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land in the old Saxon days, from which facts may spatched to Behring's Straits, under the command be gathered as to monuments of olden time. In a of Sir Edward Belcher; meantime, another expedocument of this sort, drawn up in the tenth cen-dition, to sail next spring, will resume the search tury, they find mentioned as a boundary-mark, for Sir John Franklin and his party by way of Welandes Smiddan, (Weland's Smithy,) or, in Barrow's Strait. I do not give you this informaother words, Wayland Smith's Cave, with which we are all familiar in Scott's famous romance of "Kenilworth." One can hardly forbear a smile at what, when thus heaped together, appears such a strange-looking jumble; but we know that the grand sum of human knowledge is thereby increased: so suum quique.

tion as positive, but as the substance of what leaks out from authority. The French minister of war is sending out three representatives on a scientific mission to Algeria, "to inquire into the best means of naturalizing in the colony certain vegetable productions, such as madder, sesame, the cactus coccinaliferus, the banyan-tree, from Last, though not least on the list, comes the which the Americans make their cordage for ships, Royal Society-the "Old Lady," as certain irrev- &c.; also to investigate the best means to be erent philosophers are pleased to call the vener-adopted for favoring in Algeria the development able corporation. The Fellows, according to cus- of the wool-trade; and, lastly, to examine such tom of nearly two centuries' standing, held their circumstances peculiar to climate as are hurtful to anniversary meeting on St. Andrew's Day, their Europeans." A mission of this nature, if honestly noble president, Lord Rosse, in the chair. The conducted, may become eminently useful: the address delivered on the occasion contains a few more natural resources are developed, the better for points worthy of notice. His lordship intimated mankind at large; at all events, our knowledge of that a series of soirées would be held, as hereto- mysterious Africa will be enlarged. fore, on a scale befitting the first learned society in Europe. He announced, also, that Lord John Russell had offered to place £1000 annually at the disposal of the council of the society, as a fund from which scientific men may be assisted, and enabled to pursue their investigations. The council, as you may suppose, have accepted the offer. They will have a delicate and important task to perform in the administration of the fund, one that can be successfully accomplished only by singleness and sincerity of purpose. Let us hope that no petty views will ever be allowed to interfere with a trust, the conferring of which will to some extent relieve our government from a reproach under which it has long lain-that of presenting the cold shoulder to philosophy.

There have been, as you know, many abortive attempts made to apply electro-magnetism as a motive power: despairing projectors may now take new heart, for the Academy of Rouen proposes a prize, to be awarded in August, 1852, for the best essay on the question, "What system of galvanic apparatus, regard being had to power, economy, regularity of movement, and simplicity, is to be preferred by those who endeavor to derive from electric currents a motive force applicable to any branch whatsoever of industry?" The supersession of steam as a prime mover is one among the possibilities entertained by able physicists: whether it will take place so early as 1852 remains to be proved. The Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin also offers a prize of 100 ducats for “An investigation of turf, (peat,) with especial reference to the employment of the same and of its ashes as manure." Here is an allur

As usual, during the course of his address, Lord Rosse gave away certain rewards to science in the shape of gold medals. The Copley medal, the most honorable-Davy called it the "oliveing inquiry for agricultural chemists. The mancrown"—was awarded to Sir Roderick Murchison for his "Silurian System," "Geology of Russia and the Ural Mountains," and other able works in the department of knowledge to which he has especially devoted himself. Two royal medals were given one to Lieutenant-Colonel Sabine for "Researches in Terrestrial Magnetism;" the other to Dr. Mantell for his paleontological works. Twenty years ago the doctor predicted, from a portion of a bone found in Tilgate Forest, the structure, habits, and dimensions, of that huge saurian, the iguanodon; and now that, bit by bit, discoveries have completed the osteology of the animal, the worthy savan finds his conclusions verified, and gets a medal for his pains.

uscripts, which may be in German, French, or Latin, at the pleasure of the writers, are to be sent in by the 1st of March, 1852 : the adjudication of the prize will take place in July of the same year. Apropos of Berlin: two of its most famous professors-Dove and Müller-were so much affected by the late political disturbances, that the former was obliged to give up his duties, and travel in pursuit of fugitive health, while the latter became mentally deranged. To this cause, and to the university deputations which took place in Prussia in September last, we may attribute the small attendance of German savans at the meeting of the British Association.

