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being themselves seen. "It's Tom Conry's in the person of the worthy beyond there, so widdy, sir," she said, "Mary Duane, and busy with the toe of his brogue settling the bridegroom is a boy from Letthermullin, straws in crosses. Symbolical and ominous Patsheen Halloran by name-a big mullet- that, I am afraid! But hush! here comes headed sommochawn, the very moral of the Father Dennis. Not a whisper above your first husband, just as soft-looking, as fat, and breath now, or he 'll look up at us, for he as foolish. Och, if your honor seen the pair, knows my peephole of old." you would laugh if there was a laugh in you!"

There was a general movement among the groups below, as the priest made his appearBlake instantly rose, and roused his com- ance; but we may fairly confine our notice panion, who, though at first more disposed to (as Blake did) to the bride and bridegroom. lie still than to enjoy the finest fun in the The former shrunk yet closer to the wall, world, was at last persuaded to get up. while the gallant groom came forward, When both had dressed, they ascended by a fumbling in his pockets, and looking to the ladder to the place which the housekeeper right and the left, as if for escape or assisthad pointed out as a place of observation for ance. At length he lugged forth the foot of the survey of the next apartment, and there, a stocking, and one by one extracted its consure enough, a very amusing scene met their tents, some eight-and-twenty lily-white shileyes. The bridal party, easily distinguish- lings, of which he formed a goodly pile on able from the people of the house by their the table, that had meanwhile been placed dripping garments, were (with one exception) before the ecclesiastic. Father Dennis clustered round the fire, which a half-dressed girl, evidently roused from her sleep for the occasion, had just replenished. This damsel was now squatted down before her handywork, blowing it up with might and main by the alternate aid of her scanty red petticoat and her redder lips, and from time to time intermitting her occupation, to invite the approach of the straggler a gentle dame. who, however, stoutly resisted all persuasives, whether verbal or manual, to move her from the spot near the door, where she had thought fit to establish herself. But the object that most immediately caught Clinton's observation, was a huge settle-bed near the fire, from which more than one head appeared, projecting like birds from the nest, to take observation of the company who had broken up

their rest.


"Now I must be your Asmodeus, I suppose, Clinton," said Blake. "To begin, I must point out the bride to you."

"Needless, quite needless, my good friend," rejoined the other. "There is no mistaking that fair personification of bridal bashfulness, leaning against the wall there, aloof from the rest of the bevy."

"Truly, I believe you are right. The shrinking attitude, and the half-averted visage, and the hood of the blue cloak held so modestly close under the chin, for fear a glimpse at all could be had of her! 'tis capitally well got up altogether! There now is the beauty of practice to make perfect. Not one raw maiden in ten could top her part with the widow."

"Well, as you would say, joy be to her! But you are forgetting your office, Signor Diable; which is the happy man?"



Why, to say truth, he is a stranger to But from Nelly's account, I opine, by the great red head, and red gills, and clumsy build, and sheepish look, we may identify him

seemed to look on during this operation with
much unconcern; and when it was com-
pleted, and the money pushed over to him, be
measured its height with his thumb, and
coolly pushed it back.
"This won't do, my
lady," cried he, addressing the bashful fair
one, whose ogling of the wall became only
the closer; "pay me the ten shillings you
owe me for giving the rites of the church to
your last husband, and then I'll marry you
to another, and welcome- but the divil a bit
of it till then."

Not a word issued from the blue hood; but the bridegroom's voice, with a chorus of three others, opened at once in Irish. The priest replied in the same language; they rejoined with interest (one little sharp-looking old woman being particularly vociferous), and the exchange of fire became every moment more close and continuous.

"Blake, all this is only dumb show to me; pray, pray favor me with an interpretation," whispered Clinton to his companion, who was almost convulsed with suppressed laughter.

