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Correspondence of the St. Louis Republican.


retreats and fastnesses, and it is impossible to wage war against them with any degree of success; but during the winter they are driven into Los Vegas, (N. M.) Dec. 1, 1849. the plains by the severe snows, and can readily THE Indian difficulties still continue in all be overhauled. Large parties of them go into quarters. The Eutaws, Navajos, Apaches and the buffalo country every fall, when the buffalo Jicorilles, are all at open hostilities, and unless are fat, and kill and dry their meat, which furthe general government takes prompt and ener-nishes most of their winter's subsistence. They getic measures to check them at once, will give infinite trouble. Most of these troubles have been brought about since the occupation of the country by American troops. The Mexicans, with their inherent cowardice, were accustomed to submit quietly to these depredators, and allow themselves to be plundered by these marauding bands, until the Indians have been taught to look upon it as their natural and legitimate right, and are loath to yield this lucrative and easy mode of obtaining a subsistence.

have been comparatively quiet for the last two months, and as soon as they are forced by the snow to abandon the mountains, they will again be suing for peace, and this amicable disposition will last just as long as the snow lies on the mountains.

The Apaches inhabit the country east of the Rio Grande and north of El Paso del Norte, but make frequent incursions west of the Rio Grande. They are always on the look-out for small parties on the famous "jornada del Muerto," or journey The Navajos, who inhabit the country west of of the dead man. They are not very brave, but the Rio Grande, number about seven thousand. have a just appreciation of Mexican valor, and They have been hostile for the last fifteen years, will attack a Mexican party with a much less disbut their hostility has occasionally been inter- proportion of numbers than they will a party of rupted by a short and treacherous peace. The Americans. Major Steen, 1st dragoons, cominhabitants of New Mexico have annually been manding at Dona Anna, has had several skirlaid under heavy contributions to replenish their mishes with them, in one of which he was dangerflocks and herds. They are more industrious and ously wounded, but he has measurably recovered. further advanced in civilization than any other They raise no grain whatever. The maguey Indians bordering on the country. They have no root, which has a sweetish and rather pleasant permanent habitations, but cultivate corn largely taste when roasted, forms an important item of and wheat to a small extent; make blankets from their diet. Wild game is very abundant in the the wool of their herds of sheep, some of which mountains they inhabit. are valuable and of rare beauty. Some of the The Apaches bordering on New Mexico do not fruits common to this climate are also cultivated number over five thousand.

The Jicorilles, a tribe of Apaches, inhabit the north-western frontier. Though numbering not over five hundred, they have very much annoyed the inhabitants of that frontier, as well as small parties on the route from Fort Leavenworth to Santa Fé. They are effeminate and cowardly men, never attacking or fighting unless they have the advantage. They make a rough earthenware and dress skins very neatly, and these are bartered

are supplied by the Mexican traders who go among them. These Indians have had several severe blows during the past summer and fall.

by them. But the great source of their wealth consists in their horses, goats and sheep, of which they have immense numbers, and which, to a considerable extent, have been stolen from the New Mexicans and Pueblo Indians. A single Navajo will frequently have fifteen or twenty thousand head of sheep and goats and five or six hundred horses. These horses are small, but of a superior quality, and will run for many hours without tiring. Col. Washington made a movement for blankets and ammunition, with which they against them last summer, and, in a skirmish killed the principal chief, but afterwards made a treaty of peace with them, with which they have failed to comply in every particular, and have Lieut. Burnside, with a detachment of “ Bragg's since committed more depredations than all the Battery," fell upon a party of them last August, rest of the Indians combined. Their chiefs have and cut down some thirty with the sabre, and but little influence and authority over them, and it took seven prisoners. But nine or ten of the will be a difficult matter ever to make a lasting entire party escaped. They were afterwards treaty with them until they have been soundly overhauled by Capt. Papin's company of volunwhipped. teers. Major Grier has just returned from an The Eutaws inhabit the north and north-expedition against them. In October, Mr. White, western frontier, and number between four and a merchant of El Paso, who was bringing out five thousand. They are brave, athletic, and his family, left his train, as the weather was warlike, subsisting entirely upon plunder and the becoming cold and disagreeable for Mrs. White game of the country. Their only articles for and child, and came on in advance, with a party traffic are their horses and dressed skins of buffa- of eight persons. loes, bear and deer. Their hostility is of but The Indians prepared an ambuscade some sixty recent date. They have been pretty roughly miles from Los Vegas, the first settlement, and dealt with, once or twice, by our troops. Dur-killed Mr. White and all the men of the party, ing the summer they stay in their mountain taking Mrs. White, child and negro servant,

