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i. 636-Long, for applause of men-By forms are like a
painted man-Sensible of a sense of senselessness, calls for,
i. 637-Cautions not to throw off-Encouragements to,
i. 638-Sad state of those who never pray, i. 639-Advice
to all that really pray, i. 640-Fall of Christians for want
of, i. 645-Praying souls live near the throne of grace,
i. 647-Pray, and look up above the ark to the throne,
i. 648-Man mute as a fish till God's thunders reach him,
i. 656-Hunger drives men to the cupboard, i. 662-Cries
for Christ's coming to destroy Antichrist, ii. 81-The
Christian ought to pray always-Encouraged by parables,
ii. 217-Praise, the highest order of, ii. 224-God heareth
the heart without the mouth, but not the mouth without
the heart-The Pharisee prayed with himself, not with
God, ii. 226-Of the Publican expounded-Humble not
one of God's white boys, ii. 258-His confession, ii. 259 |
-His birth-privileges fly like chaff-Men often tick and
toy with this prayer, ii. 260-The Publican's the highest
wisdom-Difficult under convictions of sin, ii. 261-Many
pray who know not God, ii. 266-Gesture in, of vital
importance, ii. 268-Must not go too far, nor fall short,
ii. 270-Heart and mouth must go together, with glory
and gravity, humility and sincerity; flouting compliments
and flattery must be laid aside, ii. 271-A praying man
outstrips others as a star does a clod, ii. 276- To be
made standing, kneeling, walking, lying, or sitting, ii. 278
-In public attended with peculiar temptations, ii. 665-
What is acceptable, ii. 686- Persevering, effectual,
iii. 155-The first sign of spiritual life, iii. 296—The hand
and pen, the Holy Spirit; the ink and paper, the penitent
-Copy of the petition of wounded Mansoul to Emmanuel,
iii. 352-Repeating a form of, or what is called saying
prayers, a sad delusion, iii. 687-Prayerful spirit full of
heaven, iii. 740.

Prayer, Book of Common, cannot teach us to pray, i. 54, 55,
627-Supposed by a J.P. to have been used from the days
of the apostles, i. 56-Not to be touched, i. 62-Bunyan's
sufferings by, and opinion of-Made up of Popish scraps
and friars' devices, i. 624-Some are hot for forms, but
know not the power of prayer, i. 625-Paul and the
apostles could have made a common prayer as well as any
pope or proud prelate, but they knew not how to pray
saving by the Spirit, i. 627-Absurdities of a set form,
i. 628, 640-A thousand forms would not teach us how to
pray-Prayers for particular days, and minute directions
when to stand or kneel, contrary to the fear of God-Can-
not open the eyes-Not God's ordinance-Patched up, and
expressly forbidden by God, i. 628-All the prayer-books
in the world cannot lift the heart to God, i. 631-Stinted
forms the invention of man, i. 634-Ties up the Spirit of
God, i. 635-Resisting the Spirit by a form of man's in-
venting-A very juggle of the Devil-Awful state of
those who persecute Christians for not using it-Cursed
presumption to impose it-A form without the power-
Common prayer lauded in the alehouse-The Spirit of
prayer found in jail-Traditions of men leading to pre-
tended worship, Antichristian, i. 640.
Prayer, Forms of-Lord's prayer, not a stinted form, i. 625,
and note-Arguments against, i. 628-Lord's prayer (so
called), i. 629-Solemn import of Our Father'-Many
say 'thy kingdom come,' who would shrink from sudden
judgment, i. 630-The Lord's prayer not used as a form
by the apostles-Not even for children-They muzzle up
the soul, i. 635-Difference between saying prayers and
praying, iii. 687-Lord's prayer versified, iii. 750.
Prayer-meeting for the choice of a husband, iii. 622.
Prayer meetings of women only, four reasons for, answered,
ii. 661.

Preachers-Some are blundering and raw-headed, i. 374
-Faithful, cried out against by the world, i. 493-For
filthy lucre's sake damned, iii. 699, 723.
Preaching for hire, the wages of unrighteousness, ii. 201-To
the spirits in prison, the meaning of, iii. 678.
Prejudice, an angry, ill-conditioned fellow, with sixty deaf
men, guard Ear-gate, iii. 276-Kicked and tumbled about
in the dirt, iii. 282-Slain, iii. 295.

*Prejudice and Ill-will cast dirt upon Godly-man, iii. 230.

Presumption to hope without new birth-Never timid nor
humble-Satan's laughing-stock, but hates the humble,
i. 93-Door of mercy bolted against, i. 94-Cautions
against, ii. 7-*Asleep on the road, iii. 103-*Hanged,
iii. 192, 213.

Pride-The greatest in dead men, i. 704—An iron sinew,
i. 705-Of a library, or a closet, ii. 537-An enormous
evil, ii. 567—A picture of it, sticks close to nature, iii. 642
-Reason why professors give way to-Its evil effects,
iii. 645.

Priests the biggest sinners, yet objects of mercy, i. 73-Their
beastly single lives, ii. 149.
Principles and practice must be in unison-What are right
ones, i. 516-Formed by the Word, to be solemnly ad-
hered to, ii. 593.

