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to be always useful and interesting, and often so good that we have been glad to transfer a part to our own columns. By general breadth and catholicity of temper it makes itself acceptable to a much wider circle than that included in its own definition of the Society of Friends. It will be furnished in combination with the INTELLIGENCER AND JOURNAL for $3.25 a year.

Among the books recently added to the Friends' Library at Fifteenth and Race streets, (Philadelphia), are Hare's "Studies in Russia," the second volume of McMaster's "History of the People of the United States," Pestalozzi's "Leonard and Gertrude,” Agnes Giberne's "Among the Stars," and volumes XXIV. and XXV. of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. The last named are the gift of the Smithsonian Institute. Volume XXIV. contains memoirs of the results of meteorological observations made at Providence, R. I., extending over a period of forty-five years, from 1831 to 1876, by Alexis Caswell, Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in Brown University. A series of Rainfall Charts of the United States give a clear representation of the distribution of the blessing of rain over our belt of the continent. It is a mine of wealth to those who are studious of our national meteorology, representing as it does a long series of faithful observations. Vol. XXV. is largely made up of ethnological and paleontological researches. Article I. treats of Prehistoric Fishing, both in Europe and America, by Charles Rau. Article II. is Archeological Researches in Nicaragua, by J. T. Bransford, M. D. This includes researches concerning Urn Burial, Luna Pottery Mounds, Stone Images, Rock Carvings, and the Manufacture of Pottery. Article III. is a treatise by Edward D. Cope, published in 1883. It includes five interesting and elaborate plates illustrating the contents of a bone cave in the island of Anguilla, in the West Indies.


PRESIDENT MAGILL is engaged to lecture at

Wilmington, on Sixth-day of next week, the 16th instant, in a course under charge of the Friends' School. His subject will be "The Advantages Offered by a College Course."

The first number of the Phoenix for the present college year has just been sent out-being No. 3 of Volume 5. There are two vacancies upon the editorial staff.

The Phoenix says: "The Biological course, which will be elective to all members of the College classes, will soon be opened, under the superintendence of Prof. Dolly, the room above the study room being fitted out as a laboratory. This course, it will readily be seen, will be especially valuable for those intending to study medicine, after leaving the College."

Amongst the improvements during the summer vacation, the Scientific Building has been provided with apparatus for thorough ventilation. This will make many of the lecture-rooms more pleasant and attractive, especially the Physics lecture-room, which would become uncomfortably warm when it was necessary to darken the room.

A cricket club is proposed. Of all the methods of open air exercise and sport, this is one of the best, if not the best, and should receive all proper encouragement.



estern Yearly Meeting assembled at Plainfield, Ind., on the 18th of Ninth month, the meeting of ministry and oversight convening on the preceding day. The prominent visitors included Mary J.Weaver, New York Yearly Meeting; John T. Dorland, Canada; Jeremiah and Jane M. Grinnell, Ohio; Evan C. Thornton, Anna M. Leonard, Printha C. Macy and Elizabeth M. Meek, from Indiana; Benjamin B. Hiatt, Mary E. Hiatt, Levi Gregory, William P. Sopher, Joseph and Sarah Ann Cosand, (on their way to Japan), Deborah J. Smith, Catharine M. Smith, from Iowa; Mary C. Thorn, Kansas: Evi Sharpless, from Jamaica, W. I. Islands; Elwood Scott, of Indiana; William P. Samms, Oregon; Benjamin P. Brown, N. Carolina; Timothy N. Smith, Iowa; Joseph Potts, N. Carolina ; Anna M. Votaw, Indiana; David J. Douglass, Maine; and Joseph Moore, from North Carolina. Hiram Hadley, of Bloomingdale, Ind., was reäppointed Clerk, and Simon Hadley and Isaac A. Woodward, assistants. On First-day, the 20th, the attendance was large. By 10 o'clock nearly 10,000 persons had assembled. Three meetings were simultaneously held, one in the house, and two on the lawn. Each had about 2500.

The report of Bible schools in Western Yearly Meeting showed the following figures: Schools, whole number, 83-taught from 3 to 12 months; number enrolled, 7090; average attendance, 3739; number of Friends attending, 4829; not attending, 4203; too young for admission, 697; too old and infirm, 812; remote from meeting, 1158; number of Union Schools, 28. Amount of money raised, $1436.27; last year, $1293.78; gain, $142.49. Papers distributed, 3547; last year, 3950; less than last year, 403.

