2207 Sec. 269. Political conventions delegates. Each of the various political parties shall hold a delegate state convention on the last Tuesday of July of each year. Said convention shall formulate and promulgate a state platform, shall select a state central committee, and shall select electors of president and vice president, the names of whom shall be certified to the governor by the officers of any such convention. No action shall be taken by said state convention either for or against any person who is or may be a candidate for any office that is to be voted on at the next general election. There shall be held a delegate county convention in each county prior to the time of holding the state convention provided for in this section, at which convention the delegates to the state convention and the members of the county central committee shall be selected; said convention shall transact such other business as shall properly come before it: Provided, the delegates to such state or state and congressional conventions shall be apportioned by such committees to the several counties upon the vote cast at the last election for president and vice-president in the respective counties; and, provided further, each county shall be entitled to at least one delegate in such convention or conventions. Sec. 3. Amendment.-That Section 2020, Revised Statutes of 1913, as amended by Section 8, Chapter 31, Session Laws of 1915, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2020 Sec. 82. Elections-marking ballots.-The elector then forthwith proceeds alone into a compartment, if there be one then unoccupied, and prepares his ballot by marking it with a blue pencil in the following manner: If he wishes to vote a straight party ticket he shall make a cross in the circle at the left of the name of his party, at the head of the ballot, and his vote shall be considered as a vote for every candidate and endorsed constitutional amendment of that party on the ballot. If the voter does not wish to vote a straight ticket he shall make a cross in the square to the left of every candidate for whom he desires to vote, and in case of question to be submitted to the vote of the people, by making a cross in the square to the left of the answer he wishes to give. When a voter shall have made a cross in one of the circles for a straight party ticket and shall have also made crosses in any of the squares to the left of the name of any candidates, or in either square to the left of any constitutional amendment, his vote shall be so counted as a vote for Ch. 33) Elections-Marking Ballots 105 said candidates and for or against said amendments, as the case may be, but for all other offices or constitutional amendments, his vote shall be counted for the candidates and party action concerning amendments of that party in whose party circle he has made a cross. When two or more candidates of the same party are grouped on the ballot for the same office (as two or more representatives) a cross in the circle to the left of the group will be a vote for all the candidates in the group; if the voter wishes to vote for one or more of the candidates for that office or another party or parties, he must make a cross in the square to the left of each candidate of his own party for whom he wishes to vote for that office, and also make a cross in the square to the left of the name of each candidate of his own party for whom he wishes to vote for that office, and also make a cross in the square to the left of the name of each candidate of any other party or parties for whom he wishes to vote for the same office. Sec. 4. Amendment. That Section 1968, Revised Statutes of 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1968 Sec. 30. Same-proclamation by governor.-Thirty days previous to any election at which any United States officer, (including especially candidates for president and vice president, which candidates shall have been previously certified to him by the officers of the different national conventions of the different political parties within and for the United States) and state officer is to be elected, the governor shall issue his proclamation designating all the offices to be filled by vote of all the electors of the state, or by those of any congressional, legislative or judicial district, and transmit a copy thereof by mail to the county clerk of each county. Sec. 5. Amendment. That Section 2271, Revised Statutes of 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2271 Sec. 333. Presidential electors-certificate. The certificate of appointment for presidential electors shall be served on each person appointed, notifying him to attend at the seat of government at noon of the Saturday preceding the second Monday of January next after his appointment and report himself to the governor as in attendance, and the governor shall at the same time designate and appoint one of the electors so appointed for the purpose of transmitting the sealed lists of per sons voted for as President and Vice-President to the president. of the Senate of the United States. Sec. 6. Amendment.-That Section 1990, Revised Statutes of 1913, as amended by Section 1, Chapter 31, Session Laws of 1915, is hereby amended to read as follows: 1990 Sec. 52. Form of official ballot.