive our drooping faith,
Our doubts and fears remove:
And kindle in our breasts the flame

Of never-dying love.

Dwell Thou within our hearts,
Our minds from bondage free;
So shall we know, and praise, and love,
The Father, Son, and Thee.

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TRINITY HYMN. * -12, 13, 12, 10.

Adapted from a Choral by APELLES VON LÖWENSTERN. 1644.

• The lines of the Hymn are irregular. The tune is arranged for the first Stanza; the small notes adapt it to the other Stanzas.

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