The travelling public are somewhat moved by Sir James Ross' unlooked-for return from the the announcement from one of our great compa polar regions is still a subject of conversation: nies, that the fares on their line will shortly be the general impression appears to be, that the gal-raised 50 per cent.: according to some, the change lant officer was overhasty in his determination to is one which must defeat its purpose. Expericome home. His ships, the Enterprise and In-ence, indeed, seems to point the other way, as you vestigator, are to be forthwith reëquipped, and, if will see by the practice which prevails in the official rumor is to be depended on, will be de- United States. From a published table of sixty

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six railways, it appears that the highest charge | to watch the gradual spread and increase of cleanly per mile is six and a half cents (31d.); the habits. greater number carry at from two to four cents, government is inquiring into the vexed question Still more, a commission appointed by while on the New York and Erie line the rate is of Smithfield, and devoutly is it to be wished that but one cent and three fourths-about three far- the honorable gentlemen may decide it; that we things per mile. The lowest fares generally pre- may no longer be in doubt as to the salubrity or vail on the lines radiating from New York-insalubrity of the reeking cattle-yard. Wont it Brother Jonathan having the wit to know that cheap- be glorious to have the space now so uninviting ness is the desideratum where population is most laid out as a park with green turf, trees, and dense. The best commentary on this statement is gravelled walks? the fact, that "the companies adopting the lowest the densely-crowded population of the immediate What a boon it will be for rates of fares pay the largest dividends." from the city, there is no reason why slaughterneighborhood! Cattle and swine once banished houses should not follow; and here your Edinburgh “fleshers” have set an example in petitioning for three acres of land in a proper site whereon to erect the necessary buildings. May success attend their efforts! and, furthermore, the sooner you get your new water supply the better, for we may then be able to profit by your experience.

A gossip, as you know, must not only talk of what is new, but also report on what is progressive in the old. I may therefore proceed to tell you that another Model Lodging-house was opened on the 12th. The company who built the one in St. Pancras have just completed a new one in Spitalfields it will accommodate 324 single men and 50 families. Judging from the demand for rooms in their former building, the new edifice will be speedily tenanted. In addition to baths and washhouses at Oxford, Besides this, a lodg- a project is on foot for a new college in the vening-house for single men (not by the same com- erable university, on a more liberal standard than pany) has been fitted up in Old Compton street, those already existing; it is not in the nature of Soho. It is intended for clerks and assistants, who, things that exclusiveness should always prevail. for 3s. 6d. per week," will have all the comforts Normal schools at Gloucester are also talked of of a private home, combined with well-ventilated in connection with the same scheme. But colleges, sleeping-rooms, every convenience for washing to wit; the opening of the new establishments in and cooking, airy sitting-rooms, and a reading-Ireland shows that a love of learning is wanted as room supplied with books, papers, and periodicals." well as schools. This establishment will accommodate 130 inmates. told, commenced with less than forty students; Queen's College, Cork, I am This is progress of the right sort: it is not, how-while the college at Galway could muster only ever, confined to London; a move is being made nineteen; at this rate it will be some time before at Ipswich, supported and sanctioned by Messrs. the endowed scholarships are taken up. May and Ransome, whose foundry-works are well of the professors are taking a holiday in conseSeveral known. In the words of the report, of a Workman's Hall has been determined on, and thing better than this is reported from the antip"The site quence, waiting while the classes grow. Some the money is now ready to build it. It will cost odes; at Hobart Town has recently been incorpoabout £1000. There will be forty dormitories rated "The Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land for single men and lads, which will be let at for Horticulture, Botany, and the Advancement of about 1s. 6d. a week, including attendance; there Science." It originated in 1843; the queen is will be a large room for evening resort-a work-patroness, and a yearly grant of £400 is given by man's drawing-room, a library and reading-rooms. government to pay salaries and promote the genThe building will be fitted up with baths, the eral objects of the institution. whole under the management of a resident matron report states that eighty volumes, besides pamThe last published and mistress. The privileges of the hall will be phlets, have been brought together as the nucleus available to every workman upon the establish- of a public library; as well as many hundreds of ment upon paying a subscription of 1s. a quarter; specimens towards a museum; and of the large and each member will thus not only have a cheer-botanic garden, it is praise-worthily recorded that ful room to spend his evenings in, but the opportu-" the society have sought, by rendering the gardens nity of obtaining his early breakfast, his dinner, and his cup of tea, at a cheap rate from the kitchen, where a cook will be always in attendance."

