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Fichte, 662.

Fielding, Henry, 187, 311, 469-474, 484.
Filmer, Sir Robert, 405.

Finsborough, Battle of, an Anglo-Saxon
poem, 46.

Fisher, John, Bishop of Rochester, 164,
252, 253.

Flemish artists, 108, 112.
Fletcher, Giles, 257,

Fletcher, John, 173, 182, 183, 185, 186, 261,
263, 293.

Ford, John, 173, 177 seq., 183, 184, 373.
Fortescue, Sir John, 78 seq.

Fox, Charles James, 408, 410 seq.

Fox, Henry (1st Lord Holland), 388 seq.
Fox, George, 267, 270, 310.

Fox, John, 245, 247 seq.
Francis of Assisi, 102.
Freeman, Edward A. 56.
Frisians, the, 33.

Froissart, 62, 72, 85, 86, 88.
Froude, J. A., 73, 246 seq.
Fuller, Thomas, 186.


GAIMAR, Geoffroy, 58, 67.


Garrick, David, 480, 482.


HABINGTON, W: am, 145.
Hackluyt, Richard, 148.
Hale, Sir Matthew, 247.
Hales, John, 148, 258, 259, 402.
Halifax, Charles Montague, Earl of
421, 435, 438.

Hall, Bishop Joseph, 148, 258.
Hallam, Henry, 80, 632.
Hamilton, Anthony, 311 seq.
Hamilton, Sir William, 583.
Hampden, John, 631.
Hampole, 68.

Hardyng, John, 161.
Harrington, Sir John, 143.
Harrison, William, 109 seq.,
Hartley, David, 675.

Hastings, Warren, 411, 629, 637 seg
Hawes, Stephen, 104.

Hagel, 26, 28, 101, 629, 660 seq.
Helne, 18, 34, 208, 505, 510, 524, 531
Hemling, Hans, 108.
Henry Beauclerk, 58.

Henry of Huntingdon, 38, 58.


Henry VIII. and his Court, 161, 162, 246
Herbert, George, 145.

Herbert, Lord, 148.

Herder, John Godfrey von, 20

Herrick, Robert, 144, 145.

Herschel, Sir John, 688, 691.

Hertford, Earl of, 162.

Hervey, Lord, 498.

Heywood, Mrs. Eliza, 494.

Heywood, John, 116, 166.

Higden, Ralph, 65.

Hill, Aaron, 488.

History, philosophy of. See the Introduc
tion, passim.

Hobbes, Thomas, 318-321, 374, 674, 691.
Hogarth, William, 484-486.

Gainsborough, Thomas, landscape painter, Holinshed's Chronicles, 111, 148, 164

Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth C., 530, 583.
Gay, John, 353, 390, 486, 500, 501.
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 67, 89.

German ideas, introduction of, in Europe
and England, 658 seq.

Germany, drinking habits in, 241, 242.
Gibbon, Edward, 480.

Gladstone, William Ewart, 630.

Glencoe, massacre of, 645, seq.
Glover, Richard, 504.

Godwin, William, 535.

Godwin, Mrs. William. See Wollstone-
craft, Mary.

Goethe, 20, 26, 299, 302, 472, 510, 524, 551,
554, 658 seq.

to demith, Oliver, 354, 406, 478–480.

o.tzius, 121.

Gower, John, 66, 103.

Grammont, Count de, 312, 330.

Gray, Thomas, 504.

Greene, Robert, 127, 129, 147, 168, 210.

enville, George, 107.

(resset, J. B. Lewis, 493.
Grey, Lady Jane, 113, 162.
Grostête, Robert, 66, 68.
Grote, George, 583.
Guicciardini, Ludovic, 109.
Guido, 25.

Guizot, 17, 75, 631, 635, 647.
Guy of Warwick, 58.

Holland, Lord. See Fox, Henry.
Holland, 33 seq.

Homer and Spenser, 133.

Hooker, Richard, 148, 258 seq.
Horn, King, romance of, 58, 71.
Hoveden, John, 66.
Howard, John, 413.
Howard, Sir Robert, 369.
Howe, John, 644.