A correspondent of Friends' Review, signing himself "X," and dating his letter, "Philadelphia, Ninth month 19th," says: "Returning home, recently, from a somewhat extended Western tour, the writer remained over First-day in the city of Minneapolis, and attended the meeting held there in connection with the regular organization of Iowa Yearly Meeting. The meeting-house was well filled, about one hundred being present. Bibles and hymn-books were scattered profusely around, and a large clock hung in a conspicuous place, which afforded those present an opportunity of knowing the duration of the services, which commenced at half past ten o'clock; soon after which time a person ejaculated that we were dependent upon the Lord for any blessing which might be obtained from being present. After a moment's silence, a female commenced singing the hymn, "There is a fountain filled with blood," etc., which was joined in by most present, and occupied perhaps five or six minutes. At twenty minutes of eleven a man arose in the ministers' gallery (which is arranged with a narrow table in front of it to lay books on) and placing an open Bible before him, pro

ceeded to read a number of verses from the twentyseventh chapter of Acts, upon which he founded a discourse occupying just forty minutes in delivery, including the time spent in referring frequently to the Scriptures, which he continued to keep open on the place provided for them. He had hardly taken his seat when another hymn was sung, led by a man sitting in the ministers' gallery, who immediately afterwards delivered a discourse, chiefly made up of anecdotes. A man in the body of the meeting, who seemed under some exercise, quoted the passage, "What doest thou here, Elijah?" and referred to the Scripture declaration that the Lord was not found in the whirlwind or the fire, but in the still small voice; and remaining standing in silence for one or two minutes; closed with the sentiment that he hoped he might ever listen to the still small voice. Following this, another man in the ministers' gallery, who said he was a stranger, spoke at some length in a desultory and disconnected manner, when a third hymn was sung. The person who delivered the long discourse then rose again, and said that it was usual on the "first Sabbath" in the month to take up a collection, and that as funds were wanted for the mission in Jamaica, and Friends were about starting for the yearly meeting, he hoped those present would be liberal. Hats were then passed around, into which the attenders placed their contributions. The same person above referred to then offered prayer and a benediction whilst standing, and the meeting closed immediately. . . . After meeting we were informed by a member that the person who occupied most of the time was the 'regular minister,' and that whilst he did not receive a stipulated salary, the members contributed to his support. It was subsequently learned from another source that he gives his whole time to the position of minister, and hence it was claimed that he was entitled to a maintenance." Friends' Review refers to the suggestion of Lawrie Tatum that, under the recent minute of Iowa Yearly Meeting on the "ordinances," the certificates of ministers from other Yearly Meetings, when “ clear," may be received and honored, they being only called in question when they violate the ruling of Iowa Yearly Meeting within its limits,-and adds the following editorial remarks:

This would seem to contradict the intent and meaning of the clause above mentioned as added to the Discipline, at least when the teaching and practice of a minister have been open and well-known. To refuse to accept and honor the credentials of a minister passing from one Yearly Meeting to another is a very serious thing. A strong presumption always exists against such an action; and no doubtful or slight occasion should ever be allowed to suffice for it. But the declarations brought out in the different Yearly Meetings during the last few months have been induced, and are justified, by an occasion which is neither slight nor doubtful. More than anything else in the history of our denomination since the schism of 1827-28, the unhappy agitation concerning ordinances threatens the unity of the Society of Friends in this country.

Whosoever is sensible of his own faults carps not at another's failings.-Persian.

From The American, Tenth month 3. THE WOODS IN EARLY AUTUMN.

THE present summer has been an exceptional one,

and the effects of the vagaries of the climate are very clearly visible on the vegetation. A cold and late spring, accompanied by a diminished rainfall, caused the trees to delay their foliage until it was almost summer, and made spring flowers few and backward beyond the experience of fifteen years. In the woods the carpet of leaves remained unrotted until midsummer, and in many places the undergrowth of herbs scarce overgrew it. Then came a short hot summer-very short-followed by rain and comparatively cool weather.

