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work is to be completed in the third volume. The two first volumes contain a greater mafs of highly valuable intelligence in a small compafs than many voluminous works, treating on the fame generally interesting subject.

Nuetzliche Bemerkungen fuer Garten-und Blumenfreunde, &c. &c. von J. H. ALBO NICO. No. 6. u. 7. 1598. Useful Obfervations for Lovers of Gardens and


Annalen der Gaertenerey, &c. &c. von NEUENHAHN. No. 7. 1798. pp. 128; 8vo. Annals of Gardening; together with a general Intelligencer for Lovers of Gardens and Flowers. This interefting periodical work, mentioned already in our laft Retrospect, continues to furnish much ufeful matter.

1. Taschenkalendar auf das Jahr, 1798, &c. &c. von Baron BOUWINGHOUSEN von WALLMERODE. Pocket Almanac for Lovers of Horses, Breeders of Horses, Veterinarians, and Superintendents of large Mews. With plates.

2. Meffgefcbenk zur belehrenden Unterbaltung fuer Liebhaber der Pferde, von SEYFFERT von TENNEKER. 1798. Tb. I. pp. 190. Tb. II. pp. 250. Halfyearly Gift, intended to afford inftructive Amusement to Lovers of Horfes. No. 1. is a periodical work of feveral years standing, and of generally acknowledged merits. No. 2. is an imitation of the preceding almanac. It is to be continued half-yearly, and promises to fucceed as well as its prototype, if the author continues to select his materials with as much diligence and taste as the two first volumes display.

Verfuch ueber den beften Plan zu einer practifchen Schule fuer den Ackerbau, &c. &c. An Effay on the best Plan of a practical School of Agriculture, &c. &c. by K. G. RAFN. 1798. 4 theets, 8vo. In every state in which agriculture yet ftands in need of many important improvements, this object undoubtedly can be obtained by no better means than by a particular inftitution, in which young people receive theoretical and practical inftructions in the proper management of. husbandry, and by fending them afterwards back again to their families,to apply and to propagate their knowledge and experience among their fellow-citizens. The prefent treatife, which obtained the prize of the royal fociety of fciences at Copenhagen, which propofed the question: What ought to be taught in fuch an inftitution, and what would be the best method of instruction? delineates a moft excellent plan for fuch an agricultural academy, The learned author propofes,

that the country people fhould be enabled, by judicious principles, deduced from experience, to increase and to ameliorate the produces of the country, and for that purpofe fhould be fufficiently initiated in the fundamental principles of natural philofophy, natural hiftory, chemistry, and mathematics; to which we should add, a knowledge of the moft common difeafes of cattle, and of the beft method of curing them. The method of inftruction which he propofes is extremely appropriate, but cannot be specified here for want of room. We only obferve, that his proposals deferve ferious confideration; and that inftitutions formed after Mr. R.'s plan would be highly beneficial to any country.

Der beforgte Forstmann, &c. &c. von J. C. BARON von LINKER. The anxious Forefter. No. IV. 1798. pp. 194. The prefent number of this interefting collection of œconomical effays, of which we already have made honourable mention in our last Retrospect, continues to furnish matter for ferious confideration. It contains feven effays, treating on the deftruction committed by various kinds of caterpillars in forefts, a fubject which deferves the most diligent inveftigation of all culti vators of woods.

Der neufie deutche Stellevertreter des Indifchen Zuckers, &c. &c. The lately-difcovered German Subftitute for Sugar; the moft important and useful Discovery of the 18th Century. 1799. PP. 44. 8vo. The German chemifts have of late years made various attempts to prepare fugar from the juice of inland plants. MARG GRAF, an eminent chemift of that ingenious nation, was the firft who pro fuced a beautiful loaf-fugar from the juice of carrots; but this invention was not profecuted any further, on account of its being dearer than that imported from the WeftIndies, and the juice was ufed only in fome places, boiled down to the thickness of honey. After the foundation of the American republic, the cultivation of the mapletree was introduced in Pruffia by Mr. von BURGSDORF; and prof. HERMSTAEDT prepared of its juice, as well as of that of the acer platanoides, and the acer pjeudoplatanus, Linn. a beautiful white fugar, which he, however, was not capable of divesting of an unpleasant tafte, which rendered it rather unpalatable. Mr. BRAUMNELLER made feveral experiments, on a large fcale, to extract fugar from wheat, in which he fucceeded; could not bring his fyrup to a proper confiftency. Mr. ACHARD, of Berlin, was 4 D 3



