2 Mine's a better country, 3 But a little pilgrim Must have garments clean, 4 Jesus, cleanse and save me, 5 I'm a little pilgrim, 108 J 6.5. ESUS, high in glory, 2 Though Thou art so holy, 3 We are little children, Curwen. American 09 J -7-5 PENNY HYMN BOOK. ESUS, when He left the sky, 2 Mothers then the Saviour sought 3 Did the Saviour say them nay? Suffered none to turn away 4 'Twas for them His life He gave, 5 Children, then, should love Him now, Pray to Him, and praise Him too 10 L -5 ITTLE drops of water, Make the mighty ocean, 2 Thus the little minutes, 3 Thus our little errors 4 Little deeds of kindness, 59 Like the Heaven above. Juv. Miss. Mag. 111 L ORD JESUS, teach me how to pray,--- С. м. And every night and every day 2 Whilst here I live, oh, live with me! And sing Thy praise on high ! 112 M S. S. U. Hymn Book. AKER of all things, Author of light, Be ever near us, teach us Thy way, Hear us! oh, hear us! when we pray. 2 Mercies unceasing, flow unto us; Praises and blessings we offer thus : 3 On Thee depending, grant us to be, 113 M 6.5's. ORN amid the mountains, lovely solitude Gushing streams and fountains, murmur "God is good." 2 Now the glad sun breaking, pours a golden flood Deepest vales awaking, echo "God is good.” 3 Hymns of praise are ringing, through the leafy wood; Songsters, sweetly singing, warble good." "God is 4 Wake, and join the chorus, man with so endued; He whose smile is o'er us, God, our God, good. : nbo ko 0011 9 115 Might the Holy Scriptures know 7's. From my early infancy, Till for God mature I grow, 2 Jesus, all-redeeming Lord, Full of truth and full of grace, 116 S с.м. EE the good Shepherd, Jesus, stands, Gathers the feeble in His arms, 2 He leads them to the gentle stream, 3 The weakest lambs amidst the flock Anon. 117 THE daylight fades, the evening shades gathering round my head; 4.4.6. Father above, I praise that love, Which smoothes and guards my bed. 2 While Thou art near, I need not fear 3 Pardon my sin, and enter in 118 THE morning bright, with rosy light, Has waked me from my sleep! 4.4.6. Father, I own Thy love alone 2 All through the day, I humbly pray, 3 O make Thy rest, within my breast, Prepared to see Thy face! 119 T HERE is a a happy land, Far, far away; P.M. Where saints in glory stand, M. L. Duncan. |