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less ornate and florid, and became gradually | Indian Empire. The year after his return, more and more remarkable for a perfect and Macaulay was elected for Edinburgh, and in exquisite simplicity. By his connexion with this journal, he gained the intimacy and friendship of Mr. Jeffrey (since Lord Jeffrey), the editor; an agreeable relationship, which subsisted as long as the latter lived.

the following year accepted office as Secretary at War. When the Whig ascendancy was broken up in 1841, he steadily and consistently supported his party in opposition. Some of his votes, however, gave offence to his constituents -a memorable one on the Maynooth grant especially—and at the general election of 1847, he lost his seat for the Scottish capital. He would have had little difficulty in getting returned for some one of the English boroughs, but he declined all solicitations, and refused to sit for any other place than the one which had rejected him. Time wears down many prejudices; and the honor that was then denied him, was last year restored, and that in a manner highly flattering to himself. It will be remembered that without canvassing, without even coming forward as a candidate, he was triumphantly returned for Edinburgh at the head of the poll. His four years' exclusion from public life are understood to have been industriously devoted to literary pursuits-mainly, we believe, to the preparation of his elaborate History of England from the Accession of James II. ; two volumes of which were published at the close of 1848, and have now reached their sixth edition; and two other volumes are expected to be forthcoming in the course of the present year. Of the merits of this work we shall have occasion to speak hereafter. Both

In 1831, Mr. Macaulay entered Parliament as member for Calne, a borough in the interest of Lord Lansdowne. He made his first speech in favor of the Reform Bill, and shortly came to be considered a prominent member of the Whig party. With this party he has been all along associated, and in his political disquisitions appears chiefly as its champion and philosophical representative. His eloquence and manifest capacity for the discussion of affairs gave him great popularity in the House, and won for him the respect and favor of the leaders in the ministry. He was not a frequent speaker, but when he did speak, it was generally on some important question, with all the bearings and particulars of which he had made himself intimately acquainted. Those who were in a position to appreciate his powers, spoke of him in the highest terms of eulogy. Jeffrey, writing to Lord Cockburn in 1833, observes: "Mac is a marvellous person. He made the very best speech that has been made this session on India, a few nights ago, to a house of less than fifty. The speaker, who is a severe judge, says he rather thinks it the best speech he ever heard." The men of the Whig admin- as a statesman and a writer, though in genistration must have entertained a somewhat eral a supporter of Whig principles, Mr. Macsimilar opinion; at any rate, they kept their aulay has sometimes been the advocate of a eyes upon him, and embraced an early oppor- more liberal national policy than that astunity for enlisting him in their service. In pired after by his party; and, upon the whole, 1834, after being elected for Leeds, he was it may be said, that he has used the influence appointed to the office of Secretary to the In- of his position in behalf of free opinion, comdia Board. The aptness for business and gen-mercial liberty, a more general extension of eral ability he manifested in this position, education among the people, and a better adcaused him shortly afterwards to be made a justment of those relations of ranks and member of the East India Company's Supreme Council at Calcutta ; an appointment for which he vacated his seat in Parliament, and proceeded forthwith to India. He was absent four years, returning to England in 1838. We now pass on to a consideration of Mr. During his stay in India, he largely extended Macaulay's writings, beginning with a notice his knowledge of its policy and affairs; so of his collected contributions to the Edinthat when writing subsequently on the careers burgh Review. These embrace an extensive of Clive and Warren Hastings, he showed range of subjects. They are scarcely separhimself accurately informed of all their per-able, according to the title, into Critical and sonal proceedings, and thoroughly conversant Historical Essays, for the critical are nearly with the whole range of circumstances con- all partially historical or biographical, and nected with the rise and consolidation of our the historical deal considerably in criticism.

classes which are commonly believed, by advanced thinkers, to require emendation as a consequence and a condition of our material and social progress.