more fuccefsful in this branch of economical-chemiftry than any of his predeceffors, having made the important difcovery that the common beet root (Beta vulgaris, Linn.), which is ufed very much in Germany as food for cattle, yields, by an eafy procefs, an excellent fugar, which in every refpect is equal to that which we obtain from the Weft-Indies, and can be fold at a much lower price. Prof. KLAP ROTH, another eminent chemift, has joined Mr. Achard in these experiments, and both have prefented a memorial concerning this discovery to the king of Pruffia, which, together with the whole process, is contained in the prefent interefting pamphlet. One hundred weight of beet root produces, according to repeated experiments, eight pounds of refined fugar, which can be fold at about nine-pence per pound. However, not every method of growing the beet root renders it fit for being advantageoufly used for that purpofe; and Mr. Achard, who was occupied more than fifteen years with various expe. riments on the cultivation of it, has referved the refult of his labours for himself, and obtained a patent from the king, in confequence of which he has established an extenfive plantation of this ufeful plant. One German fquare mile will produce 1,675,670 lb. of refined fugar. Time will fhow how far this invention is practicable on a large fcale. If it should fucceed, it will warrant, at leaft, in fome degree, the bombaftic title of the prefent interefting pamphlet,

ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. Propyläen, &c. &c. Heraufgegeben, von GOETHE. 1798. Propylaea (out-courts). A periodical work. No. I. "The young man," fays the celebrated editor, in his fimple and modeft, though animated, introduction," who feels himfelf attracted by nature and the arts, imagines himself able to penetrate in a fhort time, by unremitted exertions, to the inmoft fanctuary; he perceives, however, after long perambulations, that he ftill is in the out-courts.' This obfervation has occafioned the title of this work, in which Mr. G. promifes to furnish remarks upon, and inquiries into nature, as far as it is an object for artifts, as well as on the plastic and elocutive arts, and to pay in the progrefs of it a peculiar regard to the theory and criticism of poetry. The firft difquifition of the firft number treats on the celebrated group of Laocoon, the defcription of which is extremely animated, and drawn with great diligence and acutenefs. We can fafely recommend this elaborate and claffical dif

quifition to the perufal of the thinking artift, and promife that he will meet in it with obfervations and ideas, concerning the character of that ftatue, as judicious as they are novel. II. On the Objects of the Plaftic Arts. This treatife contains very valuable rules for the artift with regard to allegory, and a variety of useful obfervations. III. On the Truth and Probability of Works of Art. An interesting and wellwritten dialogue. III. On Etrurian Monuments. In two letters. The first letter describes and criticifes a variety of Etrurian monuments, which are preferved at Florence, and the fecond treats on several architectonic remains of Etrurian antiquity. IV. Raphael's Works, especially in the Vatican. This elegant and pleafing treatise, the continuation of which we have to expect in the course of the work, is particularly devoted to the contemplation of the masterpieces with which Raphael adorned the halls and apartments of the Vatican. If the learned editor and his affiftants continue this periodical work with the diligence, judgment, and penetration with which they have fet out, we may expect that the artift will be led deeper into the fanctuary of the fine arts, than the modest title promises.

Gefchichte der Zeichnenden Kuenfte, &c. &c. von J. D. FIORILLO. Erfter B. 1798. pp. 466; 8vo. Hiftory of the Arts of Defign, from the Period of their Revival to the prefent Time. Our author feems to be inclined to divide the whole history of modern art into feveral parts, and to treat on every one of them in particular; for this reafon he difcuffes in the present volume only what relates exclufively to painting. If we confider the prefent work in this point of view, namely, as a part of a whole, we cannot but be fatisfied with it. Mr. F. is intimately acquainted with the literature of arts, has every where used the best sources with fcrutinizing care; cenfured and corrected errors, judged with fcientific precifion, and gives a concife and lucid account of his fubject.

Neue Garten-und Landschafts Gebäude, von W.G. BECKER. No. 1. 1798. Folio. New garden and rural Buildings. With plates.

Deutliche Anweifung fuer den Zeichenf chueler. Mit. 4. Kupfern. Von F. W. FACIUS. 2 Tb. 1. Heft. 4to. 1798. Plain Inftructions for the Student of Drawing. With four plates. Vol. 2d. aft No. The first plate contains sketches of animals, the fecond of plants. Oppofite to each sketch is a drawing which exhibits the fame objects completely finished. The


engraving is executed with more correctnefs and diligence than the drawing. The text points out the different colours with which the sketches are to be painted.

