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inward fervitude and thraldome they could never fave, they could not deliver the perfons from the tyranny of their finnes, whom they have been able to deliver from the tyranny of finful men. But the Son of God can fave from inward and fpiritual miferies, be can fave from finne; Mat. 11. 21. He shall fave his people from their finnes. Sin hath gilt in it, he faves us from that, by fhedding his blood, and procuring remiffion. Eph. 1.7. And fin hath pollution in it: He faves us from that, by cleaning the heart; 1 John 1. 9. And Gin hath dominion with it; but Chrift hath affured that he will make us free, Job.8. And that no finne fhall have dominion over us, Rom. 6. He can fave from Satan, Heb. 2. 14. He did through death destroy him who had the power of death () the Devil, and ver. 15. did deliver them who through. the fear of death were all their life time fubject to bondage.

He can fave from the wrath of God, fo he did, by becoming a On me my fon curfe for us, by fuffering the fenfible and marvelous impreffions (faid Rebeckab) of his difpleafnre for our finnes. Jefus (faith the Apoftle) be the cu flee 1 Thef. 1.10. deliveredus from the wrath to come.

They were fuch Saviours, as did need a Saviour: Chrift was the Saviour of them who were the Saviours of others: Many they did fave, but themselves they could not fave.

Whiles they lived,they could fave, but dying, they could not fave any longer; but Chrift Jefus faved us by his death,the lofing

Gal 3.13.



of his own life caufed ours; we are faved by his death, the fon of Matth. 20. 28. man came to give his life a ransome for many.

He is a general Saviour, Joh 4.42. The Saviour of the world: The Saviour of all men, 1 Tim. 4. 10 Therefore fude, ver. 4 calls the Salvation by Chrift,the Common Salvation. Mistake me not, when I fay that Chrift is a general Saviour, as if every man in the world fhould be faved by Chrift: He is not a general Soviour in refpect of individual perfons; but,

First, in respect of fucceffions of perfons. That is, there never was any age facceeding a former age, but in every age Chrift was a Saviour, Jefus Christ the fame yesterday, and to day, and for ever, Heb. 13.8. He is the Saviour in the daies of old, ani in our dayes, and in the times after us.

In refpect of Nations. He is not the Soviour of the Jewes only, but of the Gentiles alfo: He justifies Circumcifion by faith, and uncircumcifion through faith, Rom. 3. 35. The Jew cannot




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boaft,nor the Gentile complaine, but there is Salvation for them both in Iefus Chrift.

In respect of conditions. He is not the Saviour of the great and mighty only, por of the poor, and defperate only, but the one and the other fhall be faved by Chrift: The Salvation of the rich is not in his wealth, but in his Chrift: Neither (hall the poor perfon be excluded, because of his poverty, but all forts of perfons, high and low, rich and poor may find Christ to be a Sa


In respect of relations. He is not the Saviour of the Master only, but even of his loweft fervant; not of the husband only but of the wife; not of the father only, but of the child; not of the Prince only, but of the fubje&t alfo. The Apoftle hath faid enough, Gal.3.28. There is neither lew nor Gentile, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Chrift Iefus.

He is a mighty Saviour: he is able to fave to the nimoft, Heb.7. 25. and this appears if you confider.

The greatneffe of his fatisfaction. That he was able alone to ftand before the juftice of his father; and to answer and fulfil it, even to appealment and contentation, yea, fo entirely did he answer it, that God is now pacified and become propiti


The greatneffe of his paffions. That he endured the unfpeakable wrath of God; O what a thing was this! that the Lord Iefus could at once be able to bear all our finnes upon him, and the mighty wrath of God for them, and expiate all of them!

He did ftand at the Bar, not to fuffer and fatisfie for one fin only, nor for all the finnes of one man only, nor for fome finnes of most men only, nor for all the finnes of all men in former ages, but for all the fins of all that shall be faved, from the first man that lived,to the laft man that fhall dye. Yet though he had all their finnes to anfwer for, though he had a fevere juftice to deal with all, though he had a perfect law to fulfil, though four mighty enemies to conquer, Sin, World, Death, and Hell, yet he went through all, fatisfied, suffered, conquer


He is a perfect Saviour, the perfection of his faving confists in three things. -First,

First in the alonene sse of it,whatsoever was required meritori oufly to fave men is in him alone, there is no other name befide bis, nor with his, but he alone is a Saviour, there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jefus, faid the Apostle, 1 Tim. 2.5. There is no concurrence of any Angel, nor of the Prayers of any Saints departed, and glorified, nor yet in the inherent fanctity in any man living nor yet of any workes before, or after grace, which, comes in with Chrift as a meritorious cause of our Salvation: But Jefus Chrift alone, is fufficient, and effectual to fave the finner as the government is upon his shoulder, lo is our Salvation. Thou canst not come to an Angel, nor to a Saint, and say such and such finnes are the burden now upon my foul, do you by your righteousnesse ease me, fuch and fuch debts are upon my foul, do you fatisfie for me: Thou canst not come to God and say,truly Lord I have finned against thee, but here are so many floods of teares which I have shed, now for their fakes wash and pardon me; Here are fo many prayers offered up unto thee,for their fakes heare and harken, and forgive; here are fo many charitable works by which I have clothed the naked, fed the hungry, relieved the poor, for their fakes look upon me and accept of me.

