LETTER III. My Sister in the Lord: February 12th, 1831. ***** Could we, more frequently, and more sincerely, realize and believe that passage in Holy Writ, that "all things work together for the good of those, who love God," with how much more patience should we receive every afflictive dispensation of His Providence. Happy indeed are those, who can perceive, after passing through the fiery furnace, that their dross only was consumed, whilst the soul was purified, strengthened, adorned, and fitted for the Master's service.-You ask me, "Are you not now, a vessel sanctified, and meet for your Master's use?" Alas, alas, how have you been inistaken in me! I think, sometimes, I love the Creator, and the once crucified, but now exalted Saviour. It pains me, to hear the Holy Name profaned; and I dislike all manner of sin, knowing it to be so. I feel a regard for all the sincere followers of a meek and lowly Master; but I appear to strive to become a posessor of this meekness, almost in vain. Sometimes I think, I am in a degree in possession of it, when some worldly tempest arises, and sweeps it from my grasp! I then have to lament the pride, and selfishness of my still stony, and rebellious heart. I pray daily, for more grace and purification of mind; and at some seasons, I am blest with peace and joy, in the inward man. And I desire to praise the Lord, that His patience is not so exhausted, and His Spirit so grieved, but that He still continues to reprove me for the slightest. sin, in word or thought.-Pray for me, my Sister, that I may become purified in body, soul and spirit. My family unite with me in fervent wishes for your present and eternal happiness. If we should meet no more here, may the Lord in infinite mercy grant, that we may meet in another, and a better world; in praises of that grace which has redeemed us, and cleansed us from all impurity, in the blood of His only begotten Son! Farewell, my Sister in Jesus: and neglect not to pray for Your unworthy brother,* W. R. LETTER IV. Dear Sister Nancy: Hampton, August 22d, 1832. We received your letter one week, since; which gave us intelligence of your arrival at the memorable spot, where lays the remains of our dear brother Philip. It is a great consolation to us, that you have been permitted to reach there; and to see those dear friends, whose lot it was, under Providence, to perform for him, the last act necessary on earth,-which, we would, might have 'been ours. But while we reflect that he left his * This good man, who was a judge of the United States Court, had made no profession of christianity-but he disliked formality exceedingly,-and usually attended the meeting of Friends. home, to die so far from all his relatives,-we have reason to be comforted, that he survived to be carried on shore. Extremely painful would it have been, had he been thrown into the merciless ocean,-known to none, but the vessels crew.We heartily wish that his attendants might have been as good, before, as after, he left the vessel. But too often, vainly do we wish! He was inclined to be patient before he left home; and perhaps might suffer, were it in his power to ask a favor. How gladly would his wife, or any others have gone with him; had we known his intention of going further than Boston. Whether he contemplated a sea voyage, previous to his leaving home, we cannot tell. He wrote to his wife from Boston, that he met with a Mr. Dow, who was out of health,—and his complaints, similar to his own: they saw the physicians together, and were advised, to that last resort. He thought Mr. D- would not survive the voyage. We were doubtful then, whether he did not refer to himself. He appeared cheerful at the idea of going, the morning I saw him take the stage;-as if he were going upon some important business, best known to himself. He was very affectionate, the few days that I was with him, but appeared to regret leaving nothing, that he parted with behind. He said to his little son, when he rose from his bed, "Young Man, you may have my bed to night, if you like it better than your own." His wife feels her loss much. And little D. Philip talks of what his pappa said to him; but will try to stop us, if we mention where he now *is:-and he has often burst out a crying, about him. Our mother bears her affliction as well as we could expect;but she will never be unmindful of him, who was so dear to her. She bids me to tell you, to mourn no more for him,-as she views the hand of God displayed, in his going there. We often see him on that sofa, close his eyes on every thing belowand go, even to the grave, and drop a tear with you! We wish you, with these lines, to present to Dr. W., and Mr. & Mrs. E., our sincere respects. We esteem them very highly for their kindness to our dear, dear brother;-who, we are satisfied, done all that for him, that they would,-.had he been, their own. If we never see them on earth, we hope to join them in heavenwhere we anticipate a happy meeting, likewise with our kindred that have gone before, and all the "redeemed of the Lord"-to part again no more. Yours, with many good wishes for your prosperity, &c. MARY TOWLE. LETTER V. City of Georgetown, June 21st, 1832. If my dear Miss Towle, has not received the letter I directed to her, while at Norfolk, (and sent by Mr. Wm. McKenney,) I fear she has thought me remiss, if not quite forgetful, in not acknow *Two of our cousins, since the death of our brother, have likewise gone the way of all the earth. . ledging the affectionate letter she was pleased to address to us in a "family capacity,"'-as well as my own individual obligations for the little effusion written in my "Olio",-dictated, permit me to say, more by the benevolence of her own heart, than any merit of mine.. In expressing my thanks, allow me to add, That I derived an additional pleasure from the ready compliance with what, to one so much abstracted as yourself, from the common-place realities of life,-might have worn the appearance of something, too trifling to occupy your time or attention. Indeed, a fear of this seeming obtrusiveness, has prevented me, oftentimes, from soliciting contributions to my "book of memento's"; and lost me, I know, specimens of talent, taste, and acquirement, which would have been highly valuable and entertaining.But there are persons who, notwithstanding the elevation which superior talents and piety give them, above their fellows, possess so much native urbanity, that we feel the intellectual distance dininished: and we can, therefore, approach them; and even ask favours,-and I am inclined to think, judging from our mutual dependence upon each other, that an indulgence thus bestowed, is not altogether without its reward. Your gratitude, my dear Miss Towle, leads you very far to overrate the attention received from us, while in George-Town. And did I, not really believe, that to be "about your Master's business," constituted your chief delight, I should say, that your comforts were but few, while under our roof. Your sustenance I am sure, grows not S |