Natur Schonbeiten Sechfifcher Gegenden, &c. &c. von GUENTHER. 1798. Natural Beauties of Prospects in Saxony. With 12 plates. The plates deferve more praise than the defcription, which is very affected, uninteresting, and tedious.

Erfte Gruende der buergerlichen Baukunft, &c. &c. von L. J. D. SUCкow, &c. &c. 1798. pp. 332. The first Rudiments of Civil Architecture. With 35 plates. Fourth revised and enlarged edition. The first edition of this ufeful work appeared in the year 1751, and has not yet been fuperfeded by one of fuperior merits. It is written with fyftematic order, and in a plain and perfpicuous ftyle, which renders it as ufeful to the common builder, as it is to the learned architec.

Aufwahl antiker Gemahlde, &c. &c. von A. RODE. 1799. Select antique Paint ings taken from the Work of Count Caylus, of which only a few Copies were dif tributed, together with Explanations, by A. Rode. In three numbers, large folio; each number containing eight coloured plates. (Price 20 rixdollars the number.) Count Caylus accidentally found the famous original collection of drawings from antique paintings, formerly in poffeffion of the cardinal-legate Camillo de Maffimi, in a nursery, where it ferved for the amufement of children. He purchased it, and employed Mariette, a fkilful artist, to engrave the outlines, which he afterwards caufed to be coloured by young ladies after_the_model of the coloured drawings which Petro Sante and Francefco Bartoli formerly had made at Rome, and which were fhewn in the Vatican. Thus was formed the work which appeared at Paris in the year 1757, in large folio, with a preface by Caylus, and Mariette's explanations of the 33 plates, under the title: Recueil des Peintures antiques trouvées à Rome. No more than 31 copies of this work being distributed, it naturally became, immediately after its publication, a great rarity: 2,270 Liv. were paid for a fingle copy of it in the auction of Outard. Mariette's plates were found in the royal gallery after the death of Caylus. Molynet and Lamy caufed them to be repaired, and a hundred copies to be printed, every one of which fold for £.900: 22 more drawings were added to thofe of Caylus, and the whole work was published in two folios. This fecond work alfo became very fcarce in a short time, and amateurs paid

willingly 1,200 liv. for a copy. Mr. von ERDMANNSDORF, of Defau, deferves therefore the thanks of all lovers of the. fine arts, for having accommodated the chalcographic fociety of that place with the loan of his fplendid copy of that scarce work, and thus enabled them to publish the three numbers in queftion. The engravings are executed in a masterly manner by Mr. LANGENHOEFFEL, and the illuftrations are the productions of the pen of Mr. Rode, who had already proved by his claffical tranflation of Vitruvius, that he was perfectly qualified for fuch an undertaking.

Befchreibung der Gbur fuerftlichen AntikenGallerie in Drefden, &c. &c. von. J. G. LIPSIUS. 1798. pp. 526; 4to. Defcription of the electoral Gallery of Antiquities at Drefden, executed partly after fome Papers of the late J. F. Wacker, formerly Infpector of that Gallery. The friends of arts and antiquity have to congratulate themfelves upon the publication of this complete catalogue of the rich treasures of a collection which really deferved being rendered more known to the public than it has been hitherto. It is, indeed, aftonishing, that the highly valuable store of excellent works of art with which the Drefden gallery is adorned, has been neglected fo long by a nation which has produced no inconfiderable number of refpectable artifts; and it is to be wifhed, for the fake of good tafte, that the compofition of a catalogue of it had devolved upon a man of a more refined and folid knowledge of the works of art, than Mr. Lipfius proves to poffefs; of which we could point out many inftances, were we not restrained by want of room.


Practifches Tafchenwarter-buch der Waarenkunde, &c.&c. von J. CHR. SCHEDEL. 1798. Practical Pocket-dictionary of Merchandize, or an accurate and complete Defcription of all Articles of Merchandize, occurring in the Courfe of Trade; particularly adapted to the Wants of the Trader, Factor, and Broker. This pocket-dictionary, as the author affures us, is no work of hafte, nor a mere extract from his larger dictionary of merchandize, containing a great variety of new articles, and being rendered more correct and generally ufeful. Having compared the two works with each other, we think ourselves bound in juftice to affirm the truth of this affertion, and can recommend it as a very ufeful affiftant to all people engaged in trade.

