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God, that the Gospel of Christ has come, and forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of does rest, among us for the light of our souls; the earth:" and we are very reprehensible, if we "his righteousness is brought uigh, his salva- be "solicitous continually every day," because tion is gone forth" in the midst of us; he is re- of the prevalence of infidelity and impiety as if vealed as our Lawgiver and Judge, and he is the enemies of godliness were ready to combecome the Righteousness and Salvation of plete its ruin. The case is far otherwise: they those who trust in him and wait for him. Let are compassing their own perdition, and ere us then rely on his merits, his grace, and pow-long their place shall know them no more. Let er, and receive the law from his hands, as the us then make haste to escape the confines of sin, rule of our obedience: and thus we shall be and to return from our state of distance and safe and happy, when the earth and all its banishment from. God: but let us wait patiently works shall be burnt up; for "his salvation shall our time of deliverance from oppression and cabe for ever, and his righteousness shall not be lamities, assured that the Lord will hasten it in abolished. But if we would expect that sol- due season. If we be saved by Jesus from the emn season with comfort, and have confidence pit of hell, he will not let us perish in any other in death and judgment; we must press for- pit; and if we have learned to feed upon "the wards in the ways of God, that, having his Bread of life," our bread even for this life can"law in our hearts," we may know our interest not fail: our bondage and exile on earth will in his righteousness. Then we need fear no soon end; our souls will be rescued from the enemy or catastrophic: our reverential fear of prison of our sinful bodies; and our bodies at God, and our holy dread and abhorrence of length redeemed from the bondage of corrupsin, will arm us against the ensnaring fear of tion, and "so shall we be ever with the Lord.” man: and it is our infirmity and fault, if we Let us then rest our souls on his word; that, fear the revilings or rage of any man or set of having been "planted as trees of righteousness' men, who despise and hate us for the sake of in his courts below, we shall at length be transChrist and his righteousness; seeing he is our planted to heaven, there to flourish for ever in ever-present and all-sufficient Protector. We that garden of the Lord. (Note, Ps. 92:13–15.) can indeed expect no other than reproach in Nor should they despair, who have here drunk this wicked world: but our persecutors will the deepest of "the cup of the Lord's indignasoon die and perish. Should we be cut off by tion:" for his severest judgments often introduce their rage, or die before them, we shall soon his tenderest compassions. Yet, as long as men be out of their reach: and if we be spared, they are hardened, stupified, or rendered outrageous will soon lose their power of molesting us.- and desperate, by afflictions, there is little apThe cause of Christ survives one generation of pearance of a happy event.--When the wrath opposers after another: and the believer will of God rests upon transgressors, no children or survive all his revilers, and enjoy his portion friends can comfort them; and all their efforts whilst they are in "outer darkness." Let us to extricate themselves, involve them in deeper then strive against our fears, and give up our-guilt and misery. Let sinners then remember selves unto prayer: and let us take courage in reviewing the wonders which God performed for his church of old.

V. 9-23.

Christians may not only plead with God, that he divided the Red sea, and destroyed the Egyptians to deliver Israel: but may advert to the more glorious triumphs of his grace, at the day of Pentecost, and afterwards in the conversion of unnumbered multitudes to Him, whom they just before had crucified, and who, being risen again and ascended into heaven, poured out his Spirit to work the astonishing change. Compared with those glorious days, "the Arm of the LORD" seems now to sleep; but he only waits to be awakened by our fervent prayers. He will yet "put on strength as in ancient days;" he will destroy the power of Antichrist, and bind up the old dragon, who has hitherto deceived the nations. Then "the redeemed of the LORD" shall be delivered from captivity, Zion shall resound with songs of praise, and the gladness of believers on earth shall form a sweet antepast to the everlasting joy of heaven. Our lot indeed is not cast in that happy period; yet the Lord is our Comforter, if true Christians: and should we then think ourselves so defenceless, as to fear a man that shall die! Surely this must arise from our unbelief, and forgetfulness of "the LORD our Maker, who hath stretched 184]

these things, and learn by their present sufferings to submit to God, to confess their crimes, to acknowledge his justice, and to seek his mercy. Let us all recollect, that our rebellious murmurs tend only to increase and prolong our sorrows. Let us lock on the poor Jews with compassion, and endeavor to administer to their comfort, and not add to their miseries; and above all, let us seek and pray for their conversion. And let those powerful tyrants, who lord it over that people, or any others of the human race; who enslave their bodies, or usurp authority over their consciences, remember, that the Lord will plead their cause, and punish their impenitent oppressors, with greater misery and contempt, either in this world, or in that which is to come.

