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very temptation overcome, imparts moral HOW TO PROMOTE PEACE strength.

The popular sentiment of the school,



1. Remember that our will is likely to

thus fortified and supported, becomes a be crossed every day, so prepare for it.

bulwark against falsehoods. Confidence in the truthfulness of children is one of the surest measures for making them worthy of it; at the same time, there should be the certainty of detection if false, and the strongest motives on the

2. Everybody in the house has an evil nature as well as ourselves, and therefore we are not to expect much.

3. To learn the different temper and disposition of each individual.

5. When any good happens to any one,

4. To look upon each member of the side of truth. To extend confidence to family as one for whom we should have a child, and at the same time, strong a care. temptations to abuse it, is almost certain to prove disastrous. In the self-report- to rejoice at it. ing system there can, and always should be, the strongest influence in favor of truth-telling.

6. When inclined to give an angry answer to overcome evil with good."


7. If from sickness, pain or infirmity we feel irritable, to keep a strict watch over ourselves.

8. To observe when others are so suffering and drop a word of kindness and sympathy suited to them.

The system of marking recitations, used in most of our colleges, for the purpose of comparing the attainments of the different members of the class, proves a spur to its drones and a strong incitement to diligence. The class marks, in many colleges, constitute the basis upon which the college honors are confirmed. West Point, I believe, the honors are con- 10. To take a cheerful view of everyferred upon the joint basis of scholarship thing, even of the weather, and encourage and deportment. Attainments in study hope.


9. To watch the little opportunities of pleasing, and to put little annoyances out of the way.

are there counteracted by disreputable 11. To speak kindly to the servantsbehavior. For schools, the system of to praise them for little things when you West Point seems greatly preferable.—

Why should the attainments and conduct of the scholar be divorced in the estimate of scholarship?


12. In all little pleasures which may occur to put yourself last.

13. To try for "the soft answer which turneth away wrath."

A complete machinery is one of the distinctive features of a model school14. When we have been pained by an a machinery simple, yet effective, com- unkind word or deed, to ask ourselves: bining every proper influence; but, after "Have I not often done the same and all, machinery is not success. Theoreti- been forgiven?"

15. In conversation, not to exalt yourself, but bring others forward.

cal systems of education, however grand and imposing, without the vital power of the living teacher pervading and energiz- 16. To be very gentle with the young ing the whole enginery, are at best but ones, and to treat them with respect. splendid failures. The greatest machine 17. Never to judge one another harshin the school room is a live, enthusiastic ly, but to attribute a good motive when Teacher.

E. E. WHITE. Iwe can.

For the Journal of Education.


mechanic, who would improve himself has upon his table some Journal of Art. Every farmer finds time to read the agricultural department of his weekly

If our trials spring from a diseased paper, if he has not a Journal devotbody, much exercise in the open air, and ed exclusively to his particular occuclear sunlight, a calm and cheerful spirit, pation. Why should not every Teacher a sun-burned brow and toil-hardened have at hand some Educational Journal, hands, a walk or ride, not merely for its which may remind him of his faults and own sake, but a walk or ride enlivened by suggest the means of their reform in a good company and sweetened by mental kindly manner? activity, as there may be joined with it We may never be free from a sense of much of scientific research-will be found inability to instruct all our pupils with an invaluable specific for this class of an equal degree of success. We may ills. The confinement of the school never feel perfectly qualified for our task. room is apt to induce disease, which pre- We may have even some, who seem sents as one of its worst features an un-stupid, uninterested and unimproved, but willingness to apply its proper remedy. will not the keenness of our trial at this When we feel the pressure of listlessness, be much blunted, if we have with us the the dull headache, and the uneasiness so consciousness of having faithfully percommon to the Teacher, when we imagine formed our duty in the work of preparaour pupils unusually restive and noisy, tion. No one may expect perfection in let us betake ourelves as soon as released this respect, but there may be much less from School to the garden, the field or imperfection. Every failure to give the the woods, and find in our own recruited pupil a clear understanding of the subject | energies the best rod of correction. explained, should inspire us to new zeal,

