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mostly belonging to the professional classes certain instances, they were capable of becoming of society-classes wofully overstocked in Eng- modified to meet contingencies to which an aniland; the latter seldom know any language mal might be exposed, by which change the but their own-a language about as useful animal might he rendered capable of existing and appreciated here as Cochin-Chinese. and even thriving on a kind of food entirely of Only those who have wandered through Pat- an opposite character to that originally intended mos, who have watched the gates of the Lon-by nature for its support and nourishment, and don Docks at early morning when the chance Hunter fed a sea-gull (naturally a bird of prey) illustrating which Mr. Cooper mentioned, that laborers apply for work, who have sat in with grain, and after twelve months he destroyed night coffee-houses, and explored dark arches, the bird, and, upon examination, found that its can know what awful shifts some of these normally membranous stomach had become much poor refugees, friendless, foodless, houseless, thickened, and so changed in character, as to are often put to. resemble in appearance the gizzard of the graminivorous fowl rather than that of a carnivorous bird. Another striking instance of the periodiON ANIMAL cal modification of the digestive apparatus, was found by Hunter in the crop of the pigeon dur ing the period of incubation. This crop, which MR. BRANSBY BLAKE COOPER, in delivering at other times was similar to that of birds in lately an oration at the Royal College of Sur- general, during incubation assumes a glandular geons, in memory of the immortal genius, character, which enables it, in addition to its John Hunter, gave the following amusing il-ordinary function, to secrete a milky fluid, which lustrations of Hunter's peculiar views respect- is ejected and affords nourishment for its young ing the blood of animals: progeny, rendering the crop, in fact, a kind of mammary gland.



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CURIOUS CALCULATIONS.-To a person as highly intelligent and as thoroughly experienced as, notwithstanding her youth, Mrs. Fitzjames certainly was, in all the mysteries of love-making, the importance of a romantic country excursion was perfectly well understood. Had it been required of her, indeed, she would have been perfectly well able, also, to set down, in

Hunter had more clearly recognized the great importance of this fluid than any physiologist who had gone before him. His views with respect to the importance of the blood to the animal economy, led him to the belief that the blood was endowed with a life of its own, more or less independent of the vitality of the animal in which it circulated. The following experiments seemed to have been instituted with the view of establishing the fact, that the blood of a living animal could, even under the artificial stimulus induced by the introduction of the part of an-numerical proportion, the respective value, in other animal into itself by ingrafting, nourish and support it, so as to convert it into a part of itself. Hunter transplanted a human tooth to the comb of a cock, where it not only became fixed, but actually became part of the organic structure of the cock's comb; he proved this by injecting the cock's head, and on dissection (as the preparation on the table illustrated), the blood-vessels filled with the coloring matter of the injection were traced into the capillaries of the lining membrane of the cavity of the tooth. The most striking instance of this incorporation of a foreign organic body with a living tissue, was shown by the learned orator in another preparation made by the immortal Hunter, in which the spur of a cock had been removed from its leg and transplanted to its comb, where it not only continued to grow, but had acquired a far greater size than the spur ever acquired in its natural situation. The result of this experiment involved a very interesting physiological inquiry -how the capillaries, which were destined by nature merely to furnish blood fitted for the elaboration of the tissues of the comb, should, under the stimulus of necessity, to use Hunter's own expression, be rendered competent to eliminate the horny matter of the spur, even to the extent of an hypertrophied condition. The orator then took an elaborate review of the digestive organs of various animals, and found that, in

this line, of every occurrence likely to be produced by the accidents of human life. For example: supposing the sum-total of 1000 to be the amount required for the achievement of any given conquest, she would systematically have set down the relative value of every separate manœuvre somewhat in this wise: first sight, under all advantages of dress, 100; under disadvantage of ditto, but not presumed to be actually disfiguring, 50; morning occupation, with hands ungloved, and hair hanging in disorder (nicely arranged), 50; caught reading a newlyarrived review (if the chase be literary), 25; transcribing music, if he be musical, 150; a ball well-lighted, with a good reposing-room, 70; fancy-dress ditto, 160; caught singing an Ital ian bravura, or a French ballad, if you have a voice, and he has ears, 175; to be seen at early church, if he be a Puseyite, 77; at an evening lecture, if he be an Evangelical, 77; to be seen darning stockings, if he be a rich miser, 100; to be seen embroidering in gold and seed-pearls, if he be a poor elegant, 100; a picnic, everything being couleur de rose, 50; ditto, with a storm, 75; ditto, with a moon, and a little dancing after, 150; ditto, when matters are tolerably far advanced beforehand, 200. And so on, with an infinity of items, every one of which would have shown an admirable knowledge of the human heart. Uncle Walter, by Mrs. Trollope.