The most purely critical and literary are the before-mentioned article on Milton, the reviews of Moore's Life of Byron, Boswell's Life of Johnson, Horace Walpole's Letters, Southey's Colloquies on Society, the Diary and Letters of Madame d'Arblay, the Life and Writings of Addison, and the elaborate dissertations on Lord Bacon and Sir William Temple. Among the professedly historical essays, the most notable and attractive are those on Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Chatham, Lord Clive, and Warren Hastings. These contain complete and finished representations of the genius and characters of the individuals treated of, along with graphic and excellent descriptions of the circumstances in which they lived and acted. They are all striking and instructive studies of human nature, and are not only memorable for the interest of personality which attaches to the subjects, but may be read with profit for their stores of valuable information, their fair and impartial estimates of character, and their just moral judgments and conclusions.

Perhaps the first quality that strikes a reader fresh from Macaulay's pages, is the fulness of his sympathy with genius. Nearly all his articles in the Edinburgh Review have been devoted to great men, or to men who hold some special characteristic position in literature or history by virtue of their genius. Bacon, Milton, Bunyan, Addison, Johnson, Byron, are persons of widely different peculiarities of mental constitution, but being all unquestionably possessed of what we understand by genius, they are severally and individually welcomed with the warmest homage and appreciation. He delights to track the footsteps of the bold original travellers in the realms of thought and power, and glows with admiration over the narrative of their discoveries. The things that interest him most are the great strokes of character, the subtile graces of act and movement, that cannot be imitated or repeated, the beauty and the glory that is shed from the presence of exalted intellects. Before the high throne of superiority, he bows his head with reverence, and extols, with a glowing and rapturous enthusiasm, the majesty he venerates. But his worship is by no means fanatical or superstitious; it is not the expression of a mere undiscerning sentiment, but the bold and fearless admiration of a mind that claims relationship with the object it admires. For all manner of limitations and imperfections,

he has as clear and just a recognition as he manifests for the characteristics of excellency and worthiness. The homage he pays to genius is not extended to its failings or deficiencies; nor does he suffer the moral sense within him to be dazzled by the brilliancy of the aberrations and eccentricities by which it has sometimes been disfigured. To the Casars of human intellect he would render the things that may be due to them; but for every violation of the truth and justice, for every perversion of honor or integrity, he relentlessly brings them to judgment. Not that he has no generous compassion for the errors of the tempted, or for the heedless indiscretions into which the inexperienced and impetuous may chance to fall; but knowing the weight and the solemnity of human responsibility, he dares forbear not, even in the natural overflowings of his mercy towards the offender, to visit his offences with condemnation.

This Rhadamanthine impartiality is illustrated in the article on Bacon. Whilst he admiringly extols the grandeurs of Bacon's intellect, he will not condescend to varnish the rottenness of his moral reputation. Honoring the philosopher and the thinker, he yet denounces the selfishness, the perfidy, and the meanness of the man. Nevertheless, with justice he discriminates between the acts which may be reckoned instances of personal depravity, and those that were simply adventitious or accessory to his position as a placeman and a politician. The vices and shortcomings of his age are not incontinently charged upon the head of the individual. Macaulay, indeed, discerns in Bacon two separable and distinct characters. Under the speculative aspect, the man is to be ranked with the noblest specimens of his race; under the practical and personal manifestation, he is shown to have had very much in common with the basest and most unprincipled. "The difference," says Macaulay, "between the soaring angel and the creeping snake was but a type of the difference between Bacon the philosopher and Bacon the attorney-general Bacon seeking for truth and Bacon seeking for the seals. Those who survey only one half of his character may speak of him with unmixed admiration, or with unmixed contempt; but those only judge of him correctly, who take in at one view Bacon in speculation and Bacon in action. They will have no difficulty in comprehending