Prison, with the Bible, a blessed school, i. 47-Meditations
to the heart of suffering saints and reigning sinners, i. 67.
Prisoners for conscience' sake highly blessed, i. 48.
Private judgment essential to true religion-To neglect it is
to put out my own eyes, and commit me to the blind to
lead me, ii. 594.

Privileges, to go to the extreme of, dangerous-Standing on
the brink, ii. 429.

Profane, the, person is a muck-heap of sin, i. 386.
*Profession, worthless without works, iii. 186.
Professors, mere holiday saints-Many such will seek to
enter into heaven, but will not be able, i. 372-Some
hang their religion up on week-days, to put on on Sun-
days, i. 377-Knowing ones miss of heaven, why? i. 384
-Bunyan's trumpet put to the ears of-The kingdom
swarming with tattling, covetous, wanton, formal, legal,
temporizing, ignorant professors, all found wanting, and
full of amazement, i. 388-May go far, and yet perish,
i. 511-May be members of churches, possess honour and
talent as ministers, and be in a false hope, i. 512-Sown in
the church by the Devil, i. 619-Some are running on
their heads, i. 656-With fancies and fooleries catching,
i. 678-Causes of falling away, ii. 522-Who depart not
from iniquity are a pest, the breath of a dragon, slay their
children and themselves, ii. 530-Wicked ones peculiar
objects of divine wrath, ii. 542-Drown others in perdi-
tion, ii. 544-A scandal to religion, how to be dealt with.
iii. 122, 123, 133-The heavy-heeled, lazy, wanton, and
foolish ones, will never gain heaven, iii. 382-Those
who are unprofitable, a mock and reproach to religion,
iii. 573.

Promise, a key to unlock all doubts, iii. 142.

Promises must be applied by divine power, i. 15-Applied
powerfully, i. 30-33, 38-Nature of absolute, and differ-
ence of conditional, i. 25.

Prosperity and happiness require double watchfulness, iii. 356
-The ways of, iii. 631.

Proverbs, the book of, consists of hard, dark, and pithy sen-
tences, i. 744.

Providence, how to be understood, ii. 11.
*Prudence, Miss, iii. 108, 199.

Psalms of degrees, the supposed meaning of, i. 577.
Public worship, the Devil suffers his children to attend to
the outward forms of, ii. 443-Why women are covered,
and men uncovered, during, ii. 672, 673.
Publican, officers that served the Romans and themselves
too-Like informers and bumbailiffs, ii. 219-When Jews
they were the scorn of the Pharisees, but objects of pity to
the Saviour, ii. 220-An open outside sinner-The Pha-
risee a filthy inside one-To reject the Pharisee and to
receive the publican a wonderment to all, ii. 222.
Punishments for sin in this world are short, in hell they are
everlasting, ii. 678-Of children, iii. 597, and note.

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Rainbow, its spiritual meaning, i. 648, 649; ii. 400.
Ranters, see Sectarian.

*Ready-to-halt, Mr., iii. 223-*His happy death, iii. 241.
Reason insufficient and impure, ii. 286.

Redeemer compared to the sun, iii. 754. See God-Christ.
Redemption, a mysterious act, i. 303-Places us in a bet-
ter relation than Adam before the fall, i. 415-By Christ,
ten demonstrations that he paid the price, i. 416-Its
plenteousness, i. 604-The knowledge of, i. 611-Com-
pelleth to good works, i. 613—A great encouragement to
prayer, i. 614.

Reflections on Christ our light, i. 431.
Reform should begin at home, ii. 45.
Reformation mistaken for godliness, i. 10.

Regeneration, or the new birth, what it is, i. 10, 694, 695;
ii. 712, 729-Convictions got up the wrong way, harden,
i. 16-Its pangs, i. 26, 27-Convictions of sin essential,
i. 494-Not to be slighted, i. 495-A trying work, as by
fire, i. 706-Of the self-righteous, like God driving a
camel through the eye of a needle, i. 720-No easy work,
i. 725-Devil counterfeits the new birth and the work of
grace, ii. 153-Signs and evidences, ii. 166-Bunyan's
last sermon on John i. 13, ii. 755-All new-born babes
cry, ii. 756-Christ received the new-born in a golden
garment of righteousness-All have the features of heaven,
ii. 757-Take of their father's possessions-Obedience re-
quired, ii. 758-Rags the clothing of the unconverted, iii.
89-*Exchanged for fine raiment, iii. 102, 190-*Mark or
seal on Christian's forehead, iii. 102-The war-cry against
fallen Mansoul, iii. 276-Alderman Swearing, Whoring,
Fury, Stand-to-lies, Drunkenness, and Cheating, slain with
one shot, iii. 278-Mansoul must be pulled down and re-
built, iii. 293-Man insensible to its importance, iii. 713
-Its necessity, iii. 740-Illustrated by an egg, iii. 749.
Relative duties, disobedience to parents strikingly described
-Disorderly servants, a house iniquity to be corrected, ii.
535-Parents bringing up children for hell, ii. 536-Spi-
ritual and temporal-As Abraham commanded his chil-
dren, ii. 555-Reading the Word and prayer-Masters of
families have some pastoral duties, ii. 556-Provide for
family-Husband to wife, ii. 557-To children, ii. 558-
To servants, ii. 559-Wife to husband, ii. 560-To an
unconverted relative-Children to parents, ii. 562-Ne-
glect of, awfully punished, as Ishmael, Hophni, Phinehas,
Absalom, ii. 563-Servants to masters, ii. 564-Neigh-
bours, ii. 565-Sin interfering with; covetousness, pride,
uncleanness, ii. 567, 568-Punishment of children, iii.
597, and note-How a master may ruin an apprentice, iii.
606-Advantage of godly parents, iii. 164-Landlord,
husband, master, iii. 699.

