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dust of the earth, and in putting on the garments more becoming the daughter of Zion. But if it is the will of God to have a Fox or a Joshua, or many of them, to lead on the peo

I knew I had no money to defray it, wherefore I said to the warden: Before thou sendest me to an inn, which may occasion some expense, I think it needful to acquaint thee that I have no money. At that the warden stared, and turn-ple, I believe he is now preparing them, for the ing quickly upon me said, 'How! no money! How can that be? you don't look like a man that has no money.' 'However I look,' said I, I tell thee the truth, that I have no money, and I tell it to forwarn thee that thou mayest not bring any charge upon the town.' I won der,' said he, what art you have got that you can travel without money; you can do more, I assure you, than I can.'

"I making no answer, he went on and said, 'Well, well! but if you have no money, you have a good horse under you, and we can distrain him for the charge. 'But,' said I, 'the horse is not mine! No! but you have a good coat on your back, and I hope that is your own.' 'But it is not,' said I, for I borrowed both the horse and the great coat.' With that the warden, holding up his hands, smiling, said, 'Bless me! I never met such a man as you are before! What! were you set out by the parish?' Then, turning to the constable, he said, Have him to The Greyhound, and bid the people be civil to him.' Accordingly to The Greyhound I was led, my horse put up, and I put into a Irge room, and some account given of me, I suppose, to the people of the house.

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"This was new work to me, and what the issue would be I could not forsee; but being left there alone I sat down, and retired in spirit to the Lord, in whom alone was my strength and safety; and of Him I begged support, even that He would be pleased to give me wisdom, and right words to answer the warden, when I should come to be examined before him again.

(To be continued.)


The numerous communications which have of late appeared in the Intelligencer concerning the spiritual well-being of our Society, have awakened many similar serious thoughts in my mind; aud I sincerely believe the sounding of these alarms (which are not to be regarded as idle tales), are the forerunners of a change for the better.

That the Society has not the zeal and spirituality of old, I must reluctantly confess; and I believe no reflecting mind will deny that the causes of this are the subject of many communications; but the remedy, and who shall apply it, seems to be more hidden, and therefore less spoken of. Now, I think if individuals would examine themselves, and each one find out the condition of his own soul, and how he stood before God-what advanced him, and what retarded him in the Divine life-and then acted accordingly, the Society would be but a short time in shaking herself from the

interest manifested in many places among the younger people is too plain to be disregarded; and this I cannot but view as the work of the spirit in preparing the coming generation for the rebuilding of the temple which has so nearly fallen down. And I think these valiant young people should receive more encouragement to prepare themselves fully, that they may go forth boldly in the work.

Beginning with Jesus Christ and his apostles up to the present time, we invariably find that reforms have been generally brought about through the instrumentality of young men called of God for the service, which has shown that it is not length of years, but faithfulness, which is required; and so I believe it is at this present time; and that from the North and the South, the East and the West, will arise those whom we will be glad to acknowledge as instruments of deliverance. Therefore I desire that we quench not the spirit in these young people, and that we despise not their youth nor their prophesyings, even though they sometimes slip with their tongues, though not from their heart; for such things as this all are liable tobut from them they can rise again.

Finally, I wish us not to be discouraged, nor look too much on the dark side, but rather encourage our brother, and excite ourselves to more ardent efforts in attaining the great end of our existence, in advancing the kingdom of heaven upon earth, and preparing for futurity. 10th month 20th, 1867.



Did a holy life consist of one or two noble deeds-some signal specimens of doing, or enduring, or suffering-we might account for the failure, and reckon it small dishonor to turn. back in such a conflict. But a boly life is made up of small things. It is the little things of the hour, and not the great things of the age, that fill up a life like that of Paul and John, like that of Rutherford, or Brainerd, or Martyn. Little words, not eloquent speeches or sermons; little deeds, not miracles, nor battles, nor one great heroic act of martyrdom, make up the true Christian life. The little constant sunbeam, not the lightning; the waters of Siloam, "that go softly" in their meek mission of refreshment, not the waters of torrent, noise and force, are the true symbols of a holy life.

