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than any words can describe-ED.]

of the Lord. In the evening, a public meeting was holden in the chapel, when the afternoon preacher took the chair, and opened the meeting by stating that he was painfully acquainted [For the following letter, we are more thankful with the serious injuries which had been sustained by the cause of God in that place; but he was not there at that time either to defend the injured, or to condemn the extravagant or unwise conduct of the oppressor; he came as a peacemaker, and as the whole history of the cause at Rotherfield, with its afflictions, was to be published in a faithful form, he should not allow any mention of it to be made on that occasion. After some other wholesome remarks, he called upon Mr. Pascoe, the minister, Mr. Ashbourne, and Mr. Smith, of Tunbridge, to address the meeting. There has been much conceit, ignorance, presumption, and covetousness, influencing and deceiving the people in these parts for a length of time. I hope more pure light, more holy motives, more gospel grace, and more real spiritual and evangelical prosperity may be found among us Sussex folk. As soon as it was announced that C. W. Banks was coming to Rotherfield, some of the low and easily misled Standardites, cried out. "Oh! he is only a letter-man;" and thus they prejudiced the minds of some people. While we have so many weak-minded ministers in our pulpits, and while so much darkness covers the spirits of our people, these antagonistic cries will be heard, but I rejoice to learn from many quarters that this so-called letter-preacher is still of great use in our churches. May the Great Shepherd of the sheep abundantly help and honor him; and restore to Rotherfield Baptist church, that rich blessing, the glorious gospel of the ever-blessed God. So prays

MY DEARLY BELOVED BROTHER BANKS.-I drop a line to you, in reply to many kind enquiries made, knowing the deep interest you have felt respecting us as a church and people. To have and painful; solemnly true is it" the Lord waits to done so 2 or 3 years back would have been difficult be gracious." Twelve months ago, the 10th of this month, was that never to be forgotten day when our brother Wale was ordained our Pastor; and some of us will remember that day as long as memory retains her scat in our minds. At 7 o'clock, we met for prayer. I believe a more solemn season was never felt in that place, it seemed as though the Lord condescended to come into our midst to bless us indeed; we met indeed for prayer, yet every one seemed afraid to speak, lest we should be permitted to ask presumptuously, our minds, and the Lord broke in with blessed yet a holy joy mingled with fear seemed to pervade sweetness: one after another broke down in tears of joy and gratitude. Gratitude that the Lord had not written Ichabod over the door; and joy that he had appeared for us and raised up and sent amongst us a man whom we hoped he would bless ther Bloomfield was in the pulpit; you recollect in our midst. At half-past 10, our esteemed brohow very affectionately he stated the nature and design of a Gospel church; and how kindly he addressed the church; his labour of love is not forgotten. Then came the afternoon, as I had to take that all present seemed happy. In the evening, a part in that service, I shall not, say more than was your charge to brother Wale, and your address to the church. The solemn and exceedingly weighty things laid down before us will live in our minds to the end of our journey; so full of Bible truthfulness; it had a most impressive effect on the minds of all present. You will now say well, what has been the result? I will tell you. The Lord laid these words on brother Martin's mind, "the Lord has done great things for us whereof we are glad." And so it is. And you would be glad, I know, to look in sometimes and to the little man; and sometimes in the fulsee every pew full; and every eye and ear intent ness of his soul s feelings to hear him call out, "Oh, magnify the Lord with me! with me exalt his name!" Brother Banks, I tell you sincerely, we have no reason to regret the steps taken; but are hopeful that many will yet flow together to the goodness of the Lord in Reading, and there find wheat, and wine, and oil. Yea, I tell you truthfully, "Providence Chapel" is becoming too straight for us. I have proved the truth of the words brought to me the first morning Mr. W. came to Reading, namely, "the law of kindness is As a minister, all can testify the Lord is gradually in his tongue;" I hope all have proved the same. leading him deeper and deeper into the mines of Gospel and Experimental truth. Ever since he has been here, there has been a steady increase Holy Ghost has directed the word like an arrow, in every sense of the word. Sovereignly the and many have fallen down under it; that ancient ory has been their's, "what must I do?" &c. Since brother Wale has been here, 31 have been added to the Church; 21 by baptism; and 10 from other Churches. On the 1st of this month, 10 ing testimony to the power of the word under his were baptized, by brother Wale; every one bearministry. You will say, this is good indeed. So say all of us. The Lord grant it may continue for many years to come, and that his name may be There are many causes of truth in these great and glorious in this place! The church now parts. I was glad to hear that both the Bap-midst. Our prayer meetings are good; and brother numbers over 100; and I may say peace is in our tist causes in Tunbridge Wells, Mr. Edward's, w. is happy in the work. The anniversary of the and Mr. Whittaker, at Hanover Chapel, are commencement of his labors here in June, you doing well.-C. W. B.]