attractive, and throwing them freely open to the public, to diffuse a love for simple enjoyments, and If, after this, Ipswich workmen don't thrive, it instructive tendency amongst a class hitherto left to establish tastes and habits of a laudable and will be their own fault; and it is to be hoped that to fill up the void of leisure hours with amusement Workmen's Halls will ere long be found in other and gratification derived often from questionable, Counties besides Suffolk. Indeed, rumors already if not objectionable, sources. reach us of something of the sort being taken in astonished to learn that a large increase in the 99 You will not be hand at Manchester and other places. Then, number of visitors, "whose propriety of conduct again, baths and washhouses are growing; at deserves to be recorded," followed this wise arBirmingham the first stone of a bath-establishment rangement. The meetings of the society are held for the poor was laid two months ago; and the once a month; there are between 100 and 200 citizens of Hereford and Oxford are bestirring them- members, and the papers and proceedings are pubselves in the same cause. It will be interesting lished in a quarterly journal. The first number

of this contains reports on the coal basins of Tas- Frenchman as his own. At length the Royal mania. Society, recognizing the value of Ohm's researches, Among literary matters, several valuable scien-honored him with their Copley medal, which aptific works have lately made their appearance; proval has reanimated the doctor to further labors supplements to the narrative of the American Ex-in the same field, and he dedicates his book to the ploring Expedition, geological, botanical, ethno- Society, as he says, "out of gratitude." And graphical, &c. We are, it is said, to have something very wonderful from the States on the subject of ethnology before long, in an essay on races of men considered with reference to woolly or hairy heads-Nous verrons! Besides this, our beyondsea brethren are contemplating a "Nautical Almanac" of their own, so as to be independent of the one calculated by "old country" astronomers. There is much to be said for and against. If carried into effect, it is proposed to reckon the longitude from New Orleans-a point six hours in time, or ninety degrees from Greenwich; and then to bring this en rapport with the observatory at Washington. An astronomical journal is also to be published, to comprehend "not only researches in every department of physical, theoretical, and practical astronomy, but also investigations on all subjects directly connected with these, such as pure mathematics, geodesy, the theory of instruments, &c.—to the exclusion, however, of popular articles and general speculations." Such a design, eminently calculated to promote peaceful relations among philosophers of all civilized countries, deserves to prosper.

here I may mention that Mr. Smee has published a supplement to his "Electric Biology," which he calls "Principles of the Human Mind." It consists of a series of texts, in a style somewhat aphoristic, on the various subjects developed in his former work, embracing all mental phenomena, in health and disease, deranged or defective; in morals, æsthetics, instinctive and acquired ideas. We are to have a translation, too, of Quetelet's "Laws of the Social System," by Professor Nichol; and, to leave this topic, I may just add that Mr. Layard is again at Nineveh; he reached Mosul last September, and has recommenced his labors. Already a painting has been discovered which exhibits the mode in which the two huge sculptured bulls were transported to their respective positions. This time Mr. Layard is accompanied by a skilful draughtsman; he has again visited the hill-tribe of Yezidis, or Devil-worshippers, so that we may look for another interesting book in due season.