The avoidance of little evils, little sins, little inconsistencies, little weaknesses, little follies, little indiscretions and imprudences, little foibles, little indulgences of self and of the flesh, little acts of indolence or indecision, of sloven

our esteem, would it not be better to give some article the use and sight of which would often bring the kindness of the donor to remembrance, instead of costly articles of show, the charge of which is a trouble and expense?

liness or cowardice, little equivocations or aber rations from high integrity, little touches of shabbiness and meanness, little exhibitions of worldliness and gayety, little indifferences to the feelings or wishes of others, little outbreaks of temper, or crossness, or selfishness, or vanity; And again, I would ask, Are there not more the avoidance of such little things as these goes suitable periods than the wedding day to give far to make up at least the negative beauty of these tokens of esteem? And is it consistent a holy life. And then attention to the little with our profession to make a museum and show duties of the day and hour in public tran- of the bridal presents, thereby destroying that sactions, or private dealings, or family arrange- delicacy and simplicity that ever attends the ments; to little words, and looks, and tones; generosity that springs from the heart? Why little self-denials, and self restraints, and self should any one desire to have his gifts heralded forgetfulness; little plans of quiet kindness and to the world, and made a common stock of gosthoughtful consideration for others; to punc- sip for the neighborhood? Does it not engentuality and method, and true aim, in the order- der a selfish expectation that the gifts made ing of each day-these are the active develop-will be returned by similar presents should like ments of a holy life, the rich and divine mosaics of which it is composed.

What makes yon green hill so beautiful? Not the outstanding peak or stately elm, but the bright sward which clothes its slopes, composed of innumerable blades of slender grass. It is of small things that a great life is made up; and he who will acknowledge no life as great save that which is built up of great things, will find little in Bible characters to admire or copy. -Dr. Bonar.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

Generosity is one of the finest feelings of human nature, and one that we should cultivate with most assiduous care. We should give attention not only to the time and manner, but to the method of giving, following the oftrepeated advice, recorded in the Scriptures, of not letting our right hand know what our left hand doeth. And we are advised to give freely, hoping and looking for nothing in return but inward reward and peace, that ever follows well doing. Those blessed with means often esteem it a luxury to give of the good things of this life to those who require them.

circumstances occur? And are not those who do not follow this fashion sometimes branded as niggardly and mean?

We would keep the spirit of generosity sacred,
and surround it by every safeguard of privacy
and simplicity, watching over our actions lest
the desire of praise and the esteem of men do
not prompt our doings; and not only the right
hand know, but the world may know and see
how kind and generous we are; and if so, where
will be our reward?
10th mo.. 1867.


FREEDOM OF Thought and EXPRESSION.The principle of love and unity is perhaps no less valued by us, than by some of our friends who have feared that the "Intelligencer" has been guilty of an impropriety in giving publicity to a variety of views upon the present condition of the Society of Friends. We believe that "Truth never loses ground by inquiry," and that we do not deviate from the A practice is prevalent among the opulent Christian path in regarding with brotherly and fashionable in this country, which has made kindness and charity the expression of a sininroads into our Society, of making costly pre-cere concern for the vital interests of the Sosents to those of their friends who are about to ciety, even though we may differ in sentiment with the writer, as to the causes of apparent deficiencies and the remedies proposed for their removal. We are increasingly impressed with the exalted character of the principles professed by Friends, and with the liberty and equality which they inspire; and we also believe, that a more faithful advocacy of them is essential to the growth of the spiritual body. There are

be married. I would not for one moment deter any one from any act of generosity, but I claim the consideration of all serious minds to the question, Are the ostentatious presentment and the succeeding public display of wedding presents in accordance with the simplicity of our profession? Is the gift made by the prompt ings of a noble and generous nature, or is it done through the tyranny of fashion, the kind feelings of our nature having nothing to do with it? Is it not probable that many of these bridal presents are given in accordance with different gifts and different labers apportioned custom when the giver can ill afford the ex-by the same spirit; and if a warning voice be pense? If we wish to present some token of heard in another portion of the vineyard from

edge must lead to true happiness. I believe there are no intenser and purer joys given to those who feel that they have in some degree been set free from the narrow and limited views in which the bulk of mankind are enveloped, than the simple joy of existence and of life in the presence of the Almighty Father of all, and under the protecting shadow of his wing."

