COME let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne. Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, "To be exalted thus:" " Worthy the Lamb, The St. Stephen's Penny Hymn Book - Стр. 13редактор(ы): - 1866 - Страниц: 64Полный просмотр - Подробнее о книге
| Collection - 1742 - Страниц: 336
...TenThoufandThoufands are theirTongues, But all their Toys are one. 2 Worthy /Tpl V_y 2 Worthy the Lamb that 'dy'd, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our Lips reply, For he was fliin for us. 3 Jefus is worthy to receive . Honour and Pow'r divine ; And Bleffings more than we can... | |
| United Brethren in Christ - 1754 - Страниц: 828
...1. fX)me let us join our chcarful \^t fongs, Vv ith Angels round the Throne ; Ten thoufand thoufands are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2. Worthy the Lamb that Jy'J, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, Tor he <wasjlainfer us. 3. Jefus... | |
| Dyer - 1767 - Страниц: 298
...Tongues, But all their Joys are one. OME let us join our chearful Song, Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry To be exalted thus; Worthy the Lamb our lips reply,. For he was flain for us, Jefus is worthy to receive, Honour and Power Divine; And Bleflings more than we can give,... | |
| Hymns - 1772 - Страниц: 322
...±2, i3. OME let us join5 our chearful fongs, With angels round the throne ; Ten thoufancl thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they Cijr, To be exalted thus : ', Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, ^ -- . -F6r he was flam-for... | |
| 1772 - Страниц: 222
...thoufand are their tongues But all their joys are one. ' II. " Worthy the Lamb that dy'd," they cr " To be exalted thus :"— " Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, For he was (lain for us. III. JESUS is worthy to receive Honour and pow'r divine ; And bleffings more than Wfi... | |
| Collection - 1774 - Страниц: 422
...TO CHRIST. "",/ let us join our chearful fongs With angels round the throne ; Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that dy'd," they cry, To be exalted thus ; *' Worthy the Lamb," our lips reply, For he was flain for us.... | |
| 1776 - Страниц: 428
...throne: Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys ace one. 2 Worthy the LAMB that dy'd, they cry, To be exalted thus : Worthy the LAMB, our lips reply. For He was flain for us. 3 JESTJS is worthy to receive Honor and pow'r divine? And bieffings, mote than we can... | |
| 1776 - Страниц: 392
...thoufand tivoufand are their toagues, but all their joys are one, ITertly 2 Wvrtby the Lamb that dfd, they cry, to be exalted thus : Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, for he was flain for u,s. 3 Jefus is worthy to receive honour and pow'r divine ; And bleffings more than we can... | |
| Isaac Watts - 1779 - Страниц: 306
...throne, Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry, To be exalted thus ; Worthy the Lamb, our lips reply, For he was flain for us. Jefus Jefus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine, And bleffings more than we... | |
| Collection - 1779 - Страниц: 200
...1. f^OME, let us join our chea.rf.ul fongs, \^l With angels round the throne ! Ten thoufand thoufand are their tongues, But all their joys are one. 2. " Worthy the LAMB that dy'd, they cry, " To be exalted thus :" " Worthy the LAMB," our lips reply, For He was flain for us.... | |
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