Never was September foliage more brightly green than it is this year. Instead of the dull, baked-up, shriveled leaves which the August and September heats usually produce, the grass of the meadows and the leaves of the trees are alike green as in early spring, save where the first tints of autumn have commenced to glow upon tulips, dogwoods and beeches. The sumachs are reddening their leaflets for the autumnal display, the Virginia creeper bears leaves of every tinge from bright green to deep brown red, beeches and tulips are yellowing, and the chestnuts are commencing to change. These tints of early autumn, when green leaves are edged with red, when the lines of spring and those of autumn are mingled on the same tree, are more beautiful because more delicate than the dark reds and browns of the later fall, when the green has fled into the next year. One of the most conspicuous bushes now from its bright red berries, as in Spring from the broad white bracts of its flower-bunches, is the flowering dogwood common in the open woods. Under the trees there is little growth, the asters and golden-rods, the hawkweeds and tickclovers, the Lespedezas and Gerardias, are far less rank than usual, and there seems a something wanting a lack of the flower-display usual at this season. Even in the glades and meadows around the woods there is the same comparative absence of flowers. It is only in favored spots that the blaze of ironweed and aster mingles with the purple of the tall Joe-pye weed and the gold of other compositæ. Yet the usual flowers, together with the usual weeds, if we may dare to call by this name plants which bear inconspicuous flowers, and which are in disfavor among men, can be found if they are looked for. Among the brighter flowers, besides the white aster, three or four purple asters, and some of intermediate tints, and besides the various golden-rods which to the untrained eye seem all alike, there is the tall evening primrose or Enothera, the moth mullein, and in swampy places the white turtle-head (Chilone) and more rarely the great blue lobelia and its more showy sister, Lobelia cardinalis. In the dry woods grow the cut-leaved Gerardia with its large, bright, yellow, foxglove-like blossoms, and the slender-leaved purple Gerardia (Gerardia tenuifolia), with beside them may be found the purple flowerets of the sweetscented dittany.

At this season, whether flowers be few or many, the compositæ are most prominent, and next in or

der are the figwort and mint tribes, and the Leguminosa. To the Scrophulariaceæ, or figworts, belong the turtle-head before mentioned, the blue monkeyflower, the mulleins, and the yellow toad-flax which has followed the English race across the ocean; to the Labiatæ, or mint tribe, appertain three kinds of mint which may be gathered by the brook, dittany, American penny-royal, the two kinds of water-horehound, blue curls (Trichostemma), catnip, wild marjoram and the mountain mints or Pycnanthemums, as well as the wild bergamots, the giant hyssop, the horse-balm, the mad-dog skull-cap (Scutellaria lateriflora,) and selfheal, or Brunella. Very pretty is the blue and rather large lipped flower of Trichostemma, and very sweetly scented are the mints and mountain-mints, but the horse-balm (Collinsonia), though its broad leaves and yellow spikes are conspicuous in the woods, is far from attractive because of its very coarse scent. Though some of the mountain mints are true to their name, others grow in the marshes and by brooks, while the marjoram, an introduction from Europe, affects dry banks and hills, where its masses of sweetscented purple flowers are sometimes conspicuous.

Most of the other flowers which have been mentioned are compositæ, as are the blue chicory, the ragweeds, fireweed, the wild lettuce, rattlesnake root, everlastings, burr-marigolds, wild sun-flowers, and many other plants which flower in early fall. The ragweeds are the most ragged of weeds, with flowers that are so small and unattractive that they can scarcely be recognized as flowers, yet each of these tiny blossoms is made up of several florets. They are ubiquitous in the fields and common in the woods, they cover with yellow pollen the person of the passer-by, they are to the farmer the most vile and useless of encroaching weeds—yet no one mows them down, or in any way hinders them from seeding freely. The same is the case with the horse-weed (Erigeron canadense) a tall and excessively plain composite with small whitish flowers. The chicory, not common in England whence it came, finds around Philadelphia a congenial soil, and usurps the place of the grasses to a great extent, excused therefor in part by the beauty of its blue and sometimes white flowers. A rather common weed is the poisonous Lobelia inflata or Indian tobacco. The structure of the small blue flowers of this species is exactly like that of the large flowered Lobelias, that is to say, the petals are united, but the corolla is split to the base on one side, and the five stamens are united into a tube. It is a coarse plant, with ovate-lanceolate toothed leaves, and bears its seeds in inflated egg-shaped pods larger than the flowers. Though it is not poisonous without contact, as is the poison ivy, its juice is so acrid that if the hand which has touched it be carried to the mouth, a burning sensation is produced.