This seems to us to be the state of conversion and child-like trust alluded to as essential to be known, ere there can be an entrance into the heavenly kingdom, where there is but one language-that of love and of peace.

that in which we are engaged, is it not well to
heed it sufficiently to inquire what it portends?
Uniformity of opinion is too often regarded
as essential to Christian unity. Not only in the
varied castes of mind, but in the different
growths of spiritual experience, there is much
that calls for forbearance and charity. The
apostle was no doubt aware of a similar con-
dition in the church in his day when be said,
"We, then, that are strong, ought to bear the
infirmities of the weak, and not to please our-
selves." He also testified that "the kingdom
of God" is "righteousness and peace and joy
in the Holy Spirit." If humility is the cloth
ing of the mind, even those who may have at-
tained to the stature of manhood, may some-
times be instructed by the little child.
of the mouths of babes and sucklings Thou hast
perfected praise." Our views in relation to this
subject are so clearly expressed by "a country
correspondent" of the "British Friend" that
The Chief Justice said the questions in the
we make the following extract. In allusion to
the great diversity of sentiment which must case were so grave and important that he ad-
necessarily exist in a Society like ours, the au-journed the Court, in order to give the claimant
thor says that "the only class of writing which
feels to me as of a really doubtful tenderey,


is that which does not bear evidence of sin

cerity, or that which aims at producing effects
on the mind analagous to that of stimulants on
the body-what is called 'sensational,' in which
much must be included that is meant to be re-
ligious." "The free expression of sincere con-
viction in a calm and thoughtful spirit must be
productive of benefit both to author and reader,
independent of the soundness of the conclu.

sions arrived at.

"However much some may regret the tendencies of religious thought in the present day, the time is gone by when any successful attempt can be made to restrain its perfect liberty. I do not believe in forbidden knowledge. Man must be intended to use to the utmost all the powers that have been bestowed upon him. The farther he extends his researches in any direction, whether natural or spiritual, the more he will, if he learns aright, become humbled in the presence of the infinites around him, and he will be able to say with Isaiah, 'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are God's ways higher than man's ways, and God's thoughts than man's thoughts.' True knowl

The recent decision of a case in the United States Circuit Court in and for the district of

Maryland, by Chief Justice Chase, in relation to a colored girl named Elizabeth Turner, will be read with interest by those who regard liberty as the inalienable right of all men.

or any person interested in the decision of the did not employ counsel, but was willing the case an opportunity to appear. The claimant matter should be settled by the Court.

When it again convened, the Chief Justice delivered the following decision:

The petitioner in this case seeks relief from restraint and detention by Philemon T. Hambleton, of Talbot county, in Maryland, in alleged contravention of the constitution and laws of the United States. The facts as they appear from the return made by Mr. Hambleton to the Court, and by his verbal statement made in Court and admitted as part of the return, are substantially as follows:

The petitioner, Elizabeth Turner, a young the adoption of the Maryland Constitution of person of color, and her mother, were, prior to 1864, slaves of the respondent. That constitution went into operation November 1st, 1864, and prohibited slavery. Almost immediately thereafter many of the freed people of Talbot authority, the nature of which does not clearly county were collected together under some local appear, and the young persons were bound as apprentices, usually, if not always to their late masters.

Among others Elizabeth, the petitioner, was dated Nov. 3d, two days after the new Coustiapprenticed to Hambleton by an indenture tution went into operation. Upon comparing the terms of this indenture, which is claimed

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to have been executed under the law of Maryland relating to negro apprentices, with those required by the law of Maryland in indentures for white persons, the variance is manifest.

The petitioner under this indenture is not entitled to any education-a white apprentice must be taught reading, writing and arithmetic. The petitioner is liable to be assigned and transferred at the will of the master to any person in the same county-the white apprentice is not thus liable. The authority of the master over the petitioner is described in the law as a prop erty and interest; no such description is applied to authority over a white apprentice.