"Oh, such a whimsical debate on the subject of the ten shillings! but I hardly know how to render it for you. That little bitter old woman there, is the first husband's mother; she is all but drowning poor Dennis' enumeration of his expenses of purse and person in coming by boat to her son, in a most plentiful torrent of abuse. Then there's the bride's mother, whining and trying to mollify; and the bride's brother, making out a long account of losses sustained, and a blank one of the balancesheet; and the happy man himself, disputing his liability, and professing his inability, to answer the debts of his predecessor. Now, now, again Father Dennis strikes in-A folly to talk! one score must be cleared off before another is begun.' "And his firmness caused a lull," said Clinton.

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"Ay, and sends the bridegroom's hand into his pocket again, though he almost swore himself black in the face just now that he had not another shilling in the world. Out comes the silver. Ah, the sleeveen of a fellow, see how he keeps the hand over it! I'd lay anything now he 'll want to get off for part!"

Heydey! what has raised the storm again?" exclaimed the Englishman, as the clamor commenced as spiritedly as ever.

"As I guessed. He has put down six shillings, and wants time for the other four. Time for a month for a fortnight. Och! prayers and entreaties! Well, then, really Dennis is very tough-may be the poor fellow actually hasn't it.”

"So it is your fashion in this country to marry without a shilling in the world, is it?" said Clinton.

"Too much so, I confess. But, in the present case, a man might have stock, cows, sheep, pigs, and goats, and still not silver for a present occasion. I have more than half a mind to discover myself and lend. Och! no need of it! he has found out a pocket he didn't know he had about him-two shillings. You may coin the other two, my tight lad, before I think again of helping you. Now he is trying to persuade Nelly's husband to go bail for him. A civil refusal. Father Dennis would n't take his bail. By my honor and credit, but this is too good! Another little pocket he has discovered, and out come the last two shillings! My blessing on - Hallo! mercy on us! is the woman electrified?"


This vehement exclamation was not uncalled for; since, the very moment the modest, shrinking bride saw the last coin deposited, she flung back her hood, and, bursting through the circle, stood before the priest with eyes flashing, cheeks glowing, and tongue ready to ring an alarm peal. Since you 've got my money, give me the worth of it!" cried she. Say me a mass fur the sowl o' my poor man, that's gone! God knows it's chape arnin' fur ye!"


"Whisht, woman, whisht-stop your clatter-don't you know there's gentlemen in the house? Do you want to rouse them up ?" "Who cares for your gentlefolks?" cried she, screaming still louder, and stamping with passion. "Let me have something fur my money, I say it's little you ever give, but let me have something!"

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sure it's none of your money I touched, maureen! Halloran did the thing handsome, afther all-ped me for himself and yourself, and poor Tom into the bargain. I've nothing at all to do with you asthore." "You have something to do with me, and plenty to do with me. Twas my money he ped you down. Faith, I'd think twice afore

I'd marry widout the marriage money in my fist to lave a man the right to sell me whin he 'd got tired o' me!"

At this moment the virago started and paused in turn, the long-suppressed laughter from above breaking forth in an uncontrollable peal. Father Dennis' eye instantly sought the aperture. Bother you, you scamp, is it there you are?" cried he, shaking his fist good-humoredly at his young friend; "and you've brought the English captain to spy at me too! By this and that, Isidore, I'll be even with you for this yet."


Faith, you are even with me as it is, for I am more than half-choked with laughing," gasped Blake. "Oh, these sides of mine! they ought to be iron to stand it !"

"And the wall ought to be iron, to stand your wriggling; you'll have it a-top of us, 1 think," cried the priest. "Come down out of that, and don't be making a fool of yourself, and aggravating me! Come down, I tell you, both o' ye, and look on at the wedding like Christians.

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"Here we

Here I am at your elbow," cried Blake, making a leap from the top of the partition wall, while his companion effected a more orderly entrance by the door. both are! And now let me settle the debate between you and Mary Duane. Mary will forgive your making her pay her old debts (and you know yourself, that is the greatest offence that can be given in this country), and you 'll promise to say the mass for poor Tom Conry. You ought to do what you can for him, I'm sure, if it was only for old acquaintance sake. Many 's the good drop of potheen of his making has helped to wet the whistle for you before now. And right good it was alwayswas n't it? It's the least you can do to give him a cast of your office, when he so often gave you one of his, before the puff was out of him."

