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God! our cups were soon full and running over. We lost all our respect for quietness, and altogether we shouted for joy, "Hallelujah to Jesus for full salvation!" It was a grand time.

We had three miles' walk to Packington-street, and the West Kensington and Forest-hill friends had further to go than we had, but none of us thought of the journey, we were full of other thoughts. "How did you get home on Tuesday night?" said I to some of the brethren. "Get home! We were singing and praising the Lord all the way, bless His name! Amen! ""

Oh, I should like us to have Autumnal District Meetings every month in the year!



WITH feelings of thankfulness I forward the result of our recent bazaar. It was held with a view to relieve Parkstreet Chapel of a heavy debt. Meetings of the members of the church and congregation were held, committees formed, and the ladies invited to prepare articles for sale. They readily complied with the invitation, and entered upon their work with a zeal and devotion worthy of all praise. The bazaar was held in the Town Hall, and opened on Wednesday, September 19, under promising circumstances. There was a bright sunshine, a brilliant company, and a profusion of richly coloured goods artistically arranged so as to present a very charming appearance. I will not attempt to give a description of the goods exhibited. The stalls were simple and inexpensive in their construction, yet, withal, neat and commodious. They had arboreous desig nations. There was the Sycamore, in charge of Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Staghall, Miss Jackson, Miss E. Jackson, Miss M. Jackson, Miss Nowell, and Miss Cropper; the Mulberry, in charge of Mrs.

Round, Mrs. Hooley, Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. Guttridge, Miss Bullock, and Miss Johnson; the Birch, in charge of Mrs. Reddish, Mrs. Shenton, Miss Barber, Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Heapy, Mrs. Hulme, Mrs. Wild, Mrs. T. Dawson, and Mrs. Brown; the Chesnut, in charge of Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Brownridge, Mrs. F. Beresford, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. J. Jackson, Mrs. F. W. Isherwood, Mrs. C. Crew, Miss Livingstone, and Miss Hollinshead; the Cedar, in charge of Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. Geo. Hooley, Mrs. Walton, Mrs. Higginbotham, Mrs. C. Hatton, Mrs. John Baker, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs. Oldham, Mrs. S. Goodwin, Mrs. Stonehewer, Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Cooper, Miss Keen, Miss Wright, and Miss Wardle; the Oak, in charge of Messrs. W. Jackson, W. Barber, E. Bullock, J. Wardle, J. Barnes, Downes, J. F. Isherwood, J. W. Walton, F. Harrison, T. Jackson, jun., J. Hulme, Scott, J. Round, F. W. Isherwood, G. Goodwin, W. Birchenough, G. Dono, and J. Malkin; and the Mountain Ash, in charge of Mrs. J. Wardle, Mrs. Barrow, Miss E. Hollinshead, Miss Round, and Miss Gothard.

The Rev. G. Coates announced the opening hymn, a portion of Scripture was read and prayer offered, when

The Rev. D. Round said it was with unfeigned pleasure that he met them on that auspicious occasion. Their presence gave him and those working with him joy, and inspired hope; they confidently relied upon their goodwill and practical sympathy. Some of them, no doubt, in visiting London, had been drawn to St. Paul's Cathedral, and as they had been making their observations, they had witnessed statues representing statesmen, poets, historians, and warriors, but if they wanted to find a monument of Sir Christopher Wren, they were told to look around-the building itself was a lasting monument to his remarkable genius and skill as an architect. So he would say to the gentlemen present on that occasion

if you want a proof of the taste, and skill, and industry of our ladies, look around and see for yourselves. There was certainly ample proof of their skill and superiority to us, in taste certainly, and in wisdom and devotion to the cause to which they are so ardently attached. He congratulated the ladies upon the ample preparations they had made for doing business, but before a stroke of business could be done the word of command had to be given, and he was very glad there was a gentleman present who was a very able and wise commander; he referred to W. C. Brocklehurst, Esq. He had no doubt there would be an awakening power in the word to fire when it was given; he had great pleasure in asking Mr. Brocklehurst to open the bazaar.

Mr. Brocklehurst, who was received with applause, then said: "After the very kind speech made by my friend Mr. Round, I should indeed be wanting in my duty if I were not ready to fulfil the part that has been laid upon me this morning. Whatever may be said of bazaars in the abstract, they are certainly means of raising money, and afford a pleasant opportunity for friends and neighbours to draw together and contribute to a good object. It devolves upon me to explain in some measure the object of this bazaar. It is to raise money to lessen the debt which the trustees of Park-street Chapel have long felt to be an encumbrance. The debt is £1,900. This seems a very large sum, and it is only right that some explanation should go forth. I cannot do better, in explaining the reasons for, and the objects of the bazaar, than to read a paper which has been placed in my hands by a gentleman, who for the occasion is representing the trustees of the chapel. He says: For years past there has existed on Park-street Chapel a debt of £1,900. To pay the interest on that amount, together with the maintenance of the Christian ministry, and the carrying on of Lord-street week

