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S. Della Rocca finished by concluding, both from his experience and observations, that man was an animal very difficult to please; who, in the midst of real bless ings, was always occupied about some imaginary good. Giacoo, judging by the spectacle be

fore him how ridiculous he must himself have appeared at the time he was so continually censuring every thing around him, corrected himself of his follies; and thus the discontent of others has effec tually cured his own.




ROUSSEAU has been too often extolled as a philanthropist. Burke said of him, that he loved his kind and hated his kindred. The exposure of his children, by whatever sophistry it may be excused, is an indelible blot on his humanity; and invalidates all his pretensions to philanthropy. For, can that philanthropy be genuine, which is founded on the extinction of the parental affections; and which,with more than savage brutality, forsakes the poor innocents it brings into the world?

Every page of Rousseau glows with the captivations of that sentimental luxury, of which he is so great a master; and which he arrays in all the blandishments of eloquence. Hence the source of that admiration, which his writings have so universally excited. Though his judgment, as a philosopher, was not profound; yet his tase was so exquisite, that he strews flowers in the most rugged way, and interests the passions and the fancy, in the investigation of the most abstract propositions. This is his great excellence.

In his new Eloise, the interest consists, not so much in the diversity or the combination of the incidents, as in the beauty of the sentiment, and the magick of the diction. The picture of Julia is highly finished; but it leaves on the mind more impressions of re

From Fellowes's Chriftian Philofophy. spect than of tenderness, of admir ation than of love-At times she appears an heterogeneous mixture of apathy and passion, of prudence and of coquetry. In some situa. tions she wants tenderness, in others firmness; and she is often less governed by the warm impulses of affection, than by the abstractions of philosophy.

His Emilius, though marked by the illuminating touches and the original conceptions of genius, yet, considered as a system, is more conspicuous for its singularity than its truth. It pourtrays a system of education, which, if it were universally adopted, would keep the human species in a state of permanency between light and darkness, between savage barbarity and civilized refinement. It would counteract the moral and physical improvement of man, the progress of knowledge, and the productiveness of industry.

Though Rousseau had little beneficence, yet his writings, breathing nothing but the reciprocal love and kindness and confidence of the Golden Age, contributed, by their wide diffusion and their enchanting eloquence,to render humanity fashionable; and they have, at least, this merit,that no man can well. rise from reading them, without feeling a higher respect for his species.

That extreme and febrile sen


sibility, which was the characteris-
tick peculiarity of Rousseau, while
it proved the origin of many of his
miseries, was, perhaps, a princi-
pal source of his greatness.
imparted a singular delicacy, fresh-
ness, and animation to every page
of his writings. His feelings, in
whatever channel they flowed,
rushed on with a resistless in pet-
uosity; but, in the end, they made
wreck of his understanding.
His judgment was lost in the un-
remitting turbulence of his sensa-
tions; and in some intervals of in-
sanity, he exhibited the melancho-
ly prospect of genius crumbling
into ruins.

The language of Rousseau was
always a faithful mirror of what
was passing in the heart; which
now thrilled with rapture, and now
raged with passion. Of his style,
the peculiar characteristick is exu-
berance of imagery; profusion,
without distinction of lustre.
often resembles a landscape, in
which there is a great assemblage
of beautiful forms, without any in-
termediate spots of barrenness;
but without any objects of a strik
ing and prominent grandeur; and,

in the contemplation of which, the
eye is, at last, satiated by the uni
formity. Yet, highly coloured as
is the eloquence of Rousseau, I be
lieve that the generality of readers
would peruse his works with less
relish, if they were less adorned.
And it must be confessed, that the
ornaments, with which they are
embellished, are not the frippery
and patchwork of a paltry artist,
but the rich copiousness of an
highly saturated imagination;
they often possess a charm, of
which even the apathy of the cold-
est critick can hardly be insensible
to the fascination. He who wish-
es to perfect himself in those deli-
cacies of language or curious felici-
ties of phraseology, which impress
a palpable form, a living entity on
the fleeting tints and sensations of
the heart, should carefully analyse
the genius of the style of Rousseau;
should search into the causes, from
which result the beauty and splen
dour of his combinations; and en-
deavour to extract from an atten
tive perusal of the Eloise and the
Emilius, a portion of that taste by
which they were inspired.


As to Jortin, whether I look back to his verse,to his prose,to his critical or to his theological works,there are few authors to whom I am so much indebted for rational entertainment or for solid instruction. Learned he was, without pedantry. He was ingenious, without the affectation of singularity. He was a lover of truth, without hovering over the gloomy abyss of skepticism, and a friend to free-inquiry, with out roving into the dreary and pathless wilds of latitudinarianism. He had a heart which never dis

graced the powers of his under standing. With a lively imagination, an elegant taste, and a judg ment most masculine and most correct, he united the artless and amiable negligence of a schoolboy. Wit without ill nature, and sense without effort, he could, at will, scatter upon every subject; and in every book, the writer presents us with a near and distinct view of the real man.