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his subject as a prophet and a poet, and not as

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Arise, and sit down, &c. (2) ""Ascend thy lofty seat." When sitting is spoken of' (in the east) ‘as a posture of more than ordinary state, it ... means sitting on high, on a chair of state, or throne; for which a footstool was necessary. ... Chairs,' (saith Sir John Chardin,) ‘are never used in Persia, but at the coronation of their kings. The king is seated in a chair of 'gold set with jewels, three feet high.... This proves the propriety of the style in scripture, which always joins the footstool to the throne. 66:1. 2 Chr. 9:18. Ps. 110:1.' Bp. Louth.

V. 2, 3. Jerusalem, or Zion, is here reprean orator or historian: yet some degree of meth-sented as a captive in chains, trampled in the od, and some order in the series of his predic-|| dust; (51:23.) but she is called upon to arise tious, may be expected, as well in his writings, and shake herself from her dust, to sit down as in those of the other prophets. He had as a queen upon a throne, and to divest herself spoken of the deliverance of Jerusalem from of all the badges of her former servitude. The Sennacherib; and then of the return of the Jews Jews indeed had been sold into bondage for from Babylon: intermingling predictions of those sins, which could in no sense profit them, more spiritual and generally interesting events. aud they might be said to have "sold themBut nothing can be supposed more interesting selves," or "to have been sold for nought;" than the future restoration of Israel to the (Note, 50:1-3.) and all the calamities of the church and to their own land: no event is more || Christian_church have been righteous visitaevidently predicted in scripture: and the Jews tions for her sins: but the Lord was about to generally expect the termination of their pres- redeem them by his power, without paying ent miseries; though they think that it will be their oppressors any ransom for them. Cyrus effected by the advent of the Messiah, whom extorted the power over the Jews from their they suppose not yet come. This restoration oppressors, and then freely liberated them: is far more intimately connected with those and this may perhaps be an exact prefigurathings, which relate to the person and work tion of the future deliverance of the church of Christ, than the deliverance from Babylon and restoration of Israel.-The price paid by was: and it is so agreeable to the context, that our Redeemer for our salvation, was "not silI apprehend it ought not to be overlooked in ver, or gold, or corruptible things, but his own explaining this passage.-The church had precious blood." (Notes, 45:13,14. 1 Pet. 1:17 called upon her Redeemer, "as the Arm of the -21.) LORD," to "awake and put on strength" for her deliverance: (Note, 51:9-11.) here she is called upon to awake, and to "be strong in the Lord," that she may apprehend that liberty, which was preparing for her. She is represented as a sorrowful woman, and called Zion, "Jerusalem, the holy city:" but she is exhorted to put on her beautiful garments as a rejoicing bride; being assured that the uncircumcised and unclean should no more enter into her, as the Chaldeans had done. (Votes, 1:25-27. 60: 1-3,15-22. Ez. 48:30-35, v. 35. Zech. 14:20, 21. Rev. 21:22-27.) But with what propriety V. 4--6. The Egyptians ungratefully and could this be addressed to Jerusalem after the unjustly enslaved the Israelites, when they captivity? Antiochus Epiphanes soon profaned went down to sojourn among them; and the the city and temple, by every method which Assyrians and Chaldeans afterwards grievoushis impious cruelty could devise: after that ly oppressed them without any provocation; event, Pompey the Roman general took pos- but the Lord pleaded their cause and rescued session of the city, and committed many prof-them: (Notes, 47:6. 51:21--23.) and thus he will anations, and even entered into the holy of save his church from all unrighteous persecuholies: and at length the city and whole nation, tors; and avenge Israel on all those who opas unclean, were given up into the hands of press them. He did not authorize these cruthe uncircumcised Romans, to be utterly pro-elties; nor had be any profit from their sufferfaned and desolated. (Note, Dan. 9:25-27, v. 27.)--The New Testament church therefore must chiefly be intended, and probably with especial reference to its last and purest ages: for there are clear predictions given, that after the termination of the antichristian tyranny, the restoration of the Jews, and the bringing in of the fulness of the Gentiles; the church shall continue in permanent peace and purity, till the eve of the general judgment: then indeed some apostacies will take place, and the apostate nations shall make war upon the city of God; but they shall fail of success, and perish in the attempt. (Notes, Rev. 20:1-10.) VOL. IV


