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Mifs De Camp's Portia was beyond what we could poffibly have expected from a perfon of her line of acting. It was frequently above, but never below mediocrity. The fpeech on mercy, was delivered with confiderable elegance and correctnefs. She was rewarded by the warm plaudits of a genteel and crowded audience.

Of the general performances of the other perfonages we fhail only fay,

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Mogul Tale.

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CHEST-Agreeable Surprize.September 1. (For the benefit of Mr. Fawcett) HEIR AT LAW-Sylvefter Daggerwood-Poor Soldier.

Mr. Fawcett's performance of Sylvefter Dagger wood was the best imitation we ever witneffed! imitations are always inferior to originals. A word to the wife is fufficient.

2. ITALIAN MONK-ditto-Children in the Wood. -4. (For the benefit of Mr. Ellifton) Othello by Mr. Ellifton; Defdemona, Mifs De Camp-No Song No Supper.

Mr. Ellifton's Othello, we truft, will not foon be repeated. In contemplation of Iago, we loft all recollection of Palmer: Charles Kemble played with unufual juftnefs and fpirit; and Mifs De Camp furpaffed the expectation of every one prefent. In her dying fcene, the tragic ahs! and chs were too predominant, but, with this exception, we do not recollect a more faithful, or more pleafing reprefentative of the character. Some of the inferior performers were fuch as could not fail in exciting the rifibility of the most ferious audience.

5. HEIR AT LAW-Quarter of an Hour before Dinner-Purfe.-6. ITALIAN MONK-Sylvefter Daggerwood

gerwood-Peeping Tom7. SURRENDER OF CALIS-Children in the Wood.

In the fencing scene between Walter and Oliver, Mr. Caulfield received a dangerous wound in the face, which, at first, occafioned apprehenfions of the lots of fight; but we believe he is in a fair way of recovery.

8. First time this feafon THE JEW-Agreeable Surprife.-9. ITALIAN MONK-Guardian.

A Mifs Stuart made her first appearance this evening in the character of Harriet. She poffeffes an engaging figure, confiderable diffidence, and much goodfense. Several circumftances, extremely injurious to a first appearance, operated against her. Mr. Palmer, on what account we do not wish to infinuate-we are fure it was not an illiberal one, was under the neceffity of reading his part. The drefs of Mr. R. Palmer was ftrikingly uncharacteristic. Thefe difficulties, however, were furmounted, and fhe has fince repeated the performance with additional fuccefs.

Mifs De Camp was fo much indifpofed, that Mrs. Gibbs was under the neceffity of reading her part in the play.

11. (For the Benefit of Mr. Jewell) HEIR AT LAW-Sylvefter Daggerwood-Village Lawyer.--12. ITALIAN MONK

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-13. HEIR AT LAW-Guardian.——14. ITALIAN MONK-Village Lawyer.-15. HEIR AT LAW-Sylvefter Daggerwood-ditto.


Mr. Sheridan it is, faid, is to have the fuperintendance of Drury Lane green-room.

The Birmingham theatre closed on the 15th of September, after a very fuccefsful campaign. The principal novelty which we feel ourselves loudly called upon to notice, was the appearance of Mifs Murray (daugh


ter of Mr. Murray of Covent Garden) in the difficult part of Palmyra, in the tragedy of Mahomet. Her reprefentation of it, for a girl of only fourteen years of age, was truly great. Her perfon is elegant ; her face handfome, and her countenance strikingly expreffive: her voice is melodious and.full; her articulation ftrong, and her delivery strictly correct. She gave to the character its full confequence and intereft; and the pathetic fpeeches, particularly, "came mended from her lips.' Some gentlemen who witneffed her performance, have had a very elegant medal caft to be prefented to her, in honour of her fuccefs. She has fince performed the part of Jeffe Oatland with equal applaufe; and given to it all the elegant and chafte fimplicity which the character requires. From this fpecimen of her powers, we doubt not but the will foon become a valuable acquifition to either of our winter