His style, though inartificial, is sometimes elevated: though familiar, it is never mean; and tho

employed upon various topicks of theology, ethicks, and criticism, it is not arrayed in any delusive reremblance, either of solemnity, from fanatical cant,...of profoundness, from scholastick jargon,...of precision, from the crabbed for malities of cloudy philologists,...or of refinement, from the technical babble of frivolous connoisseurs.

At the shadowy and fleeting reputation, which is sometimes gain ed by the petty frolicks of literary vanity, or the mischievous struggles of controversial rage, Jortin never grasped. Truth,which some men are ambitious of seizing by surprize in the trackless and dark recess, he was content to overtake in the broad and beaten path: And in the pursuit of it, if he does not excite our astonishment by the rapidity of his strides, he, at least, secures our confidence by the firm ness of his step. To the examination of positions advanced by other men, he always brought a mind, which neither prepossession had seduced, nor malevolence polluted. He imposed not his own conjec tures as infallible and irresistible truths, nor endeavoured to give an air of importance to trifles, by dogmatical vehemence. He could support his more serious opinions, without the versatility of a sophist, the fierceness of a disputant, or the impertinence of a buffoon..... more than this....he could relinquish or correct them with the calm and steady dignity of a writer, who, while he yielded something to the arguments of his antagonists, was conscious of retaining enough to command their respect. He had too much discernment to confound difference of opinion with malignity or dulness, and too much candour to insult, where he could not persuade. Though his sensibilities were neither coarse nor slug

gish, he yet was exempt from those fickle humours, those rankling jealousies, and that restless waywardness, which men of the brightest talents are too prone to indulge. He carried with him, into every station in which he was placed, and every subject which he explored, a solid greatness of soul, which could spare an infe riour, though in the offensive form of an adversary, and endure an equal with, or without, the sacred name of friend. The importance of commendation, as well to him who bestows, as to him who claims it, he estimated not only with justice, but with delicacy, and therefore he neither wantonly lavished it, nor withheld it austerely. But invective he neither provoked nor feared; and, as to the severities of contempt, he reserved them for occasions where alone they could be employed with propriety, and where, by himself, they always were employed with effect....for the chastisement of arrogant dunces, of censorious sciolists, of intolerant bigots in every sect, and unprincipled impostors in every profession. Distinguished in various forms of literary composition, engaged in various duties of his ecclesiastical profession, and blessed with a long and honourable life, he nobly exemplified that rare and illustrious virtue of charity, which Leland, in his reply to the letter-writer, thus eloquently describes. "CHARITY never misrepresents; never ascribes obnoxious principles or mistaken opinions to an opponent, which he himself disavows; is not so earnest in refuting, as to fancy positions never asserted, and to extend its censure to opinions, which will perhaps be delivered. Charity is utterly averse to sneering, the most despicable species of ridicule,

that most despicable subterfuge of an impotent objector. Charity never supposes, that all sense and knowledge are confined to a particular circle, to a district, or to a country: Charity never condemns and embraces principles in the same breath; never professes to confute, what it acknowledges to be just, never presumes to bear down an adversary with confident assertions; charity does not call dissent insolence, or the want of im

plicit submission a want of common respect."

The esteem, the affection, the reverence which I feel for so profound a scholar, and so honest a man, as Dr. Jortin, make me wholly indifferent to the praise and censure of those, who vilify, without reading, his writings, or read them, without finding some incentive to study, some proficiency in knowledge, or some improvement in virtue.


For the Anthology.


AGAIN the strength of Winter fails,
His ruffian forces disappear,
And now the downy-pinion'd gales
Loose from his grasp the youthful year.

Returning Spring with timid eye,
Her visgin bosom cold with dew,
Bids her attendant graces fly,
And nature's faded charms renew.

Again, amid the darkening grove, Is heard the vernal voice of joy, Again the magick powers of love Their softly winning arts employ.

With merry heart, and cheerful song
The ploughman treads the blackening field,
Delighted as he moves along

To count what future harvests yield.

Th' impatient sailor leaves the shore,
Adventuring on the watery waste,
Undaunted hears the surges roar
And fearless braves the howling blast.

Yes, spring returns; but wanting now
The joys which earlier years have known,
The sunny smile, the unclouded brow,
Which marked the Spring of Life, have flown.

