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Examiner-DR. P. K. Roy.

1. Fully explain the meaning of the term "faculty" in Psychology. How many mental faculties are there?

2. Describe carefully the knowledge which each of our senses gives us of the external world.


Give a short account of Aristotle's Psychology.

4. State and criticise the views of time and space held by philosophers of different schools.

5. Is prediction possible in Psychology? If so, give as many illustrations of it as you can. If not, state fully why not.

6. Are there any Psychological principles or laws which are accepted as such by Psychologists of all schools?

7. State and compare the doctrine of transfigured realism with that of natural realism. Criticise both, and give your own view of the question.


Examiner-DR. P. K. Roy.

1. State the essential elements of a system of philosophy, and illustrate them by reference to any of the systems with which you are acquainted.

2. State and compare critically the ethical ideas of Socrates with those of Aristotle.

3. Give a condensed account of Plato's Dialectic, and compare it with that of Hegel.

4. How was DesCartes led to the investigation of the question of God's existence? State and examine Kant's criticism of his arguments for the existence of God.

5. State and compare the fundamental ideas of Berkeley's philosophy with those of Mill.

6. Trace the history of the processes of induction, deduction, and definition; and state and criticise the present conceptions of them.

L. M. S. and M. B. First Examination, 1879.


Examiner-MR. A. PEDLER.

1. 219 grams of Hydrochloric acid are allowed to act upon an excess of zinc, what weight of zinc will be dissolved, and what will be the respective weights of the new substances formed? (Zn 65.2 Cl = 35·5).

2. Air is said to become unfit for breathing when it contains 3 volumes of Carbon dioxide in 1,000 volumes. What weight of charcoal burnt in a room containing 200,000 litres of air at 17°C. and 684 m. m. pressure, will produce this proportion of Carbon dioxide, and therefore render the air unhealthy?

3. Give two methods of preparing Nitrogen; what are the principal properties of this gas?

4. What is the chemical composition of Bones, what chemical element is obtained from them, and how is it prepared?

5. Write out the chemical equations expressing the action of a solution of Potassium Hydrate on each of the following substances:Hydrochloric acid, Iodine, Sulphuric acid, and Arsenic trioxide.

6. Describe how Calomel (Mercurous Chloride) is prepared. A sample of Calomel is believed to contain Mercuric Chloride, how would you detect and remove it?

7. What are the antidotes used in arsenic poisoning, and what are the chemical reasons for such action? How would you test for arsenic ?

8. Give the general outlines of the mode of testing the chemical nature of a urinary calculus.

9. Describe the usual mode of preparation of Hydrocyanic acid; what are the properties of the pure acid?

10. What is the composition of cane sugar, what is the action of yeast on this substance, and what is the action of dilute sulphuric acid upon it?


Examiner-DR. K. MCLEOD.

[Value of written examination 600; oral 400; total 1,000.]

1. Define as briefly as you can the terms,-morphological, physiological, protoplasm, differentiation, metabolism, secretion, excretion, systole, diastole, reflex. [150.]

N.B.-Credit will be given for the conciseness of the definitions.

2. Describe the structure and function of ciliary epithelium, and mention in what parts of the human body it is found. [100.]

3. State and explain the differences, physical and chemical. between arterial and venous blood. [200.]

4. Describe generally the innervation of the heart, and give proof derived from experiments for attributing to different portions of the nervous arrangements of the organ different functions. [150.]


Examiner-DR. J. G. FRENCH.

Answer 5 of the following questions.

(Maximum number of marks allowed for paper



1. Detail all you know of the Inferior Dental Nerve,-its derivation, course, relations, branches, and the several muscles which it supplies. (Value = 90 marks.)


Describe briefly the arterial anastomoses which exist round the elbow joint. (Value = 110 marks.)

3. Describe briefly the Duodenum, and give the relations which the neighbouring parts bear to it in its several portions. (Value = 110 marks.)


Give the origin, insertion, course, relations, and nervous supply of the Omo-hyoid muscle. (Value = 60 marks.)

5. Describe the formation of the Brachial Plexus, and enumerate the branches which it gives off

1st, above the Clavicle,

2nd, below the Clavicle,

and mention the cord, or part of the plexus, from which each branch springs. (Value = 130 marks.)


Detail all you know of the Supra-scapular Artery-its deri vation, course, relations, branches, and their anastomoses. (Value 90 marks)

7. Give the origin, insertion, course, relations, and nervous supply of

1st. the Superior Oblique muscle of the Orbit.
2nd, the Inferior Oblique do.


(Value = 60 marks.)


Examiner-DR. R HARVEY.

1. Give the natural orders. physical characters, active principles, and therapeutic uses of the following drugs:

Aconite, Columba. Gamboge, Elaterium, Bael. Santonica. Nux Vomica, Belladonna, Rhubarb. Squill.

2. Name the principal anthelmintics, stating the form in which each can best be prescribed, the doses, and the variety of worm against which each is efficacious.

3. How is Iodide of Potassium prepared; what are the tests for its purity; in what doses may it be given; and what are its chief uses? 4. Into what officinal preparations does opium enter, and what is the proportion of opium in each?

5. What is Ipecacuanha; whence is it procured; what are its effects in small, medium, and large doses; in what diseases is it commonly prescribed; and what are its effects when applied externally? 6. Write prescriptions for 1, a mild laxative; 2, a smart aperient; 3, a drastic purgative for an adult, giving clear directions for the use of each.

7. What do you understand by the Vis medicatrix naturæ, and what value do you attach to it in the cure of disease? N.B.-Only five of these questions are to be selected for answer.



Examiner-Dr. W. G. Gregg,

Describe botanically the plants annexed. Give the diagnosis of the natural order to which it belongs, and fill up the under-noted schedule for the flower:

[blocks in formation]

2. What is meant by the perisperm of seed? Mention any 3 natural orders in which perisperm is always present, and any 3 in which it is always absent.

3. What do you understand by the terms :










Give the botanical diagnosis of the natural order Legumino

What are the most important contents of a vegetable cell?
Describe botanically the objects numbered 1 and 2.



Examiner-DR. K. MCLEOD.

Define the terms homologous and analogous, illustrating your definition by an example. [100.]

2. Describe an amoeba; state what functions of animal life are performed by the organism, and how each is accomplished.

[150] 3. Detail the developmental phases of the tapeworm (tania solium) and describe the anatomy of a mature proglottis. [200.] 4. Describe the central circulatory organ of a reptile, and contrast it with that of a mammal and fish. [150.]

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