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impervious, and all hope being abandoned of their recovery, the part of Greenland which faces the east took the name of Lost Greenland.

In the summer months of the year 1815, in 1816, and 1817, islands of ice of unusual magnitude appeared in the Atlantic, many of them as low as in the fortieth parallel of latitude.

Some of these islands consisted of icebergs having an elevation from 100 to 150 feet above the surface of the water, and were several miles in circumference; others consisted of flat islands of packed ice, presenting so vast an extent of surface, that it was averred a ship from Boston had been three days entangled in one, near the tail of the Great Bank, near Newfoundland. "The Unitas Fratrum," while proceeding to the missions on Old Greenland, was beset on the coast of Labrador for eleven days, by icebergs of an unusual magnitude, many of which had rocks upon them, with gravel, soil, and pieces of wood. The packet on her route from Halifax passed a mountain of ice nearly 200 feet in height, which was computed to be at least two miles in circumference. An unusual amount of ice was seen in the months of May, June, and July, in 1817, in the neighborhood of Newfoundland, Halifax, and other northern ports of America; insomuch that the whole island of Newfoundland was so completely environed, that the vessels employed in the fishery were unable to get out to sea. The source of this extraordinary quantity of loose ice was supposed to be the coast of Greenland.

In a letter addressed to Sir Joseph Banks, Mr. Scoresby says "I observed on my last voyage (1817) about 2000 square leagues (18,000 square miles) of the surface of the Greenland seas included between the parallels 74° and 80° perfectly void of ice, all of which has disappeared within the last two years." And he further stated, that though on former voyages he had very rarely been able to penetrate the ice, between the latitudes of 76° and 80°, so far to the west as the meridian of Greenwich, he had on his last voyage twice reached the longitude of 10° west, and that in the parallel of 74° he had approached the coast of Old Greenland; that there was little ice near the land; and he added "that there could be no doubt but he might have reached the shore, had he had a justifiable motive for navigating an unknown sea at so late a season of the year." Mr. Scoresby had also found the sea so clear, in returning to the southward, that he actually landed on Jan Mayen's Island, which is usually surrounded by a barrier of ice. It was also stated upon competent authority, by intelligence received at Copenhagen from Iceland, that in September the ice had broken loose from the opposite coast of Greenland, and floated away to the southward, after surrounding the shores, and filling all the bays and creeks of that island.

We shall not stop to inquire into the physical eause of these gigantic changes, which about this time were developed upon the earth's surface; suffice it to say that they gave rise to a vast

amount of very spurious philosophy, and attracted the public attention to the subject of the longneglected North-western Passage, and immediately led to the revival of the discussion of the subject, which was warmly embraced by Sir John Barrow, at that time a secretary of the Admiralty.

Previously to originating any proposal of a repetition of an attempt to effect a North-western Passage, no pains were spared in collecting whatever information could be derived from the old navigators, the traders in the service of the Hudson's Bay and North-west Companies. Sir Joseph Bankes also powerfully aided the new undertaking. A plan was submitted to Lord Melville, then first lord of the Admiralty, by Sir John Barrow, and was referred, in the ordinary routine of business, to the President and Council of the Royal Society, and being returned with their approval, was submitted to Lord Liverpool, then prime minister, for his sanction. The sanction of Lord Liverpool having been obtained, orders were forthwith issued by the Board of Admiralty for the preparation of four ships, to be appropriated to the service in question. Two of these ships were intended to search for a passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and the other two were to proceed from the sea of Spitzbergen towards the North Pole.

It is not easy to perceive what were the reasons which prompted the very sanguine expectations which were entertained at this time in favor of the success of a voyage which had been hitherto uniformly unsuccessful. None of the old navigators had even penetrated any part of the Polar Sea ; their discoveries had been confined to the straits, inlets, and islands on the eastern coast of America, and the straits of Davis and Baffin on the western coast of Greenland. At this period nothing was known of any entrance to the Polar Sea from this side of America: Captain Cook had indeed seen the sea through Behring's Straits, and Hearne and MacKenzie had arrived at the northern shore of North America at different points, and at different times.