From the best data that can be had of the tribes above mentioned, there are thirty-six thousand, many of whom are now, and all of whom there is a probability of becoming, hostile at any moment. It behooves the government then to provide against this contingency at once. Nothing can be done with any of them until they are thoroughly subdued.

prisoners. As soon as this was reported to the would have ensued, and how long can we expect commanding officer of the department, Major a peace thus obtained to last? Grier was ordered, with his own company and Capt. Valdez's company of volunteers, to proceed to rescue Mrs. White, if possible. Taking Kit Carson and Watkin Lerieux as guides, he proceeded at once to the scene of the outrage, thence to follow the trail. The Indians had taken every precaution to avoid pursuit. They travelled in every direction, one day going east and the next going west, encamping near where they had been the previous night. On leaving camp, they had moved off in small parties, diverging in many directions, and came together after getting some miles distant. Though seventeen days had elapsed, the indefatigable Kit Carson and Lerieux followed the trail with the precision and certainty of a bloodhound, coming on the camps night after night, notwithstanding their precaution. Major Grier finally came upon one of the camps, the fires of which were still burning, and, imagining that they had got news of his approach and were flying, he gave chase, and after running about sixteen miles he came upon them. They had again encamped, and were only apprized of his presence by some of their hunters a few minutes before he was on them. They had time, however, to mount their fleetest horses, and Major Grier's were so much If men are to be paid in proportion to the capacfatigued that the Indians could readily outrun ity which they bring to the tasks assigned them, them. Five or six were killed and three taken and to the diligence with which they exert their prisoners. In their flight they abandoned every-powers, the recommendation does credit to Genthing, and even threw their children away as they eral Totten's sense of equity. Mr. Wier, a paintran, so much were they pressed. Their lodges, horses, saddles, bridles, blankets, fire-arms, ammunition, provisions, dressed skins, in a word, everything except their own denuded persons and the horses on which they rode, was captured.

Fifty animals were packed with the most valuable things, the rest were burnt. When Major Grier got on the ground which had been occupied by the Indians, he found the body of Mrs. White transfixed with an arrow-lifeless, but still warm. She had evidently been put to death, and thus freed from her sufferings, at the time the alarm was given. She still had her Bible and prayer book, which had been her companions during her captivity. They were marked at various places where she had been reading. The child and negro girl were not seen or heard of, and they are doubtless with the Indians.

Major Grier had Mrs. White buried as decently as circumstances would admit, and that the Indians might not discover her resting place, and that her bones might lie undisturbed, he burnt grass over her grave and set fire to the prairie around it.

From the New York Evening Post. THE WEST POINT ACADEMY. In looking over the late report of Gen. Totten, chief engineer, we find an earnest recommendation that the professor of drawing at West Point should be placed upon the same footing, in respect to the compensation for his services, as the professors of engineering, mathematics, ethics, and chemistry. The report includes the professor of French in the same recommendation, and urges the laborious and responsible duties of these gentlemen, their great ability, long experience, and the zeal and industry with which they have exerted themselves in their stations, as sufficient reasons for the change.

er of great genius and distinction, accomplished by a long course of study and sedulous practice, at home and abroad, fills the place of professor of drawing. Should not such a man be as well paid as one who teaches the young man algebra and geometry? Should his wages be less than those of one who lectures to the pupils, from the class books, upon acids and alkalies, and instructs them to sort rocks and distinguish the strata of the earth?