day and Sunday schools felt has been to be a burden too great to be borne. Ten years ago a bazaar was held, which produced from £900 to £1,00v; but unfortunately it was discovered soon after that the dry-rot was in the floor of the chapel, and consequently a new floor had to be laid, and new pews put in, at a cost of more than £1,000. In this way the money raised by the bazaar was more than absorbed, and the heavy debt on the chapel stood the same as before.' From this it appears that the large debt which at present rests upon the chapel is not the outcome of mismanagement or extravagance, but it has arisen from a cause over which no one had any control. "Under the circumstances I think that sympathy is due to those who ten years ago helped to reduce the debt, for the bligated hopes whien they must have experienced on finding that their energies, anxieties, and wishes had been so curiously frustrated. But coming together as we do to-day, I think I am justitied in drawing a favourable augury from what I see around me on this occasion. Here is a large audience, not only of those belonging to the denomination more immediately concerned, but of friends and neighbours from various denominations, including even a representative from the Church of England. I think it augurs success." After a few pleasant and playful references to the several stalls, and advising the young people who wished to make the bazaar a success 66 to make bargains and not make matches," Mr. Brocklehurst concluded by declaring the bazaar to be opened, and heartily wished it every


Alderman Wright, J.P., proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Brocklehurst. Mr. Barclay (the Town Clerk), in very appropriate terms, seconded the proposition, and it was passed most euthusiastically.

Mr. Brocklehurst, in acknowledging the hearty manner in which the vote was given, said there was one friend h

saw present, and he could not leave the room without a personal reference to him; he meant his venerable friend Alderman Jackson. It was now a long half-century since he remembered him as a comparatively young man, and he knew that there were few in Macclesfield then who took a more active part in the welfare of the town, and the cultivation of the tastes of its inhabitants, religious and educational, than did Mr. Jackson, and his brother, the late Mr. James Jackson. They would, he was sure, excuse him from alluding to this. It was with sincere pleasure he looked back through the long vista of fifty years and contemplated these things.

The real business of the bazaar now began, and was vigorously and spiritedly sustained to the close of the day, when the receipts amounted to £439 9s. 3d.

On Thursday the bazaar was opened at 12 o'clock by our highly-esteemed friend Alderman F. Jackson, J.P. The weather was unfavourable, but in the evening the bazaar was again crowded, and the receipts were £333 148. 1d. On Friday and Saturday the sales continued, and the final result is as follows:

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(It is right to note that there are two subscriptions, namely, one from Alderman Jackson of £200, and one from Mr. T. Johnson of £50, which were equally divided among the stalls.)



Two new churches have been opened recently in this circuit. Our friends at St. Peter's Quay have long talked about a new church, their old place of worship being in a bad situation, and unsuited to the purposes of worship. Two or three years ago the matter was earnestly considered, and initiatory steps were taken. For a while, ou account of many difficulties arising, slow progress was made. On Easter Tuesday, however, in the present year, the foundation stones were laid by Mr. and Mrs. Brown, two attached friends of the place through a long series of years.

The first of the opening services was held on Wednesday, September 12. Dr. Cooke preached to a large congregation with much acceptance and power. Loud and fervent responses were heard throughout the service; we all felt that the start was an auspicious one.

On Sabbath, September 16, the services were continued. Rev. J. Simon preached a useful sermon in the morning. A special service for the young was held in the afternoon. The Rev. S. Hulme gave a discourse in the evening full of pathos, point, and power. This service will not soon be forgotten by those permitted to take part in it.

On the next Sabbath, September 23, the Rev. Dr. Cocker was the preacher morning and evening. Each time he gave an eloquent and telling discourse.

On Monday, September 24, a teameeting was held. The day was unfavourable, but about 300 people sat down to tea in the new school-room. Mr. Edward Watson, who formerly belonged to St. Peter's for many

years, presided at the meeting held in the church. Mr. C. Skipsey read the Report, and addresses were delivered by Revs. R. Leitch, Presbyterian, C. T. England, the circuit ministers, and Mr. John Wardell. The meeting was one of encouragement and hopefulness.

The services were brought to a close on Sabbath, September 30, when two good sermons were preached, in the morning by Mr. E. Watson, and in the evening by Rev. C. T. England.

The church is fitly named "The Brown Memorial Church." Mr. and Mrs. Brown have been faithful to the denomination in trying times, and it is chiefly through their liberality that this new structure is raised.

The church will accommodate nearly 300 people. Underneath is a good, well-lighted school-room, in which accommodation can be found for 250. The total cost is £1,400, inclusive of nearly £200 for land. The subscriptions and opening collections have been good.

On Saturday, September 15, a new Mission Church was opened at Hadrianroad, Wallsend. The building will accommodate about 200 persons, and has cost £450.