It was urged in support of the intended expedition, that a current was constantly found setting down Davis' Strait, and the Strait of Hudson's Bay, and also along the shore of Spitzbergen, all to southward; it was therefore said, that no doubt could remain that there was a water communication between the sea of the Pacific and the Northern Atlantic; that the water supplied through the Strait of Behring, into the Polar Sea, was discharged into the Atlantic by some opening or other yet to be discovered.

Two expeditions, each consisting of two ships, were fitted out for the purpose of northern discovery; the one, as we have said, was to proceed northerly into the Polar Sea, and endeavor to pass close to the Pole, and thus make a direct course to Behring's Strait; the other was to push through Davis' Strait for the North-east coast of America; and, if successful, was to proceed to the westward

Thus it would appear that one of the main inducements for fitting out this expedition at this particular period, was founded upon a fallacy; the breaking up of the ice, the sudden change in the character of the seasons, were so many pleasant dreams promoted by the warmth and comfort of a London fireside; indulged in only by travellers whose dangers and labors are confined to imaginary icebergs and unreal fields of ice, and who

with a view of passing Behring's Strait. Four of seven years, that the severity of the cold had merchant vessels were hired, and were strength-annually increased. ened by all the means and appliances which the engineering skill of the day suggested. The Isabella, of 385 tons, and Alexander, of 252 tons, were placed under the command of Commander Ross, (now Sir John Ross,) and the Dorothea and the Trent were placed under the command of Captain David Buchan. The first two vessels were ordered to proceed up Davis' Strait, and the other two were, by the route of the North Pole, to make the best of their way respectively to Beh-seering's Strait. The Alexander was commanded by One wide, unvaried plain of boundless white Lieutenant Parry, and the Trent by Lieutenant only in the virgin whiteness of the hangings of a Franklin, and each bore a junior lieutenant, with snug and comfortably furnished English bedroom. two midshipmen, who had served their time, and On the 17th of June, the sea appeared to occupy passed their examination, and one assistant sur- the whole visible horizon; and the vessels were geon. To each vessel was also appointed a mas-made fast by their ice-anchors to an iceberg. Here ter and mate, well experienced in the navigation Sir John Ross corrected an important error in the of the Greenland Seas and Davis' Strait, who charts, to the amount of 5° in longitude, and 30 were to act as pilots. All the men employed miles in latitude. They now worked through the were volunteers, and they and their officers were ice and reached Four Island Point. The ships to receive double pay. were now placed in a perilous position by the moOn the 18th April, 1818, the Isabella and Al- tion of the ice, and the Alexander took ground. exander left the river, and on the 30th arrived at The ice, which had hitherto formed a solid and Lerwick; on the 3d of May the signal was made impenetrable mass, began to break up on the 2d for sailing, and the first ice was seen on the 26th of July; and the vessels moved slowly forward, of the same month, nearly in the latitude of Cape through narrow and intricate channels, among Farewell. After this, ice was met with daily, mountains and loose pieces of ice. To the westand the weather became variable, the ships hold-ward the ice still retained its solidity, and it aping their course in a north-westerly direction peared that the only probable means of effecting towards the entrance of Davis' Strait. The tem- a passage further north consisted in keeping close perature now was about freezing point, that of the to the shore. On the 16th, the Isabella was surface of the water differing from the tempera- | placed in a perilous situation, by being jammed in ture of the air by about two degrees. On the 4th between two ice floes, and lifted several feet out of June, a bottle was cast overboard, and the ex- of the water. On the 17th of August, Cape periment seems to have afforded anything but a Dudley Digges was made, and was found to agree favorable result in confirmation of some precon- with the observations recorded by Baffin. ceived notions upon the direction of the currents. inlets were filled with solid ice, and the interior About this time, also, the attention of Sir John of the country presented a range of lofty mounRoss was directed to the important subject of the tains covered with snow. On the 18th of August deviation of the magnetic needle, an important they passed Wolstenholme Sound, and saw Caportion of his duty, which, considering the imper- ry's Islands. An attempt was now made to find fect knowledge which was then possessed upon the the North-west Passage in Whale Sound, but they subject, was performed with marked diligence and were soon convinced that there was no navigable ability. We are here again informed that there passage in that direction. They now passed was no current, which appears the more surpris- Hackluyt's Island, and made Smith's Sound. ing, as the wind had blown for three successive Throughout the whole of this voyage, Sir John days directly down the Strait. On the 9th of June Ross seems to have taken extreme care in recordthey saw the island of Disco, but nothing of ma-ing the character of the soundings, and much valterial consideration is recorded from this date to uable information and light have thereby been the 14th, when the expedition reached Whale Island. Here Sir John Ross was informed that the winter had been unusually severe, a fact at variance with the popular belief of the amelioration of the Arctic climate which had been entertained in England, an impression which had so largely conduced to the sending of the expedition. The inspector of the Danish settlement reported that the sea had been frozen near his station early in December, a period earlier than usual by at least two months. Love Bay and Waygat's Strait were still frozen, and he had remarked during his residence in Greenland, being a period