AN OLD WIDOW AT TUNBRIDGE WELLS. [I may add to these few lines of my friend, that after our meeting, brother Pascoe, myself, and brother Robert Comfort walked through the dark-road, and under drenching showers, down to Froghole Farm, where Mr. Comfort has a compact little chapel, and beneath whose hospitable roof rested for the night. We had some opportunities of ascertaining the amount of Mr. Comfort's labours. I should hardly think there is any man in this kingdom who is more devoted to a close and critical examination of things connected with Zion's welfare, than Mr. Comfort is. He has written some thousands of pages; and although I think he has a power to detect every error, and a determination to defend every essential truth, still, I am not prepared to pronounce him a perfect commentator, but finding him willing to help destitute churches now and then, I did think it likely, if he could travel through those portions of our Zion who need ministerial aid, it would tend to expand and strengthen his mental powers. It appeared to me a great pity that a man so favoured of heaven as he assured us he was, should be shut up in Froghole Farm.

have noticed. One anniversary was not enough;

we had another on the anniversary of brother about fifteen hundred person from the words, Wale's ordination, and spent a very pleasant" the Word of God." Rev xix. 13. Notwithstandevening, with tea in the chapel; many of the ing the great number present, the strictest attenmembers giving short addresses to brother Wale tion was manifest thoughout. The increasing conand the deacons; it was a nice meeting. Our finan- gregation, and the great attention paid, encourages cial position has greatly improved; and on this me to persevere; and, above all, I have had the occasion there being a balance of £10 0s. Od. in blessing of God, and the presence of his Holy the hands of the treasurer it was cheerfully Spirit with me in the services. I have been blest handed over to brother W. God Almighty grant with a stronger faith, more earnest prayerfulness, this to be only a beginning of brighter and better and greater spirituality of mind; in a word, my days at Reading. Brother Wale, has of late been soul has been blessed in the deed; and I feel too, preaching in the open air. I think last Sabbath that my bodily strength has been increased, he had above a thousand people to hear him and I realizing the promise, that "as thy day is thy hope good was done. Just sing one verse, and I strength shall be !" O, my brother, the more we have done, work for our precious Jesus, the greater our strength of body and soul becomes. I would say in the spirit of humility, love, and encouragement, to all my ministerial brethren, "go and do likewise." B. B. WALE, Reading, Aug., 1858.

"All hail the powers of Jesus name." &c, Brother Banks, give us an interest in your prayers; and may Israel's Triune God, abundantly bless you. I am, ever affectionately in the bonds of the gospel, JOHN VINDEN.



On Tuesday, August 3rd, the Church of Christ meeting as above held its twenty-eigth anniversary, on which occasion brother Isaacs, of Brighton, delivered a solid discourse on the sameness of Christ,