*Reliever protects Christiana, iii. 183.

*Relics at the Interpreter's; Eve's apple, the mount on which
Abraham was to have offered Isaac, Jacob's ladder, iii. 204.
Religious observances, without change of heart, rejected, i. 7,
No. 16; iii. 289.

Remission of sin: Christ, in the doctrine of the gospel, remits
or retains sin, iii. 414.
Repentance, not mere reformation, i. 9-Of Cain and Judas
saved them not, i. 317-Many tests of true and false
repentance, i. 384-In man a change of mind, but in God
a change of dispensations, ii. 461-Followed by doing, ii.
573-True, arises from a sight and sense of sin, ii. 600;
iii. 656-Without it hope and life die together, ii. 663—
*Folly of deferring, iii. 217-Of sick-bed only temporary,
iii. 580, 649, 650, 662-Denied, and the soul left to
despair, iii. 582, and note.

Reprobate, or cast out, i. 271; ii. 201; their character in this
world, i. 347-Will be stopped at the gate of heaven, i. 375.
Reprobates, Cain and Balaam, ii. 449.

Reprobation asserted, and its opposers answered, ii. 336-
What it is, ii. 337-Its antiquity, ii. 338—Its causes, ii.
339-Unchangeableness, ii. 341-Whether it is the cause
of condemnation, ii. 342-The question answered, Have
the reprobate cause to quarrel with God? ii. 345- Does it
hinder any one from seeking salvation? ii. 346-Ought


every creature to be preached to? ii. 348-Is it possible
for the non-elect to receive the gospel? ii. 349-Why it is
tendered to all, ii. 352-Placed in opposition to election,
see the Map of Salvation, iii. 336.

Resistance, Captain, killed by Tisiphone, one of the Furies,
iii. 259.

Resurrection, of Christ, sanctifies, i. 324-Those who rose
at the crucifixion of Christ ascended with him, i. 418-Of
the body, i. 596; ii. 83-Some sleep away its power, ii. 14
-First of the just, because Christ is risen-The members
of the body-Faith in the, promotes good works-Is an
undergirder to the soul, ii. 85-Meaning of the, ii. 86—
The resurrection of the body proved by its being a temple
of the Holy Ghost, ii. 87-Fully proved from seven par-
ticulars, ii. 88-The manner of, ii. 91-Flesh and blood
shall not inherit heaven, ii. 93-Body sown a natural,
raised a spiritual, ii. 95-Types or mementos of, ii. 96—
Wood, hay, and stubble will be burned up, ii. 98-
The reward of the just, ii. 101-Of the bodies of the
wicked, ii. 104-Because Christ is the sovereign, ii. 105
-The manner of, ii. 106-Talons of a dreadful ghost will
fasten on the souls of the wicked at the, ii. 107—Why
called the sure mercies of David, ii. 306.
Reversion, the Christian's best estate, i. 579.
Rich, to be wickedly, an awful state, iii. 674.
Riches, a bone without marrow, fit only for dogs, i. 735-
Reasons why they are in many cases a curse, iii. 676.
Riddles, the second Adam was before the first, i. 524-
Christ's love, to comprehend that which cannot be com-
prehended, to know that which passes knowledge, ii. 15-
Their solutions, iii. 219, 220-The Sacrifice, Lamb, Rock,
Cow, Door, iii. 308.

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Righteous man described, i. 747, 765-Twelve rules to
judge whether a man is one, i. 765-Can alone do righ-
teousness, ii. 244-His prayers alone acceptable, ii. 249.
Righteous man's desires, i. 751-Pure in the spring, but
polluted in the channels, i. 753-Run both ways, i. 754
-Rules to know which predominates, i. 755-To be with
Christ, i. 758-He desires a handful, God gives him a sea-
ful, i. 761-They carry us to God on their back, if ten
thousand oppose it, i. 763.

Righteousness, some follow, but never obtain, i. 447. See
Self-righteousness-Of Christ imputed, i. 748-Produces
its practice, i. 749-Of Christ, safe and everlasting, ii.
138, 142-How it is to be obtained, ii. 170-Twofold,
upon and into, ii. 246-Of man and of God distinct,
ii. 286-Thrives best in afflictions, ii. 720-Can only die
by suicide, ii. 721-*Fourfold, iii. 191.

*River of God, or water of life, iii. 138, 228, 539-Runs
through the heart of the tree of life, Christ, iii. 455.
Robin and the spider, an emblem, iii. 187.

Run for heaven; the devil, the law, sin, death, and hell are
after you, iii. 382.

Running, fear of not running fast enough, i. 285.
Ruth, a poetic translation, ii. 290.