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Noteworthy subjects are continually turning up in various circles of gossip, according to their "Have you heard," says one, quality. 'what A work has just made its appearance here, the Recueil of the Société Polytechnique' says published at Leipsic, which may be ranked among about a new mode of turning waste steam to aethe curiosities of literature. It is entitled," Bio- count?" The proprietor of a factory took it into graphical Bibliography, or Dictionary of 26,000 his head to introduce his waste steam under the Works, Ancient and Modern, relating to the His-roots of pine-apple plants; and such was the comtory of the Public and Private Life of celebrated bined effect of heat and moisture, that a magnificent Men of all Times and of all Nations, from the Be-crop of ripe fruit was the speedy result, and of a ginning of the World to our Days." The dedicatory much finer flavor than usual, owing to the growing page shows the name of Alexander von Humboldt part of the plant having been daily exposed to the surrounded by an ellipse of stars, and the work is open air. Then another will call your attention to offered to him as "premier connétable of scientific the monster monolith, mentioned also in the same Europe." The author, E. M. Oettinger, says, publication, which has been quarried by the Rus"This work, which now very modestly knocks at sians to serve as a pedestal for the statue of their the door of the learned world, is the fruit of twelve late emperor, Alexander. The huge mass is 30 years' labor, the exploration of twenty great libra-metres (98.45 feet) in length, by 7 metres (22.97 ries, and of 10,000 catalogues, which we have turned over during this period." The book is a tall quarto of nearly 800 pages; if favorably received, the author intends to bring out as a sequel" Historical Bibliography, to contain all the Monographs relating to the People and Countries of the Universe." Such a feat as this quite reminds one of the patient labors of monkish historians. Dr. Ohm, another learned German, has sent over his first volume of "Contributions to Molecular Physics." Following the general practice of his countrymen, he begins at the beginning, and starts with the "Analytical Geometry" of the subject: at this rate it will be long ere he reaches the end. There is a fact worth noting connected with the history of this book some years ago Ohm made a most important discovery in the laws relating to electric currents, which for a long time was known only through a plagiarized version brought out by some

feet) square, and weighs, or is estimated to weigh, 4,700,000 kilogrammes, (4626 tons.) Six hundred quarrymen were engaged two years in preparing it; and its erection, under the superintendence of M. Montferrard, a French architect, required 80 capstans and 2000 men. The stone which supports the statue of the great Peter weighed originally about 1800 tons, less than half the weight of the new block, which, it is to be presumed, we must regard as a specimen of the gigantic scale of Russian operations. A third asks you to look at some notes he has made of recent American inventions, where you find that a Mr. Bussey, of Illinois, has patented a machine which makes fences and ditches at the same time. He describes it as a "combination of two ditching-machines, so that the sods cut from two parallel ditches shall be elevated and placed, with the grass, out in a continuous ridge between the said ditches at one operation." Then



in Massachusetts a Mr. Howe has constructed a ral pearls for toilet ornaments, the invention of most ingenious machine for sewing-to do the which dates from the year 1656, are very different work of sempstresses and tailors. The cloth, or from the preceding both as regards their applicaother material, is held between wires, serving as small solid glass beads of the same size as native" tion, mode of production, and origin. These are basting threads, attached to metal plates, which pearls, which they are made to resemble by a coatmove with the progress of the work. Two threads ing of varnish, and which gives them a peculiar are used, one carried by the needle, the other by pearly lustre and color. A maker of rosaries, by a shuttle. The needle is curved, with the eye name Jaquin, was the first to discover that the about one eighth of an inch from the point; a vi- scales of a species of fish, (Cyprinus alburnus,) ( brating arm in which it is held thrusts it through bleak, communicate a pearly hue to water. Based the cloth about three fourths of an inch, when the covered on the outside, but at a later period on the upon this observation, glass globules were first: protruding curve and thread resemble in appear- inside, with this aqueous essence. The costly ance a strung bow. Immediately the shuttle is essence, however, of which only a quarter of a made to pass through this bow, between the steel pound could be obtained from the scales of 4000, and string, in such a way that "the thread which was subject to one great evil, that of decay. After was carried in by the needle is surrounded by that trying alcohol without success, in consequence of received from the shuttle; and as the needle is its destroying the lustre of the substance, sal-amdrawn out, it forces that which was received from in which to apply the essence; a little isinglass is moniac was at length found to be the best medium the shuttle into the body of the cloth; and as this also mixed with it, which causes it to adhere bet operation is repeated, a seam is formed which has ter. The pearls are blown singly at the lamp; a on each side of the cloth the same appearance as drop of the essence is then blown into them that given by stitching, with this peculiarity, that through a thin tube, spread out by rolling, and the the thread shown on one side of the cloth is ex-dried varnish is then covered in a similar manner clusively that which was given out by the needle, by a layer of wax.-Knapp's Chemistry applied to Arts and Manufactures. and the thread seen on the other side is exclusively that which was given out by the shuttle. It will INVENTION FOR MAKING IRON.-Mr. M. Smith therefore be seen," thus pursues the inventor," that a stitch is made at every back and forth move-invention which it is believed is destined to have a Salter of this city has just obtained a patent for an

ment of the shuttle."

This letter is perhaps too long; but as Madame de Staël once said in writing to Benjamin Constant, "I have not time to shorten it;" and I am now compelled to let several items stand over till my next, which I hope will reach you early in eighteen hundred and fifty.