Turning over the bushes the weak vines of the one-seeded wild cucumber may be seen. It has rough stems and rougher leaves, slender tendrils, and pale yellowish flowers, and bears, instead of gourds, bunches of one-seeded pods, about twelve in a bunch, beset with slender prickles.

It will not be long ere the chestnuts will be ripe. Already the prickly burrs, forced off by the wind, lie

scattered upon the ground, each with two or three seeds, the coverings of which are as yet white. W. N. LOCKINGTON.


Boston correspondence Christian Union.

HAVE been through the streets of Boston by day and by night, with the view of studying the forces of good and of evil that are working side by side. I will not give statistics or mention localities. Without under-valuing the work that is doing by the churches, by revivalists, by reforms, by charities, and all kinds of helps, it is evident that Christianity has to push back its life to the fountain if it shall save the cities. I rejoice in all that the "fresh-air fund" is doing, and that the "country week" is doing. T take poor children for one day into country air and sunshine scenes is a blessed work. To take them for a week is seven times more blessed. But to what do they return? Look at this mass of children, even little babies, steaming in close and heated rooms, like pigs in a sty, the offspring of disease, lust, criminality, rivers of foul blood running in their veins, and see what chance the preacher, the teacher, the revivalist has of snatching them, one by one, as brands from the burning, to make them good men and women and good citizens! Allow the saloon and the brothel to be breeding-places, and then send round belated your Gospel to try to have them born again! As wise, as philosophic, as scientific as it would be to institute hospitals to treat small-pox patients, at the same time allowing the disease to perpetuate itself continually by infection and contagion! If Christianity shall save the cities, it has as its problem the breaking up of mere human breeding-places in the slums, and the substitution of the family, in its purity and integrity, as the outpopulating source of society. This miscellaneous herding, this social contagion and infection, must be prevented. To send down to them tracts and Bibles and missionaries is no more adequate as the solution of the social problem than it would be to paste Paul's teachings upon the tombstones, expecting thereby to insure the resurrection of the dead. What Boston has to do, if it will save itself from corruption, is to make it impossible for people to live as they now do. It is a gigantic task. But in a decade, if the churches, the philanthropists, the legislators, should unite their forces, as in a life-and-death struggle, the population might be distributed, and the system of tenement-houses abolished, so that the family should indeed be the social unit. Physical environment and the atmosphere of domestic affection would then start society upwards by heredity and the laws of development.

Pride opposes itself to the observance of the divine law in two ways,-either by brute resistance, which is the way of the rabble and its leader, denying or defying law altogether, or by formal compliance, which is the way of the Pharisee. Any law which we magnify and keep through pride is always the law of the letter, but that which we love and keep through humility is the law of the spirit. And the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.-Ruskin.


IN Africa the bees have a very hard time; for there man has a sharp-eyed, active little friend to help him find their carefully hidden honey. This little friend is a bird,—a rascally, shiftless fellow, that not only fails to build a home for its little ones, but even goes so far as to make other birds have all the trouble and worry of bringing up and feeding them. Like the cuckoo, it puts its eggs in the nests of other birds.

The "honey-guide," as it is called, is exceedingly fond of honey; or, if it cannot have that, is very well satisfied with young bees. It is only about the size of a lark, and so is not specially fitted for encountering a swarm of bees fighting in defense of their home. Once in a while, it tries to rob a nest, but it is usually well punished for doing so. The little bees seem to know that their stings can not injure the feathercovered body of the bird, and accordingly they direct their attacks at the eyes of the robber; and if the bird does not escape in time, it will be blinded, and so perish of starvation.

However, the honey-guide is seldom so foolish as to run any such risk. It prefers to have some one else steal the honey, and is content with a small portion for its share.

When it has found a nest, it darts away in search of a man. As soon as it sees one, it hovers over him, flies about his head, perches near him, or flutters here and there in front of him, all the time chattering vigorously. The native knows in a moment what the little bird means; and as he loves honey as a child does candy, only something that is very important will prevent his accepting the honey-guide's invitation. When he is ready to follow, he whistles; and the bird seems to understand the signal, for it at once flies on, for a short distance, and waits till the man is near, and then flies on a few yards farther. In this way the bird leads the man until the nest is reached. Then it suddenly changes its twitter for a peculiar note, and either hovers over the nest for a moment, or complacently sits down and lets the man find the nest the best he can.