thrown upon the formation of the earth in these
high latitudes. This is the more important, be-
cause much misapprehension had previously existed
upon the subject; and there was a pretty general
expectation that the depth of the soundings near
the land was such an indication of the probability
of a passage, as might be depended upon.
gather from the labors of Sir John Ross, that the
depth along shore, within three miles of land,
reaches to 445 fathoms, while in the middle of the
bay the soundings gave only 100 fathoms. It also
appeared that the formation of the bottom of the
bay was exceedingly irregular and mountainous-

facts which show that it is somewhat difficult to snow, and the coast appeared habitable. Here the arrive at any correct conclusion upon the possibil-soundings were ascertained to reach from 200 to ity of effecting a passage in any particular inlet, 240 fathoms, for a considerable distance.

by reasoning from such elements. In Behring's Straits, where there is a passage, the soundings give only 28 fathoms, and in the entrance to the White Sea we only reach nine.

On the 20th August they attained their highest point of latitude, and here it does not appear sufficiently plain why Sir John Ross did not examine Smith's Sound, which had been stated by Baffin to be the largest of all the sounds he had discovered. His description of it is, however, sufficiently brief, yet well calculated to inspire the curiosity of a man of science. Baffin says, in speaking of this sound, "It runneth to the north of 78°, and is admirable in one respect, because in it is the greatest variation in the compass of any part of the known world; for by divers good observations, I found it to be above five points or 56° variation to the westward." The Admiralty instructions certainly did not stand in the way of such a course; the season was not too far advanced, and we are at a loss to understand why an opportunity so attractive and promising, and so consistent with the main object of the expedition, was neglected. Sir John Ross seems himself to have felt that this part of his proceedings required explanation; but we are by no means satisfied with the grounds of his conviction which led him to neglect this important examination. It would also appear, that Sir John Ross did not, in his examination of Baffin's Bay, approach sufficiently near to the shore to enable him to carry out the object of his mission with scientific accuracy. The vessels now proceeded down the western coast to explore Jones' Sound, the next inlet which afforded any probability of offering a passage to the westward. The bay was filled with ice of a solid nature, and of a green color; the land appeared bare of vegetation, few birds were seen and no whales, nor any animal except seals, which appeared to be abundant. Here the depth of water was 110 fathoms, and at the bottom of the bay was observed a ridge of very high mountains, which extended nearly across the bay, and which were joined to another ridge from the south, not quite so lofty. Sir John Ross being satisfied that no passage existed here, the vessels stood to the southward.

