WESTMINSTER BRIDGE, SEPT. 3RD, 1803. EARTH has not anything to shew more fair : This city now doth like a garment wear All bright and glittering in the smokeless air. SONNET. PELION and Ossa flourish side by side, Yet round our sea-girt shore they rise in crowds: And pours forth streams more sweet than Castaly. UPON THE BEACH NEAR CALAIS, 1802. It is a beauteous evening, calm and free; Breathless with adoration; the broad sun Dear child! dear girl! that walkest with me here, ON THE EVE OF A FRIEND'S MARRIAGE, IN THE VALE OF GRASMERE. WHAT need of clamorous bells, or ribbons gay No mirthful gladness. Serious is her face, Modest her mien; and she, whose thoughts keep pace Will thank you. Faultless does the maid appear, No disproportion in her soul, no strife: Hath shewn that nothing human can be clear TO THE MEMORY OF RAISLEY CALVERT. CALVERT! it must not be unheard by them This care was thine when sickness did condemn Hence, if in freedom I have loved the truth, |