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are thankfully acknowledging the Divine favour which has attended exertions which have been unremitting during the lapse of 150 years. We are met at the same time to invoke the further continuance of that favour, pledging ourselves not to relax in our efforts to extend to those of our brethren who are settled in distant lands, building up communities and states where man's footsteps had first to be imprinted on the soil, and wild nature yet to be conquered to his use, those blessings of Christianity which form the foundation of our community and of our state. This society was first chartered by that great man, William III., the greatest Sovereign this country has to boast of, by whose sagacity and energy was closed that bloody struggle for civil and religious liberty which had so long been convulsing this country, and were secured to us the inestimable advantages of our constitution and of our Protestant faith. Having thus placed the country upon a safe basis at home, he could boldly meet her enemies abroad, and contribute to the foundation of that colonial empire which forms so important a part of our present greatness; and honour be to him for his endeavour to place this foundation upon the rock of the Church. The first jubilee of the society fell in times when religious apathy had succeeded to the over-excitement of the preceding age. Lax morals and a sceptical philosophy began to undermine the Christian faith, treating with indifference and even with ridicule the most sacred objects. Still this society persevered in its labours with unremitting zeal, turning its chief attention to the North American continent, where young and vigorous society was rapidly growing into a people. The second jubilee found this country in a most critical position. She had obtained by the peace of Amiens a moment's respite from the tremendous contest in which she had been engaged with her continental rival, and which she had soon to renew in order to maintain her own existence, and to secure a permanent peace to Europe. Since the last jubilee, the American colonies, which had originally been peopled chiefly by British subjects who had left their homes to escape the yoke of religious intolerance and oppression, had thrown off their allegiance to the mother country in defence of civil rights, the attachment to which they had carried with them from the British soil. Yet this society was not dismayed, but in a truly Christian spirit continued its labours in the


neighbouring North American and West Indian settlements. This, the third jubilee, falls in a happier epoch, when peace is established in Europe, and religious fervour is rekindled, and at an auspicious moment, when we are celebrating a festival of the civilization of mankind, to which all quarters of the globe have contributed their productions, and are sending their people-for the first time recognizing their advancement as a common good-their interests as identical-their mission on earth the same. And this civilization rests on Christianity-could only be raised on Christianity- can only be maintained by Christianity-the blessings of which are now carried by this society to the vast territories of India and Australasia, which last are again to be peopled by the AngloSaxon race. Whilst we have thus to congratulate ourselves upon our state of temporal prosperity-harmony at home and peace abroad-we cannot help deploring that the Church, whose exertions for the progress of Christianity and civilization we are to-day acknowledging, should be afflicted by internal dissensions and attacks from without. I have no fear, however, for her safety and ultimate welfare, so long as she holds fast to what our ancestors gained for us at the Reformation the Gospel, and the unfettered right of its use. The dissensions and difficulties which we witness in this, as in every other Church, arise from the natural and necessary conflict of the two antagonistic principles which move human society, in Church as well as StateI mean the principles of individual liberty and of allegiance and submission to the will of the community, exacted by it for its own preservation. These conflicting principles cannot be disregarded-they must be reconciled. To this country belongs the honour of having succeeded in this mighty task as far as the State is concerned, whilst other nations are still wrestling with it. And I feel persuaded that the same earnest zeal and practical wisdom which has made her political constitution an object of admiration to other nations, will, under God's blessing, make her Church likewise a model to the world. Let us look upon this assembly as a token of future hope; and may the harmony which reigns amongst us at this moment, and which we owe to having met in furtherance of a common holy object, be, by the Almighty, permanently bestowed upon the Church."


In the present state of religious matters, caused by the aggressive movements of Rome and the internal dissensions of our own Churches, our readers will hail with great satisfaction the announcement of a new, and we trust a firmly cemented bond of union amongst our own and foreign communions. What has already taken place is altogether of a preliminary character, and the meeting lately held, at which the Earl of Shaftesbury presided, is considered at present as private and only introductory. We can just mention that most, if not all, our own orthodox bodies, were ably represented, and members of foreign Churches were not behind hand in expressing their anxiety to form some really holy league, whereby the whole Christian Church may more efficiently resist its common enemy. To such an associated band, we do most heartily wish and pray that God may speed its righteous cause.


