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of the Institution, than one whose footprints are still fresh upon the ground-floor of the Middle Chamber.

To show you the extent of the very loose manner in which legisla tion is had upon matters of such importance, and the Grand Lodge committed to propositions and opinions which, in all probability, would have been repudiated after fair and proper investigation and discussion, I will give you a brief history of the modus operandi of this sort of legislation, and the manner in which the Grand Lodge is committed to the declaration of principles and opinions which frequently are at variance with the ancient landmarks of the Order, and become innovations upon the body of Masonry.

The Grand Master, in his annual address, devotes no less than thirteen pages to fifty-nine different and distinct propositions upon Masonic Jurisprudence. His opinion has been asked upon fifty-nine different questions, upon which he has laid down the law, and, having some pride in having his decisions sanctioned by the Grand Lodge, and for future time become the Masonic Law of this jurisdiction, he incorporates them into his annual address. In due course, the matters thus brought to the notice of the Grand Lodge, are referred to committees selected and appointed by the Grand Master, who, after a convenient length of time, report, "that they have had the same under consideration, and fully concur in all the decisions of the Grand Master, except the following," etc., which report is accepted, and on motion adopted; and thus the decisions of the Grand Master are supposed, by many, to become edicts of the Grand Lodge, without a single member knowing what opinions or decisions he has sanctioned, or what alterations or innovations have thus been made in the body of Masonry.

Upon great and important principles, which strike at the very root and foundation of the Institution, a committee, selected by the Grand Master, make their report, and sanction what many believe to be a heresy upon the body of Masonry, and it is submitted, accepted, and adopted without discussion, without remark, and the first intimation which a majority have of its existence, is its appearance in the published proceedings.

Such has been the system of legislation, and in this manner is the Grand Lodge made responsible for heresies and the violation of established laws, customs and landmarks of the Institution.

Such being the nature of legislation, and such the manner in which, at the last session of the Grand Lodge, much of the business was done, the great body of Masonry in this jurisdiction is placed in a false posi

tion before the Masonic world, and appears upon the record to have endorsed and enunciated opinions and edicts which, had the subject matter been properly brought before them, much of it would have been rejected and thrown among the rubbish as the production of a young, inexperienced and unskillful workman.



From the Mirror and Keystone. Translated by MRS. R. HYNEMAN.

Let us, dear Brothers,

Kind Wisdom embrace-

Follow her footsteps

With fervor and grace.

Shun the profane ones

Who folly pursue;
Turn we to wisdom,

The guileless and true.

Masonry binds us

In holiest chain;

Let not her precepts
Be given in vain.

The highest of earth

Descend from a throne,

To join in our ranks,

And our Brotherhood own.

Mankind to make happy

Should be our true aim;
'Tis nature instructs us,
'Tis Masonry's claim!

We borrow no splendor;

For ours is a light

That gilds as with morning,
The dreariest night.

It beams on our path

To the depths of the tomb,
From whence God shall call us,
New life to resume.


From the Cincinnati Commercial.

THE Festival of St. John the Evangelist, or the Divine, was ob served by the Masonic Fraternity, last night, in the Verandah, after the installation of officers elect for 1860, for seven Lodges in this city. A large company of the Brotherhood were seated at table, Bro. E. T. Carson presiding, assisted by Bros. Charles Brown and John D. Caldwell, Vice Presidents. The Committee of Arrangements consisted of Bros. E. T. Carson, George H. Wolf, John Scott, C. F. Hanselman, William Lee, W. C. Middleton and H. Matthews. The order of exercises was as follows, viz. :


Installation of Officers of Lodges.

After which the company repaired to the Banquet Room in the Verandah.

Prayer, by Rev. Kingston Goddard.

Music, by Menter's band.

Reading of Regular Toasts.

Volunteer sentiments.

Burns' Adieu.



1. The Day we Celebrate. Although the hand of Old Father Time's dial indicates "low twelve," yet, 't is now, and ever will be, with the Craft, the hour of refreshment, when they shall meet together in their Annual Fraternal reunions, and the Brethren throughout the entire Universe shall join in the grand chorus first sung by Angel tongues, "Peace on earth, good-will to men.'

Response by Bro. George Hoadly, Jr.

2. The Age in which we live. The Age of Progress and Improvement. May Masonry ever be found true to her character in former times, the patron and promoter of the Arts and Sciences.

Response by Bro. Bellamy Storer.

3. The Grand Lodge of Ohio. Co-existent with the organization of our State Government. May they be of equal perpetuity.

Response by Bro. William B. Dodds.