Sabbath, Jewish, abrogated, and Christian enforced, ii. 361
-Unknown by light of nature, ii. 362-Sabbath-breaking
not known until the law was given on Sinai-Sabbath-
keeping first commanded by Moses, ii. 363-To com-
memorate Israel's deliverance from Egypt-When the
Sabbath was given to the Israelites, were the Gentiles
required to keep it? ii. 365-Answered in the negative,
ii. 366-Whether the Saturday Sabbath fell with other
Jewish rites, or was it re-imposed on Christians? ii. 367
-The ceremonies enjoined on its observation are dead-
a shadow of things to come-therefore it is abolished, ii.
424; iii. 369-Part of the ministration of death, ii. 370—
The first, or Lord's day, instituted, ii. 361; iii. 371—
Stamped with divine approbation, ii. 372-Used by New
Testament saints, ii. 383-Convictions of sin by the Holy
Ghost for not keeping the first day, a proof that God
sanctioned and sanctifies it, ii. 285-A type of Christ and
of the millennium, ii. 424-Why observed-Changed by
Christ, iii. 600.

Sabbath-breaking-Obeying the king's Book of Sports-vio- |
lating the book of the King of Kings, attended with sharp
convictions-Game of cat, or tip cat, authorized to be
played on Sunday, i. 8-Why sports and plays authorized
by the Book of Sports, i. 8, No. 20, note-Its effects, i. 548.
Sackcloth of hair, i. 733, and note.

SACRAMENTS are God's love-letters and love-tokens, i. 757-
Have no saving power, iii. 752.
Baptism, the symbol of regeneration, to be partaken by saints,
i. 386-In or with water does not make Christians, ì. 546,
and note-The Holy Spirit accompanying, i. 757, and note
—Antichrist baptizes with blasphemy, ii. 50-Pompous
names, seven thousand to be destroyed, ii. 51-In Christ,
not in water, is a putting on Christ, ii. 155—Noal in the
ark dead to the world, and alive to God, a type of, ii. 482
-By dipping, ii. 510, 627-Difference in judgment about
water-baptism no bar to communion, ii. 588, 616-And
the supper, figurative ordinances, ii. 604-Unlike circum-
cision, and not an initiatory ordinance, ii. 606, 618-
Spiritual baptism alone essential, ii. 609—Paul made light
of water-baptism, ii. 613-Eighteen reasons why water-
baptism should not be a bar to communion, or wall of
separation, ii. 614-Christening, if relied on, a fatal
error, ii. 615-Ten reasons why visible saints should
commune together, ii. 616-Baptism and the Lord's Sup-
per perverted to afflict the church, ii. 622-Of the Spirit,
ii. 623-Of the Spirit the one baptism essential to salva-
tion, that of water is only the outward sign, ii. 624-Of|
Christ is better than water-baptism, ii. 625-An outward
show, ii. 626-The wall of separation, ii. 628--Edification
greater than water baptism, ii. 629-Mr. Henry Jesse's judg-
ment as to its being a wall of separation, ii. 642—A mar-
riage with Christ, ii. 655-Love, and not baptism, the
badge of Christ, ii. 653, 715—Its excellent use, ii. 604.
Lord's Supper, if not attended to in a right spirit, is used as
a hand by Satan, i. 558-Terms of communion, ii. 591–
With whom I dare or dare not hold communion at the
Lord's table, ii. 602-Only with visible saints by calling,
605, 615-A church ordinance, baptism an individual
duty or ordinance, ii. 630.

Sacrifices of a broken spirit acceptable, i. 689-Paul ready
to be offered-Made by God's people, accepted, i. 724.
Safety of the Christian, i. 598.

Sanctuary, the, specially defended, iii. 425.
Satan, suggestions of, mistaken for our thoughts-*The
Imagination accessible to, iii. 115.
Satisfaction for sin, ii. 294.

Saved, what it is to be saved, i. 327-By grace, i. 336-Six
causes, i. 339-Six gradations from God's decree before time
to glory, i. 341-In heaven, i. 342-Fearers and trusters—
i. 347, 348-Character before conversion, i. 349-Still
comparatively few saved, i. 379-384-Compared to a hand-
ful, gleanings, jewels, a remnant, i. 380-Small, as the re-
fined metal compared with the dross, i. 382-Reasons why
few are saved and many miss of heaven, i. 383-Yet a
countless number, i. 654.
Saviour: what is included in the word, i. 402-Meaning of
the word, i. 419.

*Saying and doing, the difference between, iii. 122.
Scandal, inventor and receiver equally sinful, ii. 679.
Scandals of professors, how they arise, i. 619.
Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, how interpreted by the
Jews, ii. 145.

*Seal on Christian's forehead, iii. 102-*On those who are
washed, iii. 189-*Set upon the pilgrims, iii. 188, 189.
Seasonable counsel or advice to sufferers, ii. 691.
Secret, an angel, iii., 174.

Sectarians: Ranters' cursed sentiments, i. 11; ii. 133, 150,
margin, 182-Quakers' errors of persons who assumed
the name, i. 21; ii. 150, margin, 153, 211, 286-Sects
severely reproved, Quakers, Ranters, a sect of foolish
men, which believed that Christ's sufferings on earth were
merely typical of what he suffers in his saints, i. 323—
Conduct of Ranters in prayer described, i. 440-Ranters
denied future punishment, ii. 106-Quakers, in 1656, put
on a peculiar dress, ii. 153-Questions to Quakers, ii. 175
-Bunyan's meaning of the word sectarian, ii. 219-
Quakers set up humanity as gospel, ii. 313-Jewish sects,
ii. 327, and note-William Penn and Jesuit Campian
agree on justification, ii. 333-Sectarian pride an iniquity
-What sectarianism is to be attributed to, ii. 538-
Titles, as Baptist, Independent, &c., whence they came,
ii. 649-Bunyan eminently a non-sectarian, iii. 383, and
note-Ranters turned grace into wantonness, iii. 724.
Secure, Captain, iii. 292.