Hugo, Victor, 18, 105, 385, 523, 531.
Humé, David, 404, 478, 641, 671, 676, 691.
Hunter, William, martyrdom of, 255, 256
Hutcheson, Francis, 404, 413, 629.
Hutchinson, Col. John, 672.

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Mackenzie, Henry, 503, 511.
Mackintosh, Sir James, 632.
Macpherson, James, 504.
Malcolm, Sir John, 526.
Malherbe, Francis de, 659.
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 33.
Mandeville, Bernard, 403.
Manners of the people in the sixteer th cam
tury, 111 seq.

Marguerite of Navarre, 88.
Marlborough, Duchess of, 498.
Marlborough, Duke of, 388, 406, 623.
Marlowe, Christopher, true founder of the
dramatic school, 130, 147, 167, 523; his

dramas, 168-173.

Marston, John, 188.

Martyr, Peter, 251.

Martyrs in the reign of Mary, 255, 256.

Marvell, Andrew, 377.

Masques under James I., 111, 201, 202.

Massillon, 253.

Massinger, Philip, 167, 176 seq.

Maundeville, Sir John, 67, 72.
May, Thomas, 270.

Medici, Lorenzo de, 114,

Melanchthon, Philip, 245, 251.
Merlin, 58.

Meung, Jean de, 68, 103.

Michelet, Jules, 19, 48, 657.

Middleton, Thomas, 173.

Mill, John Stuart, 538, 579, 675-702.

Lanfranc, first Norman Archbishop of Milton, John, 50, 132, 148, 277-284; hir

Laing, David, 187.

Lamartine, 18, 524, 531.

Lamb, Charles, 523, 524.

Laneham, Robert, 111.

Canterbury, 58.

Langtoft, Peter, 66.

Languet, Hubert, 121.

Laud, Archbishop, 259, 638.

Latimer, Bishop, 76, 247, 253 seq.

Lavergne, Léonce de, 34.

Law, William, 403.

Layamon, 67.

Lebossu. See Bossu.

Lebrun, Ponce Denis Ecouchard, 104.

Lee, Nathaniel, 370.

Leibnitz, 497.

Leighton, Dr. Alexander, 265, 287.

prose writings, 284-293; his poetry, 293-
307, 428, 629.

Molière, 131, 207, 208, 340 seq., 466, 598.
Mommsen, Theodor, 27.

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 469, 488, 492.
Montesquieu, Ch., 28, 30.

Moore, Thomas, 478, 524 seq., 557.

More, Sir Thomas, 148, 165.

Müller, Max, 676.

Muller, Ottfried, 20.

Murray, John, 431, 557, 559.

Musset, Alfred de, 18, 124, 168, 190, 207, 384

505, 524, 531, 712 seq., 715, 716.

NASH, Thomas, 168.


Nayler, James, 266, 268, 270.

Locke, John, 277, 402, 404 seq., 413, 636, Neal's History of the Puritans, 268, 269, 287.

Lely, Sir Peter, 413.

Leo X., Pope, 240

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 19.

Lingard, Dr. John, 35.

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London in Henry VIII.'s time, 109; in the Norman Conquest, the, 55, 56; its effects

Longus, Greek romance writer, 129.

orris, Guillaume de, 62, 69.

Ludlow, Edmund, 266.

Lulli, a renowned Italian composer, 365.

Luliy, Raymond, 102.

Luther, Martin, 31, 108, 239, 240, 242.

on the national language and literature,
64 seq., 83-85, 47.

Normans, the, character of, 57; how they
became French, 57; their taste and
architecture, 57, 58; their literature,
chivalry, and success, 58-60; their posi-
tion and tyranny in England, 64-66, 565,


Nott, Dr. John, 119.

Lydgate, John, Abbot of St. Alban's, 104, Novel, the English-its characteristic,

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Ucoleve, Thomas, 103.
Ochin, Bernard, 251.
Oliphant, Mrs., 469.
Olivers, Thomas, 397.
Orley, Richard van, 108.
Orrery, Earl of, 488.

Otway, Thomas, 369, 373, 374.
Ouseley, Sir William, 526.
Overbury, Sir Thomas, 148.
Owen. Dr. John, 270.