From the Flushing Journal.

Whiteplains was selected to act as the principal guide, accompanied by his cousin James Oakley and young Corsa. Below Milesquare the reconnoitring party formed a junction with a select body of American light-infantry who on the same morning had gone down to explore the ground on the right, and the two allied detachments then attacked and dispersed a strong patrol of Delancey's Refugees, and soon afterwards assaulted and drove across Kingsbridge, the Chasseurs that occupied the Hessian outposts; pursuing the fugitives till they came within musket-shot of Prince Charles' redoubt. This reconnoissance established in favor of Kilmaine and of the elder Berthier the latter of whom was afterwards

THE LAST OF THE WESTCHESTER GUIDES. On the evening of Sunday, the 21st of November last, at his residence in Fordham, Andrew Corsa departed this life at the age of nearly 91. He was born on the 24th day of January, 1762, where the Roman Catholic College of St. John now stands, on the farm occupied by his paternal ancestor, a native of Germany, who settled on the Manor of Fordham about the year 1690. Both his father and grandfather were natives of the same spot with himself. The latter was born in 1692, about the time of Governor Fletcher's arrival in the colony, after whom he was named Benjamin Fletcher. When the revolu- a Marshal of France under Napoleon, and tionary troubles commenced, Captain Isaac Prince of Wagram and Neufchâtel-reputa Corsa, the father of the subject of this notice, tions for partisan skill and intrepidity that led held a commission under the crown, and, like to their subsequent preferment. most persons similarly situated, espoused A few days later occurred the grand reconthe royal side throughout the great con- noissance which was made on the 22d and troversy. But parental authority was not 23d of July by the American and French sufficient to keep the young Andrew long commanders and engineers, supported by within the limits of the ancient allegiance, and 5,000 troops of the two nations, for the purabout the middle of the war, his strong in- pose of examining with precision the British clinations in favor of American independence posts on New York island between the Hudovercame every other consideration, and he son River and the Sound, and of cutting off, commenced an independent career by render- if possible, such of the enemy's corps as might ing important services to the guides and be found upon the main. Young Andrew scouting parties that approached the British Corsa's intelligence and exact knowledge of lines, whether for attack or observation. the country about the British lines were such Minutely acquainted with all the passes about that his services were again earnestly sought Kingsbridge, Fordham and Morrisania, and for upon this occasion; and during both these withal of a disposition sprightly, intelligent days he was constantly on horseback, riding and communicative, his services were anx- and conversing with Washington, Rochamiously sought for, when, in the summer of beau, Lauzun, and the other generals of the 1781, after the allied forces had been en- combined army, while they passed through the camped upon the heights of Greenburgh about fields of Morrisania, Fordham and Yonkers, two weeks, Washington and Rochambeau halting from time to time as they moved along made ready for a formidable movement, with for the purpose of enabling the engineers to a select portion of their army, towards the examine the grounds along Harlem river and lines of the enemy. Preparatory to this Spuytenduyvil creek. He used to relate that operation, Count Mathieu Dumas, the two when the allies, marching from the east near brothers Berthier, and several other young the Bronx, and passing over the high grounds officers belonging to the French staff, who around Morrisania house, came in sight of the had, for some days, been zealously engaged in enemy, the fire which the British artillery exploring the ground and roads and in sketch- opened upon them from the fortifications at ing maps of the country between the allied Randall's island and Snakehill, from the camp and Kingsbridge, were ordered by the batteries at Harlem and from the ships of war French commander to set out before day- at anchor in the river, was terrible and inlight, and to push their examinations till they cessant, and, obeying the instinct of selfcame within sight of the enemy's most ad- preservation, which became suddenly prevanced redoubts, at the northern extremity dominant-he urged his horse forward at full of New York island. To protect these youth-speed and rode for safety behind the old ful adventurers, a strong detachment of the Morrisania Mill. Here he pulled up and, looklancers of Lauzun was sent along under ing back, saw Washington, Rochambeau, and Lieutenant Kilmaine, a young Irishman in the French service, who some years afterwards became a general of division and enjoyed the reputation of being one of the best cavalry officers in Europe. The command of the whole party was bestowed upon Dumas, while the celebrated Cornelius Oakley of