Self-denial, the yoke and cross of Christ, i. 734-What is
requisite to make it acceptable, ii. 687.
Self-examination, motives, i. 294; iii. 721-By old cove-
nant, i. 554-Should be daily, i. 733-Rules for, ii. 166
-Its advantages, ii. 168-helps, ii. 540.
Self-knowledge, its best source, i. 432-Difficult, ii. 553.
Self-righteous go a cleaner way to hell than their neigh-
bours, i. 351-A painted devil in fine clothes, i. 719-
Attempt to swim through God's burning wrath in vessels
of bulrushes, ii. 268.

Self-righteousness, three awful evils in it, i. 315-Earning
heaven with our fingers'-ends, ii. 132—Is sin, ii. 200—A
damning transgression, ii. 231-Can only entitle to tem-
poral, and not to eternal life-The seat of the devil, ii.
236-It cleaveth to our nature, ii. 237.
Sense of senselessness in prayer, i. 637.
Sermon, a smart one on the barren fig-tree, iii. 328.
Sermon on the Mount paraphrased in verse, ii. 396.
Shaddai, the founder of Mansoul, iii. 255.

Saffron blooms, blossoms, and is ripe in a night, i. 760.
Saints' enjoyments inexpressible, i. 48-Always in broils
and suits, i. 191-Justified in God's sight before conver-
sion, i. 307-Their heart-wanderings and miscarriages, i.
353-Triumph in Christ, i. 427-Armies of heaven en
compass about them, i. 469-Bodies saved by Christ, i.
529-Looked upon most falsely as turbulent and factious,
i. 630-How they are described in holy writ-Will know
his love in eight degrees, ii. 29-Or professors, golden,
silver, earthy, and wooden, ii. 518-The salt of God, ii.
544-On earth in working clothes, in heaven with a holi-
day suit, iii. 497-Warlike men, that can endure hard-
ships iii. 518-Generally poor and despised, iii. 676—
Despised more than dogs, iii. 677-hated in this world,
but envied in eternity, iii. 688, 695-They have all their
evil things in this life, iii. 692-Despised because they
cannot, like Pilate, speak Hebrew, Greek and Latin, iii. 695.
Salvation sure and certain to the believer, i. 232-One of
Christ's lost, and Christ is overthrown, i. 234-By grace-Shadow [or fear] of death, a dismal valley, iii. 114, 161, 208,
What it is to be saved, what it is to be saved by grace-
Who are the saved-Their evidences-Why by grace, i.
337-Hath many steps from eternity to eternity-Before
calling, i. 338-Six causes of salvation, i. 339-Perfect,
the soul filled with bliss in heaven, i. 341-Proved-Shepherd's boy, his heart's-ease and happy song, iii. 206.
Fearful, dreadful, soul-astonishing, and amazing, i. 349- Sick-bed beset with ten thousand fears-Suggestions of the
Are there few that be saved?-None seek but those who devil-Sight of death and the grave, even of hell itself, i. 340.
are alarmed, i. 364-Put man's righteousness, God's Silver-mine, dangerous to pilgrims, iii. 136, 228.
mercy, and Christ's redemption together, and it will not *Simple asleep on the road, iii. 103-Hanged, iii. 192, 213.
save a man, though the last two alone will save to the Simplicity of the gospel difficult to retain, i. 391-Described,
uttermost, i. 609-*The wall of, iii. 102.
ii. 677.
Samsell, a village at which Bunyan preached, i. 50.
Samson, history of, or Judges xiii.-xvi. paraphrased in verse,
ii. 393.

* Sanctification, how effected, iii. 98-*The bath, iii. 189.

214-Better to pass through than reside in, iii. 209.
*Shame, Mr, an impudent fellow, iii. 119, 224.
Shepherds, at the Delectable Mountains, entertain pilgrims,
iii. 144, 230.


Sin, the unpardonable, wilful, and malicious, against the
Holy Ghost, i. 18, 24, 25, 31, 34, 204, 567-Permitted
by God, i. 24-Great sin draws out great grace, i. 38-
Must be seen, hated, and cleansed, i. 93-Fears of having

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Singularity in godliness, be not ashamed of, ii. 545.
Skill, the Physician, iii. 201-*His curious medicine, iii. 202.
Slander; if you cannot speak good, speak not bad, i. 279.
Slanders and reproaches, i. 45-The Christian's ornament,
Slavery, Algerine, on white man, i. 119, and note.
Slaves, Englishmen sold as, under Charles II., iii. 256, and

i. 46.


Slaying of the witnesses, ii. 64.

Sleep an emblem of death and the grave, ii. 111.
*Sleepy-head ruined, iii. 193.

