i TRANSACTIONS OF THE GAELIC SOCIETY OF DUBLIN, ESTABLISHED FOR THE INVESTIGATION AND REVIVAL OF ANCIENT IRISH LITERATURE, CONTAINING AN ADVERTISEMENT, EXHIBITING THE VIEWS OF THE ORIGINAL GAELIC OR IRISH, LITERALLY NIED WITH NOTES AND OBSERVA- ASCRIBED TO OISING &c. &c. &c. 0000 VOL. I. 0000000 Nüblin PRINTED BY JOHN BARLOW, 29, BOLTON-STREET, PRINTER TO THE SOCIETY, 1808. hib. Com. Thin 1-11-29 18345 ADVERTISEMENT. THE Friends of Literature, and of Ireland, are invited to join an Institution, whose purpose is to preserve and cultivate a Language the most ancient, copious, and elegant of Europe; by far the best preserved from the changes and corruptions incident to other Languages." Where the Language of any ancient Nation is attainable, a Criterion is discovered for distinguishing accurately the more remarkable features in the National Character. Should the Dialect be found destitute of the general Rules of grammatical Construc tion |