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2 Mine's a better country,
Where there is no sin,
Where the tones of sorrow
Never enter in.

3 But a little pilgrim

Must have garments clean,
If he'd wear the white robes,
And with Christ be seen.

4 Jesus, cleanse and save me,
Teach me to obey;
Holy Spirit, guide me
On my heavenly way.

5 I'm a little pilgrim,
And a stranger here,
But my home in heaven
Cometh ever near.

108 J


ESUS, high in glory,
Lend a listening ear;
When we bow before Thee,
Children's praises hear.

2 Though Thou art so holy,
Heaven's Almighty King,
Thou wilt stoop to listen,
When Thy praise we sing.

3 We are little children,
Weak and apt to stray;
Saviour, guide and keep us
In the heavenly way.
4 Save us, Lord, from sinning;
Watch us day by day;
Help us now to love Thee;
Take our sins away:
5 Then, when Jesus calls us
To our heavenly home,
We will gladly answer,
"Saviour, Lord, we come."



09 J



ESUS, when He left the sky,
And for sinners came to die,
In His mercy passed not by
Little ones like me.

2 Mothers then the Saviour sought
In the places where He taught,
And to Him their children brought,
Little ones like me.

3 Did the Saviour say them nay?
No, He kindly bid them stay,

Suffered none to turn away
Little ones like me.

4 'Twas for them His life He gave,
To redeem them from the grave-
Jesus died from hell to save
Little ones like me.

5 Children, then, should love Him now,
Strive His holy will to do,

Pray to Him, and praise Him too
Little ones like me.

10 L


ITTLE drops of water,
Little grains of sand,

Make the mighty ocean,
And the pleasant land.

2 Thus the little minutes,
Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages
Of Eternity.

3 Thus our little errors
Lead the soul away
From the path of virtue,
Far in sin to stray.

4 Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our earth an Eden,


Like the Heaven above. Juv. Miss. Mag.

111 L

ORD JESUS, teach me how to pray,---
I humbly kneel to Thee, -

С. м. And every night and every day
My Friend and Saviour be.

2 Whilst here I live, oh, live with me!
And when I'm called to die,
Take up my soul to dwell with Thee,

And sing Thy praise on high !

112 M

S. S. U. Hymn Book.

AKER of all things, Author of light,
King above all kings, matchless in might! Be ever near us, teach us Thy way,

Hear us! oh, hear us! when we pray.

2 Mercies unceasing, flow unto us;

Praises and blessings we offer thus :
Be ever near us, &c.

3 On Thee depending, grant us to be,
In bliss unending, Father, with Thee.
Be ever near us, &c.

113 M


ORN amid the mountains, lovely solitude Gushing streams and fountains, murmur "God is good."

2 Now the glad sun breaking, pours a golden flood Deepest vales awaking, echo "God is good.”

3 Hymns of praise are ringing, through the leafy


Songsters, sweetly singing, warble


"God is

4 Wake, and join the chorus, man with so


He whose smile is o'er us, God, our God, good.

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115 Might the Holy Scriptures know


From my early infancy,

Till for God mature I grow,
Made unto salvation wise,
Ready for the glorious prize.

2 Jesus, all-redeeming Lord,

Full of truth and full of grace,
Make me understand Thy Word;
Teach me in my youthful days,
Wonders in Thy Word to see,
Wise through faith which is in Thee. Wesley.

116 S


EE the good Shepherd, Jesus, stands,
And calls His sheep by name;

Gathers the feeble in His arms,
And feeds each tender lamb.

2 He leads them to the gentle stream,
Where living water flows;
And guides them to the verdant fields
Where sweetest herbage grows.

3 The weakest lambs amidst the flock
His tender mercies share;
While folded in our Saviour's arms,
We're free from ev'ry snare.
4 Thus may we safely venture through,
Beneath our Shepherd's care,
And keep the gates of heaven in view,
Till we shall enter there.


117 THE daylight fades, the evening shades

gathering round my head;

4.4.6. Father above, I praise that love,

Which smoothes and guards my bed.

2 While Thou art near, I need not fear
The gloom of midnight hour;
Blest Jesus, still from every ill
Defend me with Thy power!

3 Pardon my sin, and enter in
And sanctify my heart;
Spirit divine, Oh make me Thine,
And ne'er from me depart!

118 THE morning bright, with rosy light,

Has waked me from my sleep!

4.4.6. Father, I own Thy love alone
Thy little one doth keep.

2 All through the day, I humbly pray,
Be Thou my guard and guide!
My sins forgive, and let me live,
Blest Jesus, near Thy side!

3 O make Thy rest, within my breast,
Great Spirit of all grace!
Make me like Thee, then I shall be

Prepared to see Thy face!

119 T

HERE is a

a happy land,

Far, far away;

P.M. Where saints in glory stand,
Bright, bright as day.
Oh, how they sweetly sing,
Worthy is our Saviour King!
Loud let His praises ring-
Praise, praise for aye.
2 Come to this happy land,
Come, come away;
Why will ye doubting stand,
Why still delay?

M. L. Duncan.

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