DEAR BROTHER BANKS.-I was glad to find by the last number of the VESSEL, that Mr. Wells, and his brother ministers, in and about the Me tropolis, had convened a meeting for the purpose" yesterday, to day, and for ever." Afternoon, of organizing a systematic plan of open-air preach

ing; and that they propose commencing the spiritual inroad upon the kingdom of darkness, in Greenwich Park. The necessity, the importance, and the probable benefits resulting from such addresses have been very much upon my mind for some time past. Perhaps my mind has been exereised on the subject in a special manner. For it is exactly three years ago the fifth of this month, that the Lord called me to a knowledge of himself, and the instrumentality he used for that purpose was the words, "open-air-preaching." I was sitting in a little room alone, very much depressed in spirit from brooding over some heavy temporal losses which I had recently suffered, (but from the memory of which, I was in the habit of seeking relief by reading a profusion of novels and romances,) when I took up one of the early numbers of the "Christian Cabinet," and my eye fell upon the words, "open-air preaching." The power that came with them no language can express. I fell upon my knees, burst into tears, and exclaimed, "O God! there are men in the world living for thy honor and glory, and what a wretch I have been; why bear with me any longer? why not cast me into hell at once?" The burden of guilt and sin which lay upon my soul and conscience then would have crushed me, had I not soon be delivered from it. So terribly and clearly did I feel, and see the justice of God's holy law, that I almost longed to be cast into hell, that my sufferings might, if possible, satisfy its righteous demands. While memory lasts, that hour will never be forgotten. Within the last two months, that sentence "open-air preaching," has been brought very powerfully back upon my soul, till I could resist it no longer, feeling and believing it to be a command from God to go out and preach the gospel in the open air; and though pride, and inelination, and a love of ease, said, "stay at home, preaching twice a day is quite enough, you will only get sneered at, &c., &c., I could refrain no longer; and on the last Sunday in July, I went out and preached for the first time in the open-air, on the "Forbury," (which is the Greenwich Park of Reading). The congregation consisted of about 500 persons, composed chiefly of the middle classes, tradesmen, &c. They were exceedingly quiet and attentive. I preached from James iv. and part of the 14th verse," What is your life?" Life in its nature; life in its use; life in its purpose; life in its religious character: life in its results. The second Sabbath in August, I preached there again to about a thousand persons, (the congregation had doubled), from those words in Timothy," Having the form of godliness, but denying the power." Yesterday, August 15th, I preached again to

brother Wyard, of Deptford, preached an excel-
lent sermon, on Christian experience; and in the
evening, brother Bloomfield, gave us a stirring
discourse on the fallen condition of man: the
means made use of, under Divine command, for
restoration and salvation; and the glorious results
Several friends ex-
that followed such means.
pressed a desire to have it printed. A goodly
number of persons took supper in the school-room,
when addresses were delivered on gospel subjects
by the brethren Bloomfield, Isaacs, Wyard, Wal-
ters and Pells, and at half-past 10 o'clock the happy
proceedings of the day were brought to a close.
Brother Field, (Pastor) and his friends said it had
been a good, solemn and happy day.

CLAPHAM-The sixth anniversary of the laying the foundation stone of Garner Baptist Chapel, was held Aug. 10th. Mr. J. Wells preached in the morning from Ezek. xxxvi. 37. In the afternoon, Mr. Moyle read and engaged in prayer. Mr. S. Milner, preached from Job xxii. 21. In the evening, Mr. J. Foreman preached from Ps. xxxvi. 18. The attendance and collections through the day were satisfactorily encouraging, and the Lord's presence was experienced. Halleujah! we will still pray and sing,

Gracious God with wheat fill Garner.

Our Australian Mail.



brother, I drop you a line by our brother Mills,
just returning to London. We have gradually
shone out of obscurity, during seven years.
have just been enabled to raise a chapel here at the
cost of about £1,550; £1,250 of which is paid;
and all within six months of the purchase of the
Lord Jesus Christ since the chapel has been opened;
We have baptized six belivers in the
the Lord has been very gracious to his called peo-
ple; and has been please to call others-I send
Baptists in this place, they say, "you do not preach
you my answer to the slander of the Fullerite
to Sinners." Also, our "Articles of Faith," and
verses composed at the laying of the corner-stone,
God to rest upon you, and your labours, I am your's
and opening of the chapel. Praying the blessing of
affectionately in Jesus,

March 30th, 1858.

[The account given us by Mr. Mills, of Pastor Allen's success in Melbourne, as a minister, is cheering. We hope to hear more soon.-ED.]


