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Let the sweet hope that thou art mine
My life and death attend;

Thy presence through my journey shine,
And crown my journey's end.

HYMN 201.

The Christian race.

1 AWAKE, my soul, stretch every nerve,
And press with vigour on;
A heavenly race demands thy zeal,
And an immortal crown.
A cloud of witnesses around
Hold thee in full survey;
Forget the steps already trod,
And onward urge thy way.
'Tis God's all animating voice
That calls thee from on high;
'Tis his own hand presents the prize
To thine aspiring eye.




Blest Saviour, introduc'd by thee,
Have I my race begun;
And, crown'd with victory, at thy feet
I'll lay my honours down.

HYMN 202.
"Looking unto Jesus."

BEHOLD the Lamb of God, who bore
Thy burdens on the tree,
And paid in blood the dreadful score,
The ransom due for thee!

2 Look to him, till the sight endears
The Saviour to thy heart :
His pierced feet bedew with tears,
Nor from his cross depart.

3 Look to him, till his dying love
Thy every thought controul;
Its vast constraining influence prove
O'er body, spirit, soul.


Look to him, as the race you run,
Your never-failing friend;
Finish he will the work begun,
And grace in glory end.

HYMN 203.

Holy zeal and diligence.

1 WHILE carnal men, with all their might,

Earth's vanities pursue,

How slow the advances which I make,
With heaven itself in view!

2 Inspire my soul with holy zeal;
Great God, my love inflame;
Religion, without zeal and love,
Is but an empty name.
3 To gain the top of Sion's hill,
May I with fervour strive;
And all those powers employ for thee,
Which I from thee derive!



HYMN 204.

Watchfulness enjoined.

YE servants of the Lord,
Each in his office wait,
Observant of his heavenly word,
And watchful at his gate.
Let all your lamps be bright,
And trim the golden flame;
Gird up your loins, as in his sight,
For awful is his name.









Watch, 'tis your Lord's command;
And while we speak, he's near;
Mark the first signal of his hand,
And ready all appear.

O happy servant he

In such a posture found!
He shall his Lord with rapture see,
And be with honour crown'd.

HYMN 205.

O that I were as in months past!"
O FOR a closer walk with God,
A calm and heavenly frame;
A light to shine upon the road
That leads me to the Lamb!
Where is the blessedness I knew,
When first I saw the Lord ?
Where is the soul-refreshing view
Of Jesus and his word?

What peaceful hours I then enjoy'd!
How sweet their memory still!
But now I find an aching void
The world can never fill.

Return, O holy Dove, return,
Sweet messenger of rest!
I hate the sins that made thee mourn,
And drove thee from my breast.

The dearest idol I have known,
Whate'er that idol be,

Help me to tear it from thy throne,
And worship only thee.

So shall my walk be close with God,
Calm and serene my frame :
So purer light shall mark the road
That leads me to the Lamb.








HYMN 206.

"Wilt thou not revive us again?"

O FOR that flame of living fire,
Which shone so bright in saints of old!
Which bade their souls to heaven aspire,
Calm in distress, in danger bold !

Where is that Spirit, Lord, which dwelt
In Abraham's breast, and seal'd him thine?
Which made Paul's heart with sorrow melt,
And glow with energy divine?

Is not thy grace as mighty now,
As when Elijah felt its power?
When glory beam'd from Moses' brow,
Or Job endur'd the trying hour?
Remember, Lord, the ancient days;
Renew thy work, thy grace restore;
Warm our cold hearts to prayer and praise,
And teach us how to love thee more.

HYMN 207.

For a new heart and a right spirit.

O MAY my heart, by grace renew'd,
Be my Redeemer's throne!
And be my stubborn will subdued,
His government to own.
Let deep repentance, faith, and love
Be join'd with godly fear;
And all my conversation prove
My soul to be sincere.
Preserve me from the snares of sin,
And Satan's treacherous ways;
Around me let each virtue shine
That brings my Saviour praise.


Let lively hope my soul inspire,
Let warm affections rise;
And may I wait with strong desire,
To meet thee in the skies.

HYMN 208.

1. MY God, permit me not to be
A stranger to myself and thee;
Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove,
Forgetful of my highest love.

2 Call me away from flesh and sense
Thy sovereign word can draw me thence;
I would obey the voice divine,
And all inferior joys resign.

4 Be earth with all her scenes withdrawn,

Let noise and vanity be gone;
In secret silence of the mind,

My heaven, and there my God I find.

HYMN 209.

1 FAR from the world, O Lord, I flee,
From strife and tumult far;

From scenes where Satan wages still
His most successful war.

2 The calm retreat, the silent shade,..
With prayer and praise agree;
And seem by thy sweet bounty made
For those who follow thee.

3 There if thy Spirit touch the soul,
And grace her mean abode,
O with what peace, and joy, and love,
She communes with her God! A

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