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of his duty, or shall corruptly, or by threats or or force obstruct or impede, or endeavor to obstruct or impede the due administration of justice therein, every person or persons so offending shall be punished by fine, not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding twenty days.

SECTION 6. That Section 5586, of Chapter 3, Repealing Section 5593, of Chapter 4, Section 5609, Section 5612, and Section 5616, of Chapter 5, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be and the same are hereby repealed.

[blocks in formation]

AN ACT to amend Section 5640, of Chapter 9, Section 5644, of Chapter 10, Section 5681, of Chapter 13, and section 5705, of Chapter 15, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, and to repeal the sections amended.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

5640, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec.

SECTION 1. That Section 5640, of Chapter 9, Amending sec. of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same ap- 61, criminal pears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, bé amended to read as follows:


grain, fences,

Section 5640. If any person shall wilfully or Burning hay, maliciously commit any of the offenses enumerated etc. in the next preceding section, but the injury or damage therefrom shall be of a less value than

Amending sec. 5644, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec. 65, criminal code.

Killing and injuring domestic animals.

Amending sec. 5681, Consol.

97, criminal

thirty-five dollars ($35 00), every person so offending shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), nor less than five dollars ($5.00), or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the


SECTION 2. That Section 5644, of Chapter 10, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:

Section 5644. If any person or persons shall unlawfully and maliciously kill or destroy any horse, mare, foal, filly, mule, or ass, sheep, goat, cow, ox, steer, bull, heifer or swine, the property of another or others, of less value than thirty-five dollars ($35.00), or shall wilfully and maliciously injure any such animal or animals, the property of another or others, to an amount less than thirtyfive dollars ($35.00), such person or persons shall be fined in any sum not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), nor less than five dollars ($5.00), or imprisonment in the jail of the county not exceeding three months, at the discretion of the Court.

SECTION 3. Section 5681, Chapter 13, of the Stats., 1891; sec. Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:


Injuring railroad property.

Section 5681. Every person who shall wilfully' or maliciously commit any of the acts or offenses enumerated in the last two preceding sections, but the injury or damage therefrom shall be of a less value than thirty-five dollars ($35.00), every person so offending shall be fined in any sum not ex

ceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), nor less than five dollars ($5), or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the court.

5705, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec.

SECTION 4. Section 5705, of Chapter 15, of the Amending sec. Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in 120, criminal Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:



Section 5705. If any person shall conceal any stolen goods. stolen money, goods or chattels of any kind whatever, of less value than thirty-five dollars ($35.00), or shall conceal any bank bill or bills, promissory note or notes, bill of exchange, order, warrant, draft, check or bond, or any accountable receipt for money, given for the payment or acknowledgment of any sum under thirty-five dollars ($35.00), the person so concealing, knowing the same to have been stolen, shall be fined for every such offense in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00), or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days, at the discretion of the



SECTION 5. That Section 5640, of Chapter 9, Raneling Section 5644, of Chapter 10, Section 5681, of Chap-, ter 13, and Section 5705, of Chapter 15, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be and the same are hereby repealed.

Approved March 22d, 1893,

Amending sec. 5660, Consol. Stats., 1891; sec. 78, criminal code.

Wrongful taking of horse,


Amending sec.

5663, Consol.

Stats., 1891;

nal code.

[Senate File No. 227.]


AN ACT to amend Section 5660, and Section 5663, of Chapter 10,
Section 5666, Section 5670, and Section 5571, of Chapter 11;
Section 5696, and Section 5697, of Chapter 14; Section 5724, of
Chapter 16, and Section 5762, of Chapter 18, of the Criminal
Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated
Statutes of 1891, and to repeal said sections amended.

Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of

SECTION 1. That Section 5660, of Chapter 10, of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:

Section 5660. If any person shall wrongfully take any horse, mare, gelding, foal or filly, ass or mule from the stable, lot or pasture of another, or from a hitching rack, or any other place as aforesaid, having been lawfully placed, without consent of the owner, with intent to injure, set at large or wrongfully use the animal so taken, such person shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding three (3) months, and shall also be liable to the party injured in double the amount of damages sustained.

SECTION 2. That Section 5663, of Chapter 10, sec. 82, crimi- of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same appears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statues of 1891, be amended to read as follows:

Disturbing bees, etc.

Section 5663. Any person or persons who unlawfully enters the premises of another for the


[ocr errors]

pose of disturbing or carrying away any box, gum or vessel containing bees or honey, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or imprisoned in the jail of the county not exceeding sixty (60) days, and shall make restitution to the party injured in double the amount of damages sustained.

Amending sec.
Stats., 1891; sec.


SECTION 3. That Section 5666, of Chapter 11, 5666, Consol. of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same ap- 85, criminal pears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:


water fowl, etc.

Section 5666. It shall also be unlawful for any killing of person, at any time, by the aid or use of any swivel, punt gun, big gun (so called), or any other than the common shoulder gun; or by the aid or use of any punt boat, or sneak boat used for carrying such gun, to catch, kill, wound, or destroy, or to pursue after with intent to catch, kill, wound or destroy, upon any of the waters, bays, rivers, marshes, mud flats, or any cover to which wild fowl resort within the state of Nebraska, any wild goose, wood duck, teal, canvas-back, bluebill, or other wild duck, or to destroy or disturb the eggs of any of the birds above named; and any person offending against any of the provisions of this act shall be fined in any sum not less than two ($2) dollars, nor more than twenty ($20) dollars, for each offense, or be imprisoned in the county jail not more than twenty (20) days.

Stats., 1891; sec.

SECTION 4. That Section 5670, of Chapter 11, 5670, Consol of the Criminal Code of Nebraska, as the same ap- 876, criminal pears in Cobbey's Consolidated Statutes of 1891, be amended to read as follows:


Disturbing fish

Section 5670. It shall be unlawful for any per- hatchery, etc.

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