*Slow-pace ruined by Simple, iii. 193.

committed the unpardonable-They that would be saved
have not committed it, i. 102, 155 374-What it is,
i. 103-Sin by the help of the soul destroys it, i. 129-The
best saint the most sensible of, i. 160-The burden of,
i. 210-A tang of, in all our good works, i. 307-A debt
forgiven when man had nothing to pay, i. 313-How to
be acknowledged, i. 327-Mystical or spiritual ones, i. 373
-The unpardonable described-Feedeth upon some pro-
fessors, i. 374, 375. See Iniquity-Against the Holy
Ghost, a rejection of Christ, i. 392-The least sin fatal,
i. 406-Its beginning to be avoided, i. 486-The conduit-
pipe for the devil's spawn, i. 505—A terrible soul-drown-Sloth refuses deliverance, iii. 103—–*Hanged, iii. 192, 213.
ing flood and destroying tempest, i. 516-Indwelling, but *Slothful's friend, an enchanted arbour, iii. 236.
not reigning in saints, i. 645-A fearful thing, i. 682-Slothfulness shutteth out Christ and shameth the soul, iii. 378.
Makes men fools and asses-Its gradations, i. 683; ii.
678; iii. 711-The great enemy to God and to the soul,
i. 684-It stinketh, i. 697-Its hiding holes, i. 706-
Danger of indulging the least, i. 713-It is like blood-
hounds, i. 742-As a spreading plague, has no bounds, ii.
4-Its nature and aggravations, ii. 25-Tends to sacrifice
its associates, even our children, to devils, ii. 26-The
greater in our view, the greater encouragement to seek
pardon, ii. 137-original, brings all under the curse, ii.
166-Its enormous evils, ii. 435-Even after remarkable
deliverances, as Noah, Lot, Gideon, ii. 493-It stupifies
and darkens the powers of the soul, ii. 512-An active
beast, polluting and defiling, ii. 524-A smooth-tongued
enchanter, ii. 533-A bold, impudent beggar, the worm
of hell-Caution to stir up to watch against, ii. 575—
Confession of, to God only, ii. 681-*The burthen of,
upon the awakened conscience, iii. 89-*Weighs down in
the Slough of Despond, iii. 92-*Sent to Morality to get
rid of it, iii. 94-*Wishes relief at the wicket-gate, iii.
97-Falls off by a sight of Christ crucified, iii. 102-
*Indwelling sin the Christian's plague, and its antidote,
iii. 108--Temptations and severe trials follow great
enjoyments, iii. 111-To be as utterly rooted out as pos-
sible, iii. 361-Christ's death does not cleanse all from
original sin, iii. 597-Sins follow one another, like links
in a chain, iii. 610-Makes the memory of the dead to rot,
iii. 656-Unpardonable, by professors, ii. 543.
*Sincere, the shepherd, iii. 144-The town that Littlefaith
dwelt in, iii. 147.

Sincerity and simplicity essential, iii. 729—And uprightness
poetically described, iii. 741.

Sinful indulgences a committing suicide, iii. 611.

Singing in public worship-Sion's songs must be sung by
Sion's sons, i. 473, and note; iii. 496, and note-How to
be performed, iii. 496.

Snares thickly set in the dark valley, iii. 116.
Socinian, an inconsiderate and stupified rascal, i. 613.
Solemn warnings; 'fetch out the axe,' iii. 579.
Solomon, a type of Christ in building the temple, iii. 463.
Solomon's Temple Spiritualized, or gospel light out of
the temple to open the glory of New Testament truths,
iii. 460-A type of gospel glory, iii. 462-Where built,
typical, iii. 465-How built, a type, iii. 466-The mate-
rials typical, iii. 466-Its double foundation, iii. 467—
Front to the east, to prevent sun-worship, iii. 468—The
two courts typical, iii. 469-The altar in the inner court,
iii. 469-Jachin and Boaz types of the apostles, iii. 470—
Snuffers, Snuff-dishes, types of reproof, iii. 488-Tongs for
the holy fire, iii. 489-The altar of incense and golden
censers, iii. 490-The flagons and chargers, iii. 494-The
holy and most holy, types of the church on earth and in
heaven, iii. 497-The vail, what it typifies, iii. 498-The
ark of the covenant a type of Christ, iii. 501-The living
water flowing from under the gate, iii. 504-The High
Priest, iii. 505-Figures on the wall, iii. 509-Ornaments
typical, iii. 471-Outward glory a type of Christian life,
iii. 474-Large porch a type of the church's bosom for
charity, iii. 474-The steps, gate, and pinnacles typical,
iii. 476-Porters and watchmen types of ministers, iii.
477-Door, a type of Christ, iii. 478-Windows a type of
the Word, iii. 481-The brazen oxen a type of ministers,
iii. 483 The brazen bulls type of apostles, 484-
Lavers, tables, and instruments, iii. 485-Golden candle-
sticks typical of the church, iii. 487.

Solomon's throne, a shadow or type, i. 649—Altar of incense,
a type, ii. 649.

Sons of the spies, iii. 114.

