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in which the gallows and Botany Bay make such a prominent figure? All punishment is for example, that crimes may be prevented. But if they are not prevented under the British system, to what purpose use such severity? And why, at once, send the criminal either to Botany Bay or the gallows? Is not the American system far more enlightened and humane, which, before resorting to such extreme means, tries the effect of moral discipline on the criminal, which, before consigning him to irredeemable infamy, makes one last attempt to save him? From all that we can learn of the American system of prison-discipline, it seems to be a most humane and enlightened attempt to substitute moral for physical correction in the management of criminals-to couple the amendment with the punishment of the prisoner; and though this appears difficult, it seems by no means impracticable. According to the accounts given of the system, it has unquestionably succeeded; though it may, no doubt, have disappointed some of its more sanguine promoters, because it has not performed impossibilities, and extirpated vice and crime from the country. We have some observations on this subject, extracted from the NorthAmerican Review, which are extremely judicious and conclusive, and which, without arrogating for this system claims which no system can realize, points out the solid advantages which have arisen from it. The profusion with which pardons are issued are complained of by this author, who also states, that the same individual is imprisoned and pardoned several times over. Now, it appears, that, in the Philadelphia prison, of two hundred who had been pardoned by the Governor, only four had again returned. In the Massachusets prison, out of one hundred and fifty-five who had been pardoned, only eleven had proved themselves unworthy of the favour, and had again fallen into the hands of criminal justice; and of those who had been liberated, many were known to the officers of the institution to have become industrious and useful citizens. Here, then, is decided testimony to the utility of those institu


tions; and it does not appear that the criminals are injudiciously pardoned, as so few prove themselves unworthy of the favour. In some cases, inconveniencies have arisen from want of room; but this accidental fault no way impeaches the utility of the system, which cannot succeed unless it is fairly carried into effect. But that crime has been diminished in the United States, by the erection of those penitentiaries, is evident, from the concurring testimony of every writer on the subject. Since the erection of these houses for the reception of criminals, "the roads in the vicinity of the city," says the North American Review,

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so constantly infested with robbers, were seldom, after the erection of these prisons, disturbed by these dangerous characters; the houses, shops, and vessels, so perpetually robbed, no longer experienced those alarming evils." Our author, also, when speaking to what he saw, and naturally impressed with the spectacle before him, gives the following just and striking account of this institution:

While you divest yourself, however, of all thoughts as to the drawbacks connected with the penitentiary system, as at present conducted, you certainly cannot contemplate the interior of this great manufactory without emotions of peculiar satisfaction. To see so many hands, which were formerly active only in crime, now taught to be equally active in some useful art,-to think of the humanity of the system, as contrasted with that of Britain,

and to witness the cleanliness, order, and regularity, which pervade the whole establishment, make you almost forget that you are in a receptacle for knaves, or fondly believe that they are so no longer, and internally exclaim, "This must be a noble institution."

In Boston, we have a description of a procession of free blacks, to celebrate the anniversary of the abolition of slavery. The commemoration of the 4th of July, the anniversary of American independence, is also described, and we have a long extract of a speech delivered, on this occasion, by an American orator, which might have been well spared. It is introduced by the following remarks of our author. After telling


us that the orator's address was characterised by plain good sense, he

goes on:

It has the merit of being free from that vituperative abuse of Great Britain, in which mere mob orators in the United States are prone to indulge, and which, I am afraid, is sometimes a cheap substitute for purity of principle and good citizenship. America has undoubtedly been wronged by Great Britain, at many times, and in many ways; but these wrongs have been productive, upon the whole, of only temporary evil, while the benefits which she has derived from the same source pervade her whole system, give sinews to her strength, wisdom to her councils, intelligence to her people, and dignity to her national character. But for these she could never have either achieved or maintained her independence; and were it possible to separate from her population all that has been derived from the laws, institutions, and literature of my native country, personal liberty, security of property, freedom of thinking and of speech, and, last of all,'true and vital religion, with all the moral effects which have flowed from these, would vanish like a dream; and an American contemplating the dreary void, would have good reason to sigh, "Fuimus Troes!" Few, probably, of sober reflection and impartiality, will be found to deny the truth of these positions; then, why should Britain be hated by an American ?-why