On the day appointed by the Lord Bishop for the assembly of the representatives of his clergy in Diocesan Synod, the Cathedral of Exeter was crowded by clergy and laity. The Deans Rural and the Ruri-decanal delegates took their places at the eastern end of the choir, close to the communion rails. The Lord Bishop of the diocese, who was attended by his chaplain, occupied the episcopal throne, and the members of the Chapter present, in full canonicals, were— the Rev. Chancellor Warrington, the Archdeacons of Exeter, Totness, and Barnstaple; the Rev. Prebendaries Ellicombe, Luney, Lyne, Darnford, Ford, Oxenham, Coleridge, Woolcombe, Hole, and Scott; the Rev. Subdean Stevens. The dignitaries whose absence formed a subject of remark were, the Very Rev. the Dean of Exeter, the Rev. Chancellor Martin, the Rev. Canon Bull, and the Rev. Canon Rogers. Amongst the clergymen present were, the Rev.

J. M. Chanter, Ilfracombe; the Rev. P. O. Carlyon, St. James's, Exeter; the Rev. C. C. Bartholomew, St. David's, Exeter; the Rev. Dr. Cornish, Ottery St. Mary's, Exeter; the Rev. J. Corfe, Dean Rural of Exeter; the Rev. N. Lightfoot, Dean Rural of Cadbury; the Rev. C. R. Roper, St. Olave's, Exeter; the Rev. H. Sanders, Sowton; the Rev. E. Walkey, Broadclist; the Rev. J. H. Knight, Stokecanon; the Hon. and Rev. H. H. Courtney, Marnhead; Rev. E. Youle, Rev. H. Palk, &c. Of the thirty deaneries, only two declined sending representatives. The clergy composing the Synod appeared in their academical robes.

The prayers were intoned by the Rev. T. H. Knight; the lessons being read by the Rev. J. Corfe and the Rev. J. H. S. Burr. The ante-communion service was read by the Rev. Chancellor Warrington; the epistoler being the Archdeacon of Totness, and the gospeller the Archdeacon of Exeter. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Prebendary Hole, Rector of Chumleigh, from 2 Tim. i. 13, 14,— "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us."

The bishop, the clergy, and others of the congregation, then partook of the Holy Eucharist together, after which a grand procession was formed to the Chapter-house.

On arriving at the Chapter house, the Lord Bishop opened the Synod by an address, in which he stated generally his reasons for calling his clergy together. His object was to revive friendly and confidential communication with his clergy on all important points affecting the Church. He wished to unbosom himself, without the slightest reserve, to his brethren in Christ, as he hoped they would to him; and in the peculiar crisis in which they were now placed, he wished to give to the Presbyters that prominent and important position to which all ecclesiastical history assigned them. The Right Rev. Prelate then congratulated the Synod

upon the willingness with which his call had been answered by thirty out of thirty-two deaneries, and proceeded to bring forward the Declaration on the subject of Holy Baptism.*

This Declaration was then read by his Lordship's Chaplain, and a discussion followed, in which many members of the Synod took part, and eventually it was ordered to be reprinted and placed in the hands of the members, and its discussion postponed till the following day. The Synod then suspended its sitting, in order to attend the afternoon service at the cathedral, but resumed at four o'clock. At its re-opening, it took into consideration a declaration on the subject of schism, asserting particularly that perversion to Rome involved the abandonment of truth for error. This, on the motion of the Rev. C. C. Bartholomew, was carried by a large majority, only nine or ten hands being held up against it.

A third declaration, repudiating the intrusive Romish bishopric into the See of Exeter, by the title of the Bishop of Plymouth, and the Papal aggression generally, was carried nem. dis.

The Synod adjourned at half-past five o'clock until the following day.