ings. Those, who from age to age ruled over his people, have made them to howl by their cruel oppressions, and have then insulted them, and blasphemed the name of their God, as if he could not deliver them. (Notes, 48:9--11.) Therefore his own glory required him to interpose; and he would let his people know his power, truth, and love; and that He, even JEHOVAH himself, had spoken all these predictions, (of which under their anguish of spirit they had been led to doubt,) and was ready to perform them.-Perhaps some intimation is here given, that the Jews shall in the day of their restoration know, that he, who spake to


are the feet of him that bringeth good || the ends of the earth shall see the salvation tidings, that publisheth peace; that bring- of our God.

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Thy God


eth good tidings of good, that publisheth 11 Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out salvation; that saith unto Zion, from thence, touch no unclean thing; go reigneth. ye out of the midst of her; be ye clean that bear the vessels of the LORD.

8 Thy "watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.

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Ps. 68:11. Mark 13:10. 16:15. | z 30:26. Jer. 32:39. Zeph. 3:9. Luke 24:47. Acts 10:36-38. Zech. 12:8. Acts 2:1. 4:32. 1 Cor 1:10. Eph. 1:17,18.

Rev. 14:6.

t 24:23. 33:22. Ps. 59:13. 93: 1. 36:10. 97:1. 99: 1. Mic. 4:7. Zech. 9:9. Matt. 25:34. 28:18. Rev. 11:15.

u 56:10. 62:6. Cant. 3:3. 5:7. Jer. 6:17. 31:6,7. Ez. 3:17. 33: 7. Heb. 13:17,

x 24:14. 40:9. 58:1.

y 12:4-6. 26:1. 27:2. 35:10. 48: 20. Jer. 33:11. Acts 2:46,47. Rev. 5:8-10. 18:20. 19:4.

a 14:7. 42:10,11. 44:23. 48:20. 49:13. 54:1-3. 55:12. 65:18,19. 66:10-13. Ps. 96:11,12. Zeph. 3:14, 15. Gal. 4:27.

b 44:26. 51:3. 61:4.

c 51:9. 66:18, 19. Ps. 98:1-3. Acts 2:5-11. Rev. 11:15-17. 15:4. d 49:6. Ps. 22:27. Luke 3:6. Acts 13:47. Rev. 11:15. 14:6.

them as their Messiah, and whom they despised and crucified, was indeed their God and King. (Notes, Zech. 12:9-14. Matt. 23:37-39.) V. 7, 8. (Note, Nah. 1:15.) The proclamation of Cyrus circulated by messengers into every place, and notified by signals, and by the voice of the watchmen, on the tops of the mountains, was but a feeble emblem of that grand event, to which the apostle appropriates this passage; namely, the preaching of the gospel to the nations of the earth. When men know their own real character and situation, and that of the world around them, in respect of God and eternity, "the feet" of those who bring these good tidings, appear beautiful; that is, the meanest of them: it may also intimate their holy walk and conversation. (Note, Rom. 10:12-17, v. 15.) They announce the glad tidings from heaven of pardon, peace, and salvation; and "say to Zion, Thy God reigneth." (Notes, 40:6 -8. Lake 2:8-14.) He rules the world with invincible power, who is Zion's God and Savior. The watchmen may be the same, as the messengers of glad tidings; evangelists, or such as wait to receive and circulate the joyful sound. Whilst they cry aloud, that all may hear, they join glad hallelujahs with their invitations: and the divine light then shines so lear, that they "see eye to eye," with open face, as of one mind and judgment, and very distinctly. (Notes, Jer. 32:39-41. Acts 4:32-35, v. 32. Phil. 2:1-4.)--I apprehend this is not to be restricted to any particular period;|| but is a general declaration of the means, by which all the predicted events, as far as they relate to spiritual redemption, are to be accomplished. In In proportion as the faithful preaching of the gospel is vouchsafed, true religion will be diffused and flourish.--The 'ideas... are in their full extent evangelical: and accordingly St. Paul has, with the utmost 'propriety, applied this passage to the preaching of the gospel, Rom. 10:15. The joyful 'tidings here to be proclaimed, "Thy God, O "Zion reigneth," are the same that John the 'Baptist, the messenger of Christ, and that Christ himself published. "The kingdom of