HIS gentleman, a native of Cumberland, the maft en

traveller of day, is

From his defcriptions, it appears that that proud remnant of antiquity, the temple of Jupiter Ammon, is still in a high ftate of prefervation. Befides penetrating into the defarts of Lybia to discover this temple, fo celebrated by Lucan, Mr. Browne has explored thofe diftricts vifited by Bruce, when he difcovered the fource of the Nile, on the 4th of November, 1770, as well as Abyffinia. The travels and defigns of Mi. Browne will, probably, foon appear, and prove a valuable acquifition to the republic of Jetters; they cast an important light upon the districts in the interior of Africa,


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A French gentleman, who has spent twelve years in the Eaft, and, in the course of his travels, has vifited Babylon and Persepolis, is preparing an account of his tour, which the difturbances of his native country have prevented him from giving fooner to the world. Amongst the antiquities which his researches have difcovered, are feveral volumes of parchment, filled with characters hitherto undeciphered, and an emerald of two inches long, containing the figure of Alexander, engraved with fuch exquifite art, as only to be difcernable when placed in a particular point of view between the eye and the light.


A very curious difcovery has lately been made by one of the beft antiquaries and hiftorians of Ireland, among the papers of the celebrated Irish patriot, Mr. Molyneux, who died in 1699, of a branch of the royal fociety established there, and correfponding with them from 1652, till fir I. Newton was prefident of the fociety; this circumftance was not known when the Irish academy was incorporated in 1686. From a print of the Giant's Caufeway, printed and engraved by their order, in 1797, it appears, that fir Cyrile Wyche was prefident; Dr. Afhe, bishop of Cloyne, and William Molyneux, efq. vice-prefidents of the Dublin philofophical fociety. Some rare tracts have also been found among the papers of Dr. Huntingdon, who was a great traveller, and provost of the university of Dublin in the reign of Charles II.

A perfon in Lancashire is said to have invented a perpetual motion. His method is, by condenfing the weight of the atmosphere on a vacuum, formed by means of an air-pump on a wheel, to the axle of which, when a toothed fegment, or any other machine is affixed, it will give inftant velocity.


FROSTON, AUG. 20. The comet was firft feen by Mr. Walker, at half past eight at night, on Friday the 18th, nearly in the pole of the ecliptic; compofing a rhomboides or lozenge fhaped figure, with 6 and y Draconis, and a ftar of the fourth


magnitude in the left heel of Hercules. It was then distinctly vifible to the naked eye as a faint star. With a good telescope, it appeared to most advantage when a power of about 40 was ufed. Is was then a diffused milky haziness, like the nebula of Andromeda. It has fince been rapidly changing its pofition. About one, this morning, it had moved near 14 degrees. Its motion, in the twenty-four hours, had been about 12 degrees. To-morrow night it will probably be near a ophinci, and may be expected to pass the ecliptic in the first degree of Capricorn, not later, probably, than Wednesday or Thursday evening. From its apparent path, and the earth's place in its orbit, it feems likely to be visible till near its perihelion, towards which it appears to be defcending. It probably may become very confpicuous in its afcent from the fun. But farther obfervation, to which the weather threatens to be unfavourable, is required towards estimating what we, may expect concerning it.

At present thefe are its moft obfervable circumstances. When measured by an excellent micrometer wire, to an achromatic of Dolland's, the diameter of the diftin&t white light was two minutes 30 feconds, and that of Jupiter being then 47 feconds, fo that its apparent diameter was rather more than three times that of the planet. The whole extent of the faint vague nebulofity might poffibly be four or five minutes.

It had no diftinct nucleus; but its fouthern fide was moft luminous.

A ftar or two was feen through the haze of the comet. It was lefs confpicuous to the naked eye last night than on the evening of its discovery.

Nine, Sunday night-The comet visible, at least equally with last night's appearance. Sky cloudy and very unfavourable for afcertaining its place. Its rate of progress towards the ecliptic appears diminished.

Quarter before ten, Sunday night.-Comet diftinctly visible to the naked eye. It was beyond the bright ftar Lyra, and had advanced fix degrees towards the ecliptic fince the laft night's obfervation, and was near the triangle of stars in the left hand of Hercules.


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