We cannot but characterize the publication of the preliminary proceedings of the above association as premature and unwise. The meeting of the 28th of May, at Freemason's Hall ought to have been considered only what it was called in the circulars of invitation, "A Confidential Conference;" and the names of the

The views of the Bishop are so well known, that it were waste of space to insert the declara tion at length. It may suffice to say, that in it are embodied all the ex opere operatum dogmas of unconditional bestowment of sacramental grace,-deliverance from the guilt and bondage of all sins, original and actual. The literality of the very expressions of the service are insisted upon, and its thanksgiving declaration, for invariably concomitant regeneration, are pronounced, ex cathedra, to be the very doctrines of the Church of England. As passed, there appears a rider, evidently as a kind of trap to catch the unwary, declaring that where even all this is effected, there yet remains a necessity for conversion and amendment of life.

parties present, with their remarks, ought to have been withheld from the public press. It is of the last importance to the very existence and influence of such an association, that it come before the Church and the public generally, with well considered objects, wisely organized plans, and with men and machinery, of the right description, to work out the important end it has in view. We have always felt this temporary reserve to be indispensable in presenting any new society to the world;-a false start has consigned many a valuable and well-intentioned object to temporary, if not perpetual, ruin. Having had the report of the primary meeting of this association before us for some time, and having again and again considered its details, we can only repeat with regret our first sentence, that the publicity which has been given to it has been unwise and pre


We consider ourselves bound to express this conviction, not that we entertain any difference of opinion from the parties who have thus publicly moved in the main question in which they seek for reform, but from our own, and others' strongly expressed feelings, that the parties moving and the plans proposed, were altogether in far too uninformed and crude a state to assume a public existence. We know that many who would gladly join in any well-concerted movement for the reform of flagrant Church errors and abuses, are, and would be deterred from doing so, by any premature development of imperfectly considered views and objects. much for what has been done, which we regret. Now, however, for what may and ought to be done in future.


There are very few, if any, Evangelical members of the Church of England, who can with any regard to their conscientious convictions, affirm that the Church needs no reform. However various their opinions may be as to the particular questions which demand remedial measures, the means to be proposed, and the time for pressing their adoption,-but one must really prevail as to the necessity of something being done. The Duke

of Wellington is reported to have attempted to get rid for a season of parliamentary reform, by the unqualified and impolitic assertion, that none was wanting;-a startling statement, followed by a scheme of reform so ample and sweeping, that astonished, if it did not frighten many a sincere supporter of moderate views.

Such will be the result in Church matters if our Evangelical Churchmen continue to deprecate the discussion of such questions as Liturgical Revision, and the re-organization of such portions of the constitution of the Church as obviously require reform.

The great reason why many Evangelical Churchmen are and have hitherto been so apathetic in the cause of Church Reform, springs from their dis-associating themselves from the actual evils and crying abuses which exist on all sides of them, but in which they may not be actual agents or participaters. There is an acquiescence in things as they are; e. g. in the liturgy, not only from a want of sincere examination into the sub

ject, but because its language may possibly be appropriate for their usage; or in the case of evils in the constitution of the Church, because it falls not within their province either to administer or participate in them.

We confess to a feeling, that nothing will be done while our brethren of the clergy, who see the value of dealing faithfully and explicitly with doctrinal and experimental truth in their public ministrations,-discourage the attempt to make our services more unerring and unambiguous exponents of the truths they preach. The prayer is upon many a lip and many a heart, that some Luther would arise to stem the tide of Popery, and to purge from the Church all that leads to wrong opinions, and appears to sanction much that savours of Rome. Are we all, -we that call

ourselves Evangelical Churchmen,doing all we can, in a sincere and willing spirit, to find out and allow the correction of what needs to be purified?

The present movement may or may not be of the right sort; it may seek for too much and end in accomplish

ing nothing;-the parties engaged in it may not be known men; yet if their aim is single, their object is righteous; if we cannot in all points agree with them, or trust to their exertions, we are no less certain that it is the duty of our Evangelical clergy and laity to put themselves in motion, to obtain such reform in Church matters generally, as shall preserve to our children the inestimable blessings of a national Protestant Establishment, adapted in all points to the wants of a vast population, and yet in entire harmony with the teaching of Scripture-the truth of God.


The following extract from the Tablet, the chief organ of the Romish Propaganda, conveys the gratitude of Papists for our past compromise of national responsibility and duty in order to conciliate their good will:

"Poor Mr. Walpole! Fond Mr. Walpole! Credulous Mr. Walpole! 'Another brief,' and next autumn.' Why, before the summer is well over-before Parliament is up-we think we can answer for half-a-dozen at least.