Believer Rejoicing in the Manifestation of Mercy.



DEAR BROTHER***-I once heard you preach at our little Chapel on Cricket Hill, much to the comfort of my soul; therefore your unkind note touching our settlement services, only tended to stir up my soul with a desire to shew you that we have some ground to hope the union between us and our pastor has been of the Lord. I will give you a few words as far as I can call them to mind descriptive of the day.

out by Christ: in apostolic writings, and especially in the work and witnessings of the Holy Spirit in the experience of all who are savingly called to a knowledge of the truth. These testimonies being taken into the soul by the eye, ear, and hand of a living faith, will make a sinner's heart rejoice. As these testimonies are revealed in, and applied to, the heart of the Lord's people, they will have a three-fold effect. They make private meditation delightful; the chambers of the soul are sometimes filled with holy fire, purifying and enlightening the mind. Again, when a man's heart rejoices in these testimonies, they make his ministry lively, powerful, discriminating, and decided; and fling an earnestness into it for the welfare of others. Yes, a hearty and holy reception of these testimonies will give you comfort and pleasure in private meditation, and often draw you to it.

On Wednesday, Sept. 15th, the public recognition of brother Perrett, as Pastor of the Yately Church, took place. A very large number of friends from all parts round about, came to rejoice with us. Our kind brother Wale read and prayed, then C. W. Banks asked the questions. Brother Perrett's account of his conversion to God, was satisfactory and well commended to the consciences of the people; so were his other answers. After the union had been fully recognised, he was addressed by our brother Banks If we have no pleasure in Bible study, from two different Scriptures. Of the we soon forsake it; but, when the Scripmany things spoken to our new pastor, I tures open to us the holy mysteries of recollect a few, which I thought might the covenant-the glorious Persons in tend to remove prejudice from your the Trinity-the amazing beauties of the mind; and help you to pray that the heavenly world, and the compassion of peace so long enjoyed at Yately might a Saviour's heart towards poor sinners; be continued; and connected with a then, we take delight in close and conmeasure of solid success. Mr. Banks stant meditation: if they are the 'resaid, Brother Perrett, I will first, speak joicing of your heart,' you will contend a few words for you. Secondly, endeavour for them earnestly, you will preach them to lay a few things before you that the with love, delight and liberty; and, Lord may make useful. In the position although at times you may be bound, you occupy to day, you have practically burdened, cold and contracted; yet, the said, as David wrote in the 119th fire being lighted inside, it will frequently Psalm:-Thy testimonies have I taken warm your own soul, and make your as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart. The word testimonies is expressive of those many ways whereby the Lord has been pleased to reveal, and to open up his mind unto his people. And these testimonies are found, first, in his Providential dealings with the patriarchs of old; and with all his people; these testimonies are found in the prophesies of the ancient prophets; in the promises and proclamations given

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VOL. XIV.-No. 162.

ministry too hot for carnal worldlingsfor mere professors, and for all who are in enmity against the truth: but never too hot for God's dear children, who long to feel again the love of Christ shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost, through a faithful and fruitful ministry.

A large party took tea on 'Cricket Hill.' It was a pleasing sight. The evening service commenced early, when Mr. Banks again addressed his brother Perrett


from Peter's words
of God which is among you!

Mr. Wale closed the services by an able address to the church. I think, brother T. T., had you been with us, your yellow fever would have been cured. I am, still, your old friend,