-All official ballots prepared under the provisions of this chapter shall be white in color, not less than five inches nor more than fifteen and onehalf inches wide of good quality of newspaper paper, and all matter thereon shall be printed in black ink. The ballot shall be made up in columns, not more than three in number, in which the names of all candidates and measures or proposals shall be printed on lines twenty-four ems wide. Around the entire outside edge of the ballot shall be left a blank margin not less than three-fourths of an inch wide. The columns shall be separated. by space not less than three-fourths of an inch wide and in the center of such space shall be two heavy perpendicular continuous lines running the length of the columns not less than four nor more than five picas apart and between which shall be printed a perpendicular column of horizontal lines or rules occupying one-third of the space thereof, set close together, as nearly as possible to correspond to the form as set out in schedule "A" hereafter. At the top of the ballot and over all else shall be printed in blackface type one-half inch high the words "Official Ballot, General Election 19........." The names of all candidates and all measures to be voted upon shall be arranged upon the ballot in parts separated from each other by black lines, as follows: First. All proposals submitted by initiative or referendum, each separated by heavy horizontal lines across the column. Second. Provision for voting a straight party ticket ast follows: On the left side of the column shall be printed a circle one-half inch in diameter with leaders running from each circle to the name of each party having candidates on the ballot which names shall be in black face capital type one-eighth inch high. Over the top circle shall appear the following instructions: To Vote a Straight Ticket, Make Your Cross Within Your Party Circle. Ch. 33) Presidential Election 107 Third. Proposals for constitutional amendments, each proposal of which shall be separated by black lines across the col umn. Fourth. If the election be in a year in which a president of the United States is to be elected. In spaces separated from the foregoing by heavy black line and entitled Presidential Ticket, in black type one-quarter of an inch high, shall be the names and spaces for voting for candidates for president and vice-president. The names of candidates for president and vicepresident for each political party shall be grouped together, each group enclosed with brackets with one circle to the left in which the voter indicates his choice, and the party name to the right-according as near as possible to the following form or schedule: O{ WOODROW WILSON, President THOMAS R. MARSHALL, Vice-President Democrat with a heavy line across the column, separating the group of the different political parties. Fifth. Following and immediately after a heavy black line separating from the four preceding named parts shall appear the names of candidates for United States Senator, if any are to be elected. Sixth. In spaces separated from the foregoing by heavy black line and entitled "STATE TICKET," in black type onequarter of an inch high, shall be the names and spaces for voting for candidates for the various state offices each set of which shall be separated by lines across the column and above each set of candidates shall be designated the office for which they are candidates and arranged in the order as shown in schedule "A." Seventh. In like manner shall be printed the names of candidates for congress, candidates for legislature and candidates for county offices; the county ticket shall also include measures submitted to the county vote only, and precinct tickets shall include the names of candidates and measures submitted to precinct only; city tickets shall include the names of candidates and measures submitted to city only. Sec. 7. Amendment. That Section 2077, Revised Statutes of 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2077 Sec. 139. Canvas by county board-how made.— Upon the reception of the returns of each election precinct, township, or ward by the county clerk, directed to him as hereinbefore provided, and within six days after the closing of the polls, he, together with two disinterested electors of the county to be chosen by himself, shall open the poll books and from the returns therein make abstracts of the votes cast, in the following manner: Of votes for governor, lieutenant governor, member of congress, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, state treasurer, attorney general, state superintendent of public instruction, commissioner of public lands and buildings, and member of the railway commission, on one sheet; of votes for president and vice-president on the other sheet; of votes for United States Senator on another sheet; of votes for judges of the supreme and district courts and regents of the university on another sheet; of votes for members of the legislature from the county alone on another sheet; of votes for members of the legislature by districts comprising more than one county on another sheet; and of votes for county, precinct, and township officers on another sheet. The foregoing abstracts shall be preserved by the county clerk in his office. Sec. 8. Amendment.-That Section 2081, Revised Statutes of 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2081 Sec. 143. Returns of votes for state officers and president. Immediately upon the completion of the canvass by the county board the county clerk shall prepare a copy of the abstract of the votes cast for president, vice-president, United States Senator, congressman, all state officers, regents, judges of the supreme and district courts and all questions under the constitution voted upon by the whole people, which he shall seal up and endorse-"Abstract of votes of county;" and direct to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Sec. 9. Amendment. That Section 2084, Revised Statutes of 1913, is hereby amended to read as follows: 2084 Sec. 146. Canvas by state board.-The votes cast for president and vice-president, shall be canvassed by a board of state canvassers, consisting of the governor, secretary of state, auditor of public accounts, treasurer, and attorney general. Such canvass shall be sufficient notice to the governor to appoint the electors of president and vice-president, as required |