Some years before Mr. Wier received his appointment, the artist Leslie was sent for, from London, and made teacher of drawing at West Point, with an understanding that he should receive the compensation and rank of professor. He did not wait for Congress to do anything in the matter, but, after a short residence, returned to England in disgust. There is no doubt that if he had remained, he would have been made a professor, with a professor's rank and pay. The friends of so renowned an artist would not have rested a moment, till he had been placed upon as high a footing in regard to consideration and compensation as the teacher of mathematics.

Besides the Indians above enumerated, there Mr. Wier, one of the most promising of our are the Camanches, Arapahoes and Cheyennes, young artists, took the place of Leslie, but Wier all bordering on New Mexico, and who may at was only an American; Wier had not, like Lesany time become hostile, for our peace with them lie, an European reputation, and nothing, therefore, has been purchased by a few thousand dollars' was done for him. After seven or eight years' worth of presents. Had Fitzpatrick-Indian toil in the institution, during which, he found time agent-not arrived last fall with these presents, to produce his great picture at Washington, and there is not the shadow of a doubt but hostilities various smaller works of exceeding beauty, he



was, about three years since, made, by act of | It is true that a certain number of assistant teachCongress, professor of drawing. When, how-ers—five, it is said—would be required, but these ever, he came to inquire into the matter, he found are always taken from the officers of the army, that this change of name brought with it no in- and cost the nation no more than if they remained crease of salary; he could not receive the pay of at the other military stations. a professor. He inquired further, and found that he did not even rank as professor; all the advan-ments should be made for the several states, on tage he gained from the law, was the privilege of calling himself professor, instead of teacher of drawing.

The law was a frivolous one, and we hope will be amended by giving Mr. Wier a station and a compensation, among the other instructors, proportioned to his talents and his labors.

There is another consideration in regard to the Institution at West Point, which we wish to lay before our readers.

It is suggested that these additional appoint

the nomination of the senators, without regard to congressional districts. The power of nomination ought not certainly to be conferred upon the representatives, who have already their share of this advantage, and who, as a matter of equity, ought to be willing to admit the senators to the same right they themselves possess.

If the nation is satisfied with the Military Academy at West Point, with the education its pupils receive, and with the services they have The growth of our population and the enlarge- rendered, we suppose no scruple will be felt in ment of our borders bring with it, as a matter of enlarging somewhat the number of those who are course, the occasion of giving a military education educated there. The existence in our country of to a greater number of our young men. The a class of men trained in a military school, inteleducation received at West Point differs consider-ligent in all that relates to the art of war, and ably from that obtained in our colleges; but in competent to organize and train a large body of various respects it is a very thorough one, and fits soldiers in the shortest space of time, is a circumthose who receive it for usefulness in various em- stance which, perhaps, more than any other, enaployments in which science is applied to the prac-bles us to dispense with a regular army. The tical purposes of life. West Point furnishes excellent engineers, able practical chemists, and for some reason, we do not know exactly what it may be, a considerable proportion of clergymen. It certainly, however, turns out annually a class of gallant, well trained young officers, for the American army.

The history of the war of Mexico, a war which drew them forth from the pursuits of civil life, is full of proofs of their bravery, their military skilltheir fitness in every respect for taking a prompt and efficient part in the hostilities in which their country may be engaged. It is one of the advantages of an education received at West Point, that it combines physical with mental training, and imparts to the character a certain manly hardihood.

The aumber of cadets at this Academy is now limited by the number of congressional districts within the confederacy. The cadets are appointed on the nomination of the representatives in Congress, with the exception of ten, who are nominated by the President of the United States. These ten appointments are intended for the sons of the officers in the land and naval service, who would otherwise, in respect to the Military Academy, be utterly disfranchised.