MANUFACTURE OF GLASS BEADS.-Besides the invention of mirrors and reticulated glasses, for which we have to thank the Venetians, the art of making glass beads was also first discovered in the glass-houses of Murano, and is practised there at the present day on a very extensive scale. The small glass beads are fragments cut from pieces of glass tubing, the sharp edges of which are rounded by fusion. Glass tubes of the proper size are first drawn from 100 to 200 feet in length, and of all possible colors, (in Venice they prepare 200 different shades,) and are broken into lengths of two feet. These are then cut by the aid of a knife into fragments of the same length as their diameters; they now present the form of beads, the edges of which, however, are so sharp, that they would cut the thread on which they have to be strung. The edges have consequently to be rounded by fusion; and as this operation must be performed upon a great number at once, and they must not be allowed to stick together, they are mixed with coal-dust and powdered clay previous to their being placed in the revolving cylinder in which they are heated. The finished beads are then passed through sieves sorted to their size, and strung upon threads by women. Besides the ordinary knitting beads, another kind is manufactured, called perles à la lune, which are firmer and more expensive. These are prepared by twisting a small cord of glass softened by a glass-blower's lamp round an iron wire. The glass beads made in imitation of natu

[blocks in formation]

most important influence upon the useful arts of life, and the industry of the country and the world. It is a new method of making iron direct from the ore, with anthracite or bituminous coal, by a single process. By means of this remarkable invention. Mr. Smith proposes to make wrought-iron at a cost of 25 to 30 dollars per ton-at least half the usual cost. His furnace has three combined chambers, one above the other, and all actuated by the same fire. The upper chamber is used for deoxidizing the ore-impurities, such as sulphur, &c., being carried off at a low temperature, the middle chamber for fluxing and working, and the lower chamber for reducing and finishing. The metal is taken from the last-named to the hammer or squeezers. The whole time occupied in this process, from the time the ore is put into the furnace until finished by the hammer, is only two hours! We understand that one of his furnaces is now in operation at Boonton, in Morris County. We have a specimen of iron from it, which is pronounced to be of the very best description. Perhaps a more important invention-if fuller experiments should verify present anticipations-has not been introduced in many years. Its effect upon the production and consump tion of iron must be immense.-Newark (New Jersey) Advertiser, copied into Chambers' Journal.

A THOUGHT.-The boat of a whaler was once knocked several feet in the air by a blow from the tail of a fish to which it was fast. Upon coming down, the steersman fell into the whale's mouth, and the teeth of the animal closed upon his leg, After being in this terrible position for some time, he was released, picked up by another boat, and carried on board, where, while preparations were making to amputate his crushed limb, he was asked what he thought of while in the whale's mouth?"? With the utmost simplicity, he replied, "Why, I thought she would yield about sixty barrels !"


From the New Bedford Mercury of Jan. 17.

A REMARKABLE VOYAGE.-We are indebted to a friend for the following account of the whaling cruise just completed by the ship Junior, Captain Silas Tinkham, owned by Messrs. D. R. Greene & Co., of this city, which, for daring adventure and persevering efforts, is, perhaps, unparalleled in the annals of the whale fishery:

The Junior sailed from this port Dec. 15, 1847, and, after an unsuccessful cruise in the Indian Ocean, touched at Van Dieman's Land for recruits, having obtained only 100 barrels of sperm oil, sixty of which were sold at that place for payment of refreshments and other necessaries for an Antarctic cruise, where Captain Tinkham had been informed that whales were abundant. Sailed from Hobart's Town Nov. 27, 1848, without a consort, for the Southern Polar Seas, and in lat. 65° S. fell in with the icy barrier, and cruised along its margin until the 5th of February, during which time the Junior was probably more than one thousand miles distant from any other vessel, and cut off from any hope of assistance in case of accident. The cruise, however, proved entirely unsuccessful; humpbacks and finbacks were numerous, with other indications of whales, but not a single sperm or right whale was fallen in with. The weather was fine.

dered effective assistance, as in the case of the an fortunate ship Richmond, in aiding the efforts to get her again afloat and in saving her cargo. We trust that the good feeling in which the intimacy with our Arctic friends has commenced may continue unimpaired by any unkind or dishonorable treatment of them by our vessels which may hereafter visit their ungenial but hospitable coast.