When it is found, the bees are smoked out with a torch or with a fire of leaves, according to the height of the nest from the ground. A small portion of the honey is given to the bird as its share of the plunder. If the little fellow has had honey enough it disappears; but if, as is usually the case, it receives only enough to whet its appetite, it will lead to another nest, and sometimes even to a third.- From St. Nicholas for October.

It is only when one is thoroughly true that there can be purity and freedom. Falsehood always avenges itself. — Auerbach.

The religion of some people is constrained. They are like people who use the cold bath, not for pleasure, but necessity and their health: they go in with reluctance, and are glad when they get out. But religion to a true believer is like water to a fish: it is his element; he lives in it, and he could not live out of it.-Newton.


-An ocean steamer lately took out to New Zealand a consignment of "bumble bees." At present clover does not "seed" in that country, because there are no bumble bees to fertilize the flowers. The importer hopes that the bumble bees will save him $5000 a year in clover seed.

-The popularity of Southern California as a sanitarium is such that there are over 200 cottages worth from $600 to $2,500 apiece, in course of construction in Los Angeles and suburbs.

-A number of bas-reliefs representing allegorical figures, supposed to be of the twelfth century, have been discovered at Paris in the course of excavations made at the Ecole de Médecine. The stones bear Latin inscriptions, and are believed to have belonged to the chapel of the Cordeliers.

-Germany has two hospitals specially devoted to victims of the habit of morphine injections.

-Wind nomenclature, says the Boston Transcript, is thus given and defined by a scientific authority:

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Tornado, moving buildings, etc.,

-The State Board of Health of Massachusetts continues to follow up the use of arsenic in manufactures under all its disguises. They still find the poison in dangerous proportions in papers of various colors, particularly in the glazed papers of fancy boxes, cornucopias, confectionery-boxes, etc., concert tickets and playing-cards, and in children's toys and articles of clothing. "German fly-paper" is soaked in arsenite of sodium, and is dangerous in more ways than one. The "Buffalo Carpet Moth Annihilator" contains 6.726 per cent. of crystals of white arsenic and "Rough on Rats" contains white arsenic crystals. - Popular Science Monthly.

-During the first six months of this year 24,000,000 pounds of green fruit were shipped from California, as against 12,000,000 pounds during the whole year of 1884.

-The Russian Geographical Society is said by the St. Petersburg journals to contemplate sending a scientific expedition to the Amour for the purpose of studying the surrounding region with regard to its geographical, historical and commercial features, as well as its mineral resources.

-On the President's return from the Adirondacks he found awaiting him the following letter from Helen Hunt Jackson, dated August 8:

"From my death-bed I send you message of heartfelt thanks for what you have already done for the Indians. I ask you to read my 'Century of Dishonor.' I am dying happier for the belief I have that it is your hand that is destined to strike the first steady blow toward lifting this burden of infamy from our country, and righting the wrongs of the Indian race. With respect and gratitude.”

-The Conseil Municipal of Paris has passed a resolution that all the statues in the squares and public gardens


shall be furnished with inscriptions indicating the subject represented.

-A London dispatch on the 1st inst. says: The Earl of Shaftesbury died to-day at the age of eighty-four. He succeeded to his father's name and estate in 1851. Before that he had served in Parliament, his whole term in both houses being fifty-six years. He achieved distinction by his devotion to social, industrial, and intellectual reform movements, and was comparatively indifferent to politics as such. He agitated for laws reducing the hours of labor to ten ; improving workshops, factories, and lodging-houses; relating to the care of children, and affecting the sanitary and moral condition of the humbler classes. He had been President of the Ragged School Union from its formation in 1844 until his death.

-Information has been received from Montreal, Canada, that "As an outcome of the slumming crusade of the aristocracy in London, a committee was named for the purpose of assisting members of the lowest classes of the metropolis to emigrate to Canada. In addition to this fifty families were given a hundred pounds each by Lady Burdett Coutts for the same purpose. From a report made by the Rev. Mr. Ketoe, who has just returned from visiting them in Manitoba, the venture has been entirely successful. The immigrants are all doing well, paying the interest on the money advanced to them, and are perfectly satisfied with their lot. He returns to England for the purpose of sending over some more from the slums of London."

-A recent dispatch from El Paso, Texas says: “Fruit dealers from the large seaport cities of the United States are traveling over Vera Cruz and other southern States of Mexico. The country is well supplied with native fruit, but this is the first year that an organized effort has been made to place it on foreign markets in competition with tropical fruits of other countries."