It is the opinion of many of our ablest military men, that the corps of cadets, for the purpose of instruction, might, with advantage, be largely increased. We are informed that an increase, equal to the number of senators in Congress, might be made without any further provision by law, either for professors or for quarters at West Point, and would give a much better sized battalion for instruction in tactics, and that this addition to the number of pupils would not furnish more than a sufficient number of yearly graduates for the army.

Board of West Point Visitors, it is said, were much inclined to make, in their late report, the very suggestion which we have been discussing.

Even with this addition to the number of its pupils, the annual expense of maintaining the West Point Military Academy would not be equivalent to the yearly cost of a ship of war.

From the Tribune. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. Washington, Monday, Jan. 29.

ONE of the most interesting visits in Washington is to the Supreme Court of the United States. The court room is in the northern wing of the capitol, on the ground floor. It is broken by pillars and arched walls, and is badly lighted. It is handsomely furnished with rich Wilton carpets, silken drapery, &c. The light is admitted from the rear windows alone, and the judges sit with their backs to the light; the counsel who address them can scarcely see their faces. At 11 o'clock they enter deliberately, all dressed in black and with gowns. After they are seated, the crier proclaims, " Oyez, oyez, oyez! the Supreme Court of the United States is now in session; all persons having business therein are admonished to draw near and give their attendance. God save the United States and these honorable judges!"

I will now attempt to describe the court; in the centre sits the chief-justice, Roger B. Taney, of Maryland. He is tall, sallow, thin, hard-featured, and careless in dress. His history is well known. As General Jackson's attorney-general, he had no hesitation in advising that the removal of the deposits from the Bank of the United States, by the president's order, was valid; and when Mr. Duane refused to remove the treasure, Mr. Taney took his place as secretary of the treasury, and gave the

He is nearly six feet in height, of round

As a rea

order required by the president. He stood very | labor. high at the bar of Maryland, and is unquestionably and compact form, well moulded features, a proma man of great power of intellect. His opinions are inent and bright eye, that, at a distance, appears terse, pointed, and luminous, not incumbered with dark, but on nearer view is seen to be a bluish unnecessary learning, but exceedingly logical and gray. He is strictly temperate in his habits, drinks convincing. He has great tenacity of purpose and nothing but cold water, and a great deal of that, strength of will, and, I may add, stubborn preju- and works with surpassing rapidity and earnestdices. The sincerity of his convictions no one ness. He has great talent for research, and his doubts. There is about him an unmistakable air opinions are crowded with its results. of intellect and authority, and he is a not unworthy soner he is cogent and accurate, but not concise, successor of John Marshall. He is a devout Roman and is apt to spend too much labor in proving what Catholic, and rigid in his observance of religious ought to be assumed as settled. His decisions forms and duties. would be the better for pruning and thinning, but On the right hand of the chief-justice sits Mr. the growth is deep-rooted and vigorous. He is a Justice McLean, of Ohio. This gentleman was very able judge. As a politician, he has always postmaster-general under Mr. Adams, and continued been a "democrat" and a supporter of southern so for a very short time under General Jackson, | rights—and no northern man could be more acceptwhen he was transferred to the bench of the Su- able to the "democracy" of the south as a presipreme Court. He is a well-dressed, dignified per- dential candidate. son, about six feet in height, exceedingly well- We will now look to the left of the chief-justice. formed, with fine teeth, a clear gray eye, lofty brow The first is Justice Wayne, from Georgia, formerly and forehead, thin hair but not gray, and in the a member of Congress from that state, and a very general outline of his features, the breadth of the warm personal and political friend of Secretary lower part of his face, and the general carriage of Forsyth. He is an exceedingly handsome manhis head, exceedingly like the statue of Washington about five feet ten inches high, of stout but graceful by Houghton in the capitol at Richmond. He is figure, ruddy complexion, fine teeth, and clustering, an upright and sensible man, with unquestionable wavy hair, now mingled with gray; very couradministrative talents, but not an accurate or pro-teous in manner, and with a tone of refinement in found lawyer. It is believed by some that he is not satisfied with his present position, but is desirous of obtaining a higher station. He is a member of the Methodist church, and is in high favor with that denomination.