"Well, well, sure I'll do it! No more words about it now," cried the priest; and the women hailed the promise in a torrent of thanks and blessings on "Misther Isidore."

When these were silenced, the ceremony proceeded. Bottles of the national cordial were then produced from the pockets of the men, and from under the cloaks of the women, supplying means for a deep pledge to the health and happiness of bride and bridegroom; which last important branch of the rites roused up even the tenants of the settlebed, who had fallen fast asleep during the lull.

The departure of the bridal company of course followed; but the priest and his two young guests continued chatting and laughing by the kitchen fire for some time after the dispersion.

"Well, Clinton," said Blake, " you have now seen a good specimen of an Irish wedding. Do you think it was worth getting out of bed for?"

"I would not nave missed it for anything," "There's one way from my chains yourself to was the reply. "It was a most original


scene- comic beyond what I could have con- My gallant Emperor — that is to marry me.”


Aught I'll swear, so thou but love


See, on marrow-bones I goe!" "Sire, fair words no parsnips butter, Swearing don't coste much, you knowe.

ceived, even of a Cunnemara wedding. The comic effect was admirable. The bridegroom, with his inimitable cruise of discovery through forgotten pockets, and the bashful bride, transformed by a magic touch into an amazon. Why, it would make no bad groundwork for a pantomime. By the bye, though, the lady Some people I have known swear over nighte, dropped something that puzzled me. What Who all their oaths next morning have forgotten

was that she said about her husband's having a right to sell her?"

"How? — a right to sell her? Did she say that? Oh, I know now what you mean that's if she did not pay the marriage money. A queer notion the people have here, that if the man pays the marriage fees, he in fact buys his wife, and may sell her again for the same, if he can find a purchaser. I have known it actually done in one instancethough I suppose Dennis would snap my nose off for mentioning it, as I own I cannot back it by a second. But so far as talk goes, all that priest or layman can say won't beat it out of their heads but that it is lawful. There's another item for your commonplace book, if you keep one. I think a good long list of Cunnemara characteristics have fallen under your eye in this ramble of ours."

"Yes; I have certainly been fortunate in that respect," said the young officer. "Whatever may be my future adventures, I am pretty sure they will never efface the memory of this ' Night in Cunnemara.'


From Punch.



WOULD you hear a Spanish ladye
How an emperor she won?
Very marked attentions paid he,
But she was not to be done.

The belle of all the Tuileries' balls was she,
And had a gross of titles and a mile of pedigree.

To be mistress of the Master

Of the Frenche she was too high;
Cupid's bonds did hold him faster
All the more that she foughte shy:

In her charming company was all his joy,
But to favor him in anything he found her coy.

Till at last he gave commandment
At Compiègne a hunt should be ;
To chase the deer was his intention
But not the one spelt double e.
Then said the ladye milde, "His game I see,
But mine is not a heart that 's caught so easilie."

"Gentle ladye, show some pitie :

I'm an Emperor-no lesse !"

But the ladye was too wittie

To be caughte with chaffe, I guesse;


The Assemblie saw no reason

'Gainst your treading Gallic grounde ; Then all traitors and all treason.

How you swore, Sire, to confounde! But now the Assemblie you have overthrowne, And in their place you sit, as Emperor, alone." "Hold your tongue, free-spoken ladye,

Hold your tongue, you are a bore: Of fair ladies there are plentie,

France doth yield a wondrous store; Spaniards to their own fortunes may be blinde, But the French ladies to my prayer will be more


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From the Tribune. asms to which the country is subject, from White, Red, Black: Sketches of American the cautious, plodding, care-worn race that Society. By FRANCIS and THERESA PULSZKY.ply their business in taciturn gravity on ordiIn Two Vols. 12mo. pp. 331, 342. Rednary occasions. It was under the inspiration field. of Kossuth's presence that the Pulszkys saw our population. Their volumes must be read with this allowance.