"Feed the flock | people. Then you must go to the homes He said- and houses of the tried, and tempted, and Peter received these words, first, from converse with them. You will often see his own dear Master, who, after putting God's wonder-working hand towards those close questions to him-Simon, them. In these, and in many other ways, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?' he said prepare to feed the flock of God among Feed my sheep-feed my lambs.' This you. holy work Peter had carried on, and now, as he is about retiring, he earnestly exhorts the elders whom he is about to leave behind, saying, 'feed the flock of God which is among you.' In this charge of Peter's there are these things to be considered,-first, the persons toward whom your attention is specially to be directed the flock of God; my sheep,' (said Christ) and 'my lambs.' Secondly, the Preparation of Provision implied. Wisdom has not only builded her house, sent forth her maidens, but she has killed her beasts, &c. The gospel is sometimes compared to a dinner; sometimes to supper; a meal to give strength, and a season preparing for rest. There are many ways by which you will prepare to feed your people. I had almost said, there are many markets to which you and Susanna Smith: he was born April 21st, must go, in order to furnish your minis- 1787. His parents kept the Red Lion, terial table. 1. You must go to the Horselydown Lane, Southwark; where they Mercy seat, if you can. I always wish to carried on a very prosperous business in the go there first; although many times I wine and spirit trade. seem to have neither time nor mind, still, very young when he lost his father. At the I feel quite sure, a servant of Christ age of fourteen, he was apprenticed to a respectable tea grocer, then residing at Clapham, cannot get on successfully, nor comfort- where he served the full term of his appren ably, unless he goes much to the throne ticeship. His mother contracted a second of grace. I think I can see a great deal marriage with a Mr. Wells, who was a lighterin those few words of our Lord, Men man; she still carried on the business. After ought always to pray, and not to faint. a few years, her partner died, and she again 2. You must go to the Bible; it is best, and safest, to read and search for texts; sometimes they may come to you without, but I have found the Lord does bless the 3. You must reading of His Word.

sometimes go to the little streams which flow from the one great river. Men may say, they do not want dead men's brains; nor do I; but if the Lord was pleased to let John Bunyan go into Bedford jail for twelve long years, in order that he might write 'Pilgrim's Progress,' and other works; if the Lord has been pleased to bless those works, and to preserve them among his churches, I do not think he will be displeased with me for reading any of those good men who lived for Christ, and who now reign with him. I love to read now and then a morsel of Caryll, Owen, Bunyan, Flavell, Brooks, or Huntington; and you may read them, too, to the profit of your own soul, and to the good of your


DEAR SIR-I feel that I should be guilty tian public, were I to conceal the circumof a great dereliction of duty to the Chrisstances relative to the death of Mr. John Smith, who, for about forty years of his life, was an active disciple of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

JOHN SMITH was the second son of John

found herself a widow.

He must have been

Mr. Smith had now obtained the age of manhood; and having commenced business for himself, and as seculiar anxieties increased, he felt a necessity to have a help-meet;' he soon fixed upon the object of his choice, and was married to Matilda Moss, who was a most exemplary christian young woman, though he was not, as yet, a decidedly christian character; for he frequented theatres; and as he possessed good sound ability as a singer, he at the request of his acquaintances, sung a song occasionally, at the Red Lion' and also on Drury Lane stage. During the war with France, he volunteered his services as a River Fencible, to assist in bringing the Danish fleet from Copenhagen to England; and with the prize money he obtained, he When at sea, the ship that he was in, was purchased some silver plate in the year 1807. overtaken by a terrible storm, and he was filled with consternation lest he should be lost. Distressed in mind, he reviewed his past career with feelings of dismay, and resolved, return to England, to alter his course of life; (if God should spare him,) if ever he should but like all resolutions performed in human

strength, they proved abortive; for he was no sooner ashore, than he returned to his former habits; still, he could not stifle conviction, nor silence conscience. One night, when he was at Dury Lane Theatre, as he gazed up at the ceiling, a drop of water fell from the ceiling upon his head, which startled him; his conscience became immediately alarmed; and a voice seemed to say, as if upbraiding him for his conduct, is this thy gratitude for the deliverance thou didst experience at sea?' He instantly left his seat, which was in the pit of the theatre; he got out, he hardly knew how, and never afterwards entered the doorway of a theatre.

When a child he was tempted to murder his elder brother with a knife, that he had wontingly taken out of his brother's pocket. It was while he was looking at the blade, that he was strongly tempted to job it into him,' as his brother lay asleep: he instantly exclaim ed, 'O God!0 God!' and in the hurry to close the knife, lest he should be detected, he cut his finger, the scar of which he carried with him to the grave. At this time he was about five years old, and from that time he was fully convinced that there was a God' who had kept him from perpetrating the horrid deed. He kept the circumstances of this severe trial, as he used to call it, a secret for some twenty years; and afterwards disclosed it to his brother, whom he visited on his dying bed.