If we feel oppressed by mental inabili- should fire us to greater earnestness, ty, let us rise like men, gird ourselves to should drive us to our books, to much the work of improvement. There are patient study and thought. The Physimeans within our reach. He, who re- cian finding a disease not familiar to him, mains at a stand still, does so from sheer betakes himself to his books, nor is he laziness. He has placed before him in satisfied, till he has found the proper reevery form, food fitted to his taste and medy, or been compelled to acknowledge well adapted to sustain and strengthen. his inability to treat the patient. The The Press affords him solid as well as trial raises to ihe Teacher not so much lighter food. The association, the insti- from his inability to instruct, as from his tute and Teachers' Classes, furnish him consciousness of having made little or no the means of brightening his own ideas effort to conquer this inability. Try by bringing them in contact with others. earnestly, faithfully, and if at last you Books in every department of science are are compelled to yield, the confession will accessible. The great Book of Nature be a source of joy even. It ceases to be lies open before him. If he can not, if he a trial.

will not from these sources derive the ad- Is want of power to govern a source of vantages he needs, he may as well sink trial? First govern yourself; let all see back into utter nothingness, and find in that self control is your constant study. his ignorance his highest bliss. Every "Let love through all your actions run.",

Let it be mingled even with the most se- spelling, reading, or ready-reckoning "asvere punishment that at some times may tonish the natives," and earn a great be necessary. Study character. Learn name, which they can not afford to tarby frequent visiting the nature of home nish by associating with any of the vuldiscipline. Make the parent your assis-gar herd. How many can every true tant by causing him to feel that you are Teacher find in his own vicinity, who his friend. Above all be governed by the measure the ability of others to teach by rules of the Bible. There may be found their understanding some one particular instruction sufficient for every case that question, precisely as they understand it, may arise. Let the Spirit of the Great and who will condemn as ignoramuses Teacher be your constant guide. So live those who can not rattle off the alphabet and act that at the close of cach day you in its inverted order, or repeat without may find little or no occasion for regret mistake the multiplication table backat the thoughts and words of the day and wards, or tell just how long you must this source of trial will be much lessened. stop at every pause, or some other equalPreparation to meet trial of this kind ly silly and nonsensical stuff, which is by is a sure preventor of its recurrence. them assumed to be the whole of an education.

disgrace upon the Profession, and make those who engage in it with a due appreciation of it, often heart-sick.

But do what we may to correct the evils, which lie within our own reach, It would be worse than useless to atthere are trials incident to a Teacher's tempt to enumerate the follies of this life, which come from without and can not class, some of whom are found in every be so readily reached and overcome. community, and who are a great trial to He is engaged in a Profession, which the true Teacher. I have no fear of perhaps contains more quacks than any offending them by these words, for they other on earth, those who feed upon the do not read the Journal as their own, ignorance of others, and maintain that and if by chance they should look into a ignorance that they may not lose their neighbor's for the sake of finding somemeans of support. These are they, who thing to criticise, they will not feel themgive perfect satisfaction in every place selves hit. This class of self-conceited, where they teach; who are unwilling to self-willed one idea riders bring much cast their pearls before swine by attending upon meetings of Teachers of any kind; who know so much already that they are far in advance of any whose ac- For this there is no remedy, but is a quaintance they have ever formed. These patient endurance and firm maintenance never have trials. Oh, no! such perfect of the right until public opinion is prosuccess can not do other than fill them perly molded and then cancerous tumers with the greatest joy. Their praise is in are eradicated from the body. every-part of their own mouths. They That public opinion is not right is have some particular hobby which they another source of trial. There is too ride rough shod over their pupils, and all little interest on the part of the public who may be so unfortunate as to receive in our schools. This lack of interest any attention from themselves. They feed is shown in badly constructed school their inordinate self-esteem by sucking houses, in illy qualified and half-starvthe very life-blood of their pupils' minds ed Teachers, in heedless pupils and a and in some great display of power in general neglect of the educational in

[blocks in formation]

of great trial to those who strive to honor their calling, and a burning disgrace to the intelligence of the American people that such a character has a real existence as is described in the "Widow Bedett Papers," who starts with a spelling-book in one hand and a halter in the other, fully equipped either to teach a school or to steal a horse. So far as actual results are a safe criterion by which to judge it makes but little difference to the community which occupation he follows, as in either case he takes the property of another without rendering a just equivalent. If any distinction should be made, it should be made in favor of the horse thief, for public opinion sentences him to his just punishment, while in many cases it sanctions his brother the mind-murderer. In the vast majority of cases those most vitally interested are the most indifferent. They send their children to school and think no more of them than if they had not a being. They know not, they care not what may be the qualifications or the character of those to whom they intrust the immortal minds of those whom God has given them. Let them apprentice a child to a trade, and endless are their enquiries and great their anqiety lest he be placed under unworthy tutelage. If the shop is near they must drop in every day or two, to note progress and watch instruction given.