We are always glad to listen to the opinions of intelligent foreigners in regard to this country. If they often wound our self-love, Mrs. Pulszky kept a regular journal during they also furnish many wholesome lessons. their American tour, of which the greater part We are enabled to know ourselves better, as has been incorporated with this work. mirrored in the reports of frank travellers. political statements and speculations, with For our part, we have seldom met with any, which it abounds, we presume are from her even the grossest, caricatures of American husband's pen. They, of course, will not be manners that had not some foundation in expected to give universal satisfaction. But truth. Even when the facts are distorted in they cannot be accused of partiality or prejuthe most grotesque manner, they at least dice. They bear the impress of honest intenshow us what impressions we may give un- tions and practical sagacity. Still, most consciously. The general tone of society is readers will find more to interest them in the usually described with more fidelity than the descriptive sketches by Mrs. Pulszky, which details of political or domestic life. This is are uniformly lively and agreeable, and often the character of the present volumes: Fre- set off with piquant reflections, showing an quent minute errors may be detected by read-acute intellect, as well as a habit of nice ers familiar with the topic discussed; but, as observation.


a whole, they seize the most salient features Here is her account of the reception of of American society, and comment upon them Kossuth and the Hungarian party in New with spirit and good faith. They are written | York. The provoking annoyances of the with kindly feelings, but with no attempt at occasion are well shown up, and also the fulsome adulation. The authors, as they impression produced on their minds by the intimate in the preface, enjoyed some peculiar first sight of an American city. opportunities for becoming acquainted with the characteristics of the New World. They accompanied Kossuth in his extensive tour through the United States. They shared with him the enthusiasm or the prejudice which his advent called forth, according to the locality which he visited. They became acquainted with a great number of the leading men of the country.

December 6th. The sun shone this morning as splendidly as yesterday, but to-day I was so fortunate as not to see its rising, for our sleep was not disturbed by cannonades in our honor. When I approached the window I was fascinated with the view on the wonderful bay, peopled by the steamboats which carry commerce and life to and from its islands and cities. soon voices were heard below, and I was summoned to breakfast. I found the parlor


American communicativeness no doubt made them frequent victims to long-winded narratives, though they abstain from hinting at any such inflic-occupied by militia and navy officers, the tions. They were brought into intimate former belonging to the Richmond County relations with various classes of people, who Guards, the same corps that received and were ready to pour into their ears floods of attended La Fayette at his visit in the United gossip and anecdote, which were old stories States, the latter were of the Mississippi to their familiar acquaintance. But their steam frigate which carried Kossuth and his family from Ghemlik to Gibraltar; the depconnection with Kossuth had also an unfavor-utation of the reception committee from able side, as regards obtaining correct impressions. They saw the people under the excitement of a holiday occasion, rather than in the ordinary routine of habitual life. It was a morbid, feverish aspect of society which was presented to their observation; not the normal expression of health. The Americans are quite a different generation when under the influence of one of the periodical enthusiLIVING AGE. VOL. I. 7


New York, and numbers of other visitors were likewise present, and introductions and speeches succeeded one another.

Most of the inhabitants of Staten Island, and many other gentlemen, among whom we were delighted to greet Mr. Stiles, late United States Minister at Vienna, accompanied us to the boat which was ready to convey us to. New York. The presence of Mr. Stiles, and our conversation with him on by-gone times,,

when Hungary sought his mediation before the pressure from without; even Lieutenant

the entry of Windischgratz in Pesth, strongly brought before my mind our struggles and sufferings, and when I heard now the hurrahing shouts of joy, bursting from the masses, and reëchoed by roars of cannon and peals of music, I could not help feeling very sad, and when I looked at Kossuth and his wife, close to whom I chanced to stand, I saw that their impression was similar to my


