Appropriations. Balance, how used. Plans and specifications. State prepare Contract, how let. Chap. 592. AN ACT making an appropriation for the Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents at Randall's Island. Became a law, May 13, 1903, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. The following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated for the uses and purposes of the society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents at Randall's island from any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: For completing the work of overhauling the steam plant and covering the steam pipes, seven thousand five hundred dollars; for repairs and equipment, four thousand dollars. § 2. And where the object for which the appropriation is made shall have been fully accomplished for a less sum than the amount above specified any unexpended balance shall be applicable to the completion of any of the other specific purposes, in case that after due advertisement no bid shall have been received, within the amount above specifically appropriated. § 3. The plans and specifications for new buildings and for extraordinary repairs or improvements to existing buildings authorized by this act shall be approved by the governor, the president of the state board of charities and comptroller, or a majority of such officers as provided by law. The state architect shall prepare necessary architect to drawings and specifications and shall supervise and control, as archiplans, etc. tect, all work of construction, additions, alterations or improvements to buildings or plant authorized by this act. The work under this act shall be done by contract, to be let by the board of managers or trustees with the approval of the governor, the president of the state board of charities and comptroller, or a majority of such officers as provided by law, for the whole or any part of the work to be performed, and in the discretion of the managers or trustees, and, subject to such approval, such contracts may be sublet, except work which, in the opinion of the fiscal supervisor of state charities and the state architect, can be done in whole or in part more advantageously by the employment of inmates or civilian labor, either or both, and the purchase of material in the open market, but no compensation shall be allowed for inmate labor. All expenditures under this act shall tures, how be made pursuant to estimates or pursuant to contracts; the form of Expend!the contract to be prescribed by the state architect. The estimates made. shall be made to the fiscal supervisor of state charities in usual form by the board of managers. Where the work estimated for is from state architect. secured by drawings and specifications of the state architect, or is to be paid for Alterafrom appropriations for additions, alterations or improvements to tions apbuildings or plant, the estimates shall be subject to his approval also. proved by No item of the said appropriation shall be available except for advertising, unless a contract or contracts or estimate or estimates therefor shall have been first made for the completion thereof within the appropriation therefor. All contracts in an amount greater than one thousand dollars shall have the performance thereof secured by Contracts sufficient bond or bonds, said bond or bonds to be approved by and bond. filed with the comptroller. All contracts in an amount less than one thousand dollars need have no surety bond, provided payment is to be made only after the work is completed and approved. All payments on contracts and upon estimates for additions, alterations Payments, or improvements to buildings or plant shall be made on the certificate of the state architect and the voucher of the board of managers. All original bids or proposals with abstract thereof shall accompany Bids and the copy of the contract, which is to be filed with the comptroller fled with and a copy of each such contract shall be filed with the fiscal super- troller. visor of state charities. Money herein appropriated shall only be advanced to the board of managers as the work progresses or the purchase of material is made, and upon bills duly certified, rendered and audited. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 593. AN ACT for the promotion of agriculture and making an appropriation therefor. Became a law, May 13, 1903, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: how made. contract comp priation. Section 1. The sum of sixty-eight thousand five hundred and fifty Approdollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury belonging to the general fund, not otherwise appropriated, to the New York state fair com Salaries. mission, for the objects and purposes hereinafter set forth. For salaries of officers and regular employes from October first, nineteen hundred and three, to October first, nineteen hundred and four, seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, divided as follows: for the salary of the secretary of the commission, two thousand dollars; for the salary of the treasurer of the commission, one thousand dollars; for the salary of the superintendent, two thousand dollars; for the salary of the gardener, five hundred dollars; for the salary of the secretary of the racing department, one thousand dollars; for the salary of the secretary of the horse show department, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for the expense of the commission and officers, four thousand dollars; for construction of two buildings for resting parlors and lavatories for ladies, the sum of three thousand dollars; for printing and advertising, the sum of ten thousand dollars; for care of grounds, the sum of nine thousand four hundred dollars; for construction of greenhouse, one thousand five hundred dollars; for insurance on buildings on fair grounds, two thousand dollars; for deficiency in expenses in nineteen hundred and one, two thousand five hundred dollars; for relaying and repairing water pipes and extending water mains and plant on the fair grounds and for general repairs, the sum of sixteen thousand four hundred dollars; for closets on fair grounds, one thousand dollars; Expenses of commission and officers. Construction. General repairs. to purchase horses, harnesses, wagons to replace those destroyed by fire, the sum of one thousand dollars; for rebuilding barn destroyed by fire, the sum of one thousand dollars. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Appropriation. Chap. 594. AN ACT to amend chapter twenty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred and three, relating to an appropriation for the repair of certain buildings belonging to the quarantine establishment on Hoffman's island. Became a law, May 13, 1903, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section one of chapter twenty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred and three, entitled "An act making an appropriation for rebuilding the disenfectant plant, sea wall and docks, and for repairing damaged buildings belonging to the quarantine establishment on Hoffman's island," is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. The sum of seventy thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the construction and rebuilding of docks, bulkheads and sea walls connected with the quarantine establishment for the port of New York on Hoffman's island, and for repairing and rebuilding the disenfectant plant and for general repairs to buildings on Hoffman's island, including those buildings damaged by the caving in of the sea wall on such island, and for the necessary expense of salvage and inspection, the expenditure of which sum has been approved by the comptroller and attorney-general as provided in section eighty-three of the public health law, as amended by chapter two hundred and sixtyeight of the laws of nineteen hundred. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 595. AN ACT to amend the primary election law in relation to committees. Became a law, May 13, 1903, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, a majority being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Subdivision one of section nine of chapter one hundred and seventy-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, entitled "An act in relation to enrollment for political parties, primary elections, conventions, and political committees," as amended by chapter one hundred and sixty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and one, is hereby amended to read as follows: § 9. Subdivision 1. Committees, and rules and regulations of parties. Each party shall have a general committee for each county, except that in the city of New York there may be, in lieu of, or in addition to, a general committee for each county wholly therein, a general city committee or general borough committees, or both, as the rules and regulations of the party may prescribe, and except that in each city other than said city of New York and cities of the first class, if it be desired by a majority of the members of such general committees elected from the wards of such city, there shall be for such city a city committee to consist of such members so elected from Primary election law amended. Commit tes such wards, who shall have power to perfect their own organization under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe for the conduct of the affairs of such part affecting such city and the wards thereof. Any party may also have committees in and for such other political subdivisions as its rules and regulations may prescribe. All members of general committees, and assembly district and ward committees, chosen in or from cities of the first class except as otherwise herein provided, shall be elected at the primary elections, on the annual primary day of each year. In the other cities and villages to which this act is applicable except as otherwise provided in this act, there shall be elected at the primary elections on such day either the members of all general committees elected from such cities or villages, or the members from such cities or villages of the conventions or committees by which members of the general committees are to be appointed, and in such cities and villages the rules of the parties may determine whether members of general committees shall be elected at primary elections or by conventions or committees the members of which shall be elected on the annual primary day as above provided, or by conventions or committees which shall have been chosen by delegates who shall have been elected on the annual primary day as above provided. The times when committees elected. at primary elections shall take office shall be determined by the rules and regulations of the respective parties, except that such time shall not be later than the first day of January succeeding their election. On the day fixed by the rules and regulations, constitutions or bylaws of the party, the members of each general county committee or Rules and city committee shall meet and organize. They may proceed to make and adopt rules and regulations, but unless so adopted, the rules and regulations adopted by the last preceding county or city committee of said party in said county or city shall remain in full force and effect until repealed or amended in accordance with the provisions of this act. Members of committees shall be apportioned among the various units of representation entitled to representation therein according to the rules hereinafter prescribed for the apportionment of delegates to conventions. Members of committees in villages shall be apportioned and shall hold office as shall be provided in the rules and regulations of parties. Each county or city committee and the officers thereof shall have all the power and authority and shall perform all the duties, in respect to the nominations of officers to serve at general elections, conferred upon the general committee, the county committee, the city committee, the executive committee, or the officers thereof, given to any party in such city or county by section twelve of the election law. regula tions. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. |