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On Saturday, April 28, this ceremony was performed by Mr. Alderman Midgley, of Halifax. The weather was most unfavourable, rain falling heavily all the time. The site of the new building, as stated in the May Magazine, is near the old one, now pulled down, namely, at the upper end of the village. The style of the new chapel will be a combination of Italian and Queen Anne. On the groundfloor there is to be a school to accommodate 400 scholars. At the rear, on the same floor, will be three class-rooms, and over these three more of similar size. All these, as well as the large assembly-room, will be well lighted. The front entrance gives access to both school and chapel. Two separate staircases lead to the latter place. Here accommodation will be provided for about 500 persons. There will be a gallery at the one end for the choir, and at the opposite end for the scholars. In front of the former will be the rostrum and communion. The entire length of the chapel will be 60 feet, and the width 42 feet.

The Revs. H. T. Marshall, G. Coates, and H. H. Guttridge took part in the ceremony, and the Rev. H. Piggin gave an address.

Miss Thomas, one of the oldest teachers in the school, presented to Mr. Alderman Midgley, on behalf of the trustees, a beautiful silver trowel, which bore the usual kind of inscription; and Mr. Edwin Marsland, one of the contractors, presented the mallet.

Mr. Alderman Midgley, after seeing that the stone was duly put in position, declared it laid, in the name of the Holy Trinity, and prayed that God's blessing might rest upon the undertaking of that day. In the course of some remarks Mr. Midgley said he had held positions of some importance and responsibility, and he trusted he had discharged those duties in such a

manner as to show that he reciprocated the kindness of those who placed him in those positions. But he could truly say that the offices he had held in the Christian Church would bear the best and most lasting reflection, and had produced the greatest satisfaction to his own mind. It was to the everlasting credit of this land that there was not a city, or town, or village, and scarcely a hamlet, that had not its place of worship. These chapels and churches might be compared to the hills-they were the very sources from which flowed streams of righteousness; and though civil and political life must be attended to-and he thought no greater mistake could be made than that Christian men should stand aloof from those duties-still, from these places of worship there was a constant stream of righteousness going forth, permeating social, civil, and religious life, and raising the country to that state of righteousness which alone exalteth a nation. Mr. Marsland had referred to the fathers passing away, and to the children who would be the future nation, and he had no doubt that if the departed ones could but be looking on they would approve of what was being done, even though they had demolished the old building. There were some who had shown by their connection with the place that they were trying to reciprocate the blessing received at the hands of those who were departed, and there were others who had gone astray and were lost to usefulness. Ingratitude was a great crime, and he was afraid that some who once attended that place had been ungrateful; but he trusted that they would think of their former days and restore that which belonged to the God of their fathers, who was their Master. There was not a numerous population, but he thought they all belonged to them, and he hoped they would all be gathered together, that the labours would be carried on, and that their sons and their daughters would be

trained to take a useful place in the world; in due time they would reap their reward.

After an interesting and appropriate address by the Rev. H. Piggin, chairman of the district, the collection was made, and amounted to £33 11s. 6d; including £20 given by Mr. Midgley.

Tea was provided in the Co-operative Hall, to which a large number sat down. After tea, Mr. Alderman Midgley presided. A report was read by Mr. Wm. Butterworth (the secretary), which stated that the new building would cost over £1000, exclusive of architect's fees and sundry other expenses. received from various sources was £644 13s. Of this amount £130 had been received from teachers and scholars in the Sunday-school; £267 8s. from others; total subscriptions, £397 88.; £40 had been received from the trust fund, and £30 from the school fund; £32 3s. 2d. from tea parties, and £27 148. 1d. from entertainments, &c.; collections, club processions, £7 0s. 4d.; rent from land, £6; interest from building society, £68 188. 3d.; collections at old scholars' tea party, and closing services, £35 9s. 2d. Purchase of land and a few other expenses had entailed a cost of £175, leaving nearly £500 actually in hand for the new chapel, besides the sum of £100 promised.