The ships still stood along the western coast, and on the 29th steered towards the most distant land, which was indistinctly seen at half-past five in the afternoon. The temperature of the surface water was observed to increase from 32° to 36°. Here they reached a wide opening, which proved the largest and the most important sound of any that had been seen on either coast; it was what Baffin had called Sir James Lancaster's Sound.

In justice to Sir John Ross, we transcribe his own narrative of this event; he says:

The rest of the day was spent in beating to the westward; all sail was carried, and every advantage taken of the changes in the direction and strength of the wind. As the evening closed, the wind died away-the weather became mild and warm, the water much smoother, and the atmosside of the Strait, being clear of clouds, had beauThe mountains on each phere clear and serene. tiful tints of various colors. For the first time we discovered that the land extended from the south two thirds across this apparent Strait; but the fog, which continually occupied that quarter, obscured its real figure. During this day, much interest was excited by the appearance of this Strait; the inlet. Captain Sabine, who produced Baffin's acgeneral opinion, however, was, that it was only an count, was of opinion that we were off Lancaster Sound, and that there were no hopes of a passage until we should arrive at Cumberland Strait; to use his own words, there was "no indication of a passage,' "appearance of a current," drift wood," and "no swell from the north-west."


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Lancaster Sound a second time was overlooked after a period of two hundred years. Sir John Ross, it appears, was deceived by the appearance of the distant land, which seemed to meet and form an enclosed inlet. We cannot but think that, considering the scientific character of the expedition, insufficient care was exercised, and too little accuracy of observation pursued by Sir John Ross, in allowing an optical illusion to turn him aside from the main object of the expedition. One of the first and most important objects to be attained by men accustomed to scientific research, is to guard the senses against the too facile illusions to which they are obnoxious. Sir John Ross, however, had not been bred in this extreme school of accuracy, and it does not appear that his companThe sun now set upon our navigators, after a ions were capable or willing to lend him the day of 1872 hours, and warned them of the ap-assistance which he lacked. proach of a long and dreary winter. The coast After quitting Lancaster Sound, the expedition of Jones' Sound was seen, and the ice became proceeded in a southerly course, passing two more heavier and more compact. On the 28th the fog, inlets, which were filled with ice, and were quite which had gradually been stealing over the at- impenetrable. An uninterrupted chain continued mosphere, assumed a degree of dangerous densi- to extend along the coast, connected with the ridge ty; but the land at the latitude of 75° 27' was formerly observed in the bay. No bottom was still traced, and presented ridges of very lofty found in 550 fathoms, and the same general charmountains. The navigators, however, were una- acter, in all respects, was observed to exist on the ble to approach the coast within five leagues, on western as on the eastern side of the bay. On the account of the barrier of ice which defended it. 5th September, they reached Pond's Bay, which Here the mountains were estimated to be of the was then occupied by a long glacier, extending a elevation of 4000 feet, were partially covered with considerable distance into the sea. It was there

fore impenetrable.

of Cape MacCulloch, when another bay was seen, also choked with ice, and they remarked that the same mountainous aspect characterized the interior of the country. At sunset, they had run down about seventy miles of coast, and Sir John Ross was satisfied that there could be no passage between latitude 73° 33′ and 72°. In running to the southward, the land was still traced to the latitude of 71° 22′, where it had hot been seen by former navigators; and it was here remarked, that the mountains near the shore assumed a new character, being more detached, of a rounder shape, and their summits less clothed with snow.

