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Established 1844.

The Journal 1873eview 1886.


The Society of Friends holds to a degree which probably no other religious body does that the call, the demand, if you choose, which God makes upon us, he will and does communicate to us; not vaguely, but plainly, not indirectly, but directly.



These are the things that hush my heart,
And lift it nearer Thee.

The mysterious pine that, green through all the year,
Is yet more green when the sweet spring is here;
The sky's deep curve, where close against it press
The hills whose strength doth comfort my distress;
The pure solemnity of winter snow,

Inder whose silence muted life tides flow;

The bronze-hued shadow 'neath each green wave's crest
Whose following phalanxes thy power attest.

These things there are that hush my heart,
And lift it nearer Thee.

In The Christian Register.

-Josephine Horton Bruorton.


The usual spring meeting of the Board of Managers of Swarthmore College was held at 15th and Race Sts., Philadelphia, on Third-day afternoon, Third month 10th; Isaac H. Clothier, Chairman, Rebecca C. Longstreth, Secretary.

At the opening of the meeting the Chairman spoke with regret of the unavoidable absence of four valuable members of the Board-Joseph Wharton, Lydia H. Hall, Emmor Roberts and Robert M. Janney; the three first named from illness, and the latter because of absence abroad.

After the transaction of the usual business routine the Committee appointed at the meeting in Tenth month last to investigate as to the value of the properties included in the conditional bequest of Anna T. Jeanes, submitted a careful and detailed report, the conclusion of which was as follows:

"Your Committee therefore find as a matter of fact, after careful consideration of all the evidence produced, that Swarthmore College, if it accept the conditional devise of Anna T. Jeanes, and if it is held by the Courts that the Carbon County lands are included in the gift, would come into possession of property worth from $24,000.00 to $47,000.00. If 'coal or mineral rights' are not found on the Carbon County tract and they do not pass to Swarth

Volume LXV. Number 11.

more under the will, the value of the devise is from $10,000.00 to $12,000.00."

As will be observed, the amount of ascertained value of the properties thus bequeathed differs widely from the previously exaggerated and unwarrented assumption of values which has been made the subject of newspaper publication far and wide, and used as a basis for the discussion of the subject.

With these statements the Board has had nothing to do except to call attention to the fact in a brief statement made in Twelfth month last, that the publications of value referred to were entirely unwarrented and imaginary, as at the time of publication no one was informed as to the value of the properties.

The question, therefore, which has been so fully discussed all over the land with so much interest, proves to have been purely a supposititious one, and at no time had any reasonable foundation in fact.

It is the general judgment of the Board that the matter should be decided at this time, and on motion, it was "Resolved that the devise to Swarthmore College in the will of the late Anna T. Jeanes, notice of which was given to the Board of Managers at their meeting in Tenth month, 1907, by the Executors of Anna T. Jeanes, be and is hereby declined."

The Board again affirms its belief and sympathy with many of the views as to Intercollegiate Athletics which have been expressed by Friends from time to time, especially in the columns of the Intelligencer, and it is believed that good may grow out of the otherwise fruitless discussion, and that a healthful and restraining influence may result not only at Swarthmore, but over a wider field. To this end we recommend to the President and faculty the widespread concern of Friends on the subject, with which concern we symyathize, and we ask that increased attention be given by them to a restraining influence on the whole subject, and especially with reference to the game of foot-ball.

He will certainly fail who hopes to know men deeply and only to get happiness, never to get anxiety, distress, disappointment, out of knowing them; and he has mistaken the first idea of human companionship who seeks companionships, friendships, and contacts with mankind directly and simply for the pleasures they will give him.- Phillips Brooks.

FRIENDLY INFLUENCES AT SWARTHMORE. It was rather a fine sample of Friendly heroism, when that company of concerned members of the Society, during the most strenuous year of the Civil War, projected the founding of Swarthmore College. The act of incorporation, commonly called "the charter," passed the Pennsylvania legislature in 1864, and was approved by Governor Andrew G. Curtin, the first day of Fourth month. in that year. From that day the college existed on paper, and has been growing with its growth and strengthening with its strength as a reality ever since.

The scope of the college is very briefly and simply defined in the second section of its charter, which consists of the following provisions:

"That the said corporation be authorized to establish and maintain a school and college, for the purpose of imparting to persons of both sexes knowledge in the various branches of science, literature and the arts, and the Board of Managers shall have the power to confer upon the graduates of the said college, and upon others, when, by their proficiency in learning, they may be entitled thereto, such degrees as are conferred by other colleges or universities in the United States."'

By this act the co-educational character of the college was fundamentally fixed, beyond any power short of the amendment of the charter to alter.

As a matter of course all of the first corporators were Friends. The basis of Friendly control being vested in the holders of stock, it soon appeared that the thread which should continuously tie the control of the college to Friendly hands was exceedingly slender and uncertain. In 1891 this uncertainty was removed by creating a "Board of Corporators." This act contained the following qualification for eligibility: "The officers and managers of the corporation shall be members of the Society of Friends under whose auspices Swarthmore College was founded, and no others may be elected to said offices."

meeting. The evident aim was to provide an institution, which while being mindful of the limitations and besetments of our personal and collective life, should in spirit, influence and atmosphere be of the genuinely Friendly type.


The query naturally follows, "What are the conditions and influences now existing and operating at Swarthmore, which in whole or in part correspond with this purpose?" In this connection it is quite natural to look at the college faculty, and the individual religious connection of its members, as indicating the answer to the query. Yet it has to be remembered that the Friendly spirit may be possessed and the Friendly influence exercised by persons who are not yet members of our Society. It is evident that in an educational institution, membership in any religious organization cannot be considered either the only or the controlling qualification for service. Looking over the faculty at Swarthmore we find that eight of its members are now in full connection with the Society. Of the instructors and lecturers a like number are members of meeting, and of the college force whose connection is more or less clerical, five have their membership with us. It will thus be seen that twenty-one of the persons responsible for the educational and other activities at Swarthmore are Friends. Two members of the faculty have united with the Society since their It should be stated

connection with the college. in case of one of the faculty and one of the lecturers, that the application for membership included the wife and children. It is also true that other members of the faculty, not now members of the Society, are concerned attenders of meeting, and helpers of the Friendly activities.

We believe that previous to about four years ago there had been no accessions to the Swarthmore Monthly Meeting from the student body. Since that time eight students have united with the meeting by request. At the last Monthly Meeting two students were received as members, and the application of another student for membership was presented.

At the present time it is required that all resident students, under twenty-one years of age, shall

This much of preliminary to show the actual relationship existing between the Society and the college, a matter which is not very clear in the minds of many Friends. The commission contained in the charter evidently provided for something more vital and far-reaching than the establishment and perpetuation of a mere sectarian in- | attend the First-day meeting, unless their parents. stitution. At the heart of the founders there seems to have been a desire to provide a means of higher education which should not carry with it the influences of dogmatic theology. The dangers of mere officialism were guarded against when the control was lodged in a self-perpetuating board of Friendly managers, rather than placing the institution under the care of a yearly, or any other

direct that they go to some other church. The present college year has marked a considerable increase in the student attendance of meeting, such attendance being one-third more than it was last year, while the interest is more evident and vital. On a First-day a few weeks ago, the only vocal service in the meeting for worship, was by the students, more than a dozen of the young men

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