should he not rather overlook a little of

that feeling towards the United States, which was scarcely separable, from the circumstances in which the two countries were placed by the revolution, and was too long kept alive by errors in the conduct of both governments, towards each other; but the inveteracy of which is now, I trust, rapidly decreasing, and will soon be remembered only as a subject of regret, and a powerful reason for future kindliness and friendship? It is the characteristic of noble minds to forgive injuries; and, with all our faults, there is confessedly so much in our national character deserving of respect, and even of imi. tation, that Americans must certainly be themselves in no small degree of error, if they do not feel a warmth of affection towards their parent country. With respect to the complaint of the abuse of Great Britain by the Americans, here so delicately urged by this traveller, who, as we before remarked, has a truly British partiality for every thing in his own country, and is ever ready to start

forth the flaming patriot on the least provocation to his national vanity, we may well ask who set the example of this vile and disgraceful abuse? Was it not the licentious press of Great Britain, ever ready to pander to the lowest passions of the rabble, by reviling, with an utter disregard to truth or to decency, every country and potentate with which we happen to be at war? The floodgates of slander had been long opened against the illustrious chief of the French empire, to whom was applied every epithet of abuse which the language could supply; and for no other reason, but because we were at war with him. All these odious calumnies are now regarded with the disgust they merit, by every person of candour or good taste. But so long as the contest lasted, the war of words kept pace with the war of arms, and slander appeared to be one of our favourite weapons. Now, the same torrent of malignity and abuse was poured on the Americans, and on the respectable heads of their government, Jefferson and Maddison, the moment that war broke out between the two countries. Almost

every periodical press teemed with the poison of this atrocious the animosity of the war has begun slander, and it is only of late that has appeared. It must be confessed, to abate, and that a better temper then, that a rebuke on this subject comes with an excellent grace from Great Britain. We set the example, and we complain that America has followed it. Our best course, we think, is to be silent on this subject, and now set an example of moderation, which, we have little doubt, tional part of the American commuwill be readily followed by the ranity.

We have, besides, imposed, it seems, a vast debt of gratitude on America, for which we claim a large return of sincere and ardent affection: and we are continually ringing changes on the parental relation in which we stand to our ci-devant colonies. Before the colonies were independent, this fanciful notion of the parent state was exceedingly useful, for enforcing the duties of obedience; now that this tie is broken, we make use of it for fasten

ing on the Americans some undefined claim of affection and regard, which, we say, they owe to us in preference to every other independent state; and, in the above extract, we have enumerated a long list of benefits which we allege the Americans have received at our hands; namely, their laws, government, institutions, personal liberty, security of property, &c. Now, we cannot conceive for what purpose we should continually ring into the ears of the Americans what a debt of gratitude they owe to this country-why we should be everlastingly reminding them of the benefits they have received at our hands. As was said in the old comedy, Haec commemoratio est quasi exprobatio immemoris beneficii; this pompous enumeration of benefits conferred, tends to no good; it breathes the true selfish spirit of national partiality; and its object is to establish claims on the good will of the Americans, which they deny. It is not on this basis that the two countries can be built up in lasting amity. On the contrary, these were just the very topics which were employed, during the last war, to blow up the rage of the people against America. All those imaginary claims on the gratitude of these our former colonies were so many items in the sum of national vengeance. They were eagerly dwelt upon by the war faction, and they never failed, when judiciously brought forward, to inflame John Bull into a perfect paroxysm of rage. It is not the way, therefore, to promote the good understanding of the two countries, to be officiously bringing forward the great obligations which America owes to Britain. And, after all, what are they? It seems to us most absurd, to hold out that America owes a debt of gratitude to Britain, for her government and her institutions. The founders of the United States, who fled from Britain, to enjoy freedom in the desert, no doubt carried out with them the arts and improve ments of Europe. But what gratitude is due to Britain on this account? Britain here gave them nothing which she could keep back from them; they were brought up in a civilized community, and they could not be untaught what they had