The total amount

The Chairman said that he should not be surprised to hear that they had the chapel out of debt soon after it was opened; there was present in that meeting an amount of promise that he seldom met with. Midgley was about the most active and energetic place in the circuit, and looking at that audience there was promise of more good results. He congratulated the people on the way in which they had entered into the work of that day. It was a blessed duty to have anything to do with a Christian Church.

Other addresses were given, and the meeting was a most enthusiastic one throughout. G. COATES.

LONDON FIRST CIRCUIT. Ir will doubtless be gratifying to the Sunday-school Committee to learn that the circulars they send throughout the Connexion from time to time are not altogether unheeded. The circular issued shortly after last Conference was read at our October Quarterly Meeting, and it led us to decide to hold a Circuit Sunday-school Con. ference on Saturday, December 2, 1882. When that date came round, a goodly number of teachers assembled to tea in our Kinglake-street School, and after tea we had an augmented number, representing every place in the Circuit. A most excellent paper was then read by our loyal friend, Mr. G. A. K. Hobill, who took for his motto,

"Love shall be the conqueror,

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And drive away the sin.' For its thoughtfulness, suggestiveness, and beauty of diction, Mr. Hobill's paper was highly praised by all who took part in the subsequent conversation.

So successful did this convention prove, that we decided to hold such gatherings quarterly. Because of the bazaar which has just been held, our arrangement was somewhat interfered with, but our second gathering took place on Saturday, March 31, when we had again a good representation from our various schools. The paper was read by Mr. Frank Shrubsall, the son of the superintendent of our Bruns. wick School, and who has been connected with the School and Church all his life. He dealt with the very important subject, "How to Retain our Scholars and Secure them for the Church of Christ." The discussion which followed was intensely practical, and led to practical results. The circuit ministers have already preached on several Sunday mornings sermons to the young, and it was arranged to have sermons to the young preached in all our chapels on the evening of Sunday, April 29, and to hold a Circuit Evangelistic Service for the young in

our Brunswick Chapel on the following Monday evening. A third Conference was also arranged for. These gather. ings have been seasons of special blessing and stimulus to our teachers, who go away from them with a deeper sense of their responsibility, and with firmer resolves to labour as under the Great Task-Master's eye.

ST. PAUL'S, LEICESTER. THE annual sale in aid of circuit funds took place on Easter-Monday and Tuesday. The efforts and skill of the ladies were rewarded by good success, the sum of £53 being raised, a gratifying increase upon previous years. The stalls were tastefully arranged and decorated, under the direction of Mr. G. Potter. The occasion was one of pleasant fellowship, as well as of much needed financial relief. The friends have done themselves great credit by the heartiness with which they have entered into this work. Willing personal service was rendered, liberal contributions of money or goods were made, and almost without exception the Church and congregation came up to support the sale.


ON Easter Tuesday, March 27, the foundation-stones of the Brown Memorial Church were laid at the above place. The friends here have long had it in their hearts to build a new church, the old sanctuary having served its day, and many people looked forward with joyful anticipation to the commencement of the new place of worship. A large company gathered from our own and adjacent circuits. A number of members, former friends and scholars, met at the present church at 2.30, and walked

in procession to the new site on the Walker New-road. The ceremony began at 3 o'clock. The stones were laid by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brown, two devoted friends of the St. Peter's Church for many years. The Rev. W. F. Newsam presented the trowel to Mrs. Brown. She, having laid the stone, uttered a few fitting words. Mr. Edward Watson then presented the trowel to Mr. Brown. He, like. wise, suitably performed the work allotted to him. The Rev. J. B. Armstrong, North Shields, gave an address touching upon our Connexional Polity and Church Work. The Revs. H. Hope and J. Simon also took part. The friends adjourned to the Board Schools, close at hand, to tea, which began at 4.30. In the evening a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Rowland Lambert, and addresses were delivered by Rev. R. Fanshawe, the ministers of the circuit, and other friends.

The old sanctuary was built fiftysix years ago. It has had a somewhat chequered history, but very many have loving memories of the old spot, and not a few earnest Christian workers of to-day were led to Christ within its walls.