Renan, Ernest, 27, 86.


Restoration, period of the, in England
309 seq., 352.

Revolution, period of the, in England,
386 seq.

Reynolds, Sir Jost ua, 359, 413, 480.
Richard Coeur de Lion, 71.

Richardson, Samuel, 311, 403, 462-469, 480,
486, 489, 503.

Ridley, Nicholas, 255.

Ritson, Joseph. See Robin Hood.
Robert of Branne, 68.

Robert of Gloucester, 68.

PAGANISM of poetry and painting in Italy Robertson, Dr. William, 478, 486, 505 871.

in the sixteeth century, 105 seg.

Paley, William, 402.

Palgrave, Sir Francis, 34

Parnell, Dr. Thomas, 486.

Pascal, 402, 456, 498, 648.
Pastoral poetry, 126.
Peele, George, 167.

Penn, William, 395, 644.

Pepys, Samuel, 315, 317.

Percy, Thomas, 523.

Pérelle, 18.

Petrarch, 35, 116, 117, 118.

Philips, Ambrose, 486.

Philosophy and history, 648 seq.

Robespierre, 393.

Robin Hood ballads, 76, 7, 112, 116.

Rochester, Earl of (John Vilmot), 316 seq

338, 422, 499, 559, 674.

Rogers, John, martyrdom of, 255.

Rogers, Samuel, 54

Roland, Song of, 58, 60 seq.

Rollo, a Norse leader, 57.

Ronsard, Peter de, 26.

Roscellinus, 102.

Roscommon, Earl of, 338.

Roses, wars of the, 78, 79, 84, 109, 171.
Rotheland, Hugh de, 66.

Philosophy and poetry, connection of, 100. Rousseau, Jean-Baptiste, 496.

Picts, 37.

Pickering, Dr. Gilbert, 360.

Piers Plowman's Credé, 83.

Piers Ploughman, Vision of, 82, 83, 116.
Pitt, William, first Earl of Chatham, 388,
407 seq., 631.

Pitt, William (second son of the preced-
ing), 408, 411, 415, 519.

Pleiad, the, 26.

Pluche, Abbé, 425.

Poe, Edgar Allen, 458.

Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 482, 493, 503, 876.
Royer-Collard, Pierre-Paul, 692.
Rubens, 97, 112, 141, 186, 211, 499.
Rückert, 525.

Russell, Lord William, 315.


SACHEVERELL, Dr., 387, 405.

Sackville, Thomas (Earl of Dorset), 117.
Sacy, Lemaistre de, 250.
Sadeler, engravings of, 121.

Pope, Alexander, 376, 417, 419, 446, 487-499, St. Alban's, Abbot of. See Lydgate, John

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

RABELAIS, 96, 136, 159, 211, 816, 450, 477.
Racine, 214, 360, 393, 601, 648.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 139, 148, 163, 257.
Rapin, 360.

Ray, John, 403, 404.
Reformation in England made way for by
the Saxon character and the situation.
of the Norman Church,82-85, 105, 241 seq.
Reid, Thomas, 404, 413, 478, 629, 675.
Renaissance, the English: manners of
the time, 107-116; the theatre its original
product 158 seq.

[blocks in formation]

Scotland in the seventeenth century, 311.
Scott, Sir Walter, 19, 323, 359 seq., 435
seq., 478, 524, 540, 623; his novels and
poems, 526-531.

Scotus, Duns, 101 seq., 681.

Scudéry, Mademoiselle de, 121.
Sedley, Sir Charles, 145, 335.
Selden, John, 148.
Seres, William, 264.
Settle, Elkanah, 361, 369.
Shadwell, Thomas, 324, 369, 380.
Sévigné, Madame de, 492, 648
Shaftesbury, Anthony Cooper, third Earl
of, 404.

Shakspeare, William, 117, 126, 127, 147,
186, 363, 368 seq., 567; general idea of,
202-204; his life and character, 204-211
his style, 211-214; and manners, 214 21

his dramatis persona, 217-220; his men | Thomson, James, 502, 503.
of wit, 220-222; and women, 222-224; Thorpe, John, 39, 40, 42, 47.
his villains, 224, 225; the principal Tickell, Thomas, 486.
characters in his plays, 225-232; fancy, Tillotson, Archbishop, 397 seq.
imagination,-ideas of existence-love; Tindal, Matthew, 403.
harmony between the artist and his Titian, 143, 211.
work, 232-239.