learnt. Arrived on the shores of America, the love of freedom which they had imbibed, and which they cherished the more for the oppression which they suffered in Britain, they reduced to practice, in the popular forms of government which they established. Here, again, they were no way indebted to Britain. Neglect was the best boon which Britain ever be. stowed on them; for what was the end of her interferences with them, but to fetter their trade for her own supposed benefit,-to prevent them from carrying on any trade but with the mother country; and afterwards, as a further mark of her parental care, she wished to make them partakers of the load of taxation which lay so heavy on herself? She wished to ease her own shoulders, by laying part of the burden on theirs. She wished, in short, to tax America in a British parliament; and hence arose a bloody civil war, the object of which, on the part of Britain, was to fasten this odious yoke on the necks of the colonies. Any lurking affections, therefore, which may have been left in these communities, to the parent state, we have done all in our power to extirpate. But indeed it is idle to talk of gratitude or affection between nations. feelings can have no place in their mutual intercourse; and this cant, about the gratitude of America to Great Britain, is the mere dictate of national vanity. That the two countries have every motive to cherish each other's friendship, is undoubted; and all prejudice against each other ought to be strenuously discouraged; but let this friendly intercourse be placed on its true basis of policy. They can do each other great good in peace, and great mischief in war. It is their interest, therefore, to cultivate peace and good will with each other; and this, and not any idle illusion drawn from the relations of private society, must be the basis of their friendship, which is a negative term, meaning merely, that they shall live at peace, and not seek to destroy each other in foolish and hurtful wars.


In visiting the different towns of Newhaven, Princeton, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, &c. we have large details about the schools, uni

versities, and the various places of worship. At Washington, Mr Duncan was present at the discussions in the Congress; and he describes, as something new, the apparent carelessness of the different members about the business of the House, their lounging about, &c., writing letters, and reading newspapers, and the incivility of the Speaker in ordering strangers to withdraw; all which he may see nearer home, in our own Honourable House. The truth is, that there is, in this great centre of the national concerns, much

routine business which does not require the attention of every member; and, notwithstanding this outward air of indifference in matters of form and detail, every great national question is still seriously considered before it is decided.

The most interesting part of the work is the account of the author's journey along the Mohawk into Upper Canada, and from thence across Lake Ontario into the St. Lawrence, which he descended in one of the Canadian vessels, named a Durhamboat, sixty-two feet in the keel, and eleven feet four inches in the beam. It is well known, that the great stream of the St. Lawrence is interspersed with islands, which contract the channel, and of course increase, in the most fearful manner, the rapidity of the stream, which, being opposed, in this way, by rocks or other obstacles, chafes and rages with great fury; and it is through this tumult of broken waves that the Canadians have learnt, with equal dexterity and courage, to steer their barks. From Kingston our author took his departure in one of the Durham-boats. Passing the thousand islands, an immense group of islands, as their name implies, in the St. Lawrence, they arrived at the rapid called Long Sault, which is, properly speaking, a succession of rapids, about ten miles long.

When I looked, (says Mr Duncan,) however, to the frightful rapidity with which the stream now hurried us along, I could not resist a feeling that I should be safer without their encumbrance. Little indeed could the most expert swimmer hope to effect in such a torrentand feeble my hope of safety, where skill in swimming is necessary to secure it

yet, who is it that would not struggle for his life, even in the rapids of the St. Lawrence ?

The velocity of the stream was now equal, probably, to about ten knots an hour, yet its surface was as smooth as glass. To look into the water, we might easily have persuaded ourselves that we were quietly slumbering at anchor; but when we glanced at either bank, the pinetrees seemed to whirl past with the rapi dity of thought.

We here omit a comparison between worldly pleasures and the rapid of Long Sault, and proceed to the following interesting description of the passage of the rapid :

The two currents, after embracing the island, revert below it into a single stream. The extreme commotion with which this re-union is accomplished, is the occasion of the Big Pitch. The furious torrents rush against each other like two charging squadrons, heaving up their roaring billows, and tossing high their crests of broken foam; retiring, at last, with apparent

reluctance from the conflict, and whirling into numerous eddies by the margin of the stream.