At noon, they were abreast had performed valuable services in the North Seas, which they admitted; he was introduced to the expedition under the auspices and recommendation of a gallant and experienced officer, who was then a lord of the Admiralty, and took with him the character of being an active and zealous officer, and one well practised in the ordinary duties of the seaman's profession. A very large amount of allowance must be made for the position of Sir John Ross, surrounded as he was by an accumulation of unusual difficulties, having to perform duties of a very varied, responsible, and difficult character; with, as it appears to us, a very inexperienced and feeble staff of scientific assistants. It is From the 18th to the 21st of September, the clear that sufficient attention had not been exercised ships continued to beat to the southward, and on by the authorities in the selection of properly the latter day they stood across the bay so far as educated and competent persons for these duties; again to reach the coast on its eastern side. Here and the consequence has been, that the observations they found the depth by sounding was forty fath- | recorded upon the expedition do not always comThe weather being now broken up and un-mand that confidence and respect which observations settled, they suffered several gales of wind, and of this character ought to ensure. were greatly impeded in their progress; and this was especially the case with the Alexander, whose sluggish properties stood much in the way of any successful progress in this expedition. Neither of the ships was capable of making much way with a head wind; both were heavy sailers, and seem to have been but little adapted to the pur-proceed without delay into the Spitzbergen seas, poses of the expedition. In this it cannot be denied that there existed a great want of care and attention in those departments of our service, which, considering the ample remuneration they receive for their modicum of science and skill, ought not to be deficient in that species of knowledge, experience, and circumspection, which we look for in vain in the selection and fitting of the Isabella and Alexander. The very qualities upon which the success of the expedition mainly depended, were wanting.


On the return of Sir John Ross, his conclusion regarding Lancaster Sound became the subject of much sceptical discussion; and it was argued by those experienced in naval perspective, that Sir John Ross had not sufficiently guarded against a common optical illusion, and that he had not penetrated deep enough into the sound to form any accurate judgment upon the subject; for it was urged that a strait even of considerable breadth, if winding or varied by capes, always presents to the spectator the precise appearance of an inclosed bay. Discussion soon gathered an element of angry sentiment, which made it assume a form that looked very much like persecution; angry pamphlets were written upon the subject, accusations and recriminations appeared in indecent abundance; and the zeal which was exhibited upon the occasion led to the adoption of a line of conduct in some of the opponents of Sir John's views, which were not very creditable to them, and we think scarcely excusable or justifiable by any amount of zeal in the cause of science or popular enthusiasm.

Sir John Ross was an officer of great merit, which his enemies did not attempt to deny-he

The expedition of Captain Buchan, undertaken cotemporaneously with that of Sir John Ross, although it was instrumental in introducing some distinguished names to public notice, was in itself almost barren of interest or novelty. The instructions furnished to Captain Buchan, directed him to

where he was to endeavor to pass to the northward, between Spitzbergen and Greenland; but he was not to suffer any delay on either of these coasts, but proceed in the prosecution of the main object of the expedition, and endeavor to reach the North Pole. Great care was expended on that portion of the instructions which had relation to scientific observation, but the character of the voyage did not permit these instructions to be instrumental in contributing much benefit to the world. In short, although the voyage had all the interest which attaches to everything relating to the Polar Regions, yet was it barren of any novel result, and contributed little to the cause of science.

On the 24th of May, 1818, the expedition reached Cherie Island, in latitude 74° 32', where the walruses were so numerous, that one of the crews succeeded in capturing about a thousand of these animals in the space of seven hours.

On the 28th of May, the weather had become foggy and severe, and the ships separated; the Trent, commanded by Lieutenant John Franklin, now Captain Sir John Franklin, standing to the northward, towards Magdalena Bay, the point indicated as the place of rendezvous. Here they again met, and finding it impossible to penetrate the barrier of ice, and the season being as yet but little advanced, it was determined to remain a few days in the bay, and they accordingly anchored there on the 3d of June. The ice existed as yet in large masses, both in the cove and upper part of the harbor, but it was evident that it had already become sensible to an elevation of temperature, for it was in a rapidly decaying state and on revisiting the anchorage in the beginning of August it had totally disappeared.

of books, and there can be no history of books till books are written. It presupposes, moreover, a critical knowledge-an acquaintance with the principles of taste, which can come only from a wide study and comparison of models. It is, therefore, necessarily the product of an advanced state of civilization and mental culture.

