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" And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell ; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. "
Brief Commentaries Upon Such Parts of the Revelation and Other Prophecies as ... - Стр. 270
авторы: Joseph Galloway - 1809
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The Powring Ovt of the Seven Vials: Or, An Exposition, of the 16 ..., Том 1

John Cotton - 1642 - Страниц: 210
...whofocver they be that are found adoring Rome, they (hall fall : for Babylon herfelfe fhall come up into remembrance before God, to give unto her the Cup of the wine of the ficrccncfTc of his wrath, which fhall infatuate her untill (he be utterly deftroyed by thofe ten Kings...
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God's Judgments Upon the Gentile Apostatized Church. Against the Modern ...

John Hildrop - 1711 - Страниц: 332
...JerufalemJ was divided into three parttj. 4*4 the Cities of the Nations fell, and Great Babylert came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the Cup of the Wine of the Fierceneft if his Wrath. And the "IJlands, and the Mountains fled aw*y~ '4nd a Great Hail fell from...
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The Sibylline Oracles: Translated from the Best Greek Copies, and Compar'd ...

Sir John Floyer - 1713 - Страниц: 376
...fetch M WM not flnce Men if ere on the Earth^ and the great City was divided into three farts : and the Cities of the Nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God. Therefore this great City is Babylon. The Fall of Babylon by an Earthquake ; Orac. lib. 5. Eheu te...
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God's Judgments Upon the Gentile Apostatized Church: Against the Modern ...

John Hildrop - 1713 - Страниц: 336
...Jerufalem,) ivas divided into three farts, and the Cities of the Nations fell, and Great Babylon came into remembrance before God, to give unto her the Cup of the Wine of the Fiercenejs of his Wrath. And the Ijlands, and the Mountains fled away, and a Great Hail fell front...
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The General History of Earthquakes: Being an Account of the Most Remarkable ...

R. B. - 1734 - Страниц: 192
...And the great City was divided into three parts, and the Cities of the Nation fell, and great Salylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the Cup of the Wine of the fierceneis of his Wrath. And every I£land fled away, and the Mountains were not found. And there fell...
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The New Testament, with references. To which are added, the ..., Том 2

Francis Fox - 1748 - Страниц: 602
...great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell : and great Babylon л came in Remembrance before God, to give unto her the" cup of the wine of the fiercenefs of his wrath. 20. And f every aland fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21. And...
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Dissertations on the Prophecies, which Have Remarkably Been Fulfilled ..., Том 3

Thomas Newton (bp. of Bristol.) - 1766 - Страниц: 518
...earth, fo mighty an earthquake and fo great. 19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon...before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenefs of his wrath. 20 And every iland fled away, and the mountains were not found. 21 And there...
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An Essay on Some Important Passages of the Revelation of the Apostle John ...

Lauchlan Taylor - 1770 - Страниц: 268
...city was divided into three " parts, and the cities of the nations" (that is of the heathen kingdoms) "fell, and great Babylon came «' in remembrance before God, to give unto her the *' cup «* cup of the wine of the fiercenefs of his wrath :" And then it is added, in the 2 oth verfe, " every...
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The Standard of the Spirit Lifted Up Against the Enemy Coming in Like a ...

Thomas Bell - 1780 - Страниц: 878
...21. And to eternity we (hall Enjoy the honours of a Son. Rev. xxi. 7 . | CJwnock, Vol. II. p. 710. the cities of the nations fell; and great Babylon...before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the Jitrcenefs of his wrath, Rev. xvi. 1 9. What is meant by the feven thoufand men flain in the earthquake,...
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The Signs of the Time; Or the Overthrow of the Papal Tyranny in France: The ...

James Bicheno - 1794 - Страниц: 176
...earth, fo mighty an earthquahe and fo great. And the great city was divided' into three farts, and the cities of the nations fell, and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unt» her 'the cap of the wine of the fiercenej's of hi&urath, and every ifland Jied &WAV, and the....
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