432. S. M. WATTS. Heavenly Joy on Earth. 1 COME, we that love the Lord, 2 The sorrows of the mind Be banished from the place: Religion never was designed To make our pleasures less. 3 The men of grace have found Celestial fruits, on earthly ground, 4 Then let our songs abound, We're marching through Immanuel's ground, To fairer worlds on high. 433. C. M. Seeking true Joys. C. WESLEY. 1 OUR joy is a created good; Fades, at the morning hour bestowed, 2 Joy, by its violent excess, And all our rapturous happiness 3 In vain doth earthly bliss afford It rises like the prophet's gourd, 4 But of my Saviour's love possessed, 434. C. M. WESLEY'S COL The Saint's Rest. 1 LORD, I believe a rest remains, A rest where pure enjoyment reigns, 2 A rest, where all our soul's desire Where fear, and sin, and grief expire, 3 O that I now the rest might know, Now, Father, now the power bestow, 4 Remove all hardness from my heart, All unbelief remove; To me the rest of faith impart, 342 LIFE, DEATH, AND FUTURITY. 435. L. M. DODDRIDGE. The Wisdom of redeeming Time. 1 God of eternity! from thee Did infant time his being draw: Moments and days, and months and years, Revolve by thine unvaried law. 2 Silent and swift they glide away; Steady and strong the current flows, Lost in eternity's wide sea, The boundless gulf from which it rose. 3 With it the thoughtless sons of men 4 Yet while the shore on either side 5 Great Source of wisdom! teach our hearts 436. L. M. J. TAYLOR. True Length of Life. 1 LIKE shadows gliding o'er the plain, Or clouds that roll successive on, Man's busy generations pass, And while we gaze, their forms are gone. 2 "He lived, he died;" behold the sum, The abstract of the historian's page! Alike in God's all-seeing eye, The infant's day, the patriarch's age. 4 To crowd the narrow span of life We are Pilgrims on the Earth. Ps. 39. 1 O LET me, heavenly Lord, extend 2 Our life advancing to its close, While scarce its earliest dawn it knows, 3 0, how thy chastisements impair 4 As when the fretting moths consume 5 God of my fathers! here, as they, A transient guest, thy works admire, 6 O spare me, Lord, awhile, O spare, 438. L. M. SPIRIT OF THE PSALMS. Numbering our Days. Ps. 39. 1 THE term of life assigned to man 2 He walks but in an empty show, 3 So let us number, then, our days, |