Soul-Its greatness, and unspeakableness of its loss, i. 105
-Can never be repaired if once lost, i. 107-What it is,
i. 107; ii. 695-The Devil's drudge and slave-Its
powers and properties; conscience, the head; affections,
the hands; will, the feet, i. 109-Its senses; sight, hear-
ing, tasting, i. 110-Its passions; love, hatred, joy, fear,
i. 111-Grief, anger, i. 112-Its greatness; has two
houses, the body, on earth, and one eternal in the heavens,
i. 113-A tabernacle-It is called God's breath, and his
image, i. 114-A vessel for grace, i. 115-Its price; the
precious blood of Christ; it is immortal, i. 116-It has
communion with invisibles; can ascend to heaven and
dive to hell, i. 117-It bears pain; an awful poem on
Spira, i. 118, note-Of its loss; becomes a slave, i. 119
-Subject to awful torments, i. 120-A double loss, i. 121
-A most fearful loss, i. 123-Everlasting, i. 124—The
cause of its loss, i. 126-Cannot purge itself, i. 127—
Loves sin, i. 128-By sin sets itself against God, i. 130
-More sorely punished than the body, i. 133-When lost
its value felt, i. 136-Soul-loser a prodigal waster, i. 140—
The loser of his soul the greatest fool, i. 141-Be careful
who teaches it, i. 143-What provision hast thou made
for it, i. 144-One thing is needful, i. 145-Sad state of
the lost, i. 147-Pawned for a beastly lust, i. 683.
Spencly, Richard, John Burton, and John Child, recommend
Bunyan's Gospel Truths, ii. 181.

Sinners, the greatest are the objects of divine mercy, i. 71-
Shining monuments-Reasons why the biggest should be
first offered mercy, i. 73—Instances, i. 74-If the big are
invited, the little may surely come-If the door of mercy
is wide enough for a giant, it is for a dwarf-Sins may be
comparatively little, but sensibly great, i. 76, 94-
Ephesian sinners greatest among Gentiles, and Jeru-
salem among the Jews, i. 77-Great, when converted,
the best preachers, as the Samaritan woman-Biggest
are Satan's colonels and captains, breeders of sin, i. 78-
Manasseh, a ringleader in devilism, when converted, the
land reformed by him, i. 79-Little thanks from little
sinners saved, i. 82-Greatest invited first, i. 89-Great,
shoulder the devil out of the way-You are called by
Christ-Angels make a lane for you, i. 90-Come to God
in difficulties, i. 210-Publicans, harlots, thieves, pos-
sessed, and bedlams, i. 263-Great ones specially invited
to Christ, i. 347-Named in Scripture, i. 348-Behave
strangely to God, i. 350-Would please God with dainty
dishes rather than be converted, i. 351-Profane, searching
observations to, i. 386-Convinced who are on the pot-
ter's wheel, i. 387-Pull God's vengeance upon them-
selves, i. 478-Chief of, saved, instances, i. 536, 563-
Their awful state, i. 554-Must apply to Christ first, not
wash themselves and then apply to be cleansed, i. 559-Spider, an emblem, iii. 185.
Many are the devil's asses and jack-puddings, i. 683-Eat
husks like swine, i. 697-Their efforts to lead others into
sin, iii. 699-The Sinner and the Spider, a dialogue, iii. 752.

Spider and Fly, emblems of Satan and the sinner, i. 435.
Spira, Francis, his dreadful story, i. 26, 118, and note-His
awful state of despair, iii. 383, 582, and note.

Spirits, otherwise invisible, sometimes seen by the dying,
i. 161; iii. 680-Of all men will be broken by mercy to
salvation, or by justice to damnation, i. 136.
Spiritual and invisible things, how to be discerned, iii. 400.
Spiritual death, what it is, ii. 677.

Spiritual drunkenness and adultery, i. 373.

Spiritual lightning without thunder dangerous, i. 655.
Spiritual wonders in the day of God's wrath, ii. 694.
Spirituality of divine worship, i. 646. See Prayer.
Spite-God, Mrs., iii. 265.

Spittle, peculiarity in the miracle of curing by, i. 401.
*Spring at the hill of Difficulty, iii. 104-Foiled by the
enemy, iii. 193, and note.

Stalking-horse, i. 733.

[blocks in formation]

Stone, Jew's stumbling, i. 401-Stones in the breast-plate, and
in the foundation of the holy city, are the same, iii. 432.
Strait Gate, a most solemn treatise, i. 364.

Strive to enter, applied to professors only, i. 365 - How
to strive lawfully, i. 369; iii. 381-Motives to avoid
hell and enter heaven, i. 369.

*Strong may mislead the weak, iii. 139.

Study the greatness of God's love to man-A depth profound
and unsearchable-Delightful here and through eternity,
ii. 36.

Suffering flows from hope, i. 583-It is according to God's
will-A man may be bound for God's truth, and be none
of God's martyrs, ii. 704-Comes of God, and not by
chance, ii. 721--For religion, tokens of God's love-Only
bounded by the grave, ii. 737-Must not produce turbu-
lence, ii. 740.

Suicide debated and condemned, iii. 141-Unless in madness,
a damning sin, 660.

Sun, a type of the gospel-None needed in heaven, iii. 441.
*Superstition, Mr., a witness against Faithful, iii. 130.
*Supper, what Christian had to his supper, iii. 109-*Supper
at Gaius'-Strange dishes, iii. 219.
Suprolapsarianism, i. 644,

Swan Inn, Bedford, i. 60.

Swearers God's curse upon swearing, i. 386-Judgment
upon, iii. 654.

Thodes, or whirlwinds, meaning, and derivation of the word,

ii. 735.