It is unnecessary to mention other particulars. Such is the case, and I regret that I have been obliged to consider it without the benefit of any argument in support of the claim of the respon. dent to the writ; but I have considered it with care, and an earnest desire to reach right conclusions. For the present, I shall restrict myself to a brief statement of these conclusions, without going into the grounds of them. The time does not allow more. The following propositions, then, seem to me to be sound law, and they decide the case:

First-The first clause of the thirteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States interdicts slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, and establishes freedom as the constitutional right of all persons in the United States.

Second-The alleged apprenticeship in the present case is involuntary servitude, within the meaning of these words in the amendment. Third-If this were otherwise, the indenture set forth in the return does not contain important provisions for the security and benefit of the apprentice, which are required by the laws of Maryland in indentures of white apprentices, and is therefore in contravention of that clause of the first section of the Civil Rights law, enacted by Congress on April 9th, 1866.

TON, of Mt. Kisco, to PHEBE F. HAVILAND, of Chappaqua, N. Y.

DIED, on the 7th of Tenth month, 1867, at the house of John Bedell, West Vienna, Oneida Co., N.Y., DEBORAH POWELL, aged 80 years. She was a worthy member of Verona Monthly Meeting. Ward, Philadelphia, PRISCILLA ROBERTS, n the 80th

on the 23d of Tenth month, 1867, in 23d

year of her age.

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at Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa, on the 16th of Tenth mo., 1867, MICHAEL H. JENKS, aged 72 years.

at the residence of Theodore Hibberd, on the 12th of Tenth month, 1867, LYDIA HUGHES, aged 73

years; a member of Pipe Creek Monthly and Particular Meetings.

on the 20th of Tenth month, 1867, at the

residence of her mother, in Philadelphia, Pa., JANE, daughter of Mary and the late John Hillborn, in her 43d year; a member of Byberry Monthly Meeting, Pa.


\Third-day evening, Eleventh mo. 5th, at 7 o'clock, Dr. J. Gibbons Hunt will exhibit the Stereopticon. Eleventh month 12th, John J. White will lecture.

For Friends' Intelligencer.

No. X.

The educational labors of “ Friends' Association for the Aid and Elevation of the Freedmen," for the present season have commenced, and, it must be confessed, under some discouragements. It is feared the idea is too prevalent that the time has arrived for the Freedmen to be selfsupporting; that, extreme physical suffering having ceased to exist, or, existing to only a limited extent, they should be able to take care of themselves; and that, being positively free, their education is but a secondary matter.

It may be well to say that the Association has done everything in its power to encourage this self-supporting idea, by the introduction of industrial pursuits wherever practicable; has taught them to aspire after it, and, in many instances, with marked success. But the many hindrances to the consummation of this desirable object must be kept in view; they have not yet passed through the transition state, with all their old habits clinging to them, and with outside surroundings tending to degrade rather

Fourth-This law having been enacted under the second clause of the thirteenth amendment, in the enforcement of the first clause of the amendment, is constitutional, and applies to all conditions prohibited yet, whether originat-than elevate; added to which is the fact that in ing in transactions before or since its enact

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many localities the old impositions and oppressions are even now but feebly checked by legal enactments, either only partially enforced, or set aside altogether.

Should the educational efforts of Northern Societies be abandoned at this particular crisis, what would be the condition of the Freedmen? Pitiable indeed! Not only would their igno. rance be taken advantage of, but they would be deprived of the influence the presence of their teachers has exercised on the community, and which has, doubtless, heretofore been a great protection to them. Just such "watchmen on the wall" their oppressors fear, and the value


of the numerous schools scattered over the Isition. with the blue heaven above me, and the
South by Friends and others may be partially free air around me, there was peace in my soul,
estimated, not only by the results which have and I felt strong and willing; and, though far
near. A spirit of prayer seemed also there,
been attained, but by the appreciation of the from friends and home, I felt that God was
Freedmen's Bureau of these efforts.
and it was to me a season of blessing."