Sammlungen Englifcher original-band


ungs-Briefe, &c. &c. von J. G. CLEMINIUS. 1798. pp. 214; 8vo. A Collection of original English commercial Letters, with German notes. The well-written English preface to thefe letters, proves that the editor of this collection poffeffes pretty correct knowledge of the fpirit of our language. He acknowledges in it that he has copied, during his leifure hours, a great number of original English letters, written, in the courie of bufinefs, by refpectable mercantile houses, extracted the molt important phrases, and thus acquired facility of compofing letters of bufinefs himself. The 127 letters, contained in this volume, feem to be peculiarly adapted to render the English correfpondence eafy to German clerks. The notes, which are fubjoined to the text, may alfo ferve Englishmen as an inftruction in compofing German commercial letters. If Mr. C. fhould ftill be inclined to carry his refolution of publishing a fecond volume into execution, we would recommend to him to be more careful in avoiding fome grammatical errors, which we have difcovered in the prefent volume.

Der practifche Kaufman, &c. &c. von F. H. W. JHRINZ, 1798. pp. 126. u. 220; 4to. The practical Merchant; or, Inftruction in all Branches of Commerce, efpecially in Italian Book-keeping, &c. &c. to which are added, Obfervations on the best Method of correfponding with Prudence and Circumfpection, of obtaining proper Information of the Wants of Correfpondents, and of giving a favourable Turn to Speculations. This work, whofe author is a merchant, is well calculated for ferving as an ufeful guide to young men, who are to be inftructed in commerce. We muft, however, confefs that the inftruction in book-keeping is very defective. As for the rest, we have obferved, with pleasure, that the author's ftyle is plain and perfpicuous.


Neue pratifche Materialien zu Kantzelvortragen, &c. &c. von J. CHR. GRIELING. Erfien Bandes erftes Heft, 1798. pp. 187; 8vo. New practical Materials for Pulpit Compofitions, extracted from J. KANT's philofophical and moral Works; Vol. I. No. I. All thefe materials have been known long fince, and ably applied by many German preachers. We muft, however, obferve, that most of the themes are well executed, and that the materials, contained in this number, may be very useful to orators who wish to give variety to their fermons, and to reprefent the fame truths in different points of view,


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Predigten ueber die Sonn-und FeftagsEvangelien, &c. &c. von M. K.G. BAUER. Th. 1. 1798. pp. 28. u. 570; 8vo. Sermons on the Gofpels of the whole Year. Thefe fermons diftinguish themselves favourably by being founded on principles of pure morality, and written in an elegant, though popular, style.

Poftille von C. F. SINTENIS. Erfler, Tb. 1798. pp. 36; 8vo. Poftil. The volume of fermons which the venerable author has published under this title, and which breathes the genuine fpirit of Christianity, has afforded us more than common pleasure. Mr. S. fhows himself, almoft in every page, as an unbiaffed thinker, who fuccefsfully attacks all forts of prejudices which are injurious to morality, as an eloquent orator, and a practical obferver of man, who poffeffes the great art of acting moft powerfully upon the most hidden recesses of the heart, and to expound the doctrines of religion in a generally useful manner.

Neue Aufwahl einiger Predigten, von J. JTH, 1798. pp. 320; 8vo. A new Selection of Sermons. These fermons are good in many refpects. The fubjects are not common, and very practical. The language is correct, and frequently highly animated; we muft, however, alfo obferve, that the author fometimes is very dry, and expreffes his ideas, in many places, in vague and ambiguous terms.

Sonntag funterbaltungen fuer gebildete Religions freunde, &c. &c. von D.THIESS, 1798. pp. 204; 8vo. Sunday Devotions for well-informed Friends of Religion. This book deferves the notice of reflecting readers. The author difplays a philofophical fpirit, and much acutenefs.

Katechefen ueber Sittlich-religioefe Wabrbeiten, &c. &c. Catechifations on moralreligious Truths. The style of the author is animated; but his notions are frequent. ly too vague, and his reflexions too prolix.

Ueber den Glauben an Offenbabrung, &c. &c. 1799. pp. 326; 8vo. On the Belief in Revelation; in the Form of a familiar Correfpondence. The author inveftigates this matter in the form of a familiar epiftolary correfpondence between Reinfels and Falmer, the latter of whom propounds the common objections against revelation, and the belief in it, in a manner which renders the victory of his antagonift very easy.

Pauli Apoftoli Epiftola ad Philippenfes graece, ex recenfione Griefbachiana, nova verfione Latina et Annotatione perpetua illuftrata, à M. J. J. am Ende, 1798. PP. 140

pp. 140; 8vo. A very useful commen


Difputatio de Spiritu Santo primis Chrif tianis per impofitionem manuum tradito. Auctoritate Academia Fredericiana Halenfis Scripfit. JoH. AUG.NOESSELT. Three Sheets, 4to. The author being one of the moft venerable veterans among the German theologues, his unbiaffed and philofophical enquiry into this fubject deserves particular attention.