Sheffield, John. See Buckinghamshire,

Duke of.

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 524, 535-538, 553.
Shenstone, William, 504.

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 354 seg., 408,
478, 544.

Sherlock, Bishop, 397, 402, 462.
Shirley, James, 167, 321.

Sidney, Algernon, 148, 277, 315.

Sidney, Sir Philip, 117, 121-126, 148, 159,
259, 567.

Skelton, John, 105, 116.
Smart, Christopher, 504.
Smith, Adam, 404, 413, 629, 643.
Smith, Sydney, 392, 538.

Smollett, Tobias, 407, 474-476, 478.

Society in Great Britain in the present
day, 575 seq.; in England and in France,
712 seq.

South, Dr. Robert, 397, 399, 400-402.
Southern, Thomas, 370.

Southey, Robert, 477, 522, 525, 556, 637.
Speed, John, 148.

Spelman, Sir Henry, 148.
Spencer, Herbert, 567, 583.

Spenser, Edmund, 117, 127, 131, 148, 277,
298; his life, character, and poetry, 131-
143, 367, 567, 703, 709.

Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, 538, 662.
Steele, Sir Richard, 408, 417, 623.

Stendhal, Count de, 30, 57, 92.

Sterling, John, 649 seq.

Sterne, Laurence, 476-478, 503.

Stewart, Dugald, 413, 478, 516.

Stillingfleet, Bishop, 397, 402.

Stowe, John, 148.

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 27.
Toland, John, 403.

Toleration Act, the, 643, 644.
Tomkins, Thomas, 256.
Townley, James, 359.
Turner, Sharon, 43, 46 seq.
Tutchin, John, 494.

Tyndale, William, 249 seq., 258, 233.

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Warburton, Bishop, 403.

Warner, William, 130.

Warton, Thomas, 56, 65, 66, 69, 103, 595.

Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, Watt, James, 413.

632 seq.

Strafford, William, 109.

Strype, John, 160.

Stubbes, John, 110, 112, 118.

Suckling, Sir John, 144, 145, 837.

Sue, Eugène, 601.

Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of, 116-119,


Swift, Jonathan, 311, 360, 403, 404, 408, 417
seq., 623, 638; sketch of his life, 434-439;
bis wit, 439-441; his pamphlets, 441-445;
his poetry, 445-450; his philosophy, etc.,


TAILLEFER, 59, 65.

Tasso, 136, 139.


Taylor, Jeremy, 148, 258, 259-263.

Temple, Sir William, 332, 437, 450, 486, 629.
Teniers, David, 529.

Tennyson, Alfred, 538, 583, 702.

Thackeray, William M., 530, 538; his novels,

Theatre, the, in the sixteenth century, 158;
after the Restoration, 321, 322, 340 seq.,
361 seq.

Thibaut of Champagne, 63.
Thierry, Augustin, 19, 35, 47, 65, 647.
Thiers, Louis Adolphe, 635, 647.

Watteau, Anthony, 492.

Watts, Isaac, 504.

Webster, John, 173, 177 seq., 186, B
Wells, Dr. William Charles, 688.
Wesley, John, 396, 397.
Wetherell, Elizabeth, 580.
Wharton, Lord, 498.
Whitefield, George, 396, 397.
Wiclif, John, 83, 171, 246, 249.
Wilkes, John, 407.

William III., 332, 566.
William of Malmesbury, 58.
William the Conqueror, 59 seq.
Windham, William, 408.
Witenagemote, the, 42.
Wither, George, 258.

Wollaston, William Hyde, 629.
Wolsey, Cardinal. 105, 247.

Wollstonecraft, Mary (Mrs. Godwin), 18.
Wordsworth, William, 523, 532-535.

Wortley, Lady Mary. See Montagu, Lady

Wyatt, Sir Thomas, 116, 117.

Wycherley, William, 26, 324, 329, 335, 340
348, 374, 422.

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