Throne of God, import of the word, iii. 458. See God.
Throne of grace, what it is, i. 645-Where erected, i. 646—
How distinguished, i. 648-Its effects-Who are invited
to it, i. 656-How to approach, i. 657-Washed from sin,
i. 658-Only by the new and living way, i. 659-To come
to it is man's privilege, duty, and glory-Unknown but to
the godly, i. 661-Known only by the Word, i. 662-
Unwillingness to come except drawn by the Father-
Motives to come-Glorious, i. 663-Turns all things
into mercies, iii. 550-The spotless humanity of Christ,
iii. 551.

Time, the first thing that God made, ii. 417.

Time of affliction less dangerous than prosperity, ii. 494.
Times; England eminent for sin in Bunyan's days, i. 68; iii.
712-Disturbed state of society under Charles II.; devil
broke loose in hideous manners,.i. 84-Immoral state of
Bunyan's times, i. 99, 105-Decays in godliness, and foul
miscarriages of professors, i. 152-Curious notice of the
nation's fears and hopes at the Popish plot, i. 585-The
brethren suffered murder and outrage, i. 723-Swarms of
opinions darken the light, ii. 27-In which Bunyan lived,
as described in his writings, ii. 38-Prisoners in Bunyan's
time put in iron before a trial, ii. 107; iii. 366-The
clergy, the scribes, and the Pharises of this generation,
preach up low, carnal, beggarly, empty notions, ii. 134-
The Quakers commenced their peculiar dress, &c., in
1656; ii. 153-A teetotal movement in the time of the
Commonwealth, ii. 201-Ignorance of many state clergy-
men, Sir John's, ii. 313-Scandalous lives of the clergy,
ii. 323-Graceless clergy like the locusts of Egypt, ii. 475
-The church of God in the furnace, ii. 482-The super-
fluity of naughtiness is at this day become no sin, ii. 509-
Charles II. a pattern of iniquity, 517-Persecution groaned
under in Bunyan's time, ii. 614-Carnal gospellers, like
maggots, crawl up and down the nation, iii. 429-Extra-
vagancies and fooleries of dress, iii. 565, 644-England
fearfully demoralized, iii. 590, 593, 594-Labourers' wages
eightpence or tenpence per day, iii. 637, and note.
Times of need; ten special, i. 676.

* Timorous, Mrs., iii. 175-*Christiana wishes her a sight of
the cross, iii. 192.

*Timorous and Mistrust, iii. 105-*Burned through the
tongue, iii. 195.

Tinkling cymbal, i. 44.

Tod, Old, a remarkable story, iii. 599.
Toleration anticipated by Bunyan, ii. 457.
Tom of Bedlam, i. 9, and note.

Tombs, blind men stumbling among, iii. 144.

Swearing, profane, what it is, i. 441-And cursing, different
sins, iii. 601-By idols, as by our lady, by the mass, &c.,
iii. 602-Very commonly practised, iii. 603-God's judg-Too-bold and Heedless in a fatal sleep, iii. 237.
ment on N. P. at Dumbleton, and Dorothy Mately at
Derby, iii. 604.

Sweetheart, a general term of endearment, iii. 653.

Swine better observe the law of creation than fallen man,
i. 478.

Syllogism, how to pick the bones of a, ii. 662.
Syphilis, a disease known in Job's days, iii. 612.


Take-heed-what-you-hear, the trumpeter, summons Mansoul,
iii. 272.

*Talkative drawn to the life, i. 333-*Of Prating Row, a
confident fool, iii. 121.

Teaching for hire, a trick upon God, i. 93.

Trading, instructions for righteous, iii. 640.

Tradition, Human-wisdom, and Man's-invention join the
church, but soon turn renegades, and enlist under Captain
Any-thing, iii. 277.

Transfiguration-Moses and Elias appeared as dipped in
glory, i. 760.

Traveller's pleasure in meeting friends in a strange land,
ii. 600.

Treasure in heaven for the saints, infinite, ii. 14.

Tree of life is Jesus Christ-The tree of knowledge the law
of works, iii. 453, 454-The leaves of the tree of life are
the promises, iii. 456.

Trencher chaplains-Their eloquent terms in prayer tickle
the ears, i. 637.

Tell-true converts Valiant-for-the-truth by means of the Trial of the Diabolonians, and names of the jury and witnesses,
Pilgrim's Progress, iii. 233.

Temper, a compliant, sometimes dangerous, ii. 324.
Temple, none in the New Jerusalem, iii. 439.
Temptations, their cause and use, i. 37-Why they assail
God's people, i. 287-Specially suited to the age, circum-
stances, and acquirements of the Christian, i. 676-When
in, keep close to the Word, ii. 429.
Tender rebukes better than churlish severity, iii. 617.
Thanksgiving, a prevailing prayer, i. 624.

Thieving, handsomely-Stealing fruit the first downward
step, iii. 598-Pilfering leads to the gallows, iii. 599.

iii. 310.

Tricks of a wicked tradesman, iii. 616.
Trifles preferred to salvation, iii. 713.
Trinity. See God.

Trouble of spirit under convictions not to be put off the
wrong way, ii. 137.

Triumph of Einmanuel-Entrance into Mansoul-Houses
and streets adorned, iii. 359.

Truth discovered by the persecutions endured by God's people,
i. 725-And immoral conduct cannot live in the same heart,
iii. 722.

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