the other officers riding along calmly under the fire as though nothing unusual had occurred. His self-possession now returned, and, ashamed at having given way to an impulse of fear, be at once pricked back with all the rapidity to which he could urge his horse, and resumed his place in the order of march; while the

commanding officers with good-natured peals of laughter, welcomed him back and commended his courage.

the age of fifteen to Mr. Latham, an apothecary, in the City Road; but his indentures were cancelled, in consequence of his master Mr. Corsa knew personally every individual falling into a state of mental incapacity. In of that celebrated band of volunteers called the 1821 Pereira became a pupil at the General "Westchester Guides," of whom he himself Dispensary in Aldersgate Street, where he was the last and youngest, and he was among attended the prelections of Dr. Clutterbuck the most confidential friends of the heroic on chemistry, materia medica, and the pracAbraham Dyckman, who fell prematurely at tice of physic; those of Dr. Birkbeck on natuthe close of the revolutionary contest. Pos- ral philosophy, and those of Dr. Lambe on sessed of a memory unusually retentive and botany. In the following year he entered to residing constantly upon the borders of the the surgical practice of St. Bartholomew's "neutral ground," he was acquainted with Hospital. While thus engaged, a vacancy all the distinguished partisans both from above occurred in the office of apothecary at the and below, and with nearly all the mili- Aldersgate Dispensary; and in order to qualify tary operations, whether great or small, that himself as a candidate it was necessary that occurred along this portion of the British he should at once proceed for examination to lines, and which, until within the last few Apothecaries' Hall. This he did on the 6th days of his life, he continued to describe in of March, 1823, and procured its license when minute detail. he was only eighteen years of age. In the same month he was appointed to the Dispensary, and we may date his illustrious career from that time. His salary was only 1207. per annum; and, with the view of increasing his income, he formed a class for private medical instruction, which he had but little diff culty in doing, as the lectures at the Dispensary were largely attended. His success in this undertaking was very great, and he thought it desirable to publish a few small books on the subjects in which he found his pupils most deficient. These were a translation of the "Pharmacopoeia" for 1824, with the chemical decompositions; the "Selecta è Prescriptis," a manual for the use of students; and a general Table of Atomic Numbers, with an Introduction to the Atomic Theory." These works were published in the course of the years 1824, 5, 6, and 7; they had a very extensive sale, and two of them are in existence at the present time.

Upon the conclusion of the revolutionary war, his father's lands, by a compulsory sale, passed out of the family, and, although without any means at the time, he did not hesitate to purchase, with money borrowed upon mortgage, a contiguous farm, which industry and good management enabled him, not many years after, to disencumber. Much engaged in the cultivation of fruit for the market, he was particularly successful with the apple and pear; discovering and introducing into use a new variety of the latter which bears his name, being known distinctively as the Corsian Vergaloo.

For many years he was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church at Fordham. His death was preceded by none of the diseases to which humanity is heir, and he ceased to exist only because he was worn out by toil and time. The machine which had been set in motion by its divine constructor, and which had gone on for more than fourscore years In the year 1825 he passed the College of and ten, "at last stood still," and the weary Surgeons, and in the year following he sucOccupant sought a better habitation. His ceeded Dr. Clutterbuck as a lecturer on chemmemory continued unimpaired until nearly istry. At that time he was only twenty the close of his existence. Among his sur- two years of age, but his appearance was vivors are eight children and numerous other commanding, and he therefore looked much descendants. Simple and patriarchal in his manners, a zealous, generous and useful friend, neighbor and citizen;-estimable and upright in all the relation of life; - Andrew Corsa deserves to be held in honorable remembrance.