H******, April 11, 1806.

Androns MOPTON

Vol. III. No. 4. 2A


To an agreeable young lady, but extremely lean.

By Swift.

DEATH went upon a solemn day
At Pluto's hall his court to pay:
The phantom, having humbly kist
His grisly monarch's sooty fist,
Presented him the weekly bills
Of doctors, fevers, plagues, and pills.
Pluto, observing since the peace
The burial-article decrease,

And, vext to see affairs miscarry,
Declar'd in council, Death must marry;
Vow'd he no longer could support
Old bachelors about his court;
The interest of his realm had need
That Death should get a numerous breed
Young Deathlings, who, by practice made
Proficient in their father's trade,
With colonies might stock around
His large dominions under ground.

A consult of coquettes below Was call'd, to rig him out a beau : From her own head Megæra takes A periwig of twisted snakes ; Which in the nicest fashion curl'd (Like toupets of this upper world), With flour of sulphur powder'd well, That graceful on his shoulders fell An adder of the sable kind In line direct hung down behind; The owl, the raven, and the bat, Clubb'd for a feather to his hat ¡

His coat, an usurer's velvet pall,
Bequeath'd to Pluto, corpse and all.
But, loth his person to expose
Bare, like a carcase pickt by crows,
A lawyer o'er his hands and face
Stuck artfully a parchment-case.

Thus furnished out, he sent his train To take a house in Warwick-lane: The faculty," his humble friends, A complimental message sends : Their president in scarlet gown Harangu'd, and welcom'd him to town.

But Death had business to dispatch His mind was running on his match, And, hearing much of Daphne's fame, His majesty of terrors" came, Fine as a colonel of the guards, To visit where she sate at cards: She, as he came into the room, Thought him Adonis in his bloom. And now her heart with pleasure jumps; She scarce remembers what is trumps; For such a shape of skin and bone Was never seen, except her own: Charm'd with his eyes, and chin, and snout, Her pocket-glass drew slily out; And grew enamour'd with her phiz,

As just the counterpart of his.

She darted many a private glance,
And freely made the first advance;
Was of her beauty grown so vain,
She doubted not to win the swain.

Nothing she thought could sooner gain him,
Than with her wit to entertain him.
She ask'd about her friends below;
This meagre fop, that batter'd beau :
Whether some late departed toasts.
Had got gallants among the ghosts?
If Chloe were a sharper still
As great as ever at quadrille ?
(The ladies there must needs be rooks;
For cards, we know, are Pluto's books!)
if Florimel had found her love,
For whom she hang'd herself above?
How oft a week was kept a ball
By Proserpine at Pluto's hall?
She fancied those Elysian shades

The sweetest place for masquerades :-
How pleasant, on the banks of Styx,
To troll it in a coach and six !

What pride a female heart inflames !
How endless are ambition's aims!
Cease, haughty nymph; the Fates decree
Death must not be a spouse for thee:
For, when by chance the meagre shade
Upon thy hand his finger laid,

Thy hand as dry and cold as lead,

His matrimonial spirit fled;
He felt about his heart a damp,
That quite extinguish'd Cupid's lamp:
Away the frighted spectre scuds,
And leaves my lady in the suds.

For the Anthology.


OH that thou wert like him who drew
Life from the same maternal breast,
No crimson should my cheek inbue,
When I thy lips in secret prest.

Home I'd persuade thee to return, With me domeftick bliss to prove, Where from my mother I would learn Te keep thee, all the lore of love.

Thy lip should rich delicions wine,
My own pomgranate vintage, taste;
On thy left hand my head recline,

And thy right arm enfold my waist.

When such a heaven of bliss we share, Should sleep exhausted nature seize, Maids of Jerusalem, forbear

'To wake my love until he please.

What stranger from the wilderness

Comes leaning on her love? the maid> Whom once I rais'd with chaste caress Beneath the citron's spreading shade.

Within that consecrated grove

Thy parent first embrac'd her child, There first the pledge of virtuous love Gaz'd on her mother's face and smil'd.

Set me a signet on thine arm,

And on thy heart my image lay, The spell would drive, with potent charm,The fiend of Jealousy away.

The cruel fiend, greedy as death,

No art can soothe, no flattery tame; Whose eyes are burning coals, whose breath A scorching, all devouring flame.

Love ever clear and constant burns,

No floods can quench his heavenly light; No wealth corrupt him, for he spurns The sordid mifcreant from his sight.

Our little sister sweet and fair,

Her bosom like the infant rofe, Waits till the gentle vernal air Swell the soft buds, and they unclofe.





Chloe new-marry'd looks on men no more; Why then it's plain for what she look'd before.


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