Justice Catron, of Tennessee, is next to McLean. He is a stout, healthy man, respectable and solid in appearance, with a face and head more indicative of urbanity and benevolence than of intellect. With good sense, moderate learning, great benevolence of feeling and kindness of demeanor, he is universally regarded as a useful, unpretending, respectable judge.

Next to him we find Judge Daniel, of Virginia. He was nominated by Mr. Van Buren, shortly before the termination of that gentleman's presidency, principally on account of his political services and devotedness. He is tall, bony, angular, with high cheek-bones and dark complexion, and looks as if he had some Indian blood in his veins. His mind is narrow in its conceptions and limited in its investigations, and his style is crude and confused. But his learning is accurate, and his deductions are sound and clear. He often dissents from the majority of the court, and not unfrequently in favor of state rights. His attachment to these renders him a valuable member of the court. His amiability and honesty are universally conceded; lawyers say that his opinions, even when in the minority, are sound and correct.

Next to him, and on the extreme right, is the place of Senator Woodbury, of New Hampshire. He has long been a man of note. As governor and judge in his own state, and as senator and secretary of the treasury here, he has been distinguished for fidelity to his party, and for unwearied study and

his elocution and address that is very pleasing. He has cultivated the graces, and has aimed (it is said not without success) to be in favor with the ladies. He has an ingenious, copious mind-is fluent and rapid in expression, but lacks conciseness, lucid arrangement, and vigor. He is, however, by no means deficient in learning even of a technical character.

Next to him is Judge Nelson, a man of handsome features, bland and gentleman-like in expression, very courteous in manner, and dignified yet easy in deportment. He possesses much good sense, and is an excellent lawyer. His apprehension is not rapid, but he thinks clearly and reasons strongly. He is probably the best commercial lawyer on the bench, thanks to his New York education. Since his elevation to his present place he has shown an unusual degree of energy and industry, and is evidently working for a reputation. He is not suspected of ulterior political views, and his integrity and independence are not doubted.

Judge McKinley, of Alabama, is not here. He is in New Orleans, holding his circuit there, and principally with a view to attend to the trial of Mrs. Gaines' cases.

Judge Grier, of Pennsylvania, has a large, broad form, an expansive angular brow, blue eye, and looks like a strong-minded, sagacious German—such, I believe, is his descent. [More probably Scotch.Ed. Tribune.] His voice is very curious; he reads in a low, rapid, monotonous tone for some seconds, and then he will catch on a word, to spin round it as on a pivot, and start off to renew the same course. His opinions are unpretending and sensible, well expressed and concise. His position as a judge is hardly yet defined.

On the right of the judges, separated by a rail- Book authorized by the General Assembly, is, that ing, is the desk of the clerk, Mr. Carroll. He is the committee are composed, not of professed mua brother of Hon. Chas. H. Carroll, of Livingston sicians, but of men who represent the opinion of He is a model of what a of the value of correct music-of the true standard the people. County, New York. A great deal may be very truly said clerk should be neat, prompt, assiduous, and cour-of taste, &c.-but, after all, what we need looks teous, and is in every respect an honorable and to a higher standard than the laws of a science. accomplished gentleman. We need tunes which our congregations will sing; tunes, which, whether from association, or simplicity, or adaptation to the voice, or from whatever other cause, do actually induce them to sing. Music-book-makers and choirs take one ground; the people the other. The question is, who are to sing? If the choir alone, then let them determine the standard, choose the tunes, and perform them. But if our common-sense and our directory of worship sustain the people in their claim to be first considered, then let them be gratified, though musicians stop their ears in horror.