-Speaking before the social Science Congress at Manchester, Dr. Norman Kerr said that 120,000 persons died every year in Great Britain and Ireland from intemperance, 40,500 dying from their own excess and 79,500 from the indirect consequence of the excess of others. Dr. Kerr reviewed the fortieth report of the registrar-general with reference to deaths from alcholism, and suggested that the Social Science Association should ask confidential returns from 500 medical men in different parts of the country, with a view of arriving at an approximation of the truth. It was significant that gout was more fatal now than it was ten years ago, and that Italy, a most temperate nation, had only 240 to the million of violent deaths per year; while England, an intemperate nation, had no less than 757 to the million.

-Paper bedclothes are made at a factory in New Jersey. They are doubled sheets of manilla paper, strengthened with twine, and valuable by reason of the peculiar properties of paper as a non-conductor of heat. They have a warmth-preserving power far out of proportion to their thickness and weight.-Popular Science Monthly.


A PRESBYTERIAN minister, of this city, Rev. Mangasar M. Mangasarian, resigned his charge-the Spring Garden Presbyterian church-on the 5th instant, having preached a sermon the previous day, in which he announced his inability to further subscribe to Calvinistic views. Under the creed of the Presbyterian church, he said, he could see no reason to preach the Gospel, for that creed told him that under the eternal law of predestination nothing can change the number of souls ransomed.

THE deaths in this city, last week, numbercd 334, of which 49 were by consumption, 11 by diphtheria, 7 by typhoid fever.

IN the Court at Salt Lake City, on the 5th, Isaac Grew, Alfred Best, David E. Davis, Charles Seal and Andrew W. Coley, convicted of polygamy, all refused to pledge themselves to obey the law in future, and were sentenced by Judge Zane to six months' imprisonment and $300 fine.

THE first snow fall of the season in the northwest occurred at East Tawas, Alpina and Cheyboygan, Michigan, on the night of the 4th instant. At the latter place a fierce storm raged, with the temperature below freezing. There was a light frost at Montgomery, Alabama, on the same night. At Ottawa, in Canada, snow fell on the 6th instant. It is reported that excessive rains in Northern Georgia, Alabama and West Tennessee have done great damage to the corn crop, causing the grain to rot in the husks. Considerable damage has also been done to cotton.

THE U. S. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Mr. Atkins, has left Washington for a tour of inspection of the various Indian reservations. Among other things he will make a personal investigation of affairs at the San Carlos Agency in New Mexico, with reference to the Geronimo outbreak.

RETURNS of the State census of Massachusetts, just taken, give Boston a population of 390,406-188,101 males and 204,305 females. The total shows a gain of 27,870 in five years.

IT has been directed by the Postmaster-General that the "special delivery" service, (which went into operation on the 1st inst.), shall not be performed on First-day.

George BANCROFT, the historian, celebrated his 85th birthday on the 3d inst. He received many testimonials from friends and telegrams from all sections of the country.

THE Board of Health of San Francisco has ordered a strict enforcement of quarantine against all vessels from Pacific and Mexican ports, owing to the prevalence of yellow, scarlet and typhoid fevers along the Mexican coast.

THE small-pox deaths at Montreal numbered 321 in the city proper, and 80 in the suburbs, last week. On First-day there were 66 deaths reported. Some cases of this disease are now reported in New York.

THE elections for members of the French Chamber of Deputies, (corresponding to our House of Representatives), took place on the 4th instant, (First-day), the result being that the Radicals and the Royalists have increased their strength at the expense of the Moderate Republicans.

THE relations between Ireland and England are becoming very strained. The Irish "Nationals," represented by C. S. Parnell, now make more explicitly than for a long time their demand for separation. Parnell made a very extreme speech at Wicklow, on the 5th.

THE dispute between Germany and Spain over the possession of Caroline Islands, in the South Pacific Ocean, has been referred to the Pope of Rome for arbitration.

THE outbreak in Roumelia, (Turkey), and the demand of the people for annexation to Bulgaria has caused serious diplomatic disturbances amongst all the countries having territory near, but there has been no armed outbreak as yet, and it seems probable that war will not result. Turkey is in a very enfeebled state, and the end of that country's existence in Europe appears near at hand. The reigning Sultan is said to be demented.

CHOLERA is slowly disappearing in Spain, but continues very bad in Sicily. The deaths by the disease at Palermo, on First-day, numbered 70.

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