Ere the tops of the white breakers became visible, preparations were made for encountering the commotion. The sail was lowered down, and the gaff secured; the steersman called one of the hands to his assistance, the rest hung upon their oars, waiting the word of command to The boat began now to rock strike in. from side to side, and the terrible cauldron was boiling before us. All that could be done, was to direct our course to that

part of the channel where experience told

them that the passage was least hazardous, and then, with all their strength, to

pull the vessel through. I felt an invo. luntary shrinking, as the captain aimed for what seemed to me the most frightful spot of all;-we were swept into the midst of the furious commotion, and the order was just given, "pull away!" when a heavy wave burst in over our feeble bulwarks. Our quivering bark, however, struggled manfully through; our danger was but momentary, and we soon reached the subsiding billows which skirt the extremities of the heavy swell.

Another peril, however, succeeded. The thrilling emotion excited by the passage of the Big Pitch had not subsided, when our vessel was caught in the vortex of a powerful eddy, and whirled round al. most broadside to the stream. "Pull away with the starboard oar!" roared the steersman, with a voice like thunder, and a tremendous oath; the order was promptly

obeyed, the command of the vessel recovered, and we once more found our. selves in smooth water. We had shipped more than a hogshead of water in this dangerous rapid.

There are four other rapids which have to be passed in the voyage to Montreal; but the author observes, though varying in their individual features, they bear a general similarity, and result from the same causes a great contraction and sudden descent in the bed of the river, accompanied, in general, with nume rous islands and rocks in the middle of the stream. The flood, thus chafed and pent up within narrow and obstructed passages, rages through them with prodigious violence, dashing furiously over the rocks,

sweeping round insulated fragments with the velocity of a whirlpool, and heaving, even in the less agitated spots, with a broken and fearful commotion, such as the sea presents after a tempest of contrary winds, which have successively contended for the mastery of the deep.

We have an account of Montreal and Quebec, which form, in their general aspect, a decided contrast to the American towns, being of a more sombre and heavy appearance; consisting, in place of clasp-boarded houses, gaily painted, of edifices compacted of stone, iron, and tin, put together with as much regard to economy of space as if the ground had been purchased by the square inch. The contrast between the Americans and Canadians is, according to our author, much to the disadvantage of the latter. The former are all activity, enterprise, and life, while the Canadian, under the benumbing influence of his priests, paces, from generation to generation, the same dull round, and seeks no improvement. A canal cut from Montreal to La Chine, a distance of only nine miles, would save the passage of some of the most dangerous rapids of the St. Lawrence; yet, though such an undertaking has been talked of for nearly twenty years, and though a sum of £.25,000 was even subscribed to it, nothing farther has been done :

In the mean time, (adds our author,) these fidgetty Yankees are pushing vigorously forward their canal of 364 miles,

between lake Erie and the Hudson, and the other of 60, between the Hudson and Lake Champlain; and, possibly, when they have the whole finished, they may take a fancy to cross the St. Lawrence, and in a mere frolic, turn up the nine miles between Montreal and La Chine ; it will hardly be a fortnight's work for them.

I must, in justice, add, however, that some symptoms begin to appear of an improvement in the energy and public spirit of the province. A Fire Insurance Company has come recently into operation, which will retain within the country a considerable part of the large sum which has hitherto been annually drawn from it by a London company. Some societies, for the encouragement of agriculture, have also been formed; and we may hope that they will gradually persuade the Canadians not to yoke their oxen by the horns, nor to throw the manure produced by their stable and cowhouse into the river, as are still practised to a very considerable extent.

In another passage he gives the following striking view of the distinction between the Americans and Canadians. After observing that the town of Three Rivers had a drowsy and inactive appearance, he adds,

It is impossible, indeed, not to remark, that the banks of the two rivers are

peopled by an essentially different race of men; the one of habits altogether hereditary and monotonous, content to pace along in the footsteps of their forefathers; the other restless and adventurous almost to a proverb, buying and selling, shipping and importing, settling and emigrating, as if quicksilver instead of blood were dancing through their veins.

We next find our author at New York; and he gives us his information in the form of a journal, in which he adopts rather too familiar a tone; he is too much at his ease, and discovers several specimens of bad taste. He went to dine, on the 30th November, (St. Andrew's day,) with the Scots Club, where he complains greatly at not seeing certain Scots dishes, and also on account of a corresponding want, among the members, of true national feeling. His truly British prejudices were mortified because they gave, as a toast, "The President of the United States," before "The King of Great Britain ;" and that this favourite toast was at last given thus, "The

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