On the left-hand side we find the desk of Mr. Wallach, the youthful marshal of the district. He is very attentive to visitors of the court; takes care of the ladies who drop in, and provides them with seats, and is ever ready to extend kind attentions to all strangers.


The attorney-general has a separate desk in the court-room, and an adjoining office. Mr. Reverdy Johnson was foremost at the Baltimore bar, and ranks very high as a learned lawyer and able reaThere is a great deal of energy and inde-tend with. In one of the latest music-books (“ NaLook at this specimen of what we have to conpendence in his look and bearing and mode of tional Psalmist") the tune China is graciously respeaking. He is of good stature, erect and strong, stored to a place which has long been denied to it but powerful figure, strongly marked features, and in "popular" collections. If any of your readers with no softness of speech or manner. His style over forty years of age, know it not by name, they of reasoning is clear and strong, but diffuse. will at once remember it as the tune that belongs to

I will allude to but one other officer of the court -its oldest counsellor in attendance, and a most

able and distinguished lawyer-General Walter
Jones, the rival of Pinckney, and Wirt, and Web-
ster, and other leading counsel in past days. As
a common-law counsellor, he excelled them all in
depth and variety of learning. He has received
enormous fees in former times, and has had several
large legacies, but is now without fortune, and still
engaged in practice, although he must be more than
seventy years old. He speaks slowly and in a low
tone, but with great purity of diction and clearness
of thought. There is, however, a great want of
force in his manner, and few listen to him.
years ago a citizen of Ohio, after being in court
during an argument of General Jones, said to one
of his acquaintance that he had witnessed that day
the greatest curiosity which had ever met his ob-
servation; he had heard a man talk for two hours
in his sleep! The appearance and dress of this
distinguished and worthy gentleman are most pe-
culiar, but it would be hardly fair to describe them.
He is universally respected, and, by those who
know him, warmly beloved.

Why should we mourn departing friends ?—

a tune that always calls out an enthusiastic accompaniment from the mass of any congregation that are accustomed, or are permitted, to sing at all. This China reäppears in the Psalmist with this note, " A queer medley of a melody—a great favorite with many old persons." Now, granting that it is ever so queer, and that nobody likes it but tain is that the majority will sing such tunes with those who wear spectacles, what the people mainfervor, whilst the more perfect melodies which are substituted for them, and are the favorites of many young persons, are left to the choir-monopoly; even the young people will not help them.

This discussion does not involve a matter of mere form or custom; it is not a difference" 'twixt and more evident that our denominational and religtweedledum and tweedledee." It is becoming more ious interests are connected with the question, whether this part of the public worship shall be conducted by an orchestra, quartette, choir, or any other deputation, or by "the whole congregation." Let any minister look upon the countenances of an assembly where all have psalm-books in their hands, and use them, and then upon one where none, or only one here and there, venture to open their lips, and judge whether religion is not connected with Such are the men who compose this elevated this matter. The listless, heartless appearance of tribunal. As men and jurists they are respectable, a congregation who do not sing; or the attentive but not of the lofty and commanding character that appearance of one, when it is plain that they are will be expected in such a station. Every one of only captivated with the sound, and are giving no them has been selected for political reasonsheed to the words, is equally ominous of the ab-and sence of devotion. The disuse of the familiar, some of them certainly would never have been easy tunes is the great cause of the evil, and thouchosen by a popular vote. What absurdity char-sands will rejoice to find the report realized that our acterizes the assertions about the dangers of a pop-committee intend to restore all the good tunes of ular choice of judges? When did a governor of our fathers. a state, or a president, except Washington, nominate a judge on account of his professional ability? I know of no instance.

From the Presbyterian.


ONE of the reasons which lead our congregations to anticipate, with much satisfaction, the Tune


From the Presbyterian.


SOME of the alterations in good old psalms are shocking; and the evil is growing worse and worse. It is not true, as some contend, that it is always wrong to make amendments to hymns that have become familiar to the church. Some have been

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