Captain Beechey has described Magdalena Bay | Literary history must come late in the intelin his account of this voyage. It is distinguished lectual development of a nation. It is the history by four glaciers, the smallest being two hundred feet above the sea, on the slope of a mountain. It is called, says Captain Beechey, the hanging iceberg, and seems to be suspended by a point of support so frail, that a slight matter would detach it from the mountain and precipitate it into the sea. The largest of the glaciers extends between two and three miles into the land, and on account of the peculiar character of the appearance of its surface, has been named the Wagon Way. Other glaciers of a similar character were seen near the Dane's Gut, the largest being estimated at about ten thousand feet in length, by two or three hundred feet in elevation.

Although criticism, in one form or another, was studied and exemplified by the ancients, yet they made no progress in direct literary history. Neither has it been cultivated by all the nations of modern Europe. At least, in some of them it has met with very limited success. In England, one might have thought, from the free scope The navigators, during this expedition, remarked given to the expression of opinion, it would have the mild character of the temperature upon the flourished beyond all other countries. But Italy, western coast of Spitzbergen; they suffered little and even Spain, with all the restraint imposed on or no sensation of cold, though the thermometer intellectual movement, have done more in this indicated only a few degrees above freezing point. way than the whole Anglo-Saxon race. The This is in strict accordance with what had been very freedom with which the English could enter observed in 1751, by Captain M’Callam, who sailed, on the career of political action has not only without obstruction from ice, from Hackluyt's withdrawn them from the more quiet pursuits of Head, as high as the latitude of 834°, and found letters, but has given them a decided taste for only an open sea, the weather being fine, and he descriptions of those stirring scenes in which they experienced no obstacle which would have hindered or their fathers have taken part. Hence the great him from proceeding further north; being only preponderance with them, as with us, of civil induced to neglect the opportunity which the favor-history over literary. able condition of the elements offered, by a sense of his responsibility to his employers, for the safety of the ship which he commanded. Again, in the same year, Mr. Stevens, a very skilful and accurate observer, and whose testimony is beyond all doubt, related to Dr. Maskelyne, that about the end of May he was driven off Spitzbergen by a southernly wind, which blew for several days, till he attained the latitude of 84°; and that, in the whole of this run, he met with little ice and no drift wood, and found that the cold was not exces-bers of some one or other of the religious frasive.

[blocks in formation]

LITERARY history is the least familiar kind of historical writing. It is, in some respects, the most difficult, requiring, and certainly, far the most laborious study. The facts for civil history we gather from personal experience, or from the examination of a comparatively few authors, whose statements the historian transfers, with such modification and commentary as he pleases, to his own pages. But in literary history the books are the facts, and pretty substantial ones in many cases, which are not to be mastered at a glance, or on the report of another. It is a tedious process to read through a library in order to decide that the greater part is probably not worth reading

at all.

*The readers of the Living Age will be gratified to know that this article is attributed to Mr. Prescott.

It may be further remarked, that the monastie institutions of Roman Catholic countries have been peculiarly favorable to this, as to some other kinds of composition. The learned inmates of the cloister have been content to solace their leisure with those literary speculations and inquiries which had no immediate connection with party excitement and the turmoils of the world. The best literary histories, from whatever cause, in Spain and in Italy, have been the work of mem


Still another reason of the attention given to this study in most of those countries may be found in the embarrassments existing there to the general pursuit of science, which have limited the powers to the more exclusive cultivation of works of imagination, and those other productions of elegant literature that come most properly within the province of taste and of literary criticism.

Yet in England, during the last generation, in which the mind has been unusually active, if there have been few elaborate works especially devoted to criticism, the electric fluid has been imperceptibly carried off from a thousand minor points, in the form of essays and periodical reviews, which cover nearly the whole ground of literary inquiry, both foreign and domestic. The student who has the patience to consult these scattered notices, if he cannot find a system ready made to his hands, may digest one for himself by a comparison of contradictory judgments on every topic under review. Yet it may be doubted if the multitude of cross lights thrown at random over his path will not serve rather to perplex than to enlighten him.

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