Shall the closing of these schools be per
mittel? The verdict is in the hands of the
friends of the oppressed. They must be closed,
unless early substantial pecuniary aid is forth
now working
coming. Our Association is
on faith, having but one month's salary for our
teachers in the treasury. The want of means
has already compelled the closing of four
schools, but it is hoped the "Appeal" recently
forwarded to various Monthly and Preparative
Meetings will arouse Friends to the importance
of continuing this work with even renewed en-
ergy, and be followed by appropriate tangible
responses from every quarter. Let us not be

Our teachers now in the field, and their respective locations, are as follows:


She also narrates her deliverance from the
difficulties with which she was surrounded, and
remarks: "Enough is as good as a feast; and
surely it was true in this case. Oh! how good
our Heavenly Father is. The winds are tem-
pered to the shorn lamb. He makes the crooked
paths straight, the bitter sweet, and turns sor-
PHILADELPHIA, 10th month 21, 1867.
row into gladness."

J. M. E.

Since the above was prepared for publication,
the following has met the eye of the writer,
and it is herewith appended as confirmatory of
our idea that this is no time to abandon our
schools, and that it is vitally important to in-
crease rather than decrease their number.

From the report of T. K. Noble, superinten-

Catharine E Hill, Vienna, Fairfax County dent of freedmen's schools in Kentucky, we

Mary McBride, Fairfax C. H.,

Sarah M. Ely, Lewinsville,

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Frances E. Gauze, Herndon Station, "

Sarah E. Lloyd, Woodlawn,

Philena Heald, Falls' Church,
Mary K. Brosius, Manassas,
Sarah Ann Steer, Waterford, Loudon
Caroline Thomas, Leesburg,

Cornelia Hancock, Mount Pleasant.
Mary A. Taylor,
Esther Hawkes,

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gather the following facts: There are in the
State 37,000 children between the ages of six
In the month of June
and eighteen years.
there were 95 schools, and 122 teachers, and
5,921 pupils. Fifty buildings have been hired
County. by the bureau for school purposes, and eight

As these schools have only been in operation
this season from the 1st of the present month,
our usual statistics cannot be presented until
We have heard of the
some time next month.
safe arrival of two or three of the teachers at
their places of destination. A few extracts
from a letter received from Philena Heald
(whose location has been changed) may not be
out of place, as showing how thoroughly heart
and soul of some of these faithful laborers are
enlisted in this good work. The sweet spirit
of resignation, combined with a determination
to overcome every obstacle, that pervades the
letter throughout, is exceedingly gratifying and

After detailing her arrival at the dilapidated
station platform, with no one to meet or welcome
her, with "no sign of life, save one min of
rough exterior, in no way connected with the
railroad," who kindly answered her inquiries as
to what could be done towards conveying her
baggage to the village, she adds, "I thanked
hi kindly, and sat myself down on the steps,
as there was no choice of seats or rooms; and
as I sat in a strange country in that novel po-

new houses have been erected, and several oth-
ers are in progress, built mainly by the freed-
men, with some assistance from the bureau.
The report states:

"Gratifying as have been the results of the
labors of the year, the work of education is but
just begun. Five thousand children are in the
schools, but more than thirty thou-and are
growing up in utter ignorance. How this
multitude can be reached is a grave problem.
In the cities and larger towns, where there are
troops to protect the schools from violence, or
public sentiment tolerates their existence-
where the freedmen have churches which can
be used for school purposes, and are able to do
something for the support of the schools-the
problem is not difficult; but in the interior,
where hostility to the schools is virulent, where
the freedmen own no buildings suitable for
of every child is needed to keep the wolf from
school purposes, and where the incessant labor
the door, it is not easy to see how this great
The appropriations of the United States Gov-
problem of their education is to be solved.
ernment for this purpose is wholly inadequate.
. It is plain, therefore,
It amounts to less than 70 cents per annum for
each child.
that if these 30,000 children are to be instructed
and fitted for citizens, the expenses of their in-
struction must for the present be assumed by
the benevolence of the North. All the freed-

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