The honoured instrument in the hands of God of Mr. Smith's conversion was Mr. Jonathan Franklin, minister of the Gospel in Red Cross Street; by whom he was baptized, upon a profession of his faith, in a Triune Jehovah; and profited considerably under his ministry. Some time after, Mr. Smith was married, he took an apartment at his mother's house, and resided with her on the premises, in order to assist his mother in the business. At his mother's death, he came into full possession of the same; but finding the public line not congenial to his religious views and sentiments, he disposed of the house and business for conscience sake.

Mr. Smith was by far my senior in years as well as in grace; having for upwards of forty years made a profession of the gospel. I gained much by his counsels, and kind christian experience, as I was constantly in the habit of visiting him.

tences, and exclaimed, that's it brother.' Of
what avail (continued he,) would temporal
things be to me now?
I hold them all as
secondary. I look higher.
The supreme
object of my soul is Jesus, and he is all-suffi-
cient.' The passages I quoted to him among
others were, 'I will never leave thee, nor for-
sake thee;' so that we may boldly say (under
any circumstances) the Lord is my helper.'
When thou passest through the waters I will
be with thee; and through the floods they
shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest
through the fire, thou shalt not be burned
neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.'
His mind was happy and calm, and
'Not a wave of trouble rolled

Across his peaceful breast.'

ble time, I said to him, 'I shall be obliged to After having stayed with him a consideraleave you, my dear Mr. Smith.' 'Shall you,' he replied with much earnestness, I am sorry for it. I told him that I would look in again: this seemed to satisfy him, and he said, good bye, Simmonds.' I called again in the evening,--he was gone: his spirit had taken its flight

'To the regions where the mourners cease

to mourn.'

And he is with the Saviour, whom he loved on earth; and glorying God in the temple that is not made with hands, 'eternal in the heavens.'

I feel that I have lost a true, spiritual friend and father, in the loss of dear Mr. Smith. I never knew any one whose Christian experience corresponded so much with my own as his did; and it was a source of comfort to have him speak to me. To say the least, he was a holy man-a sinner saved by graceand though he had those eccentricities of character and temper, which perhaps did not always commend him, which rendered him very peculiar in his manner, yet he was a lover of God's word; most uncompromising in principle, and unflinching in his advocacy and adherance to that which he believed to be the truth.

He was a laborious, active, and useful Christian; engaged in his office as City Deputy Corn Dealer, he nevertheless transacted business as a Tea Grocer, &c., and devoted a considerable portion of time on week days, as well as on Sundays, in holding prayer meetings and conducting religious services at various preaching stations in different parts of the metropolis. He was wont to encourage others, particularly young men whom he considered gifted, with the root of the matter in them,' to speak in the name of the Lord; and he was quick in discernment, of acute penetration, soundness of judgment, and posessed

On Tuesday, August 10th, I called to see him. He was at the point of death; but perfectly sensible, and in the full possession of his faculties. He was glad to have me with him, and seemed very much to enjoy my spiritual conversation and prayer. Myself, and a sister in Christ, then, for the last time with our dear friend on earth, partook of the memorials of the Saviour's love, which shew forth his death till he come; and sweetly ex-strong powers of mind. He was most scruperienced blessed communion with Jesus, and pulously exact in his dealings, so that his very with one another; and felt our souls greatly enemies were compelled to admit that he was refreshed. He told me, that 'his only hope rigidly just, if not generous. 'I like to bring was in Jesus; that he felt him to be all suffi-young men out, (he used to say,) you know cient; and he believed that God would not forsake him now.' He derived much comfort from several passages of God's word which I quoted to him; and he expressed his joy by squeezing my hands, as I repeated the sen

we may all speak in our order; and though we are not all endued alike with gifts, yet if influenced by God the Holy Spirit, we may all speak one by one, for the mutual comfort and edification of one another. Through his

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