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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ab- from, away: abject (84); a-: avert (230); abs-: abstract (222).
Ad- to: adhere (78); a-: ascribe (180); ac-: accede (23); af-: affluent
(63); ag-: aggrandize (75); al-: ally (88); an-: annex (120); ap-:
append (141); ar-: arrive (170); as-: assume (207); at-: attract (222).
Ante- before: antecedent (23); anticipate (21).

Circum- around: circumspect (194); circu-: circuit (51).

Con- with, together: construct (204); co-: cohere (78); col-: collect (86);
com-: compose (153); cor-: corrupt (172).

Contra- against: contradict (41); contro-: controversy (230); coun-
ter-: counterbalance.

De- down, from: depose (153); deviate (233).

Dis- apart: dispel (140); di-: distant (201); dif-: differ (57).

Ex- out: export (155); e-: egress (74); ec-: eccentric (24); ef-: efflux

Extra- beyond: extravagant (227).

In- into inject (84); il-: illusion (95); im-: impress (159); ir-: ir-
ruption (172).

in- not: (before an adjective) inanimate (8); il-: illegible (86); im-:
impatient (137); ir-: irrational (167).

Inter- between: interpose (153); interfere (57).

Intro- to within: introduce (49).

Juxta- by the side of: juxtaposition (153).

Ob- in the way, against: obstacle (201); 0-: omit (113); oc-: occur

(37); of-: offer (57); op-: oppose (153); os-: ostentation (211).

Per- through: perspire (197); persecute (183).

Post- after: postpone (153); postscript (180).

Pre- before: predict (41); prefer (57).

Preter- beyond: preternatural (119).

Pro- for, forth: propel (140); pronoun; pol-: pollute (97); por-: por-
tend (211); pur-: pursue (183).

Re- back, again: recline (30); recede (23); revert (230).
Retro- backwards: retrograde (74); retrospect (194).

Se- aside, apart: seduce (49); sed-: sedition (51).

Sub- under: subject (84); su-: suspect (194); suf-: suffer (57); sug-:
suggest (73); sup-: support (155); sus-: suspend (141).

Super- over, above: supervisor (234); sur-: (French) survey (234).
Trans- across, over: transfer (57); tra-: traduce (49).



[When two words occur in the noun-roots, the second is the genitive
case of the first. When two words occur in the verb-roots, the
latter is either a form of the verb called the supine (ending in um),
or a part of the verb called the perfect participle (ending in us).]

1. Acuo (I make sharp): acute, acumen.

2. Aedes (a house): edifice (55), edify (55).

3. Aequus (equal): adequate, equability, equator.

4. Aevum (an age): primeval (160), coeval, longevity (93).

5. Alter (another): alternate, adulterate, unalterable.

6. Ambulo, ambulatum (I walk): amble, perambulator.
7. Amplus (large): ample, amplify (55), amplitude.
8. Anima (life): animate, inanimate, animal.

9. Antiquus (ancient): antiquated, antiquity, antique.
10. Aperio, apertum (I open): aperture, aperient, April.
11. Arbiter, arbitri (a judge): arbiter, arbitrary, arbitrate.
12. Ardeo, arsum (I burn): ardent, ardour, arson.
13. Ars, artis (skill, art): artificial (55), artist, artisan.

14. Audax, audacis (bold): audacity, audacious.

15. Audio, auditum (I hear): audible, audience, auditor.
16. Augeo, auctum (1 increase): augment, author, auction.
17. Bene (well): benediction (41), benevolence (241).

18. Cado (I fall): incident, accident, deciduous.

19. Canis (a dog): canine, kennel, cannibal.

20. Caper, capri (a he-goat): capricious, capricorn, caper.

21. Capio, captum (I take): accept, anticipate, captive, exception,
intercept, receive.

22. Caveo, cautum (I beware): precaution, caveat.

23. Cedo, cessum (I go): accessible, accessory, ancestor, excess, in-
tercession, precede, predecessor, proceed, recede.

24. Centrum (a centre): central, eccentric, concentrate.

25. Certus (sure): ascertain, certificate.

26. Certo (I strive): concert, preconcerted.

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