"Why, first, there is the Bishopric of Killaloe. Dr. Vaughan is nominated Bishop; and the Bulls have not yet arrived for his consecration. But they will arrive; Dr. Vaughan will be consecrated; he will take a territorial title; four or five indictable offences will be committed, and all with the most frank, cheerful, and inveterate disregard of the contemptible enactment which they are pretending to pass at St. Stephen's. We think we can vouch for half-a-dozen, if not half a thousand, misdemeanors in and about Kil


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Then come the English Bishoprics. Letters have just arrived from Rome, saying that four of the new Sees are already filled up one of the four being Southwark. About the fifth there is some doubt.

But taking the four: every one of the four will require a separate Bull to be received; a Bishop elect to receive it; a person to deliver it; three Bishops to commit misdemeanors by consecrating the new Bishops; sundry Priests, Acolytes, and attendants to take part in the ceremony. It is with beating hearts and wet cheeks that we set down two hundred misdemeanants as the minimum for every

one of the four Bishoprics. Here alone we have actually on hand five Bulls as the supply for the next two months alone; and these five Bulls will carry in their tails at least a thousand indictable offences! All the while Parliament will be sitting and spending its time in notable attempts to vindicate the majesty of British law-or rather in notable pretences to appear to do the same. And all the while the Catholics of these islands, lay and Clerical, are laughing at the Legislature, breaking the law, and making fools of the whole Imperial Parliament, with Speaker and Lord Chancellor to boot. What a repulse given to territorial ag. gression! What a salve to the dignity of the British Lion! What a fool, by the way, and in conclusion, the said British Lion must be!"

At a great Tipperary meeting held the other day, the Rev. Father Burke thus displayed his patriotism

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"We will appeal to Europe and to the world against the truculent tyranny of England; we will make her odious name hated all over the world, and we will create a public opinion against her, whose force will be stronger than that of guns and pikes, and armies, which will force her to repeal the law, or allow it to be a dead letter. Let them, therefore, pass it; we despise it, and will not obey it."

THE BISHOP OF BATH AND WELLS AND HIGH CHURCH PRINCIPLES. The following correspondence has been transmitted to us, and we readily insert it in our columns, desiring to call the attention of the laity generally to the noble interference of Captain Giberne, as an example for others to arouse themselves to the opposition of all similar false teaching.

"Bath, April 14th, 1851. "Reverend Sir,-I beg to draw your attention to the accompanying work, entitled An Outline of the Constitution and History of the Church, by the Rev. S. W. Mangin, Curate of Bathwick,' which is publicly exposed for sale in this city.

"[The substance of the three following paragraphs being included in another part of the correspondence, they are here omitted.]

"I would earnestly appeal to you, reverend sir, as one who has solemnly engaged, in the presence of God. to 'drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines

contrary to God's word,' whether such doctrines as these are fitted for promulgation under your authority, or whether they bear any affinity whatever to the doctrine of the Apostles and of the Bible'Jesus Christ and Him crucified,' 'Jesus and the Resurrection?'

I have the honour to be, rev. sir, Your most obedient servant, CHARLES GIBERNE. "To the Rev. H. M. Scarth, Rector of Bathwick, Bath.

"Bathwick Hill, Bath, April 16th, 1851.

"Sir, I have duly received your coinmunication with its enclosure, and in reply beg to inform you that I feel assured, from my knowledge of Mr. Mangin, that if you can convince him that any portion of his catechism of Church History is scripturally and historically incorrect, or his deductions unfairly drawn, he will be ready to make such alterations in a second edition, as truth may demand. He will, of course, have a right to expect other authority in proof of error, than mere individual opinion.

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For any further communication on the subject of your note I must beg to refer you to the author of the work, the correctness of which you impugn, I will only add that in respect to the work itself, as well as regarding my own theological opinions, I am perfectly ready to declare my sentiments when called upon by competent authority.

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"Bath, April 23rd, 1851. earnestly, to call your attention to the "My Lord, I beg respectfully, but enclosed work, entitled An Outline of the Constitution and History of the Church, in question and answer, by the Rev. S. W. Mangin, Curate of Bathwick,' which, with the cognizance of the Rev. H. M. Scarth, rector of that parish (who declines interfering in the matter,) is publicly offered for sale in this city.

"I would especially refer your lordship to the following passages, wherein the author, under the designation of 'The Church,' endeavours to establish the identity of the Protestant Church of England with the apostate Church of Rome:

"The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is founded on the Apostles.' (rp. 5, 6.)

"It is not enough for the Church to

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