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14 As many were astonished at thee; (his visage was so marred more than any

e 48:20. Jer. 50:8. 51.6,45. Zech. 34:23. Zech. 3:8. Phil. 2:7,8.

2:6,7. 2 Cor. 6:17. Rev. 18:4.† Or, prosper. 53.10. Josh. 1:

f Lev. 5:2,3. 11:26,27,45,47. Ez. 44:23. Hag. 2:13,14. Acts 10: 14,28. Rom. 14.14. Eph. 5:

11. 1 Pet. 1:14-16. 2:5,11. g Lev. 10.3. 22:2,3. Ezra 1:7 -11. 8:25-30.

h 28:16. 51:14. Ex. 12:33,39. 14:8.

i 45:2. Ex. 13:21,22. 14:19,20. Deut. 20:4. Judg. 4:14. Chr. 14:15. Mic. 2:13. k 58:8.

Heb. gather you up. 1 11:2,3. 42:1. 49:65, 53:11.

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7,8. marg. Jer. 28-5.

m 9:6,7. 49.6. Ps. 2:6-9. 110: 1,2. Matt. 28:18. John 3:31. 5:22,23. Eph. 1:20-23. Phil. 2:9-11. Heb. 1:3. Rev. 5: 6-13.

n Ps. 71:7. Matt. 7:28. 22:22,33. 27:14. Mark 5:42. 6:51. 7:37. 10:26,32. Luke 2:47. 4:36. 5: 26.

o 50:6. 53:2-5. Ps. 22:6,7,15, 17. 102:3-5. Matt. 26:67, 27: 29,30. Luke 22:64.

'heaven is at hand."' Bp. Lowth. (Note, Matt. 3:2.)

Thy God reigneth. (7) Notes, Ps. 93:1,2. 97: 1. 99:1--3.--Watchmen.' (8) Notes, 56:9-12. Ez. 3:17-19.--Shall bring again Zion.] "When Jehovah returneth to Zion." ... God is considered, as having deserted his people during the captivity, and at the Restoration, 'as returning himself with them to Zion, his 'former habitation. 40:9. Ps. 60:1.' Bp. Lowth. V. 9, 10. The incorporation of the Gentile converts with the believing Jews, in the primitive times of Christianity, replenished the waste places of Jerusalem, and caused great joy to all the faithful servants of God. Thus "the LORD made bare his holy arm, in the eyes of all the nations," to subject the worshippers of idols to himself: but when the whole visible church shall be full of true religion, the emphasis of this passage will be more completely answered, and this will make way literally, for "all the ends of the earth to see the salvation of our God." (Notes, 49:5,6. Ps. 22:27-31, 98: 2,3. Luke 3:4-6. Rev. 11:15--18.)

V. 11, 12. Here the return of the Jews from Babylon is alluded to; but greater things are evidently prefigured. When leave was given them to return, the Lord with emphatical repetitions commanded their departure; and that no attachment to any object, in that unclean and devoted city, should detain them. (Notes, 48:20--22. Jer. 50:7,8. 51:6. Lam. 4:13-16. Zech. 2:6-9.) And those, who carried back the sacred vessels, were required to be peculiarly careful not to contract ritual or moral uncleanness. (Ezra 8:24-30.) They ought not by any means needlessly to delay their departure; yet neither should they improperly hasten it, as if they were fleeing from their enemies: (Notes, 28:16. Ex. 12:39.) for they would have full liberty to return home, and the Lord would guide and protect them on every side: through the whole journey he would both march, as it were, in the front of them, and also gather and protect those, who formed the rear of the company.--St. Paul applies part of this to the separation of sinners from idolatry,

other man, and his form more than the the kings shall shut their mouths at him: sons of men;) for that which had not been told them


15 So shall he P sprinkle many nations; shall they see; and that which they had

Nom. 8:7. Ez. 36.25. 23.19.