4. The Grand Lodge of Kentucky. We greet her as a faithful co-laborer in the building of the Temple. May her labors be rewarded.

Response by Bro. Wise, P. G. M. of Kentucky.

5. The Grand Consistory of Ohio. With her magnificent series of thirtythree degrees, and our glorious Republic with her thirty-three States, co-incident in mystic numbers, alike their grandeur and their power lies in their unbroken union. May they endure in fraternal unity, undisturbed by internal discord, until this "earth shall roll away as a scroll," and Time shall be no more.

Response by Bro. E. T. Carson.

6. The Masonic Lodges of Cincinnati. Perfect in the mystic number (seven), may they also be perfect in their work, and may they ever occupy the promi nent position of first among the moral and benevolent institutions with which the city is blessed.

Response by Bro. Cornelius Moore.

7. Woman. God's first and most estimable gift to man. May the sons of Masonry ever be her most chivalrous protectors.

Response by Bro. J. L. Vattier.

Judge Hoadly and Judge Storer had accepted invitations to respond to the first and second regular sentiments, but were detained at home by indisposition. Prof. E. S. Lippett and David Quinn, Esq., responded in their stead, extemporaneously, making happy efforts.

Bro. William B. Dodds, in response to the third toast, referred pertinently to the prosperity of the State and of the Order.

Bro. Wise, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, responded to the fourth sentiment, as follows:

Sir Brother Chairman: Permit me, through you, to tender to my Brethren of the Masonic Fraternity of this proud Queen City of the West, my hearty and sincere thanks for the many acts of courtesy and kindness extended to me through a series of years. Would, Sir, that I could command language to express to you the feelings of enjoyment I experience to-night, mingling with the Brotherhood at this festive board. I love to meet my Brethren upon a perfect level, and feel the pressure of warm and true hands, and generous hearts; and I cannot permit this occasion to pass, with your permission, without uttering a few thoughts upon the condition of our well-beloved country, and the duties we owe it as Masons.

The duties we owe the noble institution of Masonry, to which we profess allegiance, are beautifully taught us at its very threshhold-a summary of which may be thus briefly stated: We agree to obey its moral and Masonic teachings; to be good and true citizens of the country in which we live. True to its government and just to his country, is an injunction the true Mason can never forget, or desire to violate; and now that the reins to the passions of our common natures

are about to be loosened, and discord and confusion about to take the place of peace and prosperity, and all the greatness that has characterized our beloved country, to be leveled with the dust, where, Sir, shall we look for an anchor to stay the relentless surges of this distracted vessel, as it rushes on in madness and confusion, threatening to overwhelm in ruin irreparable and unutterable all upon which the fondest hopes of pure and good men stand? Where, Sir, I repeat, shall we look but to those with whom, around our beloved altar, we have bowed, pledging to each other all that we hold dear in this life and all we hope in that which is to come? (Applause.)

To Masonry, as an institution, I favorably look, Sir, (vehement applause,) and firmly believe that its teachings and its precepts are as much loved, as much respected, and as capable of stilling the angry waves of passion and discord as ever; and, Sir, to-night, as I cast my eyes upon its generous representatives by whom I am surrounded, I glory that I can call you Brethren, whether of the North, the East or West, and that Masonry knows no limits to its Brotherhood; but wherever the sun shines there are Masons to be found, and amongst whom no other emulation should be known, but who can best unfold her beautiful banners, and best work in her peaceful quarries.

To you, Brothers of this proud city, where so much has been done to the honor and perpetuity of this hoary-headed and venerable institution, which, amidst the changes of empires and the fall of kingdoms, has been exempt from the hand of ruthless violence and distraction, and stands fast to-night in all its pristine youthfulness and glory, alike an object of admiration and homage, to you and our associates scattered throughout this mighty Republic, do I firmly look for a mightier and stronger chain than was ever forged by the might or power of manand that will bind in perpetual links of Brotherhood this mighty country-whose united career no mind but Deity can comprehend. In conclusion, permit me to offer-Masonry, one and indivisible.


Bro. E. T. Carson made an eloquent response to the fifth sentiment, and was greeted frequently with vehement and prolonged applause. Our space precludes the possibility of more than a meagre sketch of his truly eloquent speech.

Referring to the Grand Consistory of Ohio, he said that in the ancient covenant of sacrifices it was customary to divide the sacrifice, and thus partake of it, symbolizing unity. In this spirit he was glad to

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