Mr. J. J. Lish, the architect for Salem Church, has drawn the plans for this also. The building comprises church, and Sabbath-school underneath. It will cost, inclusive of land, about £1,300.

Towards this sum between £500 and £600 have been received or promised. We have likewise the old building for sale, and we confidently expect that by an active canvass, another bazaar, and the opening services, the debt will be so small on entering the new premises that the friends will not be burdened.


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THE town of Sheffield is not distinguished for its open spaces, broad streets, or imposing architecture. It is situated, however, in the most beautiful and romantic scenery, some parts of the neighbourhood having a quite Alpine aspect of rugged grandeur, and others the cultured beauty and fruitfulness of an Italian valley. John Ruskin has settled here, at immense cost, St. George's Museum alleging as his reasons, first, that the most beautiful and inspiring scenery in all England is within easy walking distance; and, second, that it is in the one county in England that is still capable of producing honest and thorough workmen. Many will demur to the latter statement, but none who know the neighbourhood can deny the truthfulness of the former. Sheffield is a very ancient town, having grown up on the site once occupied as a Roman station. Its commercial importance is owing to its manufacture of cutlery. It is the earliest known place where iron was smelted and worked, authentic record of this industry existing in the reign of Henry II. being still accessible. The manufacture of cutlery was introduced at an early date. The "thytel," or "whyttle," the Anglo-Saxon term for a little knife in a pocket or sheath, is immortalised by Chaucer, who says of one of his characters:

"A Sheffield thytel bare he in his hose." The work of the Sheffield artisan was supposed, until lately, to be especially unhealthy, almost deadly, and many Sheffield workmen died at a comparatively early age. Since the growth and spread of temperance, however, it has been discovered that it was not so much the work that killed the men as the drink. And though the stooping position of the grinder, and the sparks that fly about cannot contribute to his longevity, it is yet ascertained that his July, 1883.



work is not necessarily more unhealthy than that of operatives in many other manufacturing towns.

We have had an interest in Sheffield since 1797. In that year Alexander Kilham was appointed to Sheffield by the first Conference of the Methodist New Connexion that met in Ebenezer Chapel, Leeds. The first Conference held in Sheffield was in 1798, when W. Thom was elected President, and A. Kilham Secretary. The Conference has since met in Sheffield in 1802, 1809, 1818, 1830, 1842, 1855, 1870, and 1883. It is not necessary to give the membership for each of these years; the contrast between the first and last will suffice. In 1798 we had 5,037 members; in 1883, 29,299-an increase in eighty-six years of 24,262. When we add the numbers who during these years have died in the Lord, and the numbers who have passed beyond the boundaries of the Connexion, and transferred their energy and faith and example to other Churches, it will be seen that, apart from the secondary function of witnessing to the Scriptural authority of a liberal ecclesiastical government, our Connexion has fulfilled its primary duties as a soul-saving institution.

The recent Conference has been one of the happiest ever held. There has been considerable divergence of opinion on one topic, and considerable candour in expressing it, but in no case have the rules of charity been transgressed. An intense and ever-deepening spiritual feeling pervaded alike the public services and the business sessions; and all felt that they were being drawn nearer to God, and nearer to each other.

That the Sheffield friends received the representatives of the various circuits with profuse hospitality, and made bountiful provision for their comfort, goes without saying. The local committee was well-organised and well-officered, and arrangements were made with such exactness and detail, that representatives could hardly have missed their way if they had tried.

The public services of the first Sunday were very enjoyable. The pulpits of all the chapels in the three Sheffield circuits were supplied by members of Conference, as were also the pulpits of many other denominations, including Wesleyans, Free Church, Primitives, Baptist, Independent, and Presbyterian. Special interest attached to the services at Scotland-street (the mother Church) and Broomhill, but the centre of attraction was the Conference Chapel, South-street. This chapel has been built about fifty years, and the splendid position it occupies to-day shows the sagacity of the "fathers" who built it. The arrangement of many of the pews is capable of improvement, the square ones especially, with seats on each side, so constructed that the occupants face each other,

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