how one and the same man should have been and character, than any one could be who far before his age and far behind it-in one approaches the subject in the attitude of a line, the boldest and most useful of innova-partisan. The position taken by Mr. Montors; in another line, the most obstinate tagu is that of an advocate, who conceives champion of the foulest abuses. In his li- himself called upon to exculpate his client brary, all his rare powers were under the from all suspicion of blame: Mr. Macaulay, guidance of an honest ambition, of an en- more appropriately, assumes the functions of larged philanthropy, of a sincere love of a judge, who, hearing and investigating the entruth. There, no temptation drew him away tire case, pronounces a decision according to from the right course. Thomas Aquinas the evidence. So just an apprehension of the could pay no fees - Duns Scotus could confer lights and shades of character as is indicated no peerages- the Master of the Sentences in the sentences just quoted, and appears had no rich reversions in his gift. Far dif- still more abundantly throughout the article, ferent was the situation of the great philoso- seems to us to mark Macaulay as a writer pher, when he came forth from his study admirably qualified for faithful and impar and his laboratory to mingle with the crowd tial criticism of character. Another quality which filled the galleries of Whitehall. In which well befits him in this capacity, is his all that crowd there was no man equally considerate and honorable candor towards qualified to render great and lasting services honestly-intentioned persons with whom he to mankind. But in all that crowd there finds it necessary to differ in opinion. There was not a heart more set on things which no are some remarks in this same article on man ought to suffer to be necessary to his Bacon, which may be not inaptly cited, by happiness-on things which can often be way of showing how gently he is disposed to obtained only by the sacrifice of integrity and deal with the unconscious exaggerations and honor. To be the leader of the human race misjudgments of those admirers of the illus in the career of improvement to found trious who are apt to be unduly ardent, and on the ruins of ancient intellectual dynasties not sufficiently discriminating. Speaking of a more prosperous and a more enduring em- the difficulty there is in treating, with strict pire to be revered by the latest generations impartiality, of the memories of men who as the most illustrious among the benefactors have been in any manner benefactors of their of mankind; all this was within his reach. kind, he observes :But all this availed him nothing while some "There is scarcely any delusion which has quibbling special pleader was promoted a better claim to be indulgently treated, than before him to the bench-while some heavy that under the influence of which a man ascountry gentleman took precedence of him, cribes every moral excellence to those who by virtue of a purchased coronet while have left imperishable monuments of their some pander, happy in a fair wife, could ob- genius. The causes of this error lie deep in tain a more cordial salute from Buckingham the inmost recesses of human nature. We -while some buffoon, versed in all the latest are all inclined to judge of others as we find scandal of the court, could draw a louder them. Our estimate of a character always laugh from James." Further on, our author depends much on the manner in which that adds: "Had his life been passed in literary character affects our interests and passions. retirement, he would, in all probability, have We find it difficult to think well of those by deserved to be considered, not only as a great whom we are thwarted or depressed; and philosopher, but as a worthy and good-natured we are ready to admit every excuse for the member of society. But neither his princi- vices of those who are useful or agreeable to ple nor his spirit was such as could be us. This is, we believe, one of those illutrusted, when strong temptations were to be sions to which the whole human race is subresisted, and serious dangers to be braved." ject, and which experience and reflection can This wide discrepancy between the intel- only partially remove. It is, in the phraselectual and moral elements of Bacon's nature ology of Bacon, one of the idola tribus.* is a thing to be lamented; but being undeni- Hence it is that the moral character of a ably a fact, it cannot rightly be overlooked man eminent in letters or in the fine arts in our estimation of his greatness. But it is treated, often by contemporaries, almost is precisely the thing which a less bold and always by posterity, with extraordinary tenconscientious critic, so largely sympathizing derness. The world derives pleasure and adwith Bacon's genius, would have been tempted vantage from the performances of such a man. to explain away. This was, indeed, the The number of those who suffer by his percourse pursued by Mr. Basil Montagu in his sonal vices is small, even in his own time, life of the great philosopher, and is the very when compared with the number of those to thing which impairs the worth of that other-whom his talents are a source of gratificawise valuable and carefully-composed biogra- tion. In a few years, all those whom he has phy. Mr. Macaulay is, accordingly, a much

safer guide to the study of Bacon's history

* Idols or illusions of the tribe or species.