JONATHAN PEREIRA, M. D., F. R. S. JAN. 20. Died at his residence in Finsburysquare, in his 49th year, Jonathan Pereira, Esq., M.D., F.R.S., and F.L.S. Physician to the London Hospital.

older. His first lecture was given to a large class of pupils and friends. It was eminently successful, and he received the warm congratulations of his numerous admirers. Then, as ever afterwards, he sought to dazzle by the novelty of his facts and the profusion of his illustrations. His lecture-table was covered with specimens, and, among other things, he exhibited the new element, bromine, which Bolard, of Montpellier, had just then discovered.

In the course of a year or two after that time, he began to collect the facts for his Dr. Pereira was born of humble parentage," Materia Medica." He saw that the whole in the parish of Shoreditch, on the 22d May, subject of pharmacology was involved in the 1804, and received his education at private greatest confusion, that its principles were schools in that vicinity. He was articled at misapprehended, and that its doctrines were

founded in absurdity and conjecture. From this chaos and darkness he determined to relieve it. Accordingly, he commenced a diligent search for all the facts of the science; he studied the ancient fathers of physic, and made himself master of the literature of his subject, from the earliest period of history; he collected the works of English writers, and he undertook the study of French and German, in order that he might read those of the Continent. At that time he devoted his whole energies to the subject, and worked for about sixteen hours a day. He was accustomed to rise at six in the morning, and to read, with but little interruption, until twelve at night. This he continued to do for several years; and had he not been possessed of an iron constitution, of great physical endurance, and of a most determined purpose, he would unquestionably have sunk under it. As it was, the closeness of his application occasioned several slight attacks of epilepsy, and a frequent determination of blood to the head. After a short time, he began to give lectures on materia medica, as well as on chemistry, at the Dispensary.

most completed, for a syllabus of the course was actually published; but, when it was notified to him that he would be required to give up his other appointments, he refused to relinquish his position at the London Hospital, at which institution he had experienced great kindness. He immediately afterwards, however, gave up the Aldersgate School.

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In 1842 he gave two short courses of lectures at the rooms of the Pharmaceutical Society, and in the year following he was appointed its first professor. During that year he published "A Treatise on Food and Diet," and was placed on the council of the Royal Society, of which he had been elected a Fellow in 1838. By that time, his practice as a physician had become rather extensive, and, as it was rapidly increasing, he determined to throw aside his more scientific pursuits. Accordingly, in 1844, he resigned a part of the course of chemistry at the London Hospital into the hands of Dr. Letheby; in 1845 he gave up a larger portion of it; and in 1846 be relinquished it altogether. He continued, however, to lecture on materia medica at both the hospital and the Pharmaceutical Society, In the year 1832 he married, resigned his and there is no reason for believing that he appointment in favor of his brother, and com- contemplated any change in this matter until menced practice as a surgeon in Aldersgate the new regulations of the Apothecaries' Street. In the year following he was elected Society transferred his course to the summer to the Chair of Chemistry in the London session. This arrangement interfered with his Hospital. For a period of six years he lec-usual habits, and also with his ideas of the tured both there and at the new Medical School importance of the subject, and consequently, in Aldersgate Street on three subjects in 1850, he resigned his lectureship at the namely, on Chemistry, Botany, and Materia hospital, though he still continued to deliver Medica; and during the whole of each winter a winter course at the Pharmaceutical Society. session he was accustomed to give two lectures In 1845, he was elected a Fellow of the Coldaily. His lectures on materia medica, which lege of Physicians, and in 1851 he became a extended over a period of two years, from 1835 full physician at the London Hospital. He to 1837, and amounted to 74 in number, had now reached the summit of his ambition; were published by his friend, Dr. Cummin, in his reputation as an author was established, the late Medical Gazette. There cannot be a and the rewards of industry were falling thick doubt that they greatly added to his reputa- about him. He was a fellow of many sciention; they were translated into the German, tific societies; he was in constant communiand republished in India. In 1839 he repro- cation with the learned of all countries; he duced them in another form, viz., in his was intimately connected with many of the "Elements on Materia Medica," and this greatest institutions of the metropolis, and work was so much appreciated that the was, in fact, their brightest ornament; he whole of the first part was bought up long had collected around him a large circle of before the second was ready for delivery. friends and admirers, and he saw before him A second edition was therefore immediately the prospect of wealth and happiness. In the called for, and it appeared in the year 1842. midst of all this, however, he was stricken Before this date, however - viz., in 1839 down, and that so suddenly, that he had he had been chosen examiner in Materia hardly time to take leave of those who were Medica in the University of London; and in about him. 1841 he had been elected assistant-physician to the London Hospital. He took his degree of M.D. at Erlangen in 1840, and he obtained his license at the College of Physicians directly afterwards. About the same time he was invited by some of the authorities of St. Bartholomew's Hospital to lecture at the medical school of that institution, and the arrangements for his so doing had been al