Acts 2:33.

Tit. 3 5,5.

Heb. 9:13,14. 10:22. 11:28. 12.
24. 1 Pet. 1:2.

and all worldly connexions or attachments: (Note, 2 Cor. 6:14-18.) and a similar command and caution are given to believers, to come out from the New Testament-Babylon. (Note, Rev. 18:4-8.)

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not heard shall they consider.

q 49.7,23. Job 29:9,10. 40:4. r 51:5. Rom 15:20,21. 16:25,26
Ps. 72.9-11. Mic. 7:16,17.
Eph. 3:5-9.
Zech. 2.13.

tion: by his help he arises from the dust, shakes off his sloth and dejection, breaks his fetters, puts off the old corrupt nature, and puts on Christ for righteousness and sanctification. Then he appears before God in his beauV. 13--15. These verses introduce another tiful garments; (Notes, Zech. 3:1-4. Rom. 13: subject, and properly belong to the next chap-11-14. Gal. 3:26–29.) his holy conversation ter. The deliverance of the Jews from the shews him to men also, to be "a new creature;" 'captivity of Babylon; the deliverance of the and "being delivered from the bondage of cor'Gentiles from their miserable state of igno- ruption," "sin shall no more have dominion rance and idolatry; and the deliverance of over him."-Multitudes indeed of the "uncir'mankind from the captivity of sin and death, cumcised in heart and unclean" in life, in every '... are subordinate to one another; and the age and place, have been within the visible two latter are shadowed out under the image church: (Notes, Jer. 9:25,26. Acts 5:51-53. Rom. of the former. They are covered by it as by a 2:25-29, vv. 28,29.) but none of them are citiveil, which, however, is transparent, and suf- zens of the heavenly Jerusalem, not one of fers them to appear through it. ... The restora- them can find admission into the holy city of tion of the Jews,... the call of the Gentiles, the our God above. We should therefore be dili'redemption by Messiah, have hitherto been gent in "cleansing ourselves from all filthiness 'handled interchangeably and alternately: of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the but here Babylon is at once dropped, and ... fear of God." The freeness of his salvation hardly ever comes in sight again.... The proph- gives us abundant encouragement, in pursu'et's views are almost wholly engrossed by the ing this path: and when we consider how un'superior part of his subject.' Bp. Lowth.-profitable, yea, how pernicious to our tempoThe Lord here speaks of his servant the Mes-ral comfort, those sins are, by which men siah, the Alpha and Omega, in all these trans-incur condemnation and enslave their souls, actions, and in every thing else. (Note, 42:14.) He would fulfil his whole undertaking, with consummate wisdom and complete success; so that his exaltation in heaven, and his glory on earth, would be very high. Yet his previous abasement would be proportionably deep: many would behold his sufferings with astonishment, and be offended by them. His visage would be marred by sorrow and shame, with wounds and blood, by being spit upon and crowned with thorns, and treated with indignity, more than any man's ever was; and he would appear more base than any of the human species. (Notes, 50:5,6. 53:2—6. Ps. 22:4—6, v. 6, 16-18. Matt. 26:63–68. 27:26-31,37-44.) But he would in consequence "sprinkle many nations," (alluding to the ceremonial law,) with his atoning blood, and by the pouring out of his Spirit, as purifying water, of which baptism would be the outward and visible sigu. Marg. Ref. p.) Opposing kings would at length be silenced by fear and astonishment, or won over to the faith; for they would see and consider such things, as they before had never heard of, or been acquainted withi. (Notes, 49:7,8,22,23. 60:1-14.)-This is the King Messiah, who shall be exalted above 'Abraham, and extolled above Moses, and be high above the angels of the ministry.' Misdrach-Tenctuma, an ancient Jewish gloss on this passage.

we shall the more value that redemption,
which Christ has made, "not by corruptible
things, as silver and gold, but by his own most
precious blood." We should also seek com-
plete victory over every sin; recollecting, that
the glory of God as much requires the sancti-
fication of every Christian, as it does the de-
liverance of his harmless people from those
oppressors, who harass them and blaspheme
his holy name. And when the Lord's prom-
ises are performed to us, we obtain an addi-
tional assurance that he indeed spake them,
and an experimental knowledge of his mercy
and truth, and of all his glorious attributes.
(Notes, 2 Pet. 1:19. 1 John 5:9,10,20,21.)
V. 7—15.