injured disappear; but his works remain, and an impartial judge can contemplate with are a source of delight to millions. The gen- approbation." ius of Sallust is still with us; but the Nu- These last remarks have obtained ample and midians whom he plundered, and the unfortu- varied illustration in Mr. Macaulay's disquisinate husbands who caught him in their tions. As a reviewer, notwithstanding, he is houses at unseasonable hours, are forgotten. apt to be very hard upon dunces, and indeed We suffer ourselves to be delighted by the seems not disinclined to hunt them out of the keenness of Clarendon's observation, and by provinces of literature, without benefit of the sober majesty of his style, till we forget clergy. The measure he dealt some years the oppressor and the bigot in the historian. ago to a celebrated writer of verse, whose Falstaff and Tom Jones have survived the works have gone through numerous editions, gamekeepers whom Shakspeare cudgelled, and is a memorable instance of the severity of the landladies whom Fielding bilked. A which he is capable on fit occasions. The great writer is the friend and benefactor of gentleman in question is the well-known auhis readers; and they cannot but judge of thor of Satan, and the Omnipresence of the bim under the deluding influence of friend- Deity, and also of several other works that ship and gratitude. We all know how unwill- have been more or less popular with a considing we are to admit the truth of any dis- erable class of readers. Mr. Macaulay, we graceful story about a person whose society think wrongly, ascribed his incomprehensible we like, and from whom we have received success to the agency of puffery. This stimfavors; how long we struggle against evi-ulant to notoriety may have been concerned in dence-how fondly, when the facts cannot it, but we fancy it is in great part attributabe disputed, we cling to the hope that there ble to that liking for inflated metaphor and may be some explanation or some extenuating sounding phraseology, so commonly observable circumstance with which we are unacquaint- in common minds. The vulgar melodramas ed. Just such is the feeling which a man that are represented in the inferior London of liberal education naturally entertains theatres, meet with a correspondingly vulgar, towards the great minds of former ages. The but a very hearty and undeniable approbation. debt which he owes to them is incalculable. Such compositions as Satan, and others of the They have guided him to truth-they have class, might in like manner find some natural filled his mind with noble and graceful images admirers. Puffery might have carried Mr. -they have stood by him in all vicissitudes, Montgomery hastily through two or three edicomforters in sorrow, nurses in sickness, com- tions, but it would be hardly a sufficient mopanions in solitude. These friendships are tive power to bear him triumphantly forward exposed to no danger from the occurrences by to a dozen. However, believing the cause to which other attachments are weakened or be simple puffery, Mr. Macaulay sets himself dissolved. Time glides on, fortune is incon- to expose and denounce it, and then rigorously stant, tempers are soured, bonds which seemed indissoluble are daily sundered by interest, by emulation, or by caprice. But no such cause can affect the silent converse

analyzes Mr. Montgomery's pretensions. The unsparing critic convicts him of nearly all the poetical sins a man could possibly commit. "His writing," says he," bears the same rewhich we hold with the highest human in- lation to poetry which a Turkey-carpet bears tellects. That placid intercourse is disturbed to a picture. There are colors in a Turkeyby no jealousies or resentments. These are carpet out of which a picture might be made; the old friends who are never seen with new there are words in Mr. Montgomery's writing faces, who are the same in wealth and in which, when disposed in certain orders and poverty, in glory and in obscurity. . . . Noth-combinations, have made, and will again make, ing, then, can be more natural, than that a person endowed with sensibility and imagination should entertain a respectful and affectionate feeling towards those great men with whose minds he holds daily communion. Yet," he continues, with a just consideration for what can be advanced on the other side, "nothing can be more certain, than that such men have not always deserved to be regarded with respect or affection. Some writers, whose works will continue to instruct and delight mankind to the remotest ages, have been placed in such situations that their actions and motives are as well known to us as the actions and motives of one human being can be known to another; and unhappily their conduct has not always been such as

good poetry. But as they now stand, they seem to be put together on principle, in such a manner as to give no image of anything in the heavens above, or in the earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth.'" He convicts him of the grossest plagiarism, of false taste, of an irreverent handling of sacred things, of confusion of imagery, of inflation of style and phraseology, of absurd personification and reHlection, of spoiling almost everything he pilfers, of violating even the common rules of syntax; and then, having, as it were, turned him utterly inside out, and exposed the bombastic patchwork with which he has clothed his intellectual insignificancy, he finally dismisses him with a bland and gentlemanly contempt. On reading such a criticism, a man

is apt to thank his stars that he never fancied | pages as another man; and one of his pages himself a poet. is as tedious as another man's three. His book is swelled to its vast dimensions by endless repetitions, by episodes which have nothing to do with the main action, by quotations from books which are in every circulating li