While referring, some six weeks before his death, to a specimen in the museum of the College of Surgeons, he had the misfortune, by a fall on the staircase, to rupture one of the extensor muscles of the thigh. Though unable to move about without assistance, he was scarcely affected in health by the accident, and it appeared to be comparatively of little moment; but on the night of Thursday the

20th Jan., upon being lifted into bed, the patient suddenly raised himself, exclaiming, "I have ruptured a vessel of the heart," and died in half an hour. His body was buried at the cemetery of Kensal Green, in the presence of a large number of his pupils.

A retrospect of the labors of this distinguished physician will show that he was a man of no ordinary capacity. He had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, an indefatigable spirit, unbounded industry, and a determination of purpose that was irresistible. Whatsoever he did he did well, and he therefore made his performances as valuable to others as they were creditable to himself. The great peculiarity of his works is, that he aimed more at bringing within our reach the treasures of other men's minds, than of exposing those of his own. He has, indeed, been charged with a want of originality, and, most certainly, if we estimate him by the value of his own independent researches, he is open to such a charge; but it must also be admitted that it is an equally useful element of the human mind, that faculty which urges men to gather up the scattered facts of science, and to mould them into a shape that may be made available to all.

Dr. Pereira was an early riser, of quick business habits, and remarkable for his promptness and rapidity of action. He manifested great willingness at all times to impart to others the knowledge he himself possessed; and he was in the habit of corresponding fully on subjects on which his opinions were solicited. The smallest favor that contributed to his researches was always gratefully acknowledged; and whether it proved to be insignificant or of value, the intention was alike prized. Dr. Pereira was reckoned by pharmacologists both at home and abroad to be preeminent in his science, and he was equally beloved by all. He was a man of large and powerful stature, and of pleasing expression of countenance.

Dr. Pereira was occupied in completing the third edition of his "Materia Medica" at the time of his decease. The first volume was published in 1849, and in 1850, owing to the length to which the work had already extended, the author determined upon publishing a portion only of the Second Volume, the remainder of which remains to be printed. It has been translated into German, and is universally allowed to be the best and most trustworthy book on medicinal substances that has been written.

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As flowers that bud and bloom before us,
Then droop in languor and decay,
As clouds that form their bright shapes o'er us,
Then speed their trackless course away,
As sparkling waves we watch advancing,
As sunlight o'er the waters glancing,
That melt in foam beneath our gaze,

That smiles, and then withdraws its rays
As summer insects, to their night-homes wending,
Sweep by us with a hum of melody,
As gentle showers on the earth descending,

Gem for a fleeting space each shrub and tree -
So pass away the gifts and joys of earth;
Frail as the rose, the cloud, the wave as fleeting,
We scarce can welcome happiness to birth,
Ere some sad note of change arrests the greeting.
The hopes we build, the friends we prize,
The visioned schemes our hearts delighting,
How do they vanish from our eyes!

The real our joyous fancies blighting.
The scenes we love Time marks with change,
And gladsome hours have no abiding,
And friends o'er land and ocean range,

The earth's wide space our lot dividing.

But shall we therefore shun the pleasant things And give to joy and gladness swifter wings, This else too barren wilderness adorning,

Shielding our hearts in cold and selfish warning?

No! for the memory of delights that leave us
Lingers -a welcome echo of the past.
No! for through all the myriad ills that grieve us
Hope struggles on, consoling to the last.
And through life's varied scenes and hours de-

Its mingled heritage of joy and pain,
One solace ever clings to the warm-hearted,
Affection can live on- and friends may meet


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