There was a sale of work and tea on the opening day, and although the weather was most inclement, about 300 persons were present. The opening services were conducted by Revs. W. Waine and W. F. Newsam. The church is in a new neighbourhood, and already hopeful features are seen. There is every prospect that a strong Church will be gathered here.

Both sanctuaries are neat and comfortable, and we sincerely hope that the history of each may be a bright and successful one.




THE old building was erected so far back as 1815. It is the oldest place

of worship in the village. It has met the wants of two or three generations, having been open for worship for the last sixty-seven years. No one can estimate the amount of good it has accomplished in connection with the adjoining Sabbath-school. Not only have a large number of the present inhabitants been brought under its beneficent influence, but many people who have removed to other lands. But while it is thus dear to the hearts of many, its unsightly appearance, its narrow proportions and uncomfortable pews are strangely out of harmony with other places of worship, and the greater requirements of the present day. With a more attractive and commodious building, still greater good may be accomplished.

The following is a condensed account of the last services, which appeared in a local paper:-The present Methodist New Connexion Chapel and School having become unsuitable, it has been decided to rebuild both places, and as the work of taking the buildings down commenced this week, farewell or closing services were held in the chapel on Sunday, and were well attended. In the morning Councillor Farron, of Ashton-under-Lyne, preached from the words, "Lord, I have loved the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thine honour dwelleth" (Ps. xxvi. 8). In the afternoon a largely

attended service for old scholars was held, being conducted by the Rev. J. Gibson and Councillor Farron. During the service it was announced that the school had been opened 3,500 times, and that 5,300 sermons had been preached in the chapel. The service was thrown open after the manner of a love-feast, and several of the old scholars related their experiences. The Rev. J. Gibson also preached in the' evening, when there was a crowded congregation. The services closed with the Lord's Supper, many hearts being deeply touched, and many eyes being filled with tears at the thought of the past, with all its saered memo

ries of blessing and of communion with God.

The Sabbath services had been preceded by a tea-meeting on the Saturday, attended by about 200 persons, after which Mr. Thos. Beeley (Primitive Methodist) presided over a public meeting in the chapel. Mr. Beeley gave an interesting address, and said, after hearing what the friends had done, and also that one of the ministers (Rev. J. Gibson) had offered to raise £25 on condition that the young men raised £25, and the young women another £25, that he (Mr. Beeley) would give another, making the sum into £100.

Mr. Bedford presented the report, in which he said, as long as he could recollect, the building of a new chapel had been talked of, but it was not until a tea-meeting held on June 23, 1877, that the thing took a workable shape. Papers were distributed to the friends present, to write thereon the amount they intended to give. The result was that the sum of £126 6s. 6d. was promised and canvassed. That, he thought, was a real bit towards building a new chapel. Since then the work had been carried out by various means; at times it seemed as if they were going to have a new chapel in about three weeks, and another time it was quite dead. During the six years they had secured, from bazaars and sales of work, the sum of £280 2s. 7d.; received as donations that have been partly paid in, a sum of £78 38. 5d. Then, as a Methodist chapel was nothing without tea-meetings, they might be sure that they had them, and from that they had received £52 3s. 4d. One man said it would be a bread-andbutter chapel; he (Mr. Bedford) did did not care what sort it was if it was a chapel. From the singers they had received £7 10s., by an entertainment £4 1s., and the children had collected by pennies in the school the sum of £4 0s. 1d. That made a total actually received of £427 Os. 5d. Then they

had £82 saved out of the trust estate, and those items, with the interest which had accumulated in the bank, made. a total of £535 78. 8d. But they had also, in addition to that, a sum of £120 in promises unpaid. Adding that to the money paid, they had a total of £655 7s. 8d., which they hoped to make into £1,000 by the time the place was ready. He might say, the place they proposed building was a plain building without gallery, except one behind for the choir. There was to be nothing in the shape of extravagance. The chapel was to be to the front, and the foundation in the line of the old one, but it would be 3 yards wider than the old building. At the rear there was to be a school two stories high, the bottom room to contain six class-rooms, and the top an open assembly-room, to hold 300 persons. The contractor's sum was £1,422; he thought they would want £1,600 by the time the building was complete. If they could raise as much as only to leave about £500, he (Mr. Bedford) thought they would be able to struggle on. They did not want a temporal church that would embarrass the spiritual means, but one in which they would see a glorious outpouring of the Spirit. Though the new one would not be the same as the old one to him, he hoped they would see many glorious revivals in that place.

After addresses by the Revs. J. Gibson and H. Dolamore, papers were handed round, the result being that £13 13s. 6d. were promised, in addition to £25 by the Chairman, and the sum of £2 from a sale of small articles. £8 11s. were collected on the Sunday. The entire sum promised, and mostly paid, will now be about £790. This is a noble result for so poor a people, and deserves unusual encouragement from the Connexion at large. The question was, whether we should build a new chapel and school or give up our cause at Newton altogether, and let some other denomination step in and reap

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