But it is not always in a style so truculent that Mr. Macaulay treats an incompetent or pompous author. If the author be only ungainly, or innocently commonplace, his judgment of him may not the less positively ex-brary, and by reflections which, when they press disapprobation; but the manner in which he conveys it is more gentle, and not so emphatically contemptuous. Yet we scarcely know which might be the more difficult to bear-his sharp castigations, or the provoking complacency of his milder disapproval. He has a habit of what may be called pleasant depreciation, which has often a very damaging effect. Here is a short extractable passage, which will serve, better than any remarks, to illustrate what we mean. The subject under review is the Memoirs of Lord Burleigh, edited by Dr. Nares, some time Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford; and in introducing the work to his readers, Mr. Macaulay thus describes it:

"The work of Dr. Nares has filled us with astonishment similar to that which Captain Gulliver felt when first he landed in Brobdignag, and saw corn as high as the oaks in the New Forest, thimbles as large as buckets, and wrens of the bulk of turkeys. The whole book, and every component part of it, is on a gigantic scale. The title is as long as an ordinary preface; the prefatory matter would furnish out an ordinary book; and the book contains as much reading as an ordinary library. We cannot sum up the merits of the stupendous mass of paper which lies before us, better than by saying, that it consists of about 2000 closely-printed quarto pages, that it occupies 1500 inches cubic measure, and that it weighs sixty pounds avoirdupois. Such a book might, before the deluge, have been considered as light reading by Hilpa and Shallum. But unhappily the life of man is now threescore years and ten; and we cannot but think it somewhat unfair in Dr. Nares to demand from us so large a portion of so short an existence.


Compared with the labor of reading through these volumes, all other labor, the labor of thieves on the tread-mill, of children in factories, of negroes in sugar-plantations, is an agreeable recreation. There was, it is said, a criminal in Italy who was suffered to make his choice between Guicciardini and the galleys. He chose the history. But the war of Pisa was too much for him. He changed his mind, and went to the oar. Guicciardini, though certainly not the most amusing of writers, is a Herodotus or a Froissart when compared with Dr. Nares. It is not merely in bulk, but in specific gravity, also, that these memoirs exceed all other human compositions. On every subject which the professor discusses, he produces three times as many

happen to be just, are so obvious, that they must necessarily occur to the mind of every reader. He employs more words in expounding and defending a truism, than any other writer would employ in supporting a paradox. Of the rules of historical perspective he has not the faintest notion. There is neither foreground nor background in his delineation. The wars of Charles V. in Germany are detailed at almost as much length as in Robertson's life of that prince. The troubles of Scotland are related as fully as in M'Crie's Life of John Knox. It would be most unjust to deny, that Dr. Nares is a man of great industry and research; but he is so utterly incompetent to arrange the materials which he has collected, that he might as well have left them in their original repositories."

Dr. Nares appears to be one of those heavy and pains-taking authors, whom the Germans are accustomed to call " literary hod-men.” Nevertheless, we conceive some moderate degree of praise is due to him, inasmuch as he undoubtedly brought together, in three sufficient volumes, the whole or chief materials out of which Mr. Macaulay raised his own elegant monument, in commemoration of Burleigh and his Times. This paper is an excellent specimen of our author's science of composition; for, with Mr. Macaulay, as with all good writers, composition is a science, and therefore requiring the observance of appropriate rules and principles. Among his most prominent characteristics may be noted his rare powers of representation. He sketches a biography, or renders an episode in history, with the lightest and gracefulest effect, often throwing a charm and an interest around particulars which, in the hands of a meaner writer, would be simply tame and tedious. And then, when the subject-matter chances to be interesting, the masterly skill with which he adapts and sets it forth, imparts to it additional attractions. There is scarcely any more delightful reading in the language than Macaulay's rapid and airy sketches of the lives of authors and distinguished statesmen; so full of information, yet so light and sparkling in manner, so choicely seasoned with anecdote and historical allusion, so complete in all the essentials which go to form a vivid representation of character, events, and circumstances. These portions of his works are perfect pictures of the customs, modes of thought, and ways of living, of former generations. Thus, in the review of Burleigh and his Times, we have the age of Queen Elizabeth, and the con

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