WHEN the husbandman goes out to sow, we hear the shrill cry of the village boys scaring the birds from the furrows' The good seed of the mind is to be guarded from vain thoughts descending with fiercer hunger.

THERE is no greater mistake than that into which many well meaning people fall, namely, the taking violence to be strength.


SHE said "That few were too young, and none too humble to benefit their fellow-creatures in some way."-"The BirthDay Council," by Mrs. Alaric A. Watts. Do something for each other

Though small the help may be;
There's comfort oft in little things-
Far more than others see!
It takes the sorrow from the eye,

It leaves the world less bare,
If but a friendly hand comes nigh,

When friendly hands are rare!
Then cheer the heart which toils each hour,
Yet finds it hard to live;

And though but little's in our power,
That little let us give.

We know not what the humblest hand,
If earnest, may achieve;
How many a sad anxiety

A trifle may relieve:
We seek not how the aged poor

Drag on from day to day;
When e'en the little that they need

Costs more than they can pay?
Then cheer the heart that toils each hour,
Yet finds it hard to live!

And though but little's in our power
That little let us give.-Cns. SWAIN.


WHAT ever lost by giving?

The sky pours down its rain,
Refreshing all things living,
While mists rise up again.

Go, rob the sparkling fountain,
And drain its basin dry;
The barren-seeming mountain
Will fill its chalice high.
Who ever lost by loving?

Though all our hearts we pour,
Still other spirits moving

Will pay our love with more.
And was there ever blessing
That did not turn the rest,
A double power possessing,
The blesser being bless'd?

From the New York Teacher.

[are about 850, which are attended by LEAVES FROM A TOURIST'S JOURNAL. 83,000 persons, of whom 34,500 are girls,


the remainder being men and boys. Of these the university of Paris reports forty asylum schools, containing nearly 8,000 children; sixty-six secular, and sixty-two PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ON IN FRANCE.-France congregational schools, having, together may well regard with some degree of com- nearly 30,000 pupils; and thirty-five placency her establishments for popular schools for adults, twenty-six of which education and professional instruction.—are conducted on the system of mutual They are in the aggregate so numerous, instruction.

and in specific objects so diverse, that The city of Paris has founded three the limits of a few brief notes will not elementary schools of a superior characallow of a description of these institu- ter, in one of which the English and Gertions, and will scarcely afford opportunity man languages, drawing, mathematics, for an imperfect classification of them.-physics, technology, chemistry, history, There are establishments, in some cities, and geography, are taught to more than called creches (nurseries; the word creche 300 persons; has established several Norsignifying a manger, or cradle) in which a mal seminaries, and assists in supporting mother can leave her infant during the eight protestant schools and many educaday, that she herself may engage in la- tional institutions which are not usually borious occupations; while the tender included under the name of schools. To frame and feeble intellect of the child is these public establishments private enwatched over with a care not unworthy terprise has added, in the city of Paris, of maternal solicitude. From these cre- numerous elementary and asylum schools, ches or cradels to the schools of law and and established courses of lectures, which, the academies of science, there seems to it is said, are well attended. be an admirable gradation; but the cur- The schools of secondary instruction sory manner in which these observations embrace the lyceums and colleges, and were made would render it hazardous to the free schools in which Latin is studied. say that the system is as perfect as could Of these the five lyceums are most celereasonably be desired. brated, although there are several schools Three classes of instruction, the pri- of this class which are entitled to a mary, secondary, and superior, constitute higher reputation than some of the colthe university of France, which is sub- leges. Three of the lyceums receive ject to the jurisdiction of a minister both externes (day scholars) and pensionof public instruction, whose duties some-naires (boarders); the latter, at a charge what resemble those of the regents of one thousand francs, about two hunof the university and the superinten-dred dollars, per annum. Among the dent of public instruction of the State schools of this middle rank may be inof New York. cluded, also, the Ecole Normale, a norThe primary schools comprise asylums, mal institution of deservedly high repuelementary, industrial, and all similar tation, in which the students are gratuischools in which Latin is not taught. Of tously maintained as boarders, and have the elementary schools under the univer-free access to laboratories, an interesting sity of France and the city of Paris, there cabinet and a fine library.

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