Vindicia Prophetarum Ebraicarum et Jefu Chrifti, contra Thomam Paine, ejufque Libelli de vera et fictitia Religione Germanicum interpretem, auctore FR.W. HAGEN, 1798. pp. 70; 8vo. THOMAS PAINE ftill pays fome regard to the prophets as poets, notwithstanding his frivolous and fplenetic attacks on their divine miffion; however, his German tranflator does not think it worth his while to study their language, and declares their poetry to be highly offenfive to good tafte, calling them unpolished barbarians. The author of the prefent excellent pamphlet refutes thefe foul calumnies, as offsprings of the most unpardonable ignorance, and fupports his vindication by a well-executed and elegant tranflation of Pfalm 8. 19, and 22; to which he subjoins very pertinent obfervations. The fecond part of this pamphlet contains a vigorous and convincing defence of Chrift's character against the fcurrilous infinuations of Mr. P. and his tranflator, which is written in a manly ftyle, and places thofe malicious attacks in their proper light.

Von dem woblibætigen Einfluss des Chriftenthums, &c.&c. von G. G. HERMES. pp. 42; 8vo. Of the falutary Influence of the Chriftian Religion on the Morality of its Prof. ffors, efpecially of thofe of the three firft Centuries. The learned author has executed this fubject in a manner, for which he deferves the thanks of all wellwishers to the progrefs of human happiness. Varia Lectiones ad Textum Actorum Apoft. Epiftolarum Catholicarum et Pauli, e codd. Græcis Mfc. Bibliotheca Vaticane, Barberinae, Auguftinianorum Eremitarum Roma, Borgiana Velitris, Neapolitana Regie, Laurentiniana, S. Marci Venetorum, Vindobonenfis Cæfareæ et Havrienfis Regia, collecta et editæ, ab ANDREA BIRCH, Theol. D. &c. 1798. pp. 254; 8vo. A work of great erudition, which contains a great variety of new and valuable information.

Gefchichte der Romisch Catholischen Kirche, &c. &c. von PETER WOLFE; 5 Theile, 1798. Hiftory of the Roman-Catholic Church, Mr, WOLF maintains, -in this

important work, the character of an able and impartial hiftorian, which he has fo defervedly acquired by his well-executed Hiftory of the Order of the Jefuits, a tranflation of which, we learn, has repeatedly, but unfuccefsfully, been offered to feveral of the most eminent book fellers in London.

Freymnetbige Unterfuchung ueber Jefum; den Sobn Gottes, von GLYEN. 1798. pp. 184; 8vo. A free Enquiry concerning Jefus, the Son of God. If an intimate acquaintance with the facred writings of the Old and New Teftament, and with all means of expounding them; if impartiality of inveftigation, which flides over no difficult paffage, feeks not to prejudice the reader for a favourite interpretation, nor prefumes to explode eftablished opinions by bold conjectures; if a philofophical and lucid order, if, finally, fearless candour in ftating the refults of impartial examination correctly-if all these qualities be fufficient to recommend a literary work, the prefent enquiry deferves, undoubtedly, an eminent place among those that treat on the doctrines of the Bible. The refults of the author's learned investigations give an entirely new form to the efta blifhed ecclefiaftical doctrine concerning the Son of God, and afford an additional proof of the weaknefs of our dogmatical theories, which by the greater number of our divines are deemed incontrovertible.

Communionbuch fuer denkende Chriften von KARL VEILLODTERI, 1799. pp. 2145 8vo. Communion-book for reflecting Chriftians. We do not recollect to have feen a communion-book which produces fo much intereft for the celebration of the Lord's Supper, and excites fo many pure. moral fentiments in the heart of a reflecting Chriftian as the prefent. It recommends itfelf particularly by a most interesting ftatement of the beneficial tendency of the Chriftian religion, by a moft charming picture of the moral dignity of its benevolent founder, and a lucid, though noble and dignified, language. We do not doubt but this excellent book of devotion will be deemed a moft welcome acquifition by all polifhed and rational friends of religion.


Grundfætze des Deutschen peinlichen Rechts, von C. A. GRUENDLER, &c. &c. 1799. pp. 242; 8vo. Fundamental Prin-' ciples of the German criminal Laws. A well-executed compendium, which, however, is diftinguifhed by an immenfe number of errors of the prefs.

Repertorium des gefammten fofitiven


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