It is very true, that these things are required of Chriftians, and I fhall hereafter fhew unto you the neceffity,ufe and efficacy of them;but if we speak of the meritorious caufe of Salvation, None but Christ, Chrift alone.

In the fulneffe of it:from whatsoever we need to be faved, from that he can fave us, he is not a furety, who undertakes fuch a number of our debts only, but he is an atonement for all fins: finnes of nature, and finnes of life, fins of ignorance, and fins of knowledge, fins before converfion, and fins after converfion, yea he will deliver us (at length) from all the concomitancy and prefence of finne, and intirely from all temptations and all forrowes, and all difeafes, and all death: All these in his time) will he put under our feet.

In the efficacy of it: Being God and man he suffered and dyed, and thereby wrought the works of our Salvation at once; he doth not dye every day to make our peace, but having once offered himself, that was fo compleat, and acceptable, that it fetves for ever. The repetition of things (in fome causes) im







ports imperfection, for that which is ftill in doing is not perfectly done; as the Phylofopher speaks of things in motion, that whiles they are in motion they are imperfect, but when they attaine that end and forme for which they move, then they reft; now Chrift having once offered himselfe for to fave us, he rose againe and jate down at the right hand of his Father: he repeates his fufferings no more. Heb. 10. 14. By once offering he hath perfected for ever them that are fanctified, Heb. 9. 28. Chrift was ouce offered to beare the finnes of many, and unto them that look for him hall he appears the fecond time without finne unto Salvation. Thus, for the importance of the title Jefus: the next title is,



Hrift, Meffiah in the Old-Teftament, and Chrift in the New, of the fame fignification, Joh.1.41 We have found the Meffiab which is by interpretation the Chrift, and this is a sweet word unto us, that fe/ur was Chrift, that he, who was our Saviour, was anointed. The Lord hath anointed me to preach good ty→ dings, Ifaiah 61.1. And he was anointed with the Oyl of gladness, Pfal. 45. 7. will you give me leave to let you see much excellencies in this fhort word? We do speak much of Jefus, and yet we are ignorant of the forme of his faving; and we heare much of Chrift, but perhaps we understand not what force,what comfort, what happineffe is couched therein; therefore I will unfold unto you, 1. What this anointing of our Saviour doth import.2, Unto what he was anointed.

For the first, the anointing of him in whom we are to believe, doth fignifie.

His fingular and affured ordination to be our Mediator, and to performe the work of our redemption. When that the Prophet had poured the Oyl on the head of feku, they presently blew the trumpet, and faid,Jehu is King: fo when Zadock the Prieft tooke a horne of Oyl out of the Tabernacle, and anoin ted Solomon,they blew the trumpet, and all the people faid, God fave King Solomoni Kin.1.3 9.(as if he faid) this is the very person who God hath appointed to rule over us. In like manner, because the


Son of God is made a Chrift, because he is anointed, we may infallibly conclude, that that perfon, who was God and man, was appointed, and fingularly defigned to be our Saviour and Redeemer; fo that we may with Lohn, point at him, Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the finnes of the world. And therefore it is faid that he was called, that he was fealed, that he was fent; it was the Act of the whole Trinity, to fet the fon apart, to become our Saviour: So now for Chrift to be our Redeemer,is no fiction, but a reall thing; nor was it undertaken prefumptuously, without a calling, but by ordination and the inftitution of God.

An abundant qualification (that is, ) that perfon, the Son of God, being anointed or defigned to be our Redeemer, was enabled with all the richneffe of Grace, and fitneffe of gifts, every way required to performe the work of our redemption; I have laid help (laid the Prophet, Pfal. 89. 19.) on one that is Mighty; fo is it here,our Salvation is to be wrought by one who is enabled to compass and performe it.


Therefore we read of the pouring forth of the spirit on him, and Jer. 31. 34. that without measure,in a moft eminent fulneffe,even to an over. Pla. 45.7. flowing. There was no want of holineffe which the Law could A&. 10. 38. require, either for nature or actions, and no word of power to fuffer or conquer. Yea, he was fo adorned and beautified with abilities to fave,that he did not only at once go through the hard task of our Redemption, but he ftill diftills ver tue down by his Spirit,to fave us more and more from our corruption, &c.

Afweet and pleafant acceptation both ́to God and man, look as the anointing Oyl which in the Law was referved and bestowed by Gods appointment, was compounded of the moft fragrant and exquifite spices to intimate the fweet compofition of Gifts and Graces, fo when it was poured forth it did caft abroad a most delightfull favour. In like manner doth the anointing of Chrift imply, A most marvelous and gracious accepta



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With God, and fo his Sacrifice was a (weet [melling odour, it was the Golden Altar with Incenfe, Rev. 8.3. which went up to heaven, with a sweet and delightfull well-pleasingnefs.

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