From the Journal of Commerce.


Ir was nearly eleven o'clock as we drew near a little town in Kentucky, where I was to leave the fine New Orleans steamer Dove, and take my chance of getting on board a comfortable one when I should be ready to resume my travels on the river. The night was clear, yet it was impossible to form an idea of the extent of the town. We sounded our bell, and the keeper of the wharf-boat soon appeared and hung out his red lantern as a guide to the pilot. I landed with my luggage, and bidding the worthy captain farewell, as his fine boat noved off from shore, I turned to the propri etor of the wharf-boat on which I landed. He is a "Hoosier," transferred to this side of the river with the hope of improving his temporal condition. I inquired how I could find a hotel in the dark, no light being visible on shore. "There is a tavern upon the bank, if you want to go there, but we keep entertainment here on the boat." Being very much fatigued, and having had some experience in exploring new towns in muddy weather, I thought it best to see what kind of "entertainment" I could find “in the boat." I was shown into the reception room. This room was heated by a stove, lighted with a very thin tallow candle, which had been reduced from some disease incident to this new country, or else originally it had a slender constito

On the 15th of March, 1849, touched at Wangaroa Bay, New Zealand, and sailed thence 20th of March for the North Polar Seas, and reached Behring's Straits, where they took eleven whales, making 1,900 barrels of oil-the first on the 5th day of June, and the last on the 15th of July. Just four months from the time of leaving New Zealand the Junior completed her cargo by purchase of 700 barrels of oil from the wreck of the ship Richmond, Captain Winters, of Cold Spring, N. Y., and also purchased the wreck as it lay stranded in St. Law-tion. Feeble as the light was, it revealed to me rence Bay, and saved from it chains, anchors, and other articles, which were taken to Honolulu, September 28th, and sold. A part of the officers and crew of the Richmond also took passage to Honolulu in the Junior, and sailed thence for home on the 21st of November.

After the unsuccessful cruise in the southern hemisphere, the Junior passed from 65° S. to 66° N., thus making, in seven months and twenty days, a run of more than ten thousand miles, exclusive of the distance in cruising for whales, and obtaining, in the mean time, a full cargo of oil and bone; accomplishing the distance, from the south polar circle to the north polar circle, and taking 1,900 barrels of oil, in five months and ten days.

We are not aware that a similar achievement has been performed by a ship of any nation; and it certainly affords a striking illustration of the indomitable energy and perseverance which attend our hardy New England whalemen in the pursuit of the monsters of the deep, through every sea, bringing them into communication with all nations -at one time with the Japanese, by relieving their junks when in distress, and restoring them to their country; at another, paying their respects to the Khan of Tartary and the Manchoos, and anon, astonishing by their wonted freedom and independence the oppressed subjects of the Czar at Petro Polauvski, or, as in the past year, holding council with their new friends, the natives of Behring's Straits -the last of whom, to their credit be it spoken, have evinced a warm friendship toward our hardy adventurers in their dominions, and cordially ren

the inhabitants of this floating house, and the com-
forts with which they were surrounded. I should
say that these wharf-boats are at the landing places
along the rivers. They are made fast to the shore
by cables, rising and falling as the stage of water
may be.
All passengers and freight pass over
these boats, and the proprietor receives a commis
sion on all merchandize shipped from the interior
or received from the boats as they pass up and down
the river. He also furnishes stores for the steam-
ers, and liquor for everybody who will drink. Add
to this the revenue from strangers “entertained."
and I think you have his principal income.

But to the reception room. In this there were four beds, not to enumerate the truckle-bed and cradle. The roof was simple in construction and plain in finish, being boards in the rough state so fastened as to form an arch not at all offensive to the eye. Upon the inner side the spiders had undisputed possession, and the rough surface of the boards seemed to afford them every facility in spreading out their nets in every form. There are four windows, small indeed, but well glazed, with one or two exceptions. Each was curtained-one a dark and gloomy hue-as if that were the corner from whence some joy or comfort had been removed. The next a drab-the third bordering on a pinkor rather it once was a pink. The fourth was pure white, with a deep fringe of the same. By this window was the " high post" bedstead, and the neatly matched quilt. Over the posts at the foot a curtain was thrown. The walls were covered with every variety of paper-some wall paper-some

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