All blessings come to us sinners, by means of the gospel: we should therefore value and be thankful for that distinguished advantage, above all temporal good. The meanest faithful minister, who brings the joyful tidings of peace and salvation, should be welcomed and respected; his footsteps should be marked and followed, and his doctrine attended to. Ministers should proclaim in the most open manner their joyful message; and endeavor so to walk, as to shew the holy tendency of their doctrine. As those who "watch for men's souls," they should cry aloud, and be very earnest in circulating the gospel of salvation; and their contented, thankful frame of mind, ever disposed to praise and rejoice in God, should make it plain, that they are happy, and earnestly desire to render their neighbors happy The promises of God should invigorate our with them. They should also pray continually efforts, to obtain the proposed blessings; and for a more abundant supply of the Spirit of to promote that purity, peace, and enlargement wisdom and love, that they may all "see eye of the church, which they teach us to expect. to eye;" and that unnatural divisions, and ac-Whilst we call on the Lord to "awake and rimonious disputes, may no longer disgrace put on strength," for our help and salvation; the gospel of peace. It behoves all of us to we should attend to his exhortation to bestir pray continually, that many such messengers ourselves in doing our duty. At his call the of salvation may be sent forth, and welcoined einner awakes from the fatal sleep of sin, and by the nations of the earth; that Zion's God, delusive dreams of earthly felicity, and discov- who reigns on "the throne of grace," may be ers his abject, wretched, and enslaved condi-made known and served by them; that "the


V. 1-6.


The unbelief of the Jews predicted, 1. The meanness of Christ's
external appearance; and the contempt and sufferings which
sins of his people; but in perfect holiness and patience, 4-7
Several circumstances predicted, which attended his death,
burial, resurrection, and glory; and his success in justifying
and saving sinners as his spiritual progeny, 8-10.
ompense of his sufferings, and the fruit of his intercession, he
should rescue a numerous people from Satan's bondage, and
rule over them as his willing subjects, 11, 12.

he would endure, 2, 3. He would suffer as a sacrifice for the

As a rec

a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry
ground: he hath no form nor comeliness;
and when we shall see him, there is no
beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men;
a man of sorrows, and acquainted with
grief: and we hid as it were our faces
from him; he was despised, and we

WHO hath believe comm

and to whom is "the arm of the

LORD revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as

a John 12:33. Rom. 10:16,17. |1:17,18.

Or, doctrine.

52:14. John 1:10-14. 9:28, 1
29. 18:40. 19.5,14,15. 1 Pet.

f 49:7. 50:6. Ps. 22:6-8. 69:
10-12,19,20. Mic. 5:1. Zech.
11:8,12,13. Matt. 26:67. 27:39

-41,63. Heb. hearing.

b 51:9, 52.10. 62:8. Rom. 1:16. 1 Cor. 1:18, 24.

€ 40.5. Matt. 11:25. 16:17. Rom.

d 11:1. Jer. 23:5. Ez. 17.22-
24. Zech. 6:12. Mark 6:3.
Luke 2:7,39,40,51,52. 9:58.
Rom. 8.3. Phil. 2:6,7.

Mark 9.12. 15:19. Luke 8:53. 9:22. 16:14. John 8:48. Heb. 12:2,3.

g 4,10. Ps. 69.29. Matt. 26:37,

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with astonishment and sorrow, this conduct of his nation. When John the Baptist, Jesus Christ himself, his apostles, and others, proclaimed the interesting report, that the long expected Messiah was come; though he most exactly answered to the types and prophecies of the Old Testament, and authenticated his mission by most stupendous miracles: yet very few in comparison truly and practically "believed the report," and they were general

waste places of Jerusalem may rejoice," and the church be redeemed from thraldom; that so "the LORD may make bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and that all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God." In the mean time, those who are favored with the gospel are called on to depart from sin, to separate from the world, to renounce every kind of idolatry and superstition, and to "touch no unclean thing;" and those who minister in sacred things should be peculiarly watchfully of the lowest and most despised persons in against "all appearance of evil." These things the nation. For this "Arm of the LORD," must not be thought impracticable; for no which was employed to redeem his people, was power, on earth or in hell, can obstruct our esnot revealed to them, even when he lived cape from the dominion of sin and Satan, if we among them: (Note, 51:9-11.) because they heartily long and endeavor to return to God, were blinded by prejudice; and, for their sins, and to become his redeemed servants. He will judicially left destitute of that powerful operabe our Guide and Guard, and our way will be tion of God's Spirit upon their minds, by which safe, and made plain before us.--Yet we must believers were enabled to see the Savior's gloexpect to meet with some of the difficulties, ry, "as of the only Begotten of the Father, full through which our Forerunner passed to his of grace and truth." (Notes, John 1:4,5,10—14. glory. He dealt prudently, and prospered, and 3:19-21. 5:39-47. 12:37-41. 16:8-15. Rom. heaven and earth are, and will be, filled with || 10:12-17, v. 16. 2 Cor. 4:4-6.) his glory: but who was ever so despised, so V. 2, 3. The wickedness and carnal prejudiabased, insulted, and cruelly entreated as he? ces of the Jews induced them to reject Christ; (Note, Heb. 12:2,3.) Yet having once shed his but various circumstances proved occasions of blood for sinners, its efficacy still continues: it. They expected the Messiah to spring from may it be sprinkled on our consciences, that the avowed and acknowledged heir of King we may enjoy inward peace; and may his David, and to be openly known as born and grace flow into our hearts to make us meet for educated at Bethlehem; and to come forth in a his glory! (Notes, Ez. 36:25-27. Tit. 2:4-7.) splendid manner, as a King and a Conqueror. May all kings and nations cease from their (Notes, Matt. 11:2-6. Mark 6:1-4. John 7:40 blasphemous or haughty opposition to Christ,-53.) But he was the Son of a poor unnoticand be made partakers of the blood of sprink-ed virgin, and the reputed Son of a carpenter, ling, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost! and, who were not generally known to be descendbecoming acquainted with those glorious mys-ed from David: he was brought up at Nazateries, which are now hid from them; (Note, 1 Cor. 2:6-9.) may they delight in honoring and obeying him, and in celebrating the riches of his glorious salvation!


reth, and his birth at Bethlehem had either been unnoticed, or was forgotten; he grew up and lived a long time in obscurity, probably working as a carpenter; he then appeared as a poor man, "who had not where to lay his head," and attended by a few poor fishermen; and CHAP. LIII. V. 1. "This chapter declares the|| he was an itinerant teacher, unauthorized by 'circumstances of our Savior's sufferings so the priests and scribes. Thus instead "of a exactly, that it seems rather a history of his Plant of renown," (Note, 11:1. Ez. 34:23—31, 'passion, than a prophecy. And it is so unde- v. 29.) he grew up before God, in such a manniable a proof of the truth of Christianity, thatner, that he appeared as a tender shoot, whose 'the bare reading of it, and comparing it with root was in a dry ground, where it was never 'the gospel-history, hath converted some infi- likely to come to any thing. So that, notwith'dels. Lowth.-The prophet goes on, from standing the wisdom and grace of his words, mentioning the great success of the gospel the power of his miracles, and the holy beauamong the Gentiles at the close of the preced-ty of his character, the Jews could perceive ing chapter, to predict the unbelief of the Jews. (Note, 52:13-15.) Apostles and evangelists, in the primitive times, may be considered as complaining of this ill success among their countrymen, and wondering at it: or the prophet, as a Jew and speaking in his own name and that of the other prophets, anticipated,

no form or comeliness in him, for which they should desire and welcome him as their Messiah. (Note, Hag. 2:6-9.) He was therefore generally despised and rejected by them; this contempt and reproach further confirmed the prejudices of the people against him; and every thing concurred in rendering him “a

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