men gestured, and some of the marshals raised their sticks adorned with Hungarian rosettes; but all without effect; the rush continued and the cheers swelled to tumultuous uproar. "What do they want?" inquired I, from one of the gentlemen. "They are all so very anxious to hear the great Patriot," was the reply. "Then they do not apply the most direct means of getting what they want; how is any man to make himself heard in such turmoil?" This was my remark in a moment when the flood of excitement seemed to give way. But I had no leisure to hear or see what ensued, because one of the mar shals said to us, "Now, ladies, you had better get out to the carriages; you will not be able to break through afterward." And as we had no inclination to "break through" again, we at once followed the advice, and by a back door safely got to the carriage, which we occupied with Mr. Pulzsky and Lieutenant Nelson. We had now time to survey all the decorations, and the spectators that assembled on the spot from whence the procession

Nelson, endowed not only with a commanding Kentuckian frame, but likewise with the hardy spirit of his country, could not prevent Madame Kossuth from being repeatedly torn from his arm. At last we emerged on a platform, to which we were raised by invisible agencies. Before us stood Kossuth and the Mayor and several other gentlemen of the Committee; under us numberless heads moved to and fro, and above, people seemed intent We were pushed hard before we could get to break down the rows of galleries which through the crowd on board the Vanderbilt surrounded the hall, for they thronged and a most elegant steamer, ornamented by the pressed forward, and then there seemed below star-spangled banner, unfolding above the and above and from all sides a rush towards Hungarian tricolor, and the Turkish crescent. Kossuth, so spontaneous as if an electric But we had little leisure to admire the sump-shock pushed every one ahead. The mayor tuous decorations, gildings, mirrors and tap- attempted to speak, but his accents were estries of the boat which carried us; we drowned in thundering hurrahs; the alder were too much interested in the panorama along the shores, as we steamed about the bay, and in succession got the views of Jersey City, Brooklyn, Williamsburgh and New York, which proudly adorn the estuary of the Hudson, and are connected by the ever-running ferry-boats into one colossal city. As we moved on and passed the Navy Yard, with its stately men-of-war, we recognized among them the Mississippi. All the masts and all the yards were peopled with seamen and mariners, who shouted and hurrahed uninterruptedly while our steamer came up; and the ferry-boats blew their whistles, and the flags of America and Hungary greeted us on every masthead and from many a sail. The animated groups of vessels incessantly roared with cannonades, which our ship returned, mingling this thundering bass to the loud music of the band on board. When we turned from Jersey City towards Castle Garden and the Battery, our eyes were caught by hundreds and hundreds of glittering swords and regimentals, and the masses of people seemed to swell all along the shore. A cha-was to start. otic noise of vociferation received our steamer A long row of carriages extended from the when it halted at some yards from the Castle Garden. In fact, the waters were shallow, and anxiety to be the first to step ashore kept so large a mass of passengers to one side, that it became impossible to land for a considerable time. At last many of the party got out in small boats, and about noon we debarked at the Battery, on Manhattan Island. The military formed an avenue through which we were to pass to the hall of Castle Garden, where the people assembled to hear Kossuth. But though our gentlemen, and several officers of the navy and the aldermen who accompanied us, did their very best to shield us, it proved all in vain. The military flourished their swords about to protect us; but the crowd pushed them so vigorously, that there was real danger that we should be hurt by that gallant defence. Nothing could resist

corner of the Battery, near Bowling Green, to the triumphal arch erected at the beginning of Broadway. The arch was decorated with the colors of Hungary, intermixed with the star-spangled banner and the Turkish crescent, which floated above the arms of New York, bequeathed to this city by its embryo, New Amsterdam. The Dutch sails of a windmill, two whiskey barrels, and the beaver skin-those emblems of the original Dutch settlement, and of the means by which the fur trade was carried on, and the extermination of the Indians was achieved remain still the arms of the "Empire City." At our right the cavalry galloped to and fro along the alleys of Castle Garden, and the infantry drew up in long lines. The windows of all the houses before us were filled with people; the bricks of the roofs, and the twigs of the

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