These had no charms to please the sense, To win the Muse's throng: And Nature mourns his wrong. Thy foes, a frontless band, invade; And yield up half the right. On man's too feeble sight. Hence are the motley systems fram'd, Wise nature mocks the wrangling herd; While law the royal agent moves, We bow through him to you. Alike in one, or few! Shall then the wretch, whose dastard heart Shrinks at a tyrant's nobler part, And only dares betray; With reptile wiles, alas! prevail, Where force, and rage, and priest-craft fail, To pilfer pow'r away? O! shall the bought, and buying tribe, So Indian murd'rers hope to gain "Avert it, Heav'n! you love the brave, "You hate the treach'rous, willing slave, "The self-devoted head. "Nor shall an hireling's voice convey "That sacred prize to lawless sway, "For which a nation bled." Vain pray'r, the coward's weak resourcel Propitious Heaven bestows. In names there dwell no magic charms, Unloos'd our fathers' band: Say, Greece and Rome! if these should fail, What names, what ancestors avail, To save a sinking land ? Far, far from us such ills shall be, One monarch truly great : ODE II. ON TRUE GREATNESS. BY THE REV. MR. HUDSON. LET who will climb the towery steep Below, the pitchy pinnace rides: Safe in some sylvan lodge to dwell, And lull'd by the clear stream that speeds And small lakes, fring'd with homely asphodel. There sits the calm, the rural sage, Replete with wonders ever new: In emerald groves, and shadowy glades, Oft, in the downward skies, a train Or glow-worm, with fallacious blaze, Oft in his woodland walk he stops to mark Now sings unrivall'd in his radiant sphere. First of the families of fame, That Rome's imperial city grace, From rural huts and hamlets came The Fabian and Fabrician race; With that firm judge that could contemn And banish the proud diadem. To Sabine fields she owes the vine, Whose tendrils yet round Virtue's column twine